
Chapter 1539: Parasite

It's almost done... It's almost done... Be patient and don't be impatient, be patient and don't be impatient...


"This is..." He took a deep breath and looked around carefully.

The sky fell silent, the tide stopped, and even the woodpeckers in the distance stopped flying. Everyone remained in the same state as before, and the flying hair was frozen in the air. The world seemed to have paused at this moment.

Time stops!

The sign of Yahweh!

"Dong dong..." His heart accelerated for no reason, and an unbelievable idea suddenly rushed into his mind.

"This is probably the fastest time to get a 'ship ticket' in history..." He unconsciously clenched the fish intestines. Although the weapon spirit was also solidified, his hands were full of veins.

"If a computer is used as a metaphor for the prison of will, then there is a gap in the originally designed program." The Brilliant Talisman couldn't help but turn, and many unexpected things clearly emerged: "In other words..."

He took a deep breath: "This is beyond will! Originally, the decisive battle between the two sides could not be resolved in four hours, but now only one and a half hours have passed...the remaining two and a half hours...the program can no longer handle it. so……"

He looked around with great vigilance: "There is a blank area left in the program."

"Or... it's a BUG!"

In the body, all the talismans buzzed together, and desire, brilliance, and devouring seemed to be leaving the body. In the absolute silence of the space, a violent wind suddenly blew up, raging across the sky, causing his beard and hair to dance wildly. An inexplicable pressure suddenly fell from the sky.

Never felt it before!

It is majestic and vast. It is not that he has never seen Yahweh. What he really saw was the soul of Emperor Wa, and the dying true body of the first pillar of desire. But any one... is far inferior to this one!

As mountainous as the sea, as deep as the prison, and yet... still above Emperor Wa!

Not even the First Pillar of Desire God can compare!

It was the majestic and energetic aura of one who was in his prime, with an incomparable age, comparable to the magnificence of the universe.

Boom! He couldn't help but kneel on the deck, sweating like raindrops all over his body, it was so terrifying... His mind was spinning rapidly: "This... is Haotian?"

"The builder of the Prison of Will? He is so powerful that it is unbelievable!"

However, he was not afraid in his heart.

First of all, Haotian is the ancient god of the East, the first Yahweh in the creation of the immortal world. Secondly, and most importantly, even if the true knower makes a plan, the difficulty of the plan is as high as the sky.

Here, everything is "dead" and is a "program" recorded by Haotian. Everything is under the control of the gods. Now is the only blank period. Only by changing can we survive.

boom! !

Before he could finish his thoughts, there was an extremely terrifying shock in the void. Streams of silver-white brilliance sprinkled down from the sky, and then... the entire sky fluctuated, as if it had turned into a pool of spring water. The next second, countless green flowers swayed and hung upside down, blooming into spiritual green lotuses.

Heaven and earth become two sides of a mirror. I don't know whether they are on the front or outside of the sky.

However, he was not shocked, because in this sky and water, a huge human face was slowly forming.

Can't see clearly.

It is clearly right in front of us, extremely huge, and densely covered in the entire sky, but it can only be seen in the eyes and cannot record the true appearance of the god.

What God wants you to see is what you can record. If God says no, it will never be remembered.

It simply goes against the functions of the human body!

The huge human face gathered in the smoke seemed to be searching for something, and then it moved away from the sky and the water. No...not moving away, but staying away from here. His body is filled with gorgeous starlight and haze, like a star walking in the universe. He ascended higher and higher, and finally ascended into the universe. The entire sky turned into a starry sky.

"Is this... the process of creating a prison of will?" Xu Yangyi stared at the sky. Now, everything the true knower has is a theory, and it is a dangerous theory. He hopes to find opportunities to expand this "possibility".

When fighting against gods, there are no absolutes, only the possibility of infinite improvement.

There was deathly silence, the green lotus swayed, and just on the sea of ​​clouds, the majestic "star" seemed to be looking for something. After walking through countless places, he finally stopped.

Right in front of him, a gap appeared.

There is nothingness on both sides of the universe, refracting little bits of light and shadow, like a gap-shaped black hole.

When ordinary people see this crack, they will only think it is a celestial phenomenon, or they will not dare to enter because of the reputation of the black hole. However, this Yawei who should be Haotian stopped here, and after a long time... actually stretched his hand in!

Xu Yangyi watched all this intently, seeing the other party tearing apart the gap in the universe. At this moment, even though he had seen countless wonders, he suddenly raised his head and exclaimed: "This... what the hell is this?" !”


In the crack... there is endless flesh and blood!

It's as if... the skin of something has been torn off!

At this moment, a sentence screamed in Xu Yangyi's mind: The universe...may be alive...

"It" is a living creature... The will of the universe has obliterated the God King... It has obliterated this supreme creation...

Cold sweat covered his whole body, and what he saw when he tore open the universe was not chaos, but flesh and blood... This thought simply shocked Xu Yangyi's world view!

"Calm down...Calm down!" He took several deep breaths, biting his lips until they bled, and looked carefully with his chest rising and falling sharply. But the crack in the flesh was still slowly moving, and some...dreamlike black smoke slowly gushed out. The pressure belt stood in front of him in a trance for a long time before he sighed deeply.

This sound was so grand and distant that it could be heard clearly even across the sea of ​​clouds and sky.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand, and the countless light bands on his hand gathered into a giant nebula hand, penetrating into the flesh. Then...what made Xu Yangyi's hair stand on end was...this universe made a dull...groan!

Yes, it was a moan.

Just like a lion caught in a trap, someone took the trap off him, even Xu Yangyi could hear the joy in this sound.

"Heh..." His scalp was electrified, and he simply sat down on the deck, staring at the sky in a daze. This Yawei's light hand was blurred, and about an hour later, he actually...caught a ball of...chaos?

"No... it's not chaos." Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief: "This ball of chaos... is moving."

The ball of chaos was wriggling desperately in the opponent's hand. Yawei looked at each other calmly for a long time, and gently pinched it. All the clouds and smoke outside drifted away, and Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly became sharp.

"Dream Beast!?" He took a breath of cold air: "The dream beast that opened the cloud world on Earth?!"

In the opponent's giant nebula hand, several things that looked like scorpions and centipedes struggled in the opponent's hand, exactly the same as the dream beasts he saw at the beginning!

Yawei rubbed it casually, and these strange creatures suddenly turned into a black cloud. The next second, illusions appeared in the cloud. Endless talismans flew in the air, with pavilions, flying horses and eagles, various monks, and thousands of monsters... and these things gathered like a whirlpool, gradually becoming a...


The creation of the gods!

"It's not the creation of the world, it's the creation of the will prison! The will prison... is actually based on the dream beast? And the dream beast... is actually from the universe?" With countless doubts in his heart, Xu Yangyi can no longer tell the truth from the false, so how did the dream beast in the small world of the earth come from?

Swish! The golden light is dazzling, the white clouds are like the sea, and a huge land is formed quickly in the lonely universe. As the dream beast is caught, the crack heals quickly. It disappeared after a few seconds.

In the upside-down sea of ​​clouds above his head, the picture is repeated. It is monotonous and boring. Xu Yangyi is still looking at the picture, but his mind has been turning thousands of times.

"It's ridiculous..." After a long time, he shook his head and laughed: "What are we... on earth?"

"If the universe is really alive, then what Haotian grabbed just now... isn't that a parasite of the universe? So... the universe will respond with joy?"

"That should be Haotian's real divine body. Although I'm not sure how big it is, wherever he passes, planets are accidentally smashed by him. His giant hand grabs dream beasts, each of which is the size of a palm... Isn't it as big as a planet?"

He put his hands into his black hair and sighed: "Compared to the universe... we are not even as good as parasites."

Yes... Compared to the universe, humans, this race, and even humans themselves, what are they?

No one can answer.

I felt a little disappointed, but I immediately cheered up.

Close... very close. He secretly clenched his fists. He had been refining Qi all the way, and he only needed the last two major realms to touch the wall of Yahweh. As long as he reached Yahweh, he was not far from the truth!

At this moment, light and shadow intertwined, and he raised his head in astonishment. But he saw a completely different scene.

It was probably Haotian's Yahweh who stood up.

And, he was looking for something.

He was probably looking for the crack, but he immediately found that the crack had disappeared. However, Xu Yangyi did not look at him, but at the world he created.

This is a kingdom of God surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds. This sea of ​​clouds is pale, but! There is a black vortex in it!

Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly and bit his lips tightly.

Opportunity... Really a chance!

How could he not understand that this Yahweh did something to create this world with dream beasts. However... Not enough!

There are not enough dream beasts!

This prison of will... leaves a vacancy, a vacancy that even Wahuang doesn't know!

His breathing stopped, as if he hesitated for a long time. This Yahweh drew countless complex runes in the air. These runes surrounded him to form a brilliant planetary belt. He stretched out his hand and a green leaf floated out gently and sank into the white clouds.

Sand... a sea wave made a slight sound, it filled the last gap in the Kingdom of God, but... it was not completely filled, there was still a trace of green in the Kingdom of God. But he did not continue to fill it, probably because he was too troublesome. Xu Yangyi had a hunch that the other party was not too troublesome, but had absolute confidence.

If the other party's breath and divine power stayed here, no one would dare to attack the prison of will.

Indeed, even Mammon, who was as strong as he was, did not dare to enter the prison of will in person. However, this "person" was aimed at Yahweh!

This was a warning from Yahweh, outsiders should not touch him. However, Xu Yangyi and the others were now in the prison of will! They were not outsiders at all!

This Yahweh would never have thought that a small ant had tentatively extended its tentacles.

"It's here." Xu Yangyi's eyes were extremely grim, and he finally had a feeling that he could "grasp it".

"The plan of the True Knower is not wrong, but there is one thing that is uncertain, that is... who is the 'most beautiful' place in the memory of the Queen of Nuwa?"

"Besides, they did not tell us the consequences. Breaking this place will inevitably lead to the wrath of the Queen of Nuwa! It will lead to a Yahweh chasing and killing, and finally they can only hide in the Sanctuary of True Knowing! No... this may be their real goal."

His voice was fiery: "Now... this plan needs to be slightly modified."

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