
Chapter 1550: False God

The terrifying shock wave of the Thunder Dragon's collapse swept through the void, being cut open from head to tail, collapsing layer by layer, and turning into a blooming thunder lotus, which was magnificent and beautiful.

Kara la la la... This sword was full of energy, and the anger that had been annihilated by the God of Thunder completely exploded. Thousands of thunders are wandering beside him, and the sword in his hand divides yin and yang. But I saw a black light reaching through the sky and the earth, falling straight into the center of the Thunder Lotus. The next second, there was a thunderous explosion that illuminated the world.

boom! ! The explosion that shone in the sky, at the same time, the God of Thunder clasped his hands together, with thousands of rays of light, and the triangular talismans visible to the naked eye burst out from between his hands. The divine wheel behind him surged, turning into a blue-white thunder sun that rotated rapidly.

Thunderous arrows spurted out from behind like a tsunami, endless, like a beacon in the darkness, venting the wrath of the gods towards the entire universe.

He knew very well that, leaving aside the physical strength in front of him, he actually held an artifact in his hand that could make him drink hatred. As long as he took action, he would never give the other party a chance to breathe. That is the Yangtze River, which continues continuously until it is certain and certain that the other party has turned into cosmic dust.

Inadequate combat experience.

This was his instant judgment of the other party. It was clear that he did not need to break this magical power, and he did not try his best. The other party actually broke this magical power just for the sake of temporary motivation and to prove that he could straighten his spine in front of God.

What you get for your stupid a blow that will completely annihilate you.

"Forbidden Technique... Brilliance." Hundreds of hands pinched the magic formula together, and the void trembled slightly. The thunder arrows that flew in all directions trembled in unison, and instantly turned into a galaxy of thousands of arrows, and dragons gathered from where they went. The sea shuttles back like lightning.

Dragons gather in the sea, thousands of swords rise in the sky!

The sound of destruction is endless, and when viewed from a distance, this universe presents a spectacular view of the galaxy. Countless, hundreds of millions of thunders cut everything within a radius of hundreds of thousands of meters at extremely high speeds, turning any object into powder.

Ten seconds...twenty seconds, thousands of thunders plowed the sky. However, he opened his eyes solemnly for the first time, and his consciousness spread in all directions, but he did not feel that he had "hit the opponent."

How could this be?

His consciousness could not catch it, as if he had completely escaped into the void, and... he also felt a palpitating murderous intention.

The more violent the thunder, the stronger the murderous intention. It is a stormy ocean, and it is about to set off a stormy sea!

"Those who can hide from God..." Suddenly, all the thunder suddenly stopped and turned into star-like lightning points floating in all directions. He opened his eyes for the first time, and his pupils were two rotating thunder whirlpools. In an instant, divine light illuminated the heavens and the world. The God of Thunder firmly grasped the lightning spear in his hand and rushed towards a certain place.

"Only God."

"You... actually have divine power!"

At the same time, facing the battle flag raised by the God of Thunder, a little light bloomed in the void, and then turned into a flying fairy outside the sky. A striking sword mark grew from weak to strong, from dark to bright, like the bright moon in the dark night turning into The sun shines in the sky during the day.

Just behind him, a black vortex rotated silently, like the pupil of the god of death. Just when the move appeared, he immediately activated the swallowing talisman and walked in the void. But he didn't expect that the traces of swallowing the talisman would be caught by the other party. The opponent's charge clearly caught him where he was.

Since we meet on a narrow road and we are both respected saints, why should we be afraid?

No one on either side spoke, and their breathing was suppressed to the extreme. The body of the God of Thunder with a hundred hands was reflected in Xu Yangyi's blood-red pupils, and the fiery fighting intention of the opponent's sword that opened the sky was reflected in Xu Yangyi's blood-red pupils. The next second, both sides expressed a kind of respect. They collided with each other at a speed that was beyond the reach of Holy Spirit.


Extremely fast.

boom! !

Endless shock waves ravaged the Kingdom of God. Xu Yangyi's cheeks suddenly bulged. He still couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood and his bones rattled. However, he was as powerful as a mad tiger and didn't care about his injuries at all. He slashed out with his sword. The sword is divided into tens of millions, and white sword marks dissect the space in all directions.

There are no moves.

There is no supernatural power either.

Both sides have rich combat experience to a terrifying level. There are no moves to win, but every move is fatal. They just want to be one point faster than the other party!

The silent murderous situation is the same as the violent storm. There was no trace of the two of them in the void, only blue-white and black auras exchanged wildly, needle points facing each other, bright sword marks and thunderous lightning raging tens of thousands of meters around the two people's battle circle. Every time a sound was heard, the void bloomed. A huge crack appeared.

The wind and rain were gusting, and the pace was unimaginably fast. Five minutes, ten minutes, but the roaring sound was more than tens of thousands. At the twelfth minute, both sides separated at the same time. At the same time, he retreated thousands of meters away.


Xu Yangyi's left arm turned into blood and completely turned into powder. The God of Thunder across from him was covered in white spots and remained unscathed. However, at the moment of retreat, Xu Yangyi advanced instead of retreating. The muscles tightened, the spiritual energy covered and sealed the wound, and he swallowed an elixir to seize the time to regenerate his arm. In the process of charging forward, his right hand burst out with blood-like rays of light, like nebulae, hundreds of meters of bloody talisman belts surrounding the left and right, heading towards the God of Thunder brazenly.

He also knew that a decisive battle with a demigod could not be delayed!

A quick battle, born equal indeed drags the opponent to the realm of saints, but! The opponent's combat experience and richness of cards are definitely not comparable to his. He knew this completely from the fact that the opponent could actually find the location of the swallowing talisman. When all his trump cards were revealed, it would be his death.

Expecting Thor to make a mistake? Revealing a flaw before he grasped his trump card? Let him get close without any precautions?

This is impossible.

The only way is to have no way.

A random punch killed the master. Since I am this low compared to Thor, then... let the other party stand on the same starting line! Keep lowering this low! Force the other party to fight to the death with me!

Time... he only needs time!

"Kill!!" His tongue burst into spring thunder, his momentum swallowed the world, and the bloody tide roared up, pointing straight to the heart of Thor.

However, Thor did not look at it.

He put one hand in front of him, his head lowered, and a second later, with a sound of kaka, strange chisel marks appeared on his face, and then it became deeper and deeper, and suddenly turned into a solemn face, without any calm.

Just on his finger, a trace of golden thunder flowed.

God's blood.

Humble ants... actually transcended the control of gods?

Lowly mortal flesh... actually let a demigod get hurt?

Unforgivable sin!

"Humble ants!" This high-handed anger completely ignited the violent killing intent in his heart. Just as he raised his head, hundreds of hands opened at the same time, and a golden eye in the palm swept through the heavens and the worlds, followed by a roar. Those thunders suspended in the starry sky, like stars, trembled together, and then changed rapidly.

The speed was so fast that it was hard to describe. Even if Xu Yangyi didn't want to give him a little time, all the changes were completed almost instantly. These thunder arrows turned into small cubes, combining at a speed close to the speed of light, like cell fusion. The next second, hundreds of thousands, millions, and even tens of millions of knights, with their cloaks flying, rode huge heavy armored war horses, and rushed towards the eight wastelands and six directions with the Thunder God as the center.


All knights are made of thunder. The iron hoofs trampled through the void. The golden world actually faded layer by layer and turned into a long river of azure thunder and lightning. Just when the warhorse rushed to within a thousand meters of Xu Yangyi, it exploded with a bang, turning into thunder crows all over the sky, and instantly surrounded him into a thunder sea restricted area!

Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air. He didn't understand the idea of ​​the Thunder God, and he didn't know that it would slow down later. But his instincts were screaming. If he was hit head-on by this move, he would definitely become cosmic dust!

"Soul Hunter!!" Without hesitation, the Soul Hunter broke out in full force, and the golden river surrounded a hundred meters. And all this happened almost at the same time, in the same second, so fast that there was no difference. The changes and reactions of the two reached the peak that the Saint could not surpass! Even if Mammon's real body came again, it would be impossible to defeat any of them!

Rumble... Endless crows rushed down frantically, and just after entering the range of the Soul Hunter, they slowed down instantly. But in the next second, these crows collapsed again. After 0.1 second, the sky was dotted with stars... thunder and lightning sword rain!

Species transformation!

This is the most terrifying thing about Yahweh. No one knows what its next move will be. There is no sign. Even the Infinite Truth cannot detect it. All you can rely on is yourself and your tempered fighting will.

"Shenwu!" With this majestic voice, the Thunder God clenched his hundred hands in the air, and cracked! The void was like fragile glass, and cracks appeared in the mountains and seas. Countless swords of judgment turned into torrential rain and overturned. If you look from tens of thousands of miles away, a full hundred thousand meters, the lightning sword has formed a magnificent and vast electric ball, trapping Xu Yangyi in the center.

At the same time, the Thunder God stepped on the sea of ​​thunder and came. His figure did not fluctuate at all and had already reached the outside of the sword ball. Thunders ran all over his body and turned into runes engraved with stone Buddhas. His face was ferocious, and his hundred hands pointed at the void, as if he was conquering the uncleanness of blasphemy.

Zila La... the door of destruction opened behind him. A platinum door quietly opened, followed by the second, the third... In less than a second, there were endless doors behind him, and the breath of tens of millions of planes and billions of races spread through them, converging on the Thor's Spear. Electric snakes ran in the void, and in just a second, a huge sickle that was a hundred meters in size and completely disproportionate to his body appeared in his hand.

"Rest in peace, and then repent." A thunderous green light flashed across the electric ball. If time stopped, a white line appeared in the universe like a supernova explosion, countless voids without gaps, and countless cosmic debris swirled into it like a vortex, more and more... bigger and bigger! Finally... a terrifying black hole of 100,000 meters in size was formed!

Thor slowly turned around. The black hole behind him roared like a bottomless abyss, and dark spiritual energy swallowed up the world: "Only then can your sins be cleansed."

"Divine art... no style."

"You are lucky to die under this god's only divine art."

But at this moment, his pupils in the thunder vortex suddenly widened.

How could this be?

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