
Chapter 1536: Boat Ticket (I)

Like the equator of smoke and clouds, the layers of black clouds spread out in circles in the sky, and the pupil of the bright moon was like the center of the universe. After just a glance, the dark clouds surged again, covering the crack that was glimpsed.

The world was silent. It was as if nothing had happened just now. Ten seconds later, a dull drum sounded in the distant sky.


The sound was magnificent and shook the sky. With this sound, countless thunder snakes in the sky surged up, covering the sky and the earth, far exceeding all the level 10 storms on the earth, and more terrifying than tsunamis! No... That was something that humans could not imagine, that there could be such a terrifying thunder and anger!

Lei Gong held the drum, and the heavens turned upside down!

Crash! As the drum sounded, from an extremely distant place, there came the sound of endless waves hitting the shore. Although small and distant, it was extremely clear in their hearts, like the death knell of the god of death.

That was the boiling of the Yellow Spring Sea, a tyrannical omen that the real Yellow Spring was about to fall.

Boom, boom, boom... Once the drums sounded, they never stopped, getting louder and louder, more and more magnificent, until finally... the whole sky was shaking, even the deck was roaring. The sky was surging with wind and clouds, as if brewing a more terrifying and countless times more terrifying Yellow Springs storm than before.

The harvest rain of life.

My heart trembled with the drums for no reason, and at the same time, a woodpecker in the distance screamed to the sky, turning into a red light and slowly flying towards here.

The second act, Thor, officially began.

"Ten minutes... twenty minutes..." Miravo calculated quickly with his hands in the air, and finally raised his head with certainty: "Four hours."

"In four hours, it will arrive at Noah's Ark!"

No one spoke.

This is the second level... Is the next level the ant shooting the sun after the flood recedes? There is no need to think about it. The first two levels are floods, and the last level is ten suns burning the earth, ice and fire... There is no chance for anyone to survive!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and he squeezed the fish intestines tightly. With a clear whistle, the sword moved with him, and he rushed forward with the drums of war in the sky.


Boom! As he said this, Nivia raised his head and roared. Even he felt that the current situation was urgent, and roared with red eyes: "Judge... judge these unclean people from other planes for me!"

"Let their blood dye the sea red!"

"Kill them all!"

As it finished speaking, the eight thousand judges slowly raised their heads, as if they were the same person. Two red rays of light flashed behind the iron mask under the cloak. The book in his left hand was chanting, and the sickle in his right hand was rustling. The eight thousand judges were like locusts and sharp swords, rushing straight to the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace!

The commander took the lead, who dared to follow? The long whip of the god of death whipped everyone's nerves. As the eight thousand streams of light of the judge turned into a long rainbow of spiritual energy, Wang Bufa, the old ancestor Yinfeng and others' domains exploded and followed closely with a fierce shout.

"Kill! Venerable Hanxue of the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall... This day next year will be your death anniversary! Give me your life! The Tusu family has not changed for ten thousand years, this year I will drink your skull tribute wine!"

"How dare you!!" Venerable Hanxue's anger rushed straight to the top of his head. The confrontation between the two armies was definitely not so life-threatening. It was a test again and again. Find the opponent's weakness in the magic attack, slowly break the opponent's mountain protection formation and then kill him with one blow. The opponent's commander rushed into the formation, and the guardian followed him. This was not treating him as an opponent!

To ​​kill himself in the formation!

Swish! The wind blew on his face, and ten figures came first after the others, stirring up the spiritual energy like a tide. Even though they were tens of thousands of meters apart, he could feel the opponent's surging murderous intent. Taking a deep breath, more than 20,000 golden spiritual lines were instantly implanted into everyone's head. The monks who were originally wooden like clay sculptures suddenly showed a fearless look in their eyes, and the majestic spiritual energy awakened from the dead silence.

"In the name of fearlessness..." He pulled his hands suddenly: "I command you to be fearless!"

The golden dragons and snakes danced, and the killing machine awakened. Facing the 8,000 condemned troops in front, the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall responded and thousands of swords rushed into the sky.

Galaxy against the Milky Way, stars against stars. At this moment, the sky was full of spiritual light, becoming a sea of ​​light and a kingdom of law.


There were no words, only a simple, white-hot confrontation. However, in the endless clanging sound, Venerable Hanxue's eyes suddenly tightened and he took a breath of cold air.


The situation is not right!

The 230 million elites of the Snake Hall, facing the 8,000 condemned, were actually directly rushed out of a gap! Obviously, they had the advantage in numbers, but they could not stop the other side at all. All the magical powers hit the convicts, and turned into talismans and dissipated, as if... these were monsters without cause and effect, not in the mortal world, and without substance.

Silence against silence, blood and killing intertwined, hundreds of convicts silently swung out sickles, hundreds of sickles entangled in the air, condensed into a huge sickle net, and then frantically harvested the monks of the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall. Obviously, there were countless magical powers hitting them, and there were obviously magic weapons piercing their bodies, but they were unaware. Only the red light under the cloak proved that they were living creatures.

Hua La La! A row of blood bloomed into a red blood line in the air, and hundreds of monks fell where the sickle net passed. The injured convict silently opened the book in his left hand, and blue light poured into his body, and he continued to kill unconsciously!

"This..." In the center of the formation, Venerable Han Xue was stunned. How could this be possible? He could feel the vitality in the other party, but why...why were they like the most fanatical believers, devoting everything to something?

"Jie Jie..." A hoarse voice resounded in the air, and Nivia said with a strange smile: "The condemners, they have the purest faith, and every one of them is ready to sacrifice themselves after receiving the order. Proficient in numbers. The killing techniques of the ten races. No...this is the art of killing."

It sneered and looked at the incredulous Lord Hanxue: "They are also machines. My machine is the highest technology, but yours... is too primitive."


Venerable Hanxue bit his lip, never before... As a direct disciple of the Five Kings and Two Queens, he had never suffered such an insult! Even Ben Lei had forced the opponent to the point where he could only hide his head and show his tail, hiding under his master's command and shivering. Today I was ridiculed by an inhuman monster like this.

The hatred in his heart was overwhelming, but he knew he had to calm down now. At this moment, his eyes scanned ahead warily, and his heart stopped again.

Just before the eight thousand condemned men, Xu Yangyi bravely defeated the three armies. The sky was filled with blood wherever he passed, and vigorous rain of blood fell from the sky, like the god of death walking in crimson clouds. What surprised him even more was that all the monks in front formed three large formations of fifty, and the three men with magical powers actually passed through each other like butterflies with only their illusory bodies.

Like a petrel in the storm, it walks gracefully on the tightrope, dangerous but elegant. This scene of killing actually brings out the beauty of freehand brushwork.

Just beside him, Miravo, the star singer, smiled strangely. Seventy-two golden light wings grew from behind Alpha. One layer behind him was the ancestor of Yinfeng, standing on a thousand layers of black clouds. Lotus, sitting upright is ninety-nine and eighty-one ghosts. The sword lotus behind Wang Bufa is in full bloom. If the sun shines brightly, this sharp knife will be unstoppable and invincible!

The spiritual energy was like a knife, pointing directly at his head.

Same thing!

Immaculate Immortal Body!


There was a muffled sound, the fish intestines buzzed and a dragon roared, as if he could feel the burning fighting spirit in Xu Yangyi's heart, and the void was shattered in all directions. There was only a roar of thunder, and the shadows of people flew away. Hundreds of monk puppets groaned and dispersed like raindrops. There was only 20,000 meters between him and Venerable Hanxue.

He could even feel Xu Yangyi's sharp eyes in the dark clouds, staring directly at him. That was a huge humiliation that the three of them had inflicted on each other. Now that they have been seeking revenge for ten years, it is impossible for them to beg for mercy.

He actually fell into a trance for a moment. Once upon a time... Ben Lei, who was under the control of his three major talismans... that Taoist disciple of a mere second-level sect... actually let himself feel the danger of such a steel sword?

There seemed to be a vacuum between the two of them. Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief. His expression was calm and cold, and his fish intestines rose up and pointed directly at the throat of Venerable Hanxue: "Back when Anlin was outside the city, you, Liu Mianfeng, The debt owed to the Master must be repaid.”

This sound completely woke up Lord Hanxue. He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "Then, come and try."

He took a deep breath, pulled and released his hands, as if he had been doing it for a long time, and was extremely familiar with it. The twenty-three thousand monks of the Ten Thousand Snake Hall opened their mouths at the same time, and made seals at the same time. The waves of black spiritual energy spread over the mountains and swallowed up the eight thousand condemned people in an instant. Army.

"The Mountain Protection Formation of the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace...Xiang Liu's Formation." The black mist engulfed his face full of hatred, and he said through his teeth: "Originally, this move was reserved for Liu Mianfeng, you should really be lucky. "

Having reached this point in his cultivation, he has also made a decision. When the Convict was invincible, he knew that this move... couldn't be hidden.

Not only can't he hide it, but if he doesn't use it, I'm afraid today will really be his death anniversary!

"It's a small trick!" Cassiothea laughed loudly: "In the face of true knowledge, there is nothing to hide. Come on... Farrakon's beacon!"

A dark blue eye suddenly lit up on her armor, and a golden shadow ignited behind her. It was a huge brain figure, just like the prison of will that Xu Yangyi saw that day. Countless talismans were sucked into the brain and slowly condensed into a golden oil lamp, shining brightly in the heavens and instantly clearing all obstacles.

At the same time, nine huge snake heads rose out of the black mist, like dragons emerging from the sea. It is thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters thick, and is completely composed of dark spiritual power. The huge body is hidden in the sea of ​​black mist, and it is fierce and powerful, causing clouds and rain.

"Roar!!" All nine heads erupted into a real sound. The ancient demon of the ancient times and the nine-headed Xiangliu returned, and the progress of the three sects' alliance finally came to a halt.

Circles of spiritual energy formed a huge vortex layer, and were madly sucked into the huge mouth of Xiangliu's head. Just as Cassio Seya was about to seal the knot, a majestic voice suddenly sounded: "Step back."

"This is more than you can handle."

Nivia's expression became solemn for the first time, and she spread her wings: "In the name of true knowledge..."

Its chest swelled rapidly, its eyes were red, and with a shocking roar, a terrifying dragon's breath exploded: "The Roar of the Flame Dragon!!"

A blazing beam of light suddenly spurted out from its mouth and hit Xiang Liu's mouth. Wherever the light reached, all restrictions were fully opened. When the divine power comes, all falsehoods will be cleared from the clouds and revealed to the sun.

At the same time, a sword light was as fast as lightning and rushed straight into Xiang Liu's mouth, catching the moment when the opponent's restriction was broken.


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