
Chapter 1546: The Golden Ark

At this moment, Xu Yangyi almost forgot that he was under the heavy pressure of the Thunder God, and his breathing was extremely rapid. The hand that reached out to the Golden Ark was trembling slightly.

The treasure that has been sought on the earth for countless years is actually here... This is a true mythical creation, a magic weapon of the gods, made by Yahweh, and there is no fake!

Artifact... There are only these two words in his mind, which have turned into thunder. His eyes turned red, but at this moment, the ** talisman in his chest burst into a monstrous purple light again, and he was shocked and his eyes became clear again.

Although he was a spiritual body, he couldn't help but wipe his forehead and looked at the Golden Ark with fear. It was obviously a human handicraft, but when he saw it, it seemed as if he saw his past sins, as if he could wash them away as long as he got this thing. Those complicated patterns, not talismans but better than talismans, can actually lead his thinking astray.

This is just a glance at him.

"This is the core of Noah's Ark. Getting it is equivalent to mastering Noah's Ark. The real artifact is the Golden Ark, not the Ark itself. But..." He tried to use a spiritual power and waved to the Ark: "Where is the spirit of Noah's Ark?"

"The Ark has appeared, it should be that the spirit has been awakened successfully. The Fearless Talisman was not blocked at all just now, but... I can't feel the existence of the spirit?"

At this moment, there was a slight "click" sound, and with his wave of his hand, the Golden Ark actually... opened by itself?

"How could it be?" He looked at his hand in astonishment. He had no time to study this artifact now. He just wanted to put it away immediately. But didn't the Golden Ark undergo his own blood sacrifice? Why didn't he obey?

The Golden Ark, which had never been opened, opened calmly like this. There was no brilliant light, and no Yahweh celestial phenomena. It was plain and simple. Xu Yangyi didn't get close, but took a few careful glances, and suddenly his eyes flashed.

There is something...

He walked up quickly and took a closer look. At the bottom of the golden ark, there was a worn iron spear head.

"What is this?" He pondered for two seconds, picked it up carefully to feel it, and unexpectedly found that it was a piece of iron spear.

It was unknown how long ago, and it was covered with mottled patina and rust, without any color.

The iron was ordinary iron, and the spear was also an ordinary spear.

No one thought that there was no gospel or holy grail in the golden ark, but an iron spear head thousands of years ago.

"Take it!" Suddenly, Yuchang's voice rang out in a hurry: "This thing... is comparable to the Xuanyuan Sword! You must take it! But... you must keep it well and never drop it!"

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but asked: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... Don't worry, this is the second time I use this trick, it will only cause a short fainting... It's not important, the important thing is that you must take this thing! This... is the most precious thing in the entire Noah's Ark!"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "This iron spear?"

"You don't know?" Yuchang looked at him for three seconds as if he had seen a ghost, and saw a calm look, so calm that he wanted to slap him hard. After being speechless for a few seconds, he took a deep breath: "Jesus... was crucified on Friday the 13th, the execution day at that time, do you still remember?"

Xu Yangyi nodded.

"But do you know who the executioner is?" Yu Chang's voice became urgent: "He... is an ordinary soldier named... Longinus... also called Longinus."

Xu Yangyi's calm expression was suddenly broken, and he looked at the unremarkable iron spear in shock: "Is this the legendary God-killing Spear?!"

"Yes, it can kill gods and make any enemy within 1,200 meters surrender. And... it can dominate the world!"

"But it comes with a terrible curse. Anyone who picks it up will die once it is lost..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xu Yangyi raised his hand with an extremely solemn look.

His mind was working very fast. After a few seconds, he looked at Yuchang seriously: "Are you sure this is the Longinus God-killing Spear? The legendary artifact that can kill gods?"

"Sure and certain!" Yuchang's breath was burning: "I have seen it once. You may not feel the bloody smell, but I can still feel the soul of Yahweh attached to it. It... has killed more than one Yahweh!"

"However, this should be just a projection. No... Not only the God-killing Spear, but even Noah's Ark should be a projection. After all, every contestant has to go through this myth. If everyone gets it, then the 'uniqueness' of the artifact will be broken."

So that's it...

Xu Yangyi raised his head and took a long breath. His mind suddenly became clear. So that's it!

"This is fairness...what the gods call fairness." He lowered his head, holding the tip of the gun tightly, and murmured: "Or, what the Queen of Wa calls fairness."

Yu Chang's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately understood Xu Yangyi's meaning, and took a deep breath: "You mean..."

"Thor...I can also be sure and certain now that this is definitely not something we can handle." Xu Yangyi spoke in a deep voice, the tip of the gun almost sank into the flesh, and his mind was extremely clear: "That is the existence of the pseudo-Yahweh, a different level of life. Even if we rush to the surface of the sea before the other party enters the unique step, I am afraid that what awaits us is only endless despair."

He looked at the nothingness of the world of consciousness. Now everyone has entered the consciousness and cannot see the situation on the sea, but he can already imagine what a magnificent scene it is.

The true legend that billions of creatures in the universe have never seen.

"But the gods left a way."

The two looked at the iron spear in their hands. He clenched the Spear of Longinus tightly, cut his palm, and blood filled the air. In an instant, a throbbing connected with the soul entered his heart. The tip of the spear quickly disappeared in his hand and turned into a spear tattoo on the back of his hand.

The next second, a deep voice resounded through his mind: "The Spear of God Killer, Longinus. It only has a coercive effect on any creature under Yahweh, but no killing ability. But for Yahweh, it is the most terrifying killing weapon."

"In the name of the God Killer, the holder must fulfill the following obligations."

"One... must not be lost. The Spear of God Killer is stained with the blood of countless Yahwehs. Once lost, Yahweh's curse will immediately wipe out the holder."

"Two... prove yourself as a God Eater. After getting the Holy Spear of Longinus, you must kill a Yahweh and completely unlock the Holy Spear with his blood. And... this is a challenge."

"Longinus cannot be held by Yahweh. The holder must be Yahweh. Under the majesty. Challenge Yahweh as a mortal, one-on-one, without any helpers. In the kingdom of the gods. Only by defeating can you make it surrender. "

"Three... The Spear of Longinus is sealed in the Golden Ark, and the Golden Ark is the core of the construction of the Ark of Creation. This is a divine artifact that will not return to the fairyland. From then on, Noah's Ark is the palace of the holder, and the holder's own soul is the spirit of Noah's Ark. Live and die with Noah's Ark. Once the holder dies, Noah's Ark returns to the long river of time, and the Spear of Longinus is sealed again. "

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi's breathing became hot. It turned out that the spirit of Noah's Ark was in this form... However, using Noah's Ark as a palace, what a brilliant stroke! I'm afraid that no cultivator from ancient times to the present can do it!

Zhang Daoling can't do it, Jiang Ziya can't do it...Looking around the world for five thousand years, in this era of cultivation, only Xu Yangyi can do it!

Even if it is a projection, it is enough to be proud of.

What he was more concerned about was that these three points further proved his guess. And... he had an ambition in his heart that made him excited to the point of creeping. That is... if, if he really won, these projections... would they become reality like the reward of the first level?

Traveling the universe on Noah's Ark?

Dominating the seven realms on the ship of hope?

At the same time, a terrifying gaze instantly penetrated the endless sea of ​​​​Yellow Springs, directly reaching the world of consciousness, and fixed on him.

Among tens of thousands of people, he was like a bright light in the dark night, and his eyes could not be mistaken at all.

Majestic, magnificent, with an unconcealable anger and shock. Then, a thunderous voice resounded throughout the world of consciousness: "Mortal... How dare you take something that does not belong to you?"

However, no one responded to him.

"This road is the Spear of Longinus!" Yuchang looked around with great emotion: "Yes... It is true. I heard you say that in the first level, any clue is not random. After all... This is a private prison customized by Haotian. The details created by Queen Wa are so powerful that how could they leave useless things behind?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I have experienced the Eternal Night and know better. I am sure that I can't escape the second level just by rushing to the surface of the sea. Only by getting this God-killing Spear can I challenge the Thunder God!"

Looking at each other, the two of them had infinite fighting spirit in their eyes.

Yes, it is a challenge.

Challenge the gods, instead of waiting for annihilation in despair.

This is the initiative.

This is also the real ticket, the most correct way to interpret the second level!

The key to escape the second level has been placed in front of them from the beginning.

"Mortal." The magnificent voice was extremely cold: "You are challenging the dignity of a Yahweh."


In response to him, Xu Yangyi raised his right hand, and under the operation of spiritual power, a blood-colored light column rushed straight into the sky like a sword!

Boom boom boom!

Breaking through the Nine Netherworlds, slashing through the Azure Underworld, the God-killing Spear Longinus, erupted with murderous intent after thousands of years under the Yellow Spring Sea.

Crash! The world of divine consciousness was shattered, and in the blink of an eye, he was already standing in the palace, still covered in blood, but with the blood-colored light column of Longinus, at this moment, he was like the return of the God of War.

"Wang Lei!!" He raised his head, looking at the vast sea with his beard and hair flying: "I, challenge you!!!"

The moment the last word fell, the world was silent.

There was only the sound of his rapid breathing, the wind stopped, and the clouds stopped. Then, infinite light sprinkled on the sea, and white light sank into all the cultivators. In just a blink of an eye, except Xu Yangyi, there was no one in the second level.

The real test of the second level is coming in an instant!

As a mortal, holding the God-killing Spear, kill the Thunder God!

This is their world, the kingdom of the brave, and the tomb of the gods. Fulfill the contract of killing the gods under the witness of the gods. Those who are irrelevant are not worthy to stay here.

Ka la la la la... Runes suddenly burst out from Xu Yangyi's right hand, turning into countless thorns, breaking through the Yellow Spring Sea and spreading across the sky. At the same time, the slowly floating Noah's Ark suddenly burst into a golden light and rushed towards the sea as fast as lightning.

At the same time, a majestic voice resounded through all the levels of the Great Struggle World: "Cultivator Ben Lei, correctly find the key to the second level 'Thunder God'."

"All other trials stop, and wait together for the great cause of killing the gods."

"After thirty minutes, enter the Kingdom of Wahuang, and the countdown begins..."

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