
Chapter 1543: Awakening the Spirit (IV)

As if the sun was rising, shining on the earth, a giant creature that reigned over the plane slowly stood up in the cloud cave formed by the atmosphere, with the stars in the sky surrounding his hands, the divine power was like a prison, the divine grace was like the sea, and the spiritual power of light years around him swarmed from all directions like a tsunami, forming a pure white vortex behind him.

Condensing the godhood, igniting the divine fire of faith... Holding the way of thunder, the Thunder God reigned.

A huge pressure spread across the heavens and the worlds, as if announcing his existence and the birth of a lord. Announcing his power over everything here.

All creatures felt that this different spiritual energy had entered... the middle stage of Taixu.

In just thirty minutes.

"Damn it!" Xu Yangyi's eyes turned red, and his spiritual consciousness was quickly retracted. Taking advantage of this time, he launched an offensive against Noah's Ark with all his strength. However, as soon as the spiritual power was released, all the light curtains around him became active again.

The remnant consciousness of the Ark that suddenly disappeared just now reappeared, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately... this is just a false god... just a false god. Time stopped for only three seconds. Although the scope is unknown, it is impossible to achieve the silence of the universe when the Queen of Wa waved her hand in the Cangtian City that day.

It's just a false god... and only a false god!

This is the only good news in a nearly desperate environment.

The appearance of the remnant consciousness means that time has turned again. Suddenly, everything here "came alive".

"Time... stopped?" Nivia's lips were trembling slightly, and his eyes flickered as he looked at his hands. It was too clear... They knew too well... This is the basic symbol of Yahweh... Manipulating time and space, manipulating truth and falsehood... Although he really wanted to see the magnificent scene of condensing the godhood in the legend, which may not have been seen by anyone in billions, he definitely did not want to become a victim of this legend.

"Its essence has begun to transform towards that supreme realm... but as long as it is still Taixu..." It gritted its teeth: "As long as it is still Taixu! We still have hope!"

"Connect all the monks for me!!"

A purple talisman in the scales on its head suddenly shone and became a deep purple eye. Thick white air spurted out of its nostrils, and suddenly, countless purple lights flashed on the formation. In an instant, a screen of light appeared in the room, and all the saints were included.

A stunned face appeared in the screen of light. Nivia had lost all his nobility and reserve. He believed that every monk could understand the current situation. It pointed its claws at Xu Yangyi and said fiercely to all the monks: "Do you want to die?"

All the saints frowned slightly, not knowing why, but they immediately saw Xu Yangyi covered in blood. Master Baoxiang cried out in shock: "Daoyou..."

"Stop talking nonsense!!" Nivia was now extremely anxious, idiot... Don't you feel that there is a creature whose essence is transcending and transforming above your head? Don't you know why we are so anxious?

"If you don't want to die... Now, immediately! Immediately! Input your spiritual energy into the formation in front of you!"

A blood-red vortex appeared in front of all the saints. It happened suddenly, and the saints hesitated. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's hoarse voice sounded with difficulty: "Do as he said..."


The last voice used all his strength. Even if the other saints were not familiar with it, they could hear the meaning of the precarious situation. The old ancestor Yinfeng took a deep breath and reached his hand into the vortex without hesitation, and the spiritual power poured in like a tide.

"Although I don't know what it is, I will help you."

Since you have chosen to serve him as your master, you are ready to trust him unconditionally.

Outside the palace, where the Yinfeng Patriarch was, a spiritual light shot straight into the sky, turning into a ten-thousand-foot Yin spirit tide, rushing straight to the central main hall. At the same time, in the world of consciousness, Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth to withstand the impact of the remaining consciousness of Noah's Ark. At this moment, the endless void behind him was shining brightly, and a white vortex slowly rotated.

Bones were covered with flying frost, and ghosts talked alone at night. The wailing was deep, and the ghosts in the mountains cried. A Yin spirit skeleton several tens of meters long, wearing an emperor's crown, screamed, and the robes fluttered. A sword rode the wind and rushed straight to the endless sea of ​​consciousness in front.

"Count me in too." In the light curtain, Wang Bufa laughed loudly, gritted his teeth and inserted his hands into the vortex, and the spiritual light surged.

In the world of spiritual consciousness, feeling the new challenge, the remaining spiritual consciousness without intelligence all burst into a thunderous roar. Deer, horses, snakes, dragons, insects, ants, tigers, leopards... Noah's Ark carried one pair of unclean creatures and seven pairs of pure creatures. Tens of millions of gods gathered into an endless eternal wall, roaring to deter the provocateurs.

The next second, another white vortex appeared, and a sword lotus slowly bloomed, one divided into two, two divided into three, three divided into ten thousand swords, ten thousand swords crossed the east, thousands of streams returned to the origin, and joined the battlefield of this spiritual consciousness.

In the outside world, in a palace, Master Baoxiang chanted a Buddhist name and put his hands together: "Having come this far, what else can we say? We can only break the waves."

When... the Zen stick was pressed on the ground, a circle of golden light turned into a Vajra Buddha, spinning and flying into the vortex.

One, another, the third... ten, fifty... one hundred!

In a moment, hundreds of saints drew their swords together, "Don't panic, fellow Daoist! As long as you need us, we will do our best! Although we don't know what it is, how can we stop the three sects' alliance?! Break it for me. Break it! Break it! Break it! Break it!!"

Swish! Rays of spiritual light rose from various palaces, and all kinds of strange phenomena spread across the sky, with the rising of the bright moon, the falling of peach blossoms, and the running of thousands of beasts... Countless Yuanying Jindan looked at all this with their eyes wide open. Hundreds of spiritual lights flew across the sky, breaking through the sky, vast and majestic, forming a long river of light in the air, and then suddenly turned and rushed straight to the main hall.

Boom! !

Meteors rained down, and the spiritual power of hundreds of saints was so powerful that the water curtain outside Noah's Ark shook slightly. A mottled spiritual light column suddenly rose above the main hall, penetrating the entire ark.

In the divine consciousness, Xu Yangyi had already made no progress, and the will of Noah's Ark was still counterattacking, forming an endless wall in front of him, and he had been struggling to support it. Fortunately, not all of them were practicing creatures. This prevented him from collapsing in front of the residual divine consciousness of billions of gods.

"Damn it..." He looked at the entire ship with red eyes. Every moment, white and gold were fighting for the ownership of every inch of land. If the talisman had life, blood would have flowed into a river by now. The consciousness of the few of them could not continue to expand. However, at the same time, hundreds of light spots suddenly lit up in all directions in the dark world of the consciousness, and a vast spiritual power broke into the scene unceremoniously with the hum of space.

One pure white vortex after another appeared behind him, the sky was bright, and there were strange visions. He was like a king of law. The sudden and vast consciousness made the endless wall on the opposite side startled.

All the saints of the Three Sects Alliance joined the game!

Finally arrived...

Even if he had been on the battlefield for a long time, he couldn't help but close his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief. When he opened his eyes, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he took the lead, turning into a long rainbow and rushing straight into the sea of ​​consciousness on the opposite side.


The wind and smoke were vast, rolling up Qianqiuxue, and the strange vision behind him was like a shadow, attacking Noah's Ark head-on for the first time.

With unity, the will to block was broken, and the fearless talisman rushed in like mercury.

Coverage: 20%.

Thunder God Body: 0.031 light years. Realm: middle stage of Taixu.

Time: 47 minutes after getting the ticket.

Expanding without restraint. The remaining consciousness of Noah's Ark was defeated step by step, twenty... twenty-five! Thirty, thirty-five! Forty!

The momentum was unstoppable, until it reached fifty percent, and finally there was a trend of being contained.

Too many...

Noah's Ark didn't know how many creatures it carried back then, and the remaining consciousness was like a mountain and a sea. When it was noticed that an outsider had broken through the first layer of defense, more and more unconscious consciousness gathered instinctively, forming a... universe of consciousness in front of them!

"Roar! Squeak! Si..." The roar resounded through the sea of ​​consciousness, the Milky Way of Divine Consciousness, and billions of creatures on the ancient Earth all gathered here, including Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ichthyosaurs, Trilobites, Archaeopteryx... Those seen and not seen, all gathered together into a twisted vortex, rotating like the Milky Way.

No one can cross the sea of ​​suffering!

Rumble! In the deafening roar, Xu Yangyi and hundreds of divine consciousnesses rolled back together, too huge... This is the history of the Earth for billions and billions of years, since the emergence of life. This is the transformation of the Earth's creatures, which cannot be broken by human power at all, let alone hundreds of saints, thousands of saints can hardly do it!

"Damn it!" Xu Yangyi flew back and gritted his teeth fiercely. His energy was strong, then weak, and finally exhausted. Now he couldn't break through this natural barrier. If he didn't take advantage of this momentum to rush straight to Lingxiao, he might have no chance next time!

However, he still forgot, no, perhaps, he was used to fighting alone all the time.

Now, it is the alliance of three sects. It is the Yahweh dispute that the True Seer intervened!

"The Judge!!!" All the people's consciousness had already been connected. Just when they felt that their progress was blocked, the four True Seers opened their eyes at the same time, with bloodshot eyes. The last 50%, at this speed... they... can catch up with the monster before it completely condenses its divine body!

Race against time in front of the god of death, one minute can stop the other one step ahead!

Above the sea, the universe may not be a universe. The Tao becomes Yahweh, this is a secret history that only the most secret books of the gods can record, and it is a cosmic wonder that no one among billions of creatures can see.

"It's time to dedicate to the Lord!!" In the light curtain, Miravo, who was in the palace of the other party, had stood up suddenly and screamed: "For the true knowledge! You are fearless!!"

"Dedicate, burn! Prove your existence!"

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