
Chapter 1541: Awakening the Spirit (II)

The world of water, the ocean of water, the kingdom of water. The whole sky collapsed, how terrible is the weight? As huge as Noah's Ark, it was smashed into the unknown depth of the Yellow Spring Sea. Everyone only felt a bang in their ears and a buzzing sound. All their internal organs seemed to be vomited out.

Crash! Unable to help but hit the wall with the table and chairs, blood spilled from the corners of Xu Yangyi's mouth. The terrifying water pressure made him a little unbearable. However, he did not close his eyes, but looked out the window solemnly.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Chang's voice came from the side. Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and was about to speak, but suddenly the whole ship shook again, this time like the sky turned upside down! The top of his head and the bottom of his feet all fell off. Xu Yangyi's eyes condensed, and his spiritual power was infused into his legs, sticking to the wall tightly. And his eyes never moved away from the window.

Yu Chang is a spirit body. Although this vibration is terrifying, it has no effect on him. He looked out along Xu Yangyi with a puzzled look. When the Yellow Spring fell, Noah's Ark burst into a white light, covering them. Looking up from the bottom of the sea, one could only see the golden light cast from the misty Yellow Spring above, and Noah's Ark was slowly floating up against this terrifying weight.

There was nothing but the chaotic Yellow Spring. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes tightened, and he made a solemn gesture to keep silent.

After exchanging glances, Xu Yangyi pointed outside the house, and Yuchang squinted his eyes and looked over. What he saw was a haze. However, he only looked carefully for a few seconds, and his spirit body was trembling.

"Unbelievable..." He took a deep breath and shook his head in disbelief: "What is going on?"

Xu Yangyi stared out the window and whispered: "The Yellow Spring is blurry and chaotic, and nothing can be seen beyond fifty meters. It is also heavy. Let alone paste, this Yellow Spring is molten magma. I'm afraid that the golden hoop can't stir it. But..."

His slender fingers brushed the window frame: "Why... the water at the bottom of the Yellow Spring where we are... is so boiling?"

Outside their window, all the water flows are like the bottom of the sea, volcanic eruption! Surging. The naked eye can see that it is divided into countless undercurrents flowing on the seabed. There is only one answer...

What is more terrifying than the golden hoop... stirring this seabed...

It is unimaginable huge and powerful, making the Yellow Spring tremble.

No one spoke, and both of them stared at the front. At this moment, Yuchang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Look!"

In the distant Yellow Spring, there is a... towering pillar-like thing, slowly walking in the sea. No... that was no longer a towering pillar, that was... a Dinghai Shenzhen, it was so big that at first they just thought it was Huangquan.

Boom! As that thing moved, it seemed to be heading in some direction, it was not clear in Huangquan, and then the entire seabed suddenly shook. And they both took a breath of cold air. The water flow outside Noah's Ark changed more rapidly, and the hazy thing suddenly became clearer and clearer, as if... it had crossed a million meters in an instant. And it never stopped.

"Damn..." Xu Yangyi looked up and sighed, he finally saw what it was. Then, the whole body of spiritual energy completely protected the body. In the next second, boom!!! There was a vibration that was countless times greater than before. Even though Xu Yangyi was prepared the moment he saw it, he flew up directly and hit the roof, and the entire Noah's Ark was spinning. When he woke up, he only had stars in his eyes.

"Damn..." He covered his dizzy head and looked out the window. The hazy ghost in the water was like Sun Xingzhe poking the golden hoop and stirring the East China Sea, and they were hitting the golden hoop.

"Are you okay?" Yuchang floated over, and Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and nodded: "Did you see it clearly?"

Yuchang's eyes were extremely complicated, and he spoke deeply after a few seconds: "If I'm not wrong... it seems... it's a leg?"

Xu Yangyi nodded gently. This answer was heavy to despair. If I guessed correctly... they just hit a leg.

Thor's leg.

The turbulence in the sea was caused by the other party walking in the ocean. The leg alone is not scary, but what is scary is... How big is Noah's Ark?

The sky-reaching gourd can hold all the creatures in the world, one male and one female, more than tens of millions of meters! However, it was knocked away by this leg!

Admittedly, this is due to the lack of spiritual power, but it can be imagined that Thor is so powerful that he can knock away a giant ship of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of meters!

"This is not Taixu!" He clenched his fists. The body is a very mysterious thing. The body is big and not agile, but... what about defense? What about regeneration? What about attack power?

"Its body alone is above Taixu!"

"Yes... this is not Taixu." As soon as the voice fell, four urgent voices came through immediately, and four light curtains opened in the air, and four people who know the truth appeared on them. Everyone covered their heads and was obviously seriously injured. Nivia spoke first: "If I am not mistaken... this is... the embryonic form of Yahweh."

"Yahweh?" Yuchang took a deep breath: "How is this... possible? Are you sure?"

"80% sure!" Cassiosiya gritted his teeth and said: "In our long life, we have come into contact with a lot of knowledge, some of which you can't even think of. And what you see... is the process of gradually transforming from a living body to Yahweh."

"This process accumulates slowly, but the transformation is not slow. Within a day, the sublimation of the body will be completed! Completely evolve to that terrible realm!"

Xu Yangyi's expression became completely serious: "You mean... his strength is getting stronger every minute?"

Yuchang took a breath of cold air: "And we... are pressed on the endless seabed..."

An unsolvable knot!

Knew it……

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and his knuckles turned white. The myth of the destruction of the world, every minute is a noose of life. Emperor Wa's "satisfaction" will never be lowered because of the participants.

The terrifying water pressure of Huangquan made it impossible for even Noah's Ark to rush out of the water quickly. He could only wait for him to slowly surface. However, at this moment, above the sea, the God of Thunder is condensing his divine personality and evolving into Yahweh!

Every minute, the noose around their necks gets tighter... It's exactly the same as the first level, no... the first level at least allows people to die in ignorance. And this level puts the terror in front of people. It makes people taste the horror, but it disappears in helpless despair.

The ticket of "hope" is just the beginning of "despair".

what to do?

"Now, his aura?" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and asked. He had caught everyone's eyes intersecting, but Zhenzhiru Nivia had an unconcealable panic flashing in his eyes at this moment.

There can be no chaos.

At each level, its killing move and its true appearance slowly emerge. When the moment comes when Tu Qiong Dagger sees him, once he is in chaos, he will die!

Miravo took a deep breath: "In the late stage of the Saint, the spiritual pressure we just felt came from his body. His body...can't be guessed."

Nivia keenly felt what Xu Yangyi meant, and immediately woke up. After thinking for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "As far as I know, the first and most recognized principle of any Yahweh is 'fairness.'"

"They are the masters of all things and must uphold fairness. If they cannot do this, other Yahweh will not recognize it! So...since this Emperor Wa has released the riddle, it must be able to answer it!"

Silence, the calmness after the mania, made their minds run very fast. At this moment, a stronger and greater spiritual pressure suddenly descended.


The whole underworld was wailing, as if a crack in hell had been opened, and all the ghosts were crying. Even at the bottom of tens of thousands of meters of underworld, one can feel the overwhelming tearing sound of this universe.

A familiar, shuddering spiritual pressure follows him everywhere, with mercury pouring down the ground and filling the ground with yellow springs. Everyone looked to the top of their heads. What kind of magnificent scene was there?

The God of Thunder was promoted to Yahweh, and just now, the other party... had entered the realm of Taixu!

And...the strength is still rising crazily!

All the time, every minute!

"Pounce!" In other palaces, many Nascent Souls and even Supreme Saints spurted out mouthfuls of blood. The pressure was too great and they couldn't even hold on until they surfaced and saw the God of Thunder.

"If this continues, all of us will die before we reach the surface of the water!" Yuchang shouted: "Or... we try to physically cross the sea of ​​​​underworld?"

"This is the only way..." Miravo's face was ashen. He had heard Xu Yangyi say before that he couldn't feel the danger of the first level. Now that he was in it, he only felt that his whole body was electrified, and the sword of Damocles was hanging high above his head. This suffocating pressure made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Okay..." "Wait!"

Just when Nivia was about to make a decision, a voice suddenly sounded. Everyone looked at Xu Yangyi, but only saw a bright golden brilliance.

The brilliance was like substance, blowing Xu Yangyi's clothes and sleeves flying, and in the golden light, an extremely mysterious talisman was rising and falling.

No one is unfamiliar with it.


Or called the fearless talisman.

"What?" Nivea just spoke, and suddenly her voice rose up, so calm that it even became sharp: " want to..."

Miravo, Cassio Seiya, Alpha, and Yuchang were stunned for a moment, and then they immediately reacted. They all gasped and looked at Xu Yangyi as if they had seen a ghost.

"The fearless godhead comes from the fearless war god Mo. He fell in the first Ragnarok and the chaotic demon star sea..." Miravo's voice trembled for a long time: "It can awaken people's full fighting spirit... no... this... The will is so hot that... the talisman of desire cannot be released, and it can even dominate a person's heart. "

Cassio Seiya continued: "Mo, the first generation Yahweh God of War, dominates everything in war, whether it is people or... weapons. This powerful will allows all magic weapons to be given souls. It is called Qiling, and it becomes a spiritual weapon... …”

Nivia looked at the huge palace around him and said hoarsely: "You are a madman... But I have to admit, this method is simply... extremely sophisticated!"

Enlighten Noah’s Ark! !

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