
Chapter 1538: Boat Ticket (Part 3)

Dead silence.

Venerable Hanxue stared at the other party. Once upon a time... He and Liu Mianfeng, Master Diwei, had pushed this person to the edge of despair, but now the other party turned out to be dark and bright!

What is your identity?

A mere lowly ascended monk, a B-level force under the command of the Five Kings and Two Queens, dares to speak to me in such a condescending tone? !

However, he could not speak.

When he stood up to speak, all his assumptions fell away. The reality was that the other party, a "mere ant", really pointed a sword at his throat, and really broke through the Xiangliu Formation, with tens of thousands of monks standing in front of him. And he wasn't even sure yet.

The last 10,000 meters just now, at approximately the speed of light, completely opened up the Xiangliu Formation!

"You're lucky." He quickly calculated in his mind how to win from the nearly 300 million soul opponents. He gritted his teeth and said.

"The fearless talisman can wipe out the intelligence of all 'creatures'?" Xu Yangyi flicked the fish intestines and made a buzzing sound: "No wonder Xiang Liu's formation is like an arm and a finger. However, you chose the most wrong approach. "

"You alone dare to say that the Five Kings and Two Queens are wrong?!" Venerable Hanxue suddenly raised his head and said.

Xu Yangyi said to himself: "For any formation, the outside is the most difficult place for monks to break. Once the formation is activated, the formation within the formation is like a nine-link chain that cannot be broken. You never know when it will be. In the end, Taixu can be consumed to death. Especially if it is operated by a divine... talisman, there will be no flaws at all if it is the most sophisticated machine."

A strong wind blew between the two of them. The army behind Xu Yangyi had already rushed in following the path he had taken. In front of him were the generals. Venerable Hanxue had no time to control the puppets of the other monks. The eight thousand condemners were like red-hot sharp knives. , piercing the heart. Behind him, the banners of the three sect alliances are flying, and their auras are flying.

The cloak rustled in the black mist, and he pursed his lips: "That's how it is."

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "If there is, then there is and only one."

He looked at Venerable Hanxue for the first time: "That's you."

The talisman has one effect and can be used in thousands of ways, but the opponent's spiritual consciousness cannot mobilize so many puppets at the same time. When facing monks who are weaker than him, he is the endless mountain and the wall of sighs. So powerful that it makes people despair. But facing a sharp knife that exceeded his strength, he was completely broken before he could even open his defense.

"Okay, the time for reminiscing is over." Xu Yangyi pointed his sword diagonally: "Let's do it."

"Why bother?" Yuchang said calmly, "Just kill him with one sword."

Xu Yangyi shook his head slightly. He was confident of victory. The battle with the owner of the godhead was priceless. It was a process of getting along with each other. This was also the reason why he was willing to give the opponent a ten-move deadline.

Learn from each other and learn by analogy. Those who possess the godhead themselves are one in a billion, and such an opportunity is too rare.

"You..." Before Venerable Hanxue finished speaking, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the golden light in his eyebrows shone brightly. Before his body could react, a golden talisman spiraled out, forming a golden shield around his body. At the same time, there was a loud noise and a huge ripple spread out.

"Do it." Xu Yangyi slowly put away his sword, his voice cold: "Use your strongest magical power, now, immediately."

Venerable Hanxue's face was red, filled with anger and shock. The two emotions were intertwined, making his face dull with a hint of ferocity.

Taking action?

Did he just take action? Does the talisman automatically protect the owner?

Why...I can't see it at all?

Ben Lei...the little ant back then actually crawled onto my face!

Ka... ka ka ka! The next second, a ten-meter ravine suddenly opened in the ground, spreading from Xu Yangyi's feet, spanning a hundred meters, and stopped in front of his light curtain. He suddenly regained his consciousness from the running anger, and when he raised his head, he was already determined.

Since there is no way back... let's fight to the death!

As long as Ben Lei is caught, this battle can still be reversed!

If you dare to come in person, you think too highly of yourself and underestimate the titles of the Five Kings and Two Queens!

"Fearless Talisman." He took several deep breaths, put his hand between his eyebrows, and then slowly pulled it out, unexpectedly pulling out a white scroll as thick as a finger. It was sealed with a golden talisman. As Cinchun appeared, a mysterious and old aura filled the sky.

"Soul Soul Art?" Nivia cast a rare look, and then shook his head: "Using the fearless god's divine power in such a place... is simply a secret."

"You haven't made any progress after taking it for so long. You deserve to die."

The shouts of killing from all directions were deafening, but it was just a one-sided massacre. Venerable Hanxue turned a deaf ear and held the scroll tightly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes: "No matter what it is, it can give the opponent endless courage, even if it is not An intelligent creature. In other words, it can even generate a spirit."

Xu Yangyi said nothing, his eyes were like a lake, and he even looked at the scroll with a hint of expectation.

At this moment, Venerable Hanxue seemed to have returned to the high-ranking Taoist Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes. With a swipe of his finger, a bit of golden light lingered on his fingertips like a flying star in the dark night, pulling out an elegant half arc in the air. His cloak made a sound, and the scroll was silent. Open it, and a forest-white aura suddenly fills the void.

Xu Yangyi's face turned cold.

Venerable Hanxue didn't see that this was his strongest move. He could figure out the best way to use the talisman. He had absolute confidence in letting this lowly ascended person know the strength of the Five Kings and Two Queens.

Swish! The scroll opened in the wind, like opening the hell of hell. Pieces of white death mist gushed out of the void, forming a 100-meter-long vortex of dead spirits around Venerable Hanxue. Crying and wailing were heard everywhere. His hair fluttered like a black crow, and he shouted: "The corpse of the previous generation of snake mother..."

At the same time, a bright sword light appeared in the sky.

No shadow, no trace.

The white light contained the sun and the moon, and the purple air filled the bullfighting.

No one saw it cut out, and no one saw it disappear. Only a white light and shadow remained in the void. At the same time, tens of millions of snake hall monks all paused, and the next second, the phantom of Xiangliu, which was thousands of meters long, collapsed.

A trace of spirit finally appeared in their eyes, but then they all cried out in surprise. Xu Yangyi had never heard of it in the interlaced figures. Looking at the head of Venerable Hanxue in front of him soaring into the sky, there was still an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"Why did you change your mind?" Yuchang asked in confusion.

Xu Yangyi looked at the white vortex in the void shrinking rapidly and said with disgust: "Isn't this the Impure World Reincarnation?"

Yu Chang: "???"

Xu Yangyi calmly put the sword back: "I don't like Orochimaru, that's all."

Yu Chang: "..."

Hey! What's wrong with your sudden arrogance!

"Good kill." Suddenly, a round of applause came from behind. Nivia had come here without knowing when, and was trying to applaud in an anthropomorphic way: "Ah... I can roughly guess what you are thinking."

"What you want is to sharpen each other. For any holder of the godhead, using the godhead on external objects is always the wrong method. Because he has limited the other "possibilities" of the godhead from the beginning. What you want to see is his understanding of the use of the godhead, so that he can draw inferences from one instance to another. But obviously, you met a fool."

"Monk, only the 'true self' will never betray yourself, everything else is false."

It glanced at the white vortex, the dragon's mouth suddenly opened, the tongue shot out, rolled up the central scroll and threw it to Xu Yangyi: "It contains the remains of a great man in the middle stage of Taixu. Good stuff, what a pity."

Xu Yangyi certainly didn't mind. In fact, Nivia guessed his mind almost. The battles between holders of the godhead were too rare. Any holder of the godhead was equivalent to having a ticket to Yahweh. This opportunity really didn't want to be missed. However, when the other party released the corpse, he knew that it was completely unnecessary.

The method of use was wrong, and he was not making progress. If he had to do it, he would hone the other party. If the other party really had some inspiration, it would be inappropriate.

At this moment, there were exclamations from all directions like mountains and seas "Venerable! Sir!" "What's wrong with you?! Daozi... Sir Daozi!" "This... How is it possible!" "Impossible... I saw it wrong... This, this is fake!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept slightly, and all the cultivators under the Ten Thousand Snake Hall were standing not far away in amazement. At the moment the formation collapsed, the tide of the Three Sects Alliance rushed in and completely controlled this place. But they seemed not to see it, and all rushed here like crazy.

Yuchang frowned, flew into the air, and the sword light swept across, and the cultivators in front of him were immediately bloody. However, countless people still crawled over frantically, their eyes were about to burst, their hair and beards stood up, and some even dragged blood marks on the deck, crawling inch by inch towards the headless body of the Hanxue Venerable who was still standing alone.

"How could this happen... How could this happen!" An old ancestor's eyes were bloodshot and his voice was hoarse: "How could the Venerable lose... How could he lose!"

"He is Mingying Ziwei!!" An old woman, with tears falling like a mental disorder, banged her head on the deck.

Faith collapsed.

Anyone who came to serve, who didn't risk his life for a future? Now, right in front of them, their bet collapsed. Mingying Ziwei was clearly the strongest force, why?

"Quiet." Xu Yangyi said lightly, his voice was like thunder, but no one paid any attention. He took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: "Silence!"

Three hundred million spiritual pressure swept across the scene, and suddenly, everyone was quiet. Wolf-like eyes stared at him, this person... it was him! It was he who made his hopes fall through! When the other party ascends the throne, it is unknown how much suppression he will face!

Rather than the sect not existing at that time, it is better...

However, strangely, no one moved.

Three hundred million cultivators...

This number weighed on everyone's heart like a stone. Although they wanted to eat their flesh and sleep on their skin, no one dared to make a sound of war.

At the same time, countless magic weapons behind them were aimed at their backs.

Anyone who trespasses will be killed without mercy.

"Do you have something that can make people swear allegiance to death?" Xu Yangyi turned his head and asked Nivia calmly. Nivia smiled and said, "Of course."

Xu Yangyi nodded and looked at everyone: "Sign its contract. Those who don't sign will be executed on the spot."

Decisive, decisive, decisive... Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately raised his head and looked around.

This place is not silent.

The thunder god's war drum in the sky, the sea tide around Noah's Ark surged, and the waves crashed against the shore, but just when he finished speaking, everything was silent.

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