
Chapter 1544: Twelve Disciples

"We are fearless!" The robot-like judges raised their right sickles and placed them on their left chests. The next second, without a moment's hesitation, an inch-sized phantom that looked exactly like the original jumped out from above the heads of the eight thousand crazy fanatics, roaring with weapons and horses, and rushed towards the vortex with an indomitable momentum.

Even the other saints were stunned by this scene.

Yuanying out of the body...

Really crazy... What they sent over was spiritual power. If these people's Yuanying out of the body directly died in the battle of consciousness, they would be idiots with flesh but no soul. True knowers... What... How could they fight to this extent?

Outsiders can do it, then... How can they, who are under the Three Sects Alliance, not do it?

Benlei Yuanshen is fighting a death battle with Fangzhou Will, how can he be the only one to win?

"The Wu Xiang Yin Huo Dao listens to the order..." In a palace, the old ancestor Yin Feng had a ferocious look on his face and suddenly waved his hands: "Nascent Soul cultivators, Nascent Soul out of the body! Break this huge ship of billions of years together!"

"The ten thousand year family, the Meng family... all Nascent Soul cultivators, Nascent Soul out of the body!" "The five kings and two queens, the Youhai Dragon King Palace, the Nascent Soul cultivators out of the body!" "The ten thousand year family Tu Su family, all the Nascent Soul cultivators out of the body! Success or failure, life or death, is at this moment!" "It has come to this point, is there still a question of sacrificing life?!"

At the command, no one dared to disobey!


Countless streams of light rushed into the sky like a retrograde meteor shower. After a few seconds, thousands of cultivators flew together on the palaces on the deck of Noah's Ark. One by one, the inch-sized Nascent Souls were appointed as generals. With a clear whistle, the Milky Way fell from the sky, and tens of thousands of one-inch Nascent Souls from all directions returned to the origin and rushed straight to the main hall.

The east wind blew down, and the stars rained down.

In the consciousness, the Ark consciousness universe, which had been rolling back, suddenly paused. All the remaining consciousness phantoms opened their eyes wide and looked at the unbelievable scene in front of them.

Any consciousness can only sigh in despair when facing the consciousness wall accumulated by billions of years of cultivation in the immortal world. However, at this moment, with everyone working together, countless white whirlpools suddenly opened behind Xu Yangyi's panting consciousness body, like the doors of divine weapons.

He is the master of weapons.

Small, very small. But... as dense as the sky full of stars, the stars are bright!

One thousand, three thousand, five thousand!

Eight thousand, ten thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty thousand!

The stars in the sky are upside down, and the spiritual light is like the sea!

Eight thousand convicts are in front, and the twenty-three sect alliances are behind, like stars in a row, illuminating the boundless sea of ​​consciousness.

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, success or failure depended on this move, slowly raised his hand, and nearly 30,000 Yuanying behind him drew their swords at the same time. As he pressed down suddenly, the sky of the cultivators above and the divine consciousness universe below collided with each other.

"Kill!!!" The voices of nearly 30,000 cultivators turned into visible sound waves, blowing infinite void ripples. Yuanying was like rain, magic weapons were like lightning, the tail of lightning burned black clouds, and the feet of rain flew silver lines. The divine consciousness wall of billions of creatures on the opposite side burst out with a shocking roar at the same time, the rapid waves rose up, the shocking waves rolled over the earth, and the endless divine consciousness phantoms loomed in the chaos, turning into a sea tide that stretched to the sky, without retreating at all.

Boom! !

The void trembled violently, and the war between spears and shields, ice and fire broke out. Countless divine consciousnesses strangled each other. Nearly 30,000 cultivators were fearless of death, and they actually opened a 50-meter gap in the divine consciousness universe just after they came into contact!


Xu Yangyi did not move, his eyes swept across the battlefield like an eagle. He was waiting, waiting for an opportunity. And the moment this crack appeared, he did not even judge in his heart, and rushed over with all his strength without hesitation.

Clang! As if sensing his fighting spirit, the fish intestines danced into a ball of silver light, and the scattered consciousness that swarmed in was instantly crushed. He was like an arrow from a string, breaking through the sky. And at the same time, the eyes suddenly lit up.


In a frontal charge, they gained a 15% share. However, he knew more clearly that now they relied on this breath, which could only be encouraged but not let down. When they really knew that there was still half, and everyone had already played their trump cards, this time's momentum would never reappear.

The momentum of the charge, there is no retreat!

"Kill!" A white mark appeared in the chaotic void, and the residual retina remained for a long time, followed by the second and third, the dark night flying star sword shadow hummed, and the traceless sword path flew to the immortals of all realms. More and more white marks appeared, and they were going to completely shatter this world of divine consciousness. One man and one sword killed into the smoke and cloud of history. Wherever he passed, all divine consciousness wailed and turned into ashes. Instantly broke through a thousand meters away.

He fought for three thousand miles, and his sword was once as powerful as a million masters.

Occupancy rate: 60%!

The resistance became greater and greater, and the scattered residual divine consciousness gathered again, and even the void began to be hazy. Countless divine consciousness rushed towards him, but they were all blocked by the monks behind him. With a loud shout, the soul hunter exploded, and the golden river enveloped a hundred miles around him, turning into an absolute domain.

The domain follows the person, the sword breaks the blue sky, the chaotic shadow sinks the flying sword, and the white traceless sword shadow is like a river flowing eastward, breaking through thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye. Caught off guard, he almost killed through this vast Milky Way.

Riding alone for a thousand miles.

Occupancy rate: 65%!

When it came to him, even if the residual divine consciousness was not intelligent, it was now completely gathered. A vast cloud of smoke formed in front of him. This was the history of the Earth and the history of biological evolution. The shapes and shadows of countless creatures were constantly squeezed out of the smoke and dissipated into the air. It was like... a giant chimera.

"Roar!!!" Facing the uninvited guest with one man and one sword in front of him, the fragment of consciousness burst out with an earth-shattering and angry roar. It was obviously a spiritual body with divine consciousness, but this roar turned into a sound wave that shook the earth, swaying the entire deep chaos.

Ten thousand meters behind him, the True Knowledgeer, Tu Su Fangrong and others were all staring at his figure. Facing such a huge remnant of spiritual consciousness, the best thing to do is to retreat. However, no one can say this word now.

"Boy! You must not retreat!!" Nivia's spiritual body is a giant dragon with a blue body. It spreads its wings and roars: "If we advance, there is still a road to the sky. If we retreat, we will die without any chance!!"

"In thirty minutes at most, the God of Thunder will enter the middle stage of Taixu! We have no retreat!!" Cassio Seya has now become a holy light person, with golden light blooming all over his body, sweeping away the fragments of consciousness within a kilometer radius, screaming Said: "Rush... rush over! I can feel that the core of Noah's Ark is very close! Leave your back to us!"

"We will fight to the death to pave the way for you!" The spiritual light flew, and tens of thousands of Nascent Souls shouted behind them. A breath of air passed from their chests, and the Nascent Soul formation that had been scattered just now condensed into a fist again. It hit the surrounding consciousness hard.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them, his eyes were filled with determination.


Retreating is a coward's excuse, moving forward is the motto of a brave man.

Use the long sword as a chest and lightly touch it. An unprecedented golden light suddenly bloomed in the void.

It is so majestic and vast, as if it has ushered in an era of humanity, and all gods and Buddhas will be afraid of it when they see it. The black hair on his clothes danced wildly, standing in the golden kingdom of God. Four long swords came out of the void, sweeping across the world and looking at the eight wastelands.

The fish intestine slowly faded away from its black appearance and turned into a piece of pale gold, with countless complicated runes engraved on it. Xu Yangyi held it with one hand and shouted loudly, the sound shook the sky. The sword followed him, and the dragon and the phoenix were frightened.


A bright golden light cut through the entire chaos, making people feel as if the sky was already bright, like the rising sun. Brilliant without losing majesty, blazing without losing sage.

Half sword Xuanyuan.

"Zi..." Everyone behind him gasped. Although Zen Master Baoxiang and other hundreds of sages were already aware of Xu Yangyi's strength, they never thought that his upper limit was so high!

"GOD..." Nivia also opened his mouth wide. Right in front of his eyes, the vast city of phantoms collapsed. A golden sword light cut through the chaos, and countless pale gold mist floated up from the sword marks. , as if a sword divided this place into two levels: heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan, the artifact of the former Emperor Renzu, reappears!

Rumble... It's like the heaven and earth are opening, and everything will fly and be annihilated in the golden light. Yuchang fell silent immediately after the sword blow, and Xu Yangyi gasped. The sword almost drained all his spiritual energy. But just as he used it, his eyes became even more intense.


The last 30%... And he had already opened a big hole in the universe of consciousness in front of him, and almost his nerves could not react. His body was already like a dragon out of the sea, carrying Xuanyuan's residual power and moving forward indomitably.

Go forward, go forward, there is no other will in his mind at this moment, the swallowing talisman covers the soul hunting protection left and right, 72%, 75%, 78%... 80%!

He didn't know how long he had been charging, and he didn't know how many wandering consciousnesses he had cut through. The fish intestine sword was full of blood today, and he suddenly felt that his eyes were empty.

He was stunned and looked back in astonishment. Only then did he realize that the universe of spiritual consciousness had been left behind by him at some point, and he was suddenly in a chaotic void. All wandering consciousnesses stay away from here. But this place is not nothingness, just ahead, twelve figures stand proudly in the void, eternally unchanged.

I don’t know what the remaining spiritual consciousness is, and I don’t know how long it has been there. It is majestic and sacred. The moment he entered, twelve figures turned around in unison, and Xu Yangyi gasped.

That... is twelve people.

Twelve men wearing classical Western-style white robes with ordinary faces.

This is their spiritual consciousness, which is very illusory, but the pressure it brings to him is like a mountain, and every one of them... is shockingly above the level of Taixu!

At this moment, he was so blessed that this was Noah's Ark built by God's will... Twelve... This is not a coincidental number. There are indeed twelve famous people under the throne of God. They can be thought of almost as long as they think of God. exist.

Twelve disciples!

God's twelve disciples...according to his oracle, built Noah's Ark...

"Is this the last 20%..." He shook the fish intestines tightly. Who would have thought that the last 20% were actually the twelve disciples of the Lord! No wonder there aren't any living things here!

They guard a little golden light in the center. There is no doubt that that is the real core of Noah's Ark.

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