
Chapter 1535: The continuation of the myth

Nivia looked away.

Even its spiritual consciousness cannot cover this wooden land. The vastness in the distance is one color with the sky. After a few seconds, he looked away: "Are you sure? Is this Noah's Ark?"

"50% sure." It was not Yuchang who answered it, but Xu Yangyi. He calmly replied: "Except for Noah's Ark, there is no place with such a large wooden floor. Moreover, this piece of land is undulating, and only in the This only happens in the sea.”

He looked at the phoenix in the sky. After passing the first level, he unraveled and restored the truth of the divine punishment for annihilation bit by bit. He was very aware of the urinary nature of the world of great strife. The invisible noose was tightening every moment. He also didn't believe that the second level was just that.

Emperor Wa's "pleasure" was not so easily satisfied.

"Can you tell what kind of legend this follow-up is?" His eyes gradually became serious, and he no longer looked at Lord Hanxue opposite him, but looked around vigilantly: "This myth... I have never heard of it. However, the myth of Emperor Wa must be closely related to me, but I have never heard of such a scene in the myth of Emperor Wa. "

This is completely different from the orthodox myth of mending the sky in earth legends!

Yuchang was silent for a moment, with an extremely cautious expression. He took a deep breath before answering: "I do know that there is a myth that is no different from the current one."

He seemed to recall something terrifying, and his spiritual figure wavered. He gritted his teeth and said, "In the legend of Sanmiao, Nuwa's energy and blood fill the sky."

There was silence. Xu Yangyi reviewed this legend in his mind, but there was no trace of it. After a full minute, Yuchang spoke deeply: "This myth... is very bloody... so bloody that it is completely opposite to the legend of Emperor Wa, but it is the only one... There is a woodpecker in it. If I guessed correctly, Chapter 1 The real opponent in the second level is not Venerable Hanxue at all, but..."

He bit his lip gently and looked above his head, then spoke hoarsely, "Thor God."

Thor? !

In the name of God... even the pupils of several true knowers shrank severely. Everyone held their breath and looked above their heads: "Yahweh?"

"No... Daozi. The son of Heavenly Dao, the child of Emperor Wa." Yuchang has lived for thousands of years and experienced all human civilizations on the earth. He is very clear about these ancient myths. He said in a deep voice: "Sanmiao... there is a species on the earth. It is said to be the origin of China and the hometown of Emperor Wa. According to legend... Emperor Wa gave birth to twelve children after transforming into a Taoist god."

Xu Yangyi suddenly remembered what Woodpecker said: Emperor Wa had twelve sons. He felt more and more that this might be the true interpretation of Nuwa's method of mending the sky.

No one interrupted, Alpha was recording desperately, and all the true knowers had burning eyes, for fear of missing a word.

"They are called Dragon, King Snake, Wang Lei, Wang Su, Wang Sui, Brother Nuo, Sister Nuo...and so on." Yuchang saw Xu Yangyi's frown and smiled and said: "This legend is very remote, you It’s not surprising that you haven’t heard of them, but you must have heard of two of these twelve brothers and sisters.”

"Wang Sui, also known as Sui Renshi. The other one is called Queen Ant."

Queen ant?

Xu Yangyi frowned and tried his best to recall the creation legend of China with his photographic memory. His eyes suddenly lit up and he took a deep breath: "The queen ant...could it be..."

"Yes." Yuchang said deeply: "The queen the Hou Yi who shot the sun."

The Brilliant Talisman started to operate almost at the same time. In an instant, countless pictures appeared in Xu Yangyi's mind. Many problems that were not understood before were suddenly solved.

Twelve immortal bodies!

No one knew how the twelve immortal bodies came from, but now, he suddenly had a guess.

Once upon a time...the giant ants that flew out of his immortal body were called queen ants!

The original Void Spirit, Kaiyang, Breaking Law... and so on, the ten immortal bodies, plus the two immortal bodies of Pure and Wugou, are exactly the twelve immortal bodies, exactly the same number as the twelve sons of Emperor Wa! Even the names are exactly the same!

What if... from ancient times to the present, this gene chain has been buried in the body of Emperor Wa, who is the common mother of mankind?

"So that's it..." He looked at the sky with emotion, the dark clouds were thick, and the torrential rain seemed to be coming again, and he sighed: "As the children of Emperor Wa, we may be far away from the twelve sons of heaven, but we have also inherited them. The genes you should have..."

This is the "reality" of the universe, what he pursues. It will never be boring and full of surprises.

Yuchang continued: "At the beginning of the divine punishment of annihilation, a Taoist transformed into a woodpecker and pecked open Noah's Ark. Didn't you realize that Noah's Ark cannot be entered at all? It can only stay on the deck?"

Cassio Seya wondered: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

Yuchang took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and shook his head, as if recalling some great horror: "No...because...the punishment of the God of Destruction has just begun!"

"If we follow Sanmiao's rumors about Emperor Wa, then... the water on the earth will become more and more large, reaching the sky, and finally... we will see the god on the top of the sky. He is one of the twelve sons of Emperor Wa. The master of immortality, Wang Lei, is also the one who carries out the divine punishment of annihilation!”

Everyone listened attentively. This is the real main line of the second level and the only main line in the entire myth of Emperor Wa's destruction of the world. It's impossible for anyone else to know except them. However, Yuchang stopped his mouth.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, closed his eyes and thought deeply for a few minutes, then suddenly opened his eyes. A feeling of coldness from head to toe rose up like an electric shock, and his heart almost stopped!

Wang of the twelve sons of Emperor Wa performed divine punishment and mastered immortality. That should be the prototype of the Immortal Body. But that's not important, what's important is...

Why was it the twelve sons of Emperor Wa who carried out divine punishment?

Which god initiated this divine punishment of annihilation that spreads across the earth? !

He tried to recall the timeline at that time. The first generation of Yahweh Haotian and the hidden world of Chaos, no one knew their existence, but the second generation of Yahweh...

Emperor Wa is called "the god closest to the first generation of Yahweh!"

Who can stop her?


He suddenly had a terrifying idea, what if... what if Emperor Wa wanted to reshape the world and launch a world-destroying flood, but he did not expect that the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao and Righteous God would be broken, causing the earth to have to participate in the Twilight of the Gods, and even lead to Kunlun was destroyed, and the land of his parents and ancestors no longer existed. Such Emperor Wa... would probably mend the barrier out of a sense of guilt and atonement.

The previous Emperor Wa was always too thin. If this was the reason, everything she did made her appear fuller.

One drink and one peck are all determined. Every flower and every fruit is cause and effect.

Yuchang saw his expression. The two had been working together for a long time. It nodded approvingly, and then said: "These are just digressions. The official history of the earth - I mean it is buried deeper behind what the Butterfly Mother said to you." You still need to discover the truth yourself, but..."

He pointed to the sky: "'The flood spread to the sky, and the God of Thunder who carried out divine punishment was seen.' So, what extent is the current flood?"

Alpha suddenly stopped writing, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he looked around. Needless to say, the current flood... is still thousands of miles away from the sky!

In other words...the divine punishment of annihilation is far from over! Even...the previous destruction of the world was just a small appetizer!

What's even more terrifying is that if the woodpeckers don't peck open the gourd, no one can enter the gourd. On the deck, they will face a waterfall that is ten thousand times more terrifying than before!

Death without a whole body!

Everyone felt a sense of terror of death accompanying them. Just like the first level, there was no prompt. When everything started, it was too late. Three-quarters of the crowd and hundreds of thousands of monks were screened out in the first level. In the age of the Bone Burial Controversy, if there is no such hint in the second level...the day when the underworld comes, the entire army will be annihilated!


Everyone feels a chill running down their spines, and the god's noose never relaxes for a moment, neither slow nor fast, but never stops.

Nivia's eyes were deep, looking at the barrier in front of both sides, and said hoarsely: "Then, the 'winner' of both sides will get the 'ticket' to enter Noah's Ark?"

"It should be so." Xu Yangyi clenched his fist fiercely. His eyes were no longer relaxed. Instead, he looked at the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall opposite like a dead man. In this battle, if you don't move, you will be invading. If you move, you will invade like fire. hole! No one knows when the woodpecker opened Noah's Ark.

"Leave it to us." Miravo licked his lips. Even an idiot knows how critical the situation is now. The ticket is just an opportunity to meet the son of heaven... The real opponent, the God of Thunder, is still sleeping in the sky. They are not only We must seize time, and we must not waste any strength!

Sons of the Way of Heaven... Woodpecker has shown them what it means to be a son of the Way of Heaven.

It was simply unrivaled and powerful enough to destroy the plane!

"Let this battle serve as a testimonial for the Sanctuary of True Knowledge." Cassio Seya also licked her lips bloodthirstyly: "Let these indigenous people know what kind of existence they are facing."

At this moment, the barrier in front of the two armies suddenly roared and rippled. Countless talisman butterflies flew out from above, forming a colorful river of halo under the invisible sky, which was magnificent.

It’s about to begin…

Compared to the simple and ignorant fighting spirit of Lord Hanxue opposite, every senior executive on Xu Yangyi's side has an urgency like a gleam on their backs, racing against time and fighting for their lives.

The sound of the second hand seemed to click in the air.

Faster...faster! After trying the speed of life and death in the first level, everyone wants to control time in their own hands. This is a completely different level of consciousness from Venerable Hanxue.

boom! As a colorful brilliance surged, the barriers on both sides were reduced to ashes. And at the same time, the sky... opened.

The world seemed to have stopped breathing. The three sect alliances were preparing to charge with all their strength. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky in shock.

The deep universe covers the starlight, vast and endless. And in this mystery, behind the layers of dark clouds, an eye like the moon opened instantly.

"This is..." Miravo gasped. This glance contained all kinds of power, becoming one with Fang Tiandao, and his soul was intact. Just one glance, but it makes people feel like they are just a drop in the ocean, extremely insignificant.

"Peak Taixu..." Nivia pulled her claws on the floor, leaving no trace at all.

"Is this the 'Thunder God'..."

"If it weren't for the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, this level, I'm afraid all of you would have died...even you can't compete with a son of heaven at the peak of Taixu."

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