
Chapter 1540: Awakening the Spirit (I)

Finished, resumed update... So tired...


Time passed slowly, and after an unknown amount of time, Nivia's body was shaken first and he came back to his senses. He did not look around, but immediately looked at his body.

His scales stood up, and his eyes narrowed immediately: "Time stopped? The symbol of Yahweh... Just now... something closely related to Yahweh came?"

Then, he immediately saw Xu Yangyi.

The whole world was still, he was in the realm of Taixu suppression, and it was impossible for others to wake up earlier than him. Xu Yangyi did it, so there was only one answer-he did not enter the still time at all.

"Wa Huang?" He asked tentatively. The suppressed flame of knowledge in his eyes was ready to move.

Xu Yangyi shook his head and said calmly, "It's Haotian."

"Haotian!?" Nivia's voice rose a degree, and all the scales on his body trembled: "Lord Farakon mentioned him, and it's rare to use the title of 'Supreme'. He is also an important existence in Yahweh! What happened just now?"

The last sentence was a pleading one. He finally began to reveal his identity as a true knower, and a trace of madness was looming. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly and curled his lips without sincerity. According to the character of these lunatics, I'm afraid that when they say it, they will part ways with him and find a solution on their own.

He didn't plan to tell the other party, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't lay the hook. He said lightly: "I think I found a way to really break the prison of will."

Nivia's expression suddenly became solemn: "This is an insult."

"The judgment of the true knower will never be wrong."

Xu Yangyi said: "Then let me add that it is the 'best' way. And, do you think now is the time to say this?"

Nivia raised his eyelids. Needless to say, he also heard it. Just when the last word fell, a faint sound of war drums sounded again, getting louder and louder. After a few seconds, every beat made the world tremble.

Boom! The heart was shaken, and the two looked at each other. Everyone knew... This is an urging, a declaration of war, a thousand signs of world destruction, and the majesty of the arrival of the god of thunder.

It's coming... Noah's Ark's qualifications for boarding have been finalized, which determines who can face this terrifying master... The two took a deep breath, and the next second, there was a loud bang! The black clouds in the sky and the tides on the sea began to spin wildly like two retrograde spirals!

With this sound, something seemed to be broken, and the others also moved. Surprised shouts echoed across the deck. "What's wrong with me?" "Did something happen just now?" "No... but... why do I always have a strange feeling?"

"What on earth is this..." Wang Bufa looked at his hand in amazement, but before he could observe carefully, he suddenly stopped. Then he raised his head like a robot and looked at the distant sky.

In the far distance, at the end of the sky, that was the edge of Noah's Ark. At this moment, the sound of waves hitting the shore sounded one after another, first like thunder and rain, and then like a landslide and tsunami. A few seconds ago, it was vaguely seen that the waves had exceeded the horizon, and a few seconds later...

A thousand-foot-high tide reached the sky.

With a roar, the autumn water and the sky were the same color, and the sea tides in all directions turned into a shocking tsunami. He looked up, and then looked up again, but he could not see the end of the tsunami at all, as if the sky collapsed.

That was a tide that human power could not imagine at all. The real destruction of the world, burying the world under the sea.

"My... God..." The old ancestor Yin Feng took a breath of cold air and couldn't help but step back a few steps. At the same time, with a "Chi!!", the phoenix screamed and the water curtains on the horizon parted layer by layer, and a fiery red figure rushed towards Noah's Ark like a meteor.

The pupils of any of the saints shrank. They had already experienced the strength of this monster on the top of the sky. At this moment, all of them felt nervous and couldn't help but pinch the magic formula with their hands. A voice came: "No."

Xu Yangyi stared at the woodpecker and said: "This is the 'procedure.'"

"The 'procedure' of this level does not include attacking us, relax."

Having said that, he was also very nervous in his heart. "The woodpecker pecked the gourd open" is the original text of the legend, but... how to peck it open? Peck it into pieces? Separate it from the center?

Facing the prehistoric myth, even if there is an answer in his heart, the steel wire called anxiety is always stretched to the tightest.

Swish! In less than a second, the woodpecker crossed hundreds of thousands of meters, like a wall of wind and a mountain of fire. The huge body raised a raging wind, and the monks below the Saint could not resist it at all. They screamed and were blown away, and were stopped by the Saint. Just when it came to everyone's head, it pecked at the entire Noah's Ark.

"This is it!" "Daozu is above... the power of a peck is so great?!" "Reverse the rules... What kind of creature is this?"

A circle of golden ripples spread from the point where the bird's beak landed, instantly engulfing the entire world. At the same time, it ushered in... boundless darkness.

Day turned into night, chaos and darkness, without a single light. They seemed to be in the deep universe, vast and boundless. And the Noah's Ark under their feet had turned into a fictitious shape of golden spiritual lines. At the same time, countless golden lines spread rapidly from the Ark gourd. In the light, countless pavilions, red railings and green tiles stood in a row, like the most freehand ink painting.

The body of the woodpecker became fainter and fainter in the light, and finally turned into golden light scattered all over the sky. In the golden light, a super-giant palace that stretched as far as the eye could see appeared in front of everyone.

Flowers play with shadows, the moon shines, and the crystal palace is covered with five clouds. With desolation and grandeur, it spreads over tens of millions of meters. Even the base of the five kings and two queens cannot compare to half of it. And the endless night disappeared in an instant.

Everyone was sitting in the central square, in front of a magnificent nine-story palace, but they were not amazed. Because at the same time, clouds gathered from all directions above their heads to form a terrifying cloud cave. A majestic spiritual pressure descended from the cloud cave.

It was like an ancient god reviving from history, like a giant beast waking up from the dust, the kind of hair-raising and hair-trembling feeling rushed straight to the top of the head. Nivia's scales trembled all over his body, his pupils had become needle-shaped, staring at the sky, breathing rapidly: "Thunder... God?"

No one answered, and in response to him, there was only a golden light rippling across the sky. Originally, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder snakes were running, black and blue and white were intertwined, and there was majesty in the solemnity. However, at this moment, a layer of golden clouds was spread behind the blue and black, which looked noble and sacred.

The golden light was like a mountain and a sea, sweeping across the heavens and the myriad worlds. At this moment, from the perspective of the outer world, a huge golden lotus slowly bloomed in the void, covering about one-third of the area of ​​this plane. At first, it was just a flower bud, but in just ten minutes, the golden lotus slowly bloomed, layer by layer, piece by piece, nine layers and twelve pieces, turning into a cosmic wonder outside the atmosphere.

Boom! !

The next second, the golden lotus was fully bloomed, as if something was slowly standing up from it, but it was not visible at all, only like a person standing up from the river, the surrounding clouds formed a huge cloud cave with a backflow, the golden light was like the sea, and the clear water lotus platform pressed thousands of miles. The waves were surging, and the water and sky and the moonlight illuminated the myriad worlds.

Under the golden light, all the cultivators in the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall just now turned into countless clay figures in the blink of an eye.

More than 20,000 cultivators, without exception, still maintained their appearance in their lifetime, as if they had taken off the hypocritical veil and revealed the ugly truth. Being surrounded by tens of thousands of clay figures, their faces are lifelike, and their voices are as if in your ears. That feeling is simply chilling!

Losers, no way to retreat.

They have only one way, that is, according to the myth, to face the Thunder God! Face this ancient god of the prehistoric world! They have no other choice at all!

This boundless lotus platform is the ancient god's declaration of war!

Facing the alliance of the three sects, a declaration of war falling from the sky!

"Heh..." The old ancestor Yinfeng took a deep breath. No matter who it was, he would be shocked by the wonders in front of him. Everyone looked at the sky in a trance. After a few seconds, Nivia took a deep breath: "We... have to face this kind of thing?"

"Thunder God... Wang Lei?" Even Xu Yangyi felt his heart beating like a drum and his blood boiling. He didn't know what the situation was above the cloud top. He knew that any realm had its peak and limit. For example, he is now at the limit of the saint, and this Thunder God, the son of the Queen of Wa, Wang Lei, one of the twelve Daozi... I am afraid he has reached the limit of Taixu!

It is not named in history books, but it can shock the nine heavens.

It is not recorded in legends, but it can subdue the ten lands.

Everyone felt that this spiritual pressure was too majestic. One person, two people... ten people, hundreds of people, millions of people, all looked up at the sky. Suddenly, the whole sky... sunken down.

It was as if the sky became a thin film, and behind the film... there was endless water... Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank, and he immediately shouted: "Everyone enter the building immediately! Now!!"

As soon as the voice fell, he and Yuchang turned into streams of light and rushed straight to the central palace. Other saints also rushed into various buildings like crazy. Yuanying Jindan was stunned for a moment, and then screamed continuously and fled madly.

That was not the sunken sky...

That was... the Yellow Spring was coming... the real divine punishment from the sky! The Yellow Spring flooded the entire prehistoric world, and the sky could not hold it up, which led to this strange sunken.

Just as the last person entered the palace, the sound was so loud that the whole world seemed to have lost its sound. Even Noah's Ark shook violently, and then, it shook violently like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Ka la la la la... Even Xu Yangyi couldn't stand steadily in this shaking. Gravity should have lost its meaning. The overwhelming Yellow Spring came from the sky, swallowing everything, sweeping everything, raising waves to the sky, and then pressing down hard, completely clearing up this prehistoric land.

No one survived.

Nothing survived.

This is the real punishment of the world-destroying gods!

Thousands of feet high waves flooded the road, and thousands of layers of waves surged on the rocks. Slender branches covered the water, thousands of years old trees flowed with roots, leaves followed the waves, and thousands of feet of horizontal ponds rolled with the water. The mountains were collapsing... Those 100,000 mountains in the prehistoric land were swallowed and smashed by the Yellow Spring that fell from the sky in an instant. Countless creatures that didn't have time to get on the ship were instantly turned into meat paste. The 20,000 clay figures on the deck turned into powder in the blink of an eye and were swept into the Yellow Spring.

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