
Chapter 1549: The Kingdom of the Queen Wa (Part 3)

I would like to say some digressions. After the plot of this book, it is slowly coming to an end. All the pitfalls should be answered in subsequent chapters within this year. I am now preparing for the next book, and there are many things going on recently. The update is not very stable, please forgive me~~


What's even more frightening is that the talisman connected to the gun spread throughout his body like a spider web, forming new blood vessels, muscles, and bones. His body recovered at an unimaginable speed.

"This...impossible!" At this moment, a shocking voice sounded from the chaos. He used all his strength to look above his head where the God of Thunder was.

A circle of pure white light illuminates the universe.

One layer after another, the shock waves of the mountains erupted in the center and spread to every corner. In the center of the brilliance, the thunder god's demigod body burst out with sky-high white light from every pore, illuminating the entire chaos. Within light years, it is like the universe was first opened. The endless breath of Yahweh was quickly leaving his body.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's body was repaired quickly, and even his robes were intact. He gritted his teeth and flew a thousand meters, staring at the center of the aperture.

Didn't kill Thor.

"It's very possible... this gun must hit the vital point to kill the gods. Otherwise, it can kill Yahweh. There is no way this kind of thing can be spread in the world." He took a deep breath, his eyes were burning: "Second …It’s not without effect.”

Right in front of him, with a roar that resounded throughout the universe, Thor's spiritual power... actually began to fade rapidly!

Moreover, his body is shrinking rapidly! Half a light-year, a few tenths of a light-year... getting smaller and smaller. With the heart-rending roar of the God of Thunder, the white light on his body finally connected the city and turned into a vast pillar of light.

The effect of the Spear of Longinus is activated: All are created equal.

Within a radius of 1,200 meters, all living creatures surrendered.

The god of thunder's body became smaller and smaller, tens of millions of meters...millions of meters...hundreds of thousands of meters...and finally turned into streaks of silvery lightning, forming a blazing electric ball in the universe.

In just thirty seconds, the demigod's body, which was light years in size, had been condensed into a thunder ball that was only a dozen meters in size. However... even though it has become smaller, it still feels extremely dangerous. The infinite thunder twisted and rotated, as if a plane was created within it, and all living things were destroyed. Its color is not bluish white, but because of the extreme compression, it has turned into a light gold color. Even from such a distance, the fabric all over Xu Yangyi's body made a static sound, and his hair almost stood on end.

He took a deep breath, gripped the spear tightly, and did not move rashly. He could feel that in the center of the thunder ball, an extremely powerful spiritual energy was slowly condensing. But what is gratifying is that this spiritual energy...only has the Great Perfection of the Saint!

Just like him!

"It turns out that the so-called surrender is to drag the other party to the same state as me. Yahweh is no longer Yahweh..." His eyes became hot: "You, who are also saints... what qualifications do you have to defeat me! "

"This holy king is also the pinnacle of sainthood!"

The man and the gun turned into a red light. The thunder ball on the opposite side was about to disperse, and an empty figure appeared in the center.

Back then in Towering City, Mammon's true form had to use the power of rules to defeat him. If it weren't for the holy spear, he would have been wiped out in just one blow, but now that he has survived. Now that all living beings are equal, who is the soul of the dead? !

boom! ! Thousands of feet of thunder exploded, turning into countless electric snakes running through the void. Where the spear tip landed, the void collapsed, and an unknown blood-red aura exploded. However, at the same time, Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly became sharp. The muscles in his right hand exploded suddenly, the muscles on his face rippled like lake water, blood veins swelled, and the skin showed an abnormal red color.

"Pounce!!" The pressure of this impact came so suddenly. He subconsciously mobilized the swallowing talisman to wipe away the pain all over his body. At the same time, the spear swept across, like a mountain and the ground was split, and he retreated a thousand meters with a loud noise. Observe carefully.

No hits…

There was no real sense of being stabbed just now, but it wasn't scary if it didn't hit. What was scary was that at the same time, he understood... the "burden" of the holy spear.

There is never a free lunch in the world. Two strikes, the first time the body is directly annihilated. Longinus saved himself, but this time... Longinus did not allow his body to recover. And the body's reaction is equally violent.

"Mortal, do you feel it too?" A majestic voice came from the endless thunder sea on the opposite side: "Do you feel that your internal organs are whining, and your bones are cracked? Your body is walking on the edge of destruction?"

"Anyone who kills gods will bear the corresponding 'retribution.' This is a kind of karmic punishment, and there is no escape. However, no matter how strong your mortal body is, there will be an upper limit. How many more spears can you...can take out?"

"You promise you won't turn into ashes before I die?"

"Are you sure that your soul will not fall into nothingness forever before you kill the god?"

Every sound seemed to be asking questions in the soul. Xu Yangyi felt that his whole mind was echoing with the other party's questions, and his mind was aroused by them. He mobilized the Desire Talisman to suppress all negative emotions, and said hoarsely: "You can try it."

As the last word fell, the thunderball thousands of meters away suddenly burst into immeasurable brilliance. It seems that all the thunder in the universe has been concentrated here, and it cannot be described as a sea of ​​thunder at all. It was the thundering sky, the thundering world, and finally they all converged, and a figure that was not too tall appeared in it.

He was about three meters tall, and his whole body was made of a stone-like material. Behind him was a golden halo, which seemed to be the evolution of the universe. He waved his hundred arms, each holding a magic weapon, and his face was ferocious. Countless essences of spiritual energy spread out from the void at every moment, automatically entering the opponent's body, and then dissipated like smoke.

Like stone but not stone, standing so far away, the powerful and perfect vitality also rushed towards him. Let every cell in Xu Yangyi's body scream danger!

This is... the true body of Thunder God!

That is, his original appearance before he condensed Yahweh, the original life form!

The body of Light Year Meter was condensed to three meters high, and you can imagine how terrifying the density has been! Shattering the stars with one punch is no joke. The sea of ​​thunder completely disappeared when he appeared, as if surrendering. The golden channel descended again, and his whole body was bathed in golden light, making him look extremely sacred. Without opening his mouth, the voice naturally resounded through the void: "Do you know... why the kingdom of the Queen Wa hasn't arrived yet?"

Xu Yangyi suppressed the wailing in his body and spoke solemnly: "Because, this is her kingdom of the God?"

"You are very smart. Perhaps the only unwise thing you have done in this life is to challenge a Yahweh. Because you will never have a chance to make up for it in the future." The stone Buddha slowly stretched out a hand, and the void rippled like ripples wherever it touched, and then suddenly pulled it out, Ka La La La! Crazy lightning swept across the nine heavens and ten earths in an instant.

Endless blue and white lightning sizzled across the ground, and the majestic Yahweh's divine power swept across tens of millions of meters, forming a substantial gust of wind, carrying the opponent's majestic and boundless aura, blowing everyone's hair and beards fluttering. When he stretched out his hand, he pulled out a... pure golden thunder!

Thor's Spear!

Many talismans formed a dazzling light band, surrounding the golden thunder like a nebula, with a radius of dozens of meters. Thunder slowly streaked across the void, and the chaos actually decomposed into countless crystal lattices, annihilated forever.

He gently waved his spear, and with every step he took, a golden lotus bloomed in the void, supported by his feet. The power of thunder was completely restrained, not only did it not make people feel relaxed, but... even more terrifying.

At this moment, the stone Buddha opened his eyes faintly.

It was also the first time he opened his eyes.

"I haven't used the methods of a cultivator for a long, long time." He slowly raised one hand: "So, you are lucky to see the way Yahweh fights."

Swish... His fingers were in the shape of a lotus, and he flicked them lightly: "Creation."

These two words were understated, but when they were spoken, they were like thunder rolling. In an instant, Xu Yangyi only felt a terrifying murderous intent instantly locked onto him. At the same time, countless lightning flashes outside his body gathered crazily.

Ka La La La... Thunder rushed, the sea was surging, but in just a few tenths of a second, he took a deep breath, and in his pupils, these omnipresent thunders turned into several huge beasts, lifelike, roaring and rushing towards him.

"Flying Qilin."

Can't use the God-killing Spear casually...Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, and his figure soared into the sky. Just under his feet, several Qilins collided with each other, and the sea of ​​thunder collapsed, covering 100,000 meters like a spider web. However, as he rushed up, there was a shocking roar in the center of the sea of ​​thunder, and the Qilin disappeared, turning into a thunder dragon across the sky, biting him directly.

"Fuck!" His eyes were a little red, these magical powers were not too fast, but the range was terrifying, and the power was completely unwilling to try. This is... squeezing his living space, while leaving room for himself.

How rich is the combat experience to be able to reach the stage of pseudo-god? At this moment, he understood the other party's idea. The other party definitely didn't want to touch the Spear of Longinus, and attack was the best defense. As long as he kept squeezing his living space, he would only get farther and farther away from him, and finally, he would be slowly eaten away.

Slow, but absolutely safe. Facing the Spear of God Killer, the other party also did not allow any mistakes.

Both sides were walking on a tightrope. Whoever appeared and was caught by the other party would be dead.

"You thought well." Facing the magnificent thunder dragon, Xu Yangyi licked his lips and rushed forward instead of retreating, rushing towards the increasingly distant Thunder God with all his strength.

If a meteor falls, facing the swallowing thunder dragon below, as long as it hits, it will be the impact of Mars hitting the earth.

The wind swept his ears, and the infinite truth in his eyes suddenly turned, but at a glance, this magical power had no flaws at all!


However, his speed was not slow but fast. The first time he saw a magical power without flaws, it could not stop his steps at all. The Spear of God Killer in his right hand suddenly disappeared, replaced by a black long sword.

Fish intestines!

Thousands of meters, hundreds of meters! Getting closer and closer, his momentum has reached its peak, and dark rays of light rushed into the fish intestines frantically, turning it into a long sword emitting dark talismans. His whole body was covered with fine electric light, like a lone star in the dark night, rushing straight towards the Thunder Dragon.

"Break!!!" At the moment of contact, Tongue Wars Spring Thunder shouted with all his strength, and slashed with all his might, but heard a loud earth-shaking noise, and saw that the majestic Thunder Dragon actually had a thin black crack on its body, and then it collapsed with a bang!

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