
Chapter 1545: In the Name of God

Saint Peter, Saint Andrew, James, Saint John, Saint Philip, Saint Bartholomew, Saint Thomas, Thaddaeus, Simon, Alphaeus, Saint Matthew, Matthias.

The remaining consciousness of these people who have left a great reputation in history and have holy names are now staring at this uninvited guest thousands of years later on the ark created by the Lord.

If the spirit body sweats, his palms are already sweaty at this moment. However, he did not retreat, but pointed his sword diagonally, with the tip of the sword facing the Lord's twelve disciples.

Behind him, the universe of consciousness has begun to close again, and the remaining consciousness has filled the gap cut by the half sword Xuanyuan. No one except him has come here.

Since there is no way to retreat, why retreat again?

The twelve disciples did not have any expression. They were just the remaining consciousness. Even if there was, why would they care if a saint drew his sword against the twelve Taixu.


The wind blew past my ears, the stars flew in the cold night, the sword light wrapped his body like a dragon out of the sea, the fearless talisman turned into thousands of white silk threads flying into the void, Xu Yangyi rushed towards the golden flash in the center, and the swallowing talisman had been mobilized to the peak state. However, when the sword light passed, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Swish... a piece of quietness brought by the wind, there was no expected overwhelming pressure, nor was there an insurmountable mountain. When the sword light passed, the shadows of the twelve disciples disappeared in an instant like a sand castle.

No... not completely dissipated, their consciousness turned into a golden talisman, holy and unique, slowly lingering in this space, and... gradually formed a golden vortex of 100 meters.

In the consciousness, the occupancy rate rose rapidly, 80%, 90%!

"How could it be?" Xu Yangyi looked at the shadows floating around in astonishment. What's going on? These are the twelve disciples! The legendary saint, even the divine consciousness, is not easy to break!

And he didn't feel his divine consciousness touching anything at all.

Buzz... The golden light was shining, as if opening the door to heaven, and a feeling of worship rose in his heart inexplicably, as if standing on Mount Everest and looking up at the stars, as if drowning in the bottomless ocean and looking at the sky. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed a moment of absent-mindedness, but immediately a purple light bloomed in his chest, and he was clear again.

The Desire Talisman was activated, and no one except the Lord of Desire could make him kneel down sincerely.

"Is this... the power of Yahweh?" He shook his head with his mouth slightly open: "Noah's Ark... the twelve disciples... this Yahweh... GOD?"




The only true God of Catholicism... As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, his eyes looked at the center of the golden vortex, where a hazy thing was floating in it. Although he couldn't see clearly what it was, he suddenly had a guess at this moment.

In the history of Catholicism, there is something that only exists in legends and has never been found.

It is a myth, an artifact without a doubt, and everyone who has heard of it thinks it is a joke of God. But now that Noah's Ark has appeared, that thing... if it really exists, it will really exist in one place...

Then, it can only be here.

"The blood of Yahweh..." Just when he was distracted, a magnificent voice floated in the air, and he just relaxed again: "Who?"

No one answered.

However, it was visible to the naked eye that blood-colored threads spread out in the void, and as the golden light slowly rotated into the vortex, more and more, faster and faster! After a few seconds, the golden light had been stained with a touch of blood red visible to the naked eye.

Like a blood moon.

The vortex did not fluctuate at all, and a voice that could not be distinguished between male and female slowly sounded, as if asking: "Are you doing a blood sacrifice?"

Blood sacrifice?

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and he remembered a detail.

He had never treated his injuries.

Because it was too late, now every second counts, and Thor could climb to the highest peak at any time. Therefore, he participated in the battle of spiritual consciousness with injuries, and the body outside was bleeding all over.

And as a magic weapon that is currently ownerless... dripping blood to recognize the master is one of the ways to awaken the spirit that will never betray!


Who drew the formation for him?

To make a divine artifact like Noah's Ark recognize the master, the formation is definitely not something that Taixu can do, and even Dubu is unlikely. After all, this is a ship of hope created by Yahweh. Who has the ability to make him sacrifice blood?

He did not speak, and the vortex seemed to be silent for a moment. The next second, he suddenly felt a vague gaze.

It was everywhere. And there was no trace to be found.

It was as natural as the light of the sun and the moon, seeing him clearly from head to toe, inside and out. After a long time, the voice in the vortex sounded again: "The legacy of Yahweh... the Eastern genealogy... the legacy of the God of Chaos..."

"Do you... want to conquer Noah's Ark?"

"Yes, or no."

Even Xu Yangyi was stunned at this moment. I didn't expect this kind of turn. I felt something was wrong. This was a world created by Haotian, and the details were customized by Queen Wa. Why would I give him Noah's Ark?

But now was not the time to think about these things. Success comes from details, and wealth comes from risk. How could I miss this opportunity?

He nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

At the same time, he clenched his fists. There was no way to guess what would happen when the word "yes" came out.

Mortals, never try to guess the thinking of gods.

Dead silence.

This is the world of divine consciousness. Spirits do not sweat, but he felt sweat soaking his heavy clothes.

"The blood sacrifice is established." After a few minutes, the voice spoke calmly: "Awaken Noah's spiritual wisdom and complete the final contract."

Brush... At this moment, Xu Yangyi clearly felt that Noah's Ark had opened all restrictions on him. He suddenly raised his head, pulled and closed his hands, and the fearless talisman burst into endless white light, like the sun rising in the darkness.

Brilliant, majestic, eye-catching, shining in the heavens, the white light passed by, and the fragments of spiritual consciousness disappeared layer by layer, turning into the dust of yesterday. Looking from here, it looks like the wind is blowing and the clouds are moving, and the gods are blowing the smoke and dust of the stars. It is extremely spectacular.

A monk's Nascent Soul was spitting out a token magic weapon, surrounded by fragments of divine consciousness. However, at the same time, with a sharp cry, all the fragments of divine consciousness around him turned into misty golden sand, slowly Slowly disappear.

The soul of Zen Master Baoxiang was holding a golden bowl, and the golden lotus was in full bloom to defend within a hundred meters. Suddenly, the consciousness beside him that could not be killed no matter what, seemed to hear the god's imperial edict, and burst out with a scream of terror. It was as if a strong wind blew from where he was, and all illusions disappeared.

Blah blah blah... The invisible storm ravaged the world of spiritual consciousness, thousands of meters, ten thousand meters, millions of meters away... All the remaining spiritual consciousness collapsed and turned into golden light spots all over the sky. Finally, it condenses into a gilded Milky Way, which is magnificent and beautiful.

"This is..." Nivia gasped, trying to see the end through the golden Milky Way: "He succeeded?"

It still can't believe it, how could it be so fast? These spiritual consciousnesses are indeed extremely weak, but... there are too many. You can only imagine how many more are behind! This kind of speed is impossible!

"It's done?" Cassio Seya's spirit body also looked at the other side of the galaxy in disbelief. She also couldn't believe it. It was too fast. This speed was simply unexpected!

"What's going on?" "Is it over? Master Ben Lei succeeded?" "Can we get out of here?"

A wave of exclamations rose, and everyone looked at the end of the Milky Way at the same time, but it was like a golden veil that could not be passed through no matter how hard it looked. Except for a hazy figure standing proudly in the void, the golden talisman in his hand spurting out endless white light like a fountain, nothing else could be seen clearly.

The white light turns into silk, driving the strong wind to sweep over the ears, and rolls up thousands of gold stars. The Milky Way rippled. After a few seconds, the white light threads became more and more numerous, thicker and brighter. As a white halo of light shining like the creation of the world rose from the other side of the Milky Way, the fearless talisman transformed into tens of millions. Something is rebuilt around people.

God writes.

The white lines of spiritual light seemed to be walking in the void with intelligence. Nivia stared at them for three minutes, then suddenly gasped: "Is this...reconstructing Noah's Ark!?"

"Identify the owner of the artifact?!"

"How is that possible!?" Miravo and Cassio Seya almost screamed, the artifact... They had never seen a real artifact in their lives, and now they finally saw it, but they recognized someone else as their owner in front of them!

The artifact is only passed down to Yahweh. It may be the essence of a galaxy kneaded by the other party. It may be the prototype of the innate treasure that gave birth to a world. It needs to be warmed and nurtured for tens of millions of years before the artifact can be obtained.

For example, a top-level artifact like the Devil's Oven can determine the rise and fall of one of the seven major races in the universe.

And how is it built?

Even though Noah's Ark is definitely not as good as the Devil's Oven, but... this is simply a blessing that no one with true knowledge has ever dreamed of!

This is a dream.

"It's actually the artifact that recognizes its owner..." Alpha trembled all over, desperately recording everything in front of him: "I'm so excited... I swear, this is the most exciting day in the 4,000 years since Alpha was born! The artifact... from I never thought that I would live to see the artifact and recognize its owner one day!”

At this moment, a dull sound erupted from the bottom of the sea. This sound was so huge that the weight of the sea of ​​​​underworld could not be calculated in billions, but at this moment they all trembled.

The next second, a golden light shot straight into the sky.

Blah blah blah! Layer after layer, the golden sun rises from the bottom of the sea, directly breaking through the sea of ​​​​yellow springs, breaking through the sea surface in an instant, forming a golden light pillar with a radius of several kilometers, competing for the creation of the heaven and earth, and competing for the essence of the sun and the moon.

On the other side of the Milky Way, Xu Yangyi was in the center of the golden light. He looked at the floating things in front of him and closed his eyes with emotion: "It's really you..."

Right in front of him, a small box one foot square, made of golden wires, was rapidly transforming from virtual to real. An indescribable essence of spiritual energy, as if... it was the center of the universe, slowly emanating from it.

Pure gold.

It is engraved with complex patterns. On the top of the box, two small angel wings face each other. The shape is extremely luxurious and carefully crafted.

A true myth that will live forever in legend, forever lost in history, a gift from God that will never be found.

It is also...the real core of Noah's Ark!

The highest holy object of Catholicism, as famous as the Holy Grail of Eternal Spring...the golden ark!

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