
Chapter 1534: The First Opponent

"I don't know if it's Venerable Hanxue or Young Master Mianfeng." Ancestor Yinfeng looked at the opposite side deeply, his eyebrows furrowed tightly: "No matter who it is... this battle is extremely difficult. Even if they are likely to compete in the first level, We lost more, but our original foundation was too strong.”

"This is the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes." A cold voice sounded. Everyone's eyes were dazzled, and they immediately handed over their hands: "Fellow Taoist Mei."

Mei Taxue, the saint of the Nether Sea Dragon King Palace, had a very small presence in the first level. Her face was slightly pale at the moment and her body was stained with blood. She obviously had a narrow escape from death.

After saying this, she did not continue. Instead, she walked in front of everyone, stared at the opposite side, and said hoarsely: "We are both from the Queen's forces, and we are quite familiar with each other. So, I can tell you with certainty. They... suffered heavy casualties, and they were able to escape. It’s a blessing to be out.”

No one spoke, everyone looked solemnly at the banners on the opposite side, like a tidal wave of troops. Ten Thousand Snakes Hall... the strongest among the five major forces, and this is after a heavy blow? So what was the scene like before the first level?

Mei Taxue paused, frowned and said, "But it's true... it's a little too strong."

More than just strong.

There are about 20,000 to 30,000 people left on the other side. There were so many monks on the scene, but they were all in control, and there were not even any monks flying in the air. The entire camp is more like a cemetery than people. It was as quiet as death, except for the banners and flags, there was no other sound.

Like an arm and a finger, he can carry out orders and prohibitions. Let alone the Ten Thousand Snake Palace, even the imperial army of the Ten Thousand Years Family cannot do this!

At this moment, rumble... thunder rolled across the sky, and the clouds were like a sea, engulfing the entire world visible to the naked eye.

A deep darkness engulfed the sky. Unlike the night, no stars could be seen. Black clouds were like mountains and seas, surrounding them like snakes. It's like...being in the chaos of the universe. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up and he stared at the sky.

As if they had a premonition, everyone else looked up at the same time. The strong wind swept everyone's beards, hair, and clothes, and countless tired and red eyes stared at the sky. In the large formation behind the opposite barrier, Lord Hanxue squinted his eyes and raised his head. In the turbulence, he felt a very unpleasant aura.

He felt the turmoil of the talisman. When he met his opponent in chess, he was about to meet a good talent. It was a bloodthirsty desire.

"It's the smell of that lowly body..." He grinded his teeth and lowered his head with red eyes: "Okay... today... let us end everything!"

"I should have killed you with one blow as early as the day you ascended!"

Before he finished speaking, it was as if an invisible giant hand stirred the darkness, and black smoke clouds all over the sky gathered in mountains. Zen Master Baoxiang felt it carefully for a few seconds, took a breath, and said almost in unison with the other people: "This is not a person." people!"

Wang Bufa's face turned livid: "At least more than five thousand!"

"Not only that, but... every one of them has a strong killing aura, and is obviously a powerful army!" Tu Su Fangrong's eyes were like fire, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Is there a third-party force entering the scene? "

brush! As the last word fell, the sky was filled with light, and a silver-white door opened in the air, surrounded by countless complicated talismans. A man stepped out from the brilliance, looked around the whole place, and said calmly: "Ten Thousand Snakes Hall?"

"Fellow Benlei!" Ancestor Yinfeng let out a long sigh of relief. They knew very well that Xu Yangyi was fine, but the coach was not in the army, so they felt uneasy anyway. It was only now that I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yangyi naturally appeared within the barrier belonging to his side, but he did not pay much attention to the sudden noise behind him. His eyes slowly looked at the other party, and behind the crystal wall-like barrier, he caught a look with the same fierce fighting spirit.


Swords resounded in the air as the two holders of the divine fragments finally faced each other on this final battlefield.

Venerable Hanxue's eyes were neither happy nor angry. Thousands of years of being aloof and pampered resulted in his disdain for fellow monks. This is not blindness, this is confidence. Facing Xu Yangyi's menacing gaze, he moved his lips slightly.

Silently, Xu Yangyi understood.

"Hand over the Devouring Ancestral Talisman and I will spare your life."

Xu Yangyi smiled.

His lips also moved slightly, and Venerable Hanxue's pupils shrank slightly. What the other party said was, "Have you washed your neck?"

"Perhaps it was the heavy losses we suffered in the first level that made you think there was a possibility of defeating the Five Kings and Two Queens?" Venerable Hanxue's eyes became slightly cold. This time, he did not use lip language, but spoke unusually calmly. Baili: "Even if we suffered heavy losses in the first level, it is definitely not something that can be overthrown by just three alliances."

"Yes... your team is a bit weird. I feel a strange divine scent in you..." Before he could finish his words, an old voice suddenly came from mid-air. At the same time, the three sect alliances All the monks gasped. Even the monks who were still meditating suddenly changed their expressions and stood up suddenly.

"This is..." Ancestor Yinfeng looked at the sky in shock, his lips trembling. Right next to him, the sudden surprise on Wang Bufa's face turned into ecstasy! On the other side, Zen Master Baoxiang's eyes sharpened, his body trembled slightly, and he clasped his hands together: "Amitabha..."

"Your Excellency, Dao Ancestor... I, am I wrong?" Numerous monks had a look of surprise and disbelief on their faces. I don't know how many people rubbed their eyes and looked up to the sky with a smile. "That's right." ! It's true... It's true! There are reinforcements! It's a timely help... The two armies are facing an opponent like Wanshen Palace, but we still have reinforcements!"

Venerable Hanxue was also stunned.

Behind the barrier of the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall, tens of thousands of godless eyes were raised at the same time, staring at the sky. Right next to Xu Yangyi, a super teleportation circle instantly condensed, with more than 8,000 phantoms shining on it!

Swipe and pull! The terrifying aura of mercury is pouring down the ground. Even an idiot can see that not a single one of these reinforcements is mediocre! Although the shapes they are jumping around at the moment are very strange, robes, books, and scythes. However, the murderous aura in his body was so strong that it turned into substance, but no one could be deceived at all.

It was the roar of a fierce ghost emerging from its cage.

That is the judge from the God of True Knowledge.

In the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, eight thousand condemned stars descend!

Rays of brilliance shine in the sky, with Xu Yangyi as the center, soldiers are like rain, generals are like clouds, shocking the heavens, and the silent killing makes people's hair stand on end!


In the shining white light, more than 8,000 figures have all gathered. In the center, an old Western dragon raised one eye and looked at Venerable Hanxue like an insect. His smile was like a blooming flower of the other side: "The first game can be said to be the most difficult round of the game. Even if I The agents’ foresight is at best similar to yours. This is a fierce battle.”

Behind it, a burly figure of a woman in iron armor stood out, smiling like a poisonous snake: "But... what about us?"

Miravo slowly walked out of the brilliance of the jump and said hoarsely: "Under the command of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, eight thousand of the most elite legions of condemners will come to help on time. Human being, you will forever be engraved with the name of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge in hell."

Dead silence.

A few seconds later, a mountain of cheers erupted instantly. Countless monks dragged their exhausted bodies and shouted to the sky. The appearance of eight thousand condemners completely reversed the situation at this moment!

The two ends of the scale are already unbalanced.

Venerable Hanxue was stunned. No one expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly, and that the other party would actually have a back-up plan! No...that's not right!

"How did you... get in!" He gritted his teeth, trying not to distort his expression, and growled in a depressed voice: "This is impossible... each person can only bring 100,000 people! When the three sect alliances enter Already 100,000! This is impossible!”

"You... cheated!" His lips trembled a little, and he looked at Xu Yangyi as if he was choosing someone to eat. My heart felt cold.

Although he looked down on Xu Yangyi's humble background as a wild dog, he had to admit that he couldn't afford to offend him.

His only reliance is the huge military power of the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace. But now... this support collapsed instantly. He never imagined that there would be foreign aid!

Nivia raised her chin disdainfully. There is only one name for creatures that cannot bring knowledge to the true knower: maggots.

To the maggot, it would not even say a word.

Alpha smelled the fragrance and understood the elegance, and took out a golden parchment roll and shook it: "The Extradition Treaty of the Gods, ah... you may not have seen it. After all, in your field of vision, the so-called five kings and two queens are supreme. Existence. You and Yi were not on the same starting line from the beginning."

Wang Bufa, Ancestor Yinfeng, Zen Master Baoxiang, and everyone all looked at the army of true knowers. Tu Su Fangrong's lips moved, and after half a second he raised his eyebrows and said: "This person... is so crazy, right? ?”

"Don't you take the five kings and two queens seriously?" Zen Master Baoxiang frowned slightly. Although the other party was a reinforcement, he gave them a feeling: I don't want to say this, but everyone here, except Ben Lei, is rubbish. .

That kind of arrogance and elegance that was immersed in the bones was like a loud slap on everyone's face. As if ignoring the ants from the top of the clouds, only when they look at Ben Lei, they will lower their heads, no... even raise their heads slightly.

Different classes and different circles.

There are no words, but they are with me like a shadow.

"Arrogant and ignorant!" Venerable Hanxue laughed angrily, lowered his head suddenly, murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Then... let you see the power of the talisman!"


Several of the true knowers laughed incessantly, are the evil beings strong enough? Still being killed in the Battle of the Abyss, the Tiragandese alien race became famous and shocked the stars in the sky. A lucky person who doesn't even know what a talisman is, a walker who lives and lives within the seven realms. He really dared to stand in front of Ben Lei.

Nivia turned her head and was about to say something. But when he saw Xu Yangyi and Yuchang standing side by side in the void, their expressions did not look relaxed at all.

"What?" it asked curiously: "This battle is our vote. I know you don't believe in us, and the other side has no chance of winning. What are you worried about?"

Xu Yangyi didn't answer. He looked around cautiously and said after a long time: "This... is the second level."

"that's it?"

Nivia's eyes moved slightly: "Maybe it's just that the first level is difficult?"

"Then why is it necessary to put us here specially?" Yuchang said coldly: "This... is on top of Noah's Ark."

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