
Chapter 1551: Killing God (I)

It seems that I missed a chapter yesterday? I will make up for it today. After finishing this big plot, Taixu, I will enter the final stage. I may update once a day to prepare for the next book.


Just behind some point, towering barbs stood up, and black fog filled the air, carrying an extremely ominous smell.


"You..." He turned his head suddenly and looked at the black hole in disbelief.

The ant escaped from the palm of the god...

When...the other party's domain actually rushed out of his control?

"Do you really think I didn't do anything and dared to take your magic power?" At this moment, a red light burst out in the black hole, and Xu Yangyi's voice slowly sounded. Then a red light rushed straight into the sky, like the dawn, and the entire black hole suddenly shrank, and with a loud bang, it turned into countless black talismans that spread around.

At the original center of the black hole, the black fog under Xu Yangyi's feet surged, and runes were implanted in the void, spreading into the kingdom of thorns. The Spear of Longinus appeared in his hand again. It was this spear that blocked Wu Shi's attack just now.

His whole body was definitely not in good condition. His clothes were covered with blood... No, it could even be said that they were stained with blood, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

A true cultivator would never give up hope until the last second, even when facing a god.

From the beginning of contacting the Thunder God, he never gave up. He resisted the opponent's Thunder Dragon, not out of impulse, but... He wanted to see if he could block the attack of the Thunder God without the Spear of Longinus. Only in this way could he have the hope of victory. Otherwise, before the God was killed, he would be physically collapsed by the continuous swinging of the Spear of Longinus.

The answer is... Yes!

Once he can, he only needs to pull the opponent to the same limit, and he will have a chance of victory!

What is the limit?

In the Kingdom of Wahuang, the battlefield is infinite, the sky is far away, and the land is vast. This kind of battle environment is too favorable for a demigod like Thor who knows all the magical powers of the universe and can create things out of thin air. However...what if this venue is only a thousand meters wide?

Is it enough for both sides to stretch out? Or even smaller?

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and suddenly stretched out his right hand. With a loud bang, the starry sky trembled, and the rolling black fog covered the sky. The barbs were like tall buildings. In an instant, the golden kingdom of God appeared in the hell of Senluo, and the ten kings of hell appeared in the pure land of bliss. Countless thorns were like thousands of dragons dancing wildly, above their heads and around them, intertwining wildly, blocking the surrounding 100,000-meter sky!

"Kill." His eyes were like knives, overlooking the gods on the throne of thorns, and the fiery killing intent made the void seem to boil.

Thor took a deep breath, and a different look finally appeared on the face of the immovable stone Buddha. It was shocking. On this thorn ball, there was an extremely strong breath of Yahweh that made him tremble. That was the legacy of the second generation... or even the first generation of Yahweh.

I didn't feel the domain opening. When did it open? No... it's not important. Years of combat experience told him that the opponent had to wield the second God-killing Spear to block Wu Shi in order to open the domain. It was definitely extraordinary!

Domain, the essence of all high-level human cultivators! It is also Xu Yangyi's biggest killer. He will never use it unless it is a life-and-death moment!

His Tao, his enlightenment, and his power are all gathered in it.

"Break!" A strange syllable burst out from the mouth of the Thunder God. In an instant, the Thunder God's Spear turned into a Thunder Kunpeng. Kunpeng spread its wings and raised the starry sky. However, at the same time, Xu Yangyi panted, and the voice of infinite murderous intent was transmitted through the starry sky: "This is Wolf Poison."

"It is also my body."

"Come on, God! Enter my kingdom!"

"Chi!" Thunder Kunpeng disappeared suddenly. If Thor was shocked just now, he was terrified now! As a god on earth, how could he not know the name of Wolf Poison!

"Together!!" The peak of the Venerable Saint, the spiritual power is so huge that the killing through the air can only take five seconds at most. The moment when the Thunder God gritted his teeth and stopped, Xu Yangyi seized this opportunity and pinched his right hand suddenly. The blue-black spiritual energy crossed the starry sky, and the sea of ​​thorns crisscrossed, getting smaller and smaller from 100,000 meters!

Ten thousand meters, a thousand meters, a hundred meters! Two seconds later, the sky was full of light, and it turned into a misty river of death in the golden kingdom.

A thorn star was formed out of thin air!

It was only about fifty meters in size, all composed of wolf poison roots, and each barb was directly facing the two people in the field. Slowly rotating in the golden kingdom.

This is his limit!

The arena between man and god! There is no room to move, and you can only fight him 1V1 in the absolute domain! Absolute death zone!

"Here, there is only one way to duel." His body arched slightly, and the golden light flashed on his chest, and the killing began. This battle will never be too long, but it will definitely be a shocking move, and you will be on thin ice.

Swish... countless bones spread from the implanted armor to cover his body. His eyes turned into vertical pupils like those of a wild beast. His left arm grew again, and his hands and feet all had an extra joint, like a long bow with a graceful shape, facing the god in the field. The back suddenly opened, and four crystal insect wings appeared on it.

This is the fastest and most lethal mode of the implanted armor.

Once the killing is opened, there is absolutely no other backup. Either you die or I die!

"If you try to use a large-scale magical power, the wolf poison root system will be destroyed immediately." He said slowly.

Thor stood there like a stone, and suddenly said: "Have you thought about it a long time ago? You want to use the purest method to fight me in the final battle?"

"Yes." Like the ocean before a storm, the conversation was calm. Both of them were quietly pushing their own strength to its peak state. These words are just small raindrops before the dragon absorbs water. Once they explode, it will turn the world upside down and the planes will collide!

The crazy killing intent of both sides clanged in mid-air, and if thousands of swords sounded in unison, the God of Thunder looked around Wolf Venom with a solemn gaze: "Before, because I didn't enter your thousand-meter restricted area. You need a chance... a chance for me to leave." You have to find an opportunity within a thousand meters to expand the field, and all this must be done without the awareness of the god."

"So, you waved the Holy Spear to block Wu Shi. At that time, your domain used a secret method to flood the ground with mercury and take root in the Kingdom of God."

"Because of my negligence, because of my anger at the time. You covered the field with the help of Wu Shi's sky-wide fluctuations. You... did a good job."

The voice was very calm, very calm, but at the same time, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly turned into a bloody light and rushed towards Razer Energy.

There was a loud noise, and countless spider web patterns appeared in the void where he was. The speed is several times faster than before! The insect wings buzzed like flying stars in the dark night, and on the right hand, the endless nebula belt, wrapped in the spear of Longinus, pulled out a terrifying blood trail in the air!

Because... just as the other party said every word, the entire void began to tremble.

This battle was fought by an electric person, and his will could never last longer than a demigod in such a high-intensity battle! Once you take action, there will be no reservations!

"Kill!!" Facing an opponent with such terrifying pressure, he let out a killing roar that shook his chest. This is building momentum. This kind of opponent, who is not completely sure of himself, will push his momentum to the top. Release to every cell.

boom! The spear of Longinus erupted with a soaring red light. It had been passively resisting before and lacked killing intent. But at this moment, it finally had killing intent towards the gods. As if by induction, the tip of the spear trembled, and endless roars resounded in the universe, which were the dying roars of gods. Countless black illusory eyes appeared in the cracks dragged by the spear tip.


The gun broke through the sky, and the blow of the mortal body actually formed a terrifying storm. Bloody spiritual pressure rushed in like a sea, shaking the stone body of the Thunder God to rattle, and then... cracks actually appeared!

This is a declaration of war for mortals, a declaration of war against gods.

Do you dare to accept it?

Kakaka... Gouges appeared on his face again, and the next second, an angry face appeared on it.

This feeling of being given the initiative by a mortal body made him extremely disgusted.



Gods also have the dignity of gods. Since you have created a gladiatorial arena, then this god will give you a rich burial as a god-slayer!

Swipe and pull! Under the cracks on the body surface, endless lightning burst out, and the electric snakes swam around in the thorn stars. Instead of shrinking, countless thunderbolts were radiated out of the body.

At the same time, the God-killing Spear cut a red line across the Kingdom of God and arrived in front of them.

"Blasphemy!" There was a loud noise, and ten of the stone Buddha's hundred hands actually grabbed the tip of the spear: "The gods will definitely punish you forever!!"

"Death!!!" Xu Yangyi couldn't hear this. In the majestic blood marks, one eye after another opened, and the boundless hell opened behind him. Countless, majestic and magnificent shadows slowly floated from the hell. Flying, he saw the ten hands of the God of Thunder breaking in response, and there were more and more cracks all over his body.

"I create...I come...I destroy...I use my supreme power to create boundless blessings..." Thor's eyes have been completely opened, his face is extremely ferocious, he is mumbling words, and with a roar, forty hands They rushed forward like an overwhelming force, holding on to the God-killing Spear. But just after touching it, all the hands turned into powder again, and the stone powder actually formed whirlpools of sand and dust.

A bit of red light, like electricity, stabbed the stone Buddha in the whirlpool. At the same time, the stone Buddha made a murmuring sound and exploded completely.

"Oh..." Behind Xu Yangyi, the boundless hell seemed to be inspired, and suddenly disappeared with a sigh that filled the sky. In the dark cracks, the bloodshot aura eyes quietly closed. However, Xu Yangyi did not relax at all, because... he did not stab the opponent at all! was stabbed, but he felt that what he stabbed was just an empty shell. Right in front of him, the cracks all over Shi Buddha's body had reached an extreme level, and the tip of the spear was half an inch into his chest. However, he could no longer see clearly because the backlash brought by the holy spear swept through his body like a furious sea wave. .

"No!" He bit the tip of his tongue suddenly and inserted another inch...and another inch! Inside is the heart of Thor!

It's a pity that the backlash was so violent, a severe pain came from the inside out, as if it was going to tear him apart. An endless wail rose from his mind, and he seemed to see some huge phantoms being penetrated by this gun. The lives that had not fallen for hundreds of millions of years fell, and their strong unwillingness and pain almost dragged him into hell.

At the same time, the cracks caused by the holy spear were about to disappear, but suddenly stopped. The hazy eyes in those cracks all looked at Xu Yangyi with boundless joy.

As if... waiting.

Waiting for him to be their companion.

No...can't go! Xu Yangyi's mind was buzzing, and his bones seemed to be broken. This kind of pain was simply unbearable, and not even the desire talisman could suppress it. He gritted his teeth suddenly and activated the Devouring Desire Talisman at the same time, getting a slight sound. He shouted loudly and pierced the opponent's chest with all his strength.

Swish... Thousands of lightning flashed, as if opening up a hell of thunder, with thousands of thunders running through the void.

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