
Chapter 1547: The Kingdom of the Queen Wa (I)

In another world, the same huge ship under the sea, the deck was littered with corpses, the war between Taichu and Xuwu Mahayana was not over yet. Magical weapons were like rainbows across the sky, tens of thousands of monks gathered into a frenzy of spiritual energy, facing the Taichu Sea, which was like a mountain and a sea, wave after wave, and the blood had soaked the deck.

"Sir! The Tenglong flag broke through the opponent's flank!" "Sir, the Xiangfeng flag broke through the opponent's southern part!" "Sir..." "Sir!"

The news came into Liu Mianfeng's ears, and he suppressed a touch of excitement in his expression. The second level has only been more than two hours so far, who can be faster than me?

With the God of Time in hand, I am the destined master of the second level! I am the real person who is destined to be Ziwei!

"Order, charge in the middle, spread out both wings." He waved his folding fan in a chic manner, grinning and saying, "In the first round, that bastard Ben Lei won first, but this time... it must be me!"

Woo woo woo... The desolate horn resounded through the formation, and Liu Mianfeng's eyes were like fire. He couldn't wait to hear his own voice. There could only be one winner in this great struggle, and that was himself.

"Kill!" The flags were flying, the wind was blowing, and the cultivators of both sides in the air gathered into a sea of ​​​​flowing light, and tens of thousands of long rainbows crossed the void. However, at this moment, they suddenly found that... they couldn't rush through?

"What's going on?" "What is this?" "What happened?"

Swish! Liu Mianfeng folded his fan suddenly, and between the two camps, a crystal light curtain appeared without warning. It looked so fragile, but it stood still despite the impact of countless spiritual powers.

A bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

"Cultivator Benlei, correctly find the key to the second level 'Thunder God'." Without letting people wonder for too long, an emotionless voice appeared in the void: "All other trials stop, and wait together for the great cause of killing the gods."

"After thirty minutes, enter the Kingdom of Wahuang, and the countdown begins..."

Dead silence.

The blood of both sides was boiling in the last second, and this second it was like being drenched in ice water from head to toe. The two sides separated by the lattice looked at each other, and it was as quiet as the eternal night for a while.

Everyone thought that breaking through this level was the top priority, just like the first level. They also felt the terrifying spiritual energy on the sea, but who knew that there was a damn "correct method!"

Their incorrectness?

They fought with Taichu on the opposite side with all their might, and fought bloody battles, but it was actually "incorrect?!"

Others have already started to open this door, and these cultivators who fought to the death and couldn't get in the door, and they were killed so bloody, and their hearts were simply mixed.

Some of the qi, once released, can never be raised again.

Everyone heard the voice in the sky. Liu Mianfeng's lips trembled slightly, staring at the front. It was him again... or him! Why at this time? Why did he just gain the upper hand, and that damned Ben Lei had already done everything! ?

Heaven is unfair!

This voice was like a loud slap in his face, too fast, too unprepared. His expression was a little distorted, and the folding fan in his hand was tightly grasped in his hand, making a crackling sound. For a moment, his blood was surging, and his lips trembled and he couldn't say a word.

"My lord..." "My lord, calm down." "He is just lucky. The one who laughs last is the real winner." "Yes, how many times have the five kings and two queens been suppressed at the beginning, and finally turned the tables, he just took a step ahead, and the result is still unknown!"

Countless voices rang around him, but he turned a deaf ear to them, only his whole body of spiritual power was wildly excited, and his clothes were fluttering. After a long time, he looked forward with red eyes: "This maggot... this mere monk who ascended from the lower realm... how can he have such good luck!"

But he knew that he couldn't lose his composure. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and said something extremely unwilling from his teeth: "Then... let's see..."

"What tricks can he come up with!"

On the other side, in the same world, Master Di Ku suddenly raised his head and stared at the sky.

"Monk Ben Lei, correctly find the key to the second level 'Thunder God'."

"All other trials stop, and wait together for the great cause of killing the gods."

"In thirty minutes, enter the kingdom of the Queen of Wa, and the countdown begins..."

He was stunned for several minutes before he looked at the bloody scene in front of him in disbelief. There was a buzzing in his mind, and the body that was originally full of spiritual energy seemed to have been drained of all its strength at this moment, and it was terribly soft.

Silence, after a few seconds, he squatted down, trembling with his hands and grasped a handful of blood-red soil under his feet, squeezing it tightly. A low roar like a wounded beast came from his throat. It was heart-wrenching.

Heaven is unfair!

Why can an ascended monk, a mere Nascent Soul who trembled in front of him back then, march straight in today? !

At this moment, he felt the same disbelief as Liu Mianfeng, the same absurdity, and the same thought: He is right... Then what is the point of our bloody battle?

Stepping stone?

"Who died in your hands?" He clenched his fists until they turned white: "But... It doesn't matter... The final winner must be me! It can only be me!"

"Let you smile first... When we meet, it will be your death anniversary!"

Xu Yangyi would not care about the hatred of other contestants. On the road of cultivation, thousands of people compete, but I am the only one who crosses alone. Take care of the opponent's emotions?

He is not so kind.

At this moment, he had already completely withdrawn from the world of divine consciousness. The development of this world was completely different from the world of those contestants who did not get the tickets. A vast and unparalleled pressure had already pressed down on his head.

There was no one else in the entire Noah's Ark except him. Mortals were not qualified to watch the battle of killing gods.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me?" In the void, a thunderous voice was silent for several minutes, and finally came down again. This time, there was no anger, but some were actually...

Equally treated solemnly!

Holding the spear of killing gods, Longinus, no Yahweh would despise.

This is a weapon that mortals can also kill gods!

"Yes." After the previous surge of emotions, Xu Yangyi has completely calmed down. The warehouse of the Three Sects Alliance is in his hands. The pills he swallowed at this moment are all at the Danzun realm. Just hope for the fastest recovery.

Half an hour later, enter the Kingdom of Wahuang God and fulfill the obligations of the God Killer under the witness of the gods. He will not be given an extra second.

"Very good."

"King Lei, the god of thunder, accepts your challenge in the name of Yahweh!"

"See you in the Kingdom of Wahuang in thirty minutes. I will personally break Longinus and hang your head on the tip of a spear and store it in the galaxy for billions of years. Tell everyone that this is the end of provoking the gods."

"Come on, mortals, witness the wonders you have never seen before. Enter the kingdom of God as a mortal."

"This god... is waiting for you."

The moment the last word fell, Noah's Ark, which was already extremely fast, suddenly accelerated again! If it was flying at the beginning, it is now approaching the speed of light! The whole ark began to hum slightly, and golden rays of light penetrated the underworld and shot in from the hollow grid. In the rise at nearly the speed of light, everything around was getting faster and faster, and more and more blurred. With a "hum" that seemed to have reached the critical point, the whole ark suddenly became lighter.

It transcended time, destroyed space, spanned the void, and crossed the Milky Way.

"Superluminal..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked out the window. The dark Yellow Spring had turned into a pure golden world. The Ark seemed to be attracted by some unknown supreme being, rising rapidly, and even rubbing out bright sparks.

"The Earth has studied that when something reaches superluminal speed, it will enter another world. Is this... the way to enter the Kingdom of God?" He looked around with emotion: "The Kingdom of God of Queen Wa... What kind of world is that?"

Legend has it that there are flowers that never fade in four seasons, springs of eternal youth, and servants and guards of God all over the mountains.

However, it's just a legend.

Once he thought that he was about to enter the Kingdom of Gods that could only be entered in novels and legends, even he had a heart that beat wildly.

He took several deep breaths, and then his heart that was about to jump out of his chest gradually calmed down. He looked around with a serious look, and suddenly found that he didn't know when, the palace he was in was already bloody.

His own blood had spread out without knowing when, outlining a strange formation in the room, composed of countless imperceptible talismans.

The Seed of Chaos quietly emitted a faint green light. He pondered for a moment and murmured: "It seems that the first thing that caused the change was the Seed of Chaos. This level should be the Queen Wa identifying whether there are "outsiders." Perhaps only monks related to her are qualified to touch the projection of the Spear of Longinus. After all... this is a game to select a "steward" for her."

"The monks of the Seven Realms were created by her, so of course they can. I come from Earth, so I can do it even more. However, the appearance of the Seed of Chaos has deepened this change and directly made Noah's Ark recognize its master. Otherwise... I want to rush through the last 20%, and I am afraid that the monks of the Twelve Disciples will die."

At this moment, the whole palace became dark. He turned his head in amazement and looked outside the window. The talismans were flashing and the lightning was thousands of times, as if he had entered another world.

"This is..." He looked at it for a few minutes, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind that made him tremble all over. He took a breath and turned into green light and flew out of the palace.

Rumble... Just after flying out, he suddenly stopped. It was a world of thunder. Countless electric dragons were galloping in the golden light that filled the sky, bringing up a turbulent wind. In the thunder, in front of Noah's Ark, an indescribable monster was sitting in the void.

It's hard to describe in words.

Because... with human eyes and his divine sense, he couldn't see the other party's body at all. Even... he could only judge that it was an arm from the direction of the muscles!

Big, too big, Noah's Ark is almost the size of a country, and in front of it, it's just like a fly. I don't know how big it is, I don't know how high it is. As far as the eye can see, there are only endless divine bodies. Majestic, high, vast as stars.

Countless electric snakes exploded on the other party's muscles, turning into blue talismans jumping one by one. Beyond the huge divine body that filled the view, there were endless planetary belts and countless nebulae, surrounding each other like ribbons. If one had to describe it in one word...

Star Titan.

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