
Chapter 1552: Killing God (Part 2)

Swish! His eyes were blood red, and the blood from his pores almost dyed him into a bloody man, but he didn't care, but stared at the front.

Right there, the body of the Thunder God had turned into countless fragments, flying in pieces, but there was nothing inside.


Damn... Xu Yangyi suppressed the backlash of his body for too long... It had been too long since he had experienced such severe pain. The swallowing talisman could swallow all the discomfort. He was like a fighting machine, but now his injuries had broken through the limit of swallowing talismans.

He looked intact on the outside, but the terrible thing was that the talisman chain that made up the basis of his "person" had begun to break.

"Two shots..." He gritted his teeth and barely stood up: "Just as I thought... I can't hold on for long in this battle. The two shots didn't determine the winner... I must be the one to die!"

How difficult!

Any cultivator, in his situation, who wouldn't worry? Who wouldn't be nervous? What if one shot went wrong? The next shot would definitely be more restrained. What if the two shots miss?

But he would not think about these. The Desire Talisman dominates all desires. He only has one thought left now.

That is the belief that he must win.

"Do you think... this is a coincidence?" A magnificent voice came from the front, and a flash of lightning flashed in the void, very restrained, not arrogant at all.

"No, there is no coincidence in front of God. This God has already calculated that your attack cannot kill me."

"But I didn't expect... you didn't even have a little fear or a little trepidation, and really shot me. Do you know... your body can only bear two more shots at most?"

"Facing the God-killing Gun, it is indeed too much for me..."

Before the voice fell, a thunder lotus bloomed in the void. In the lotus, a thin-faced, immortal-like old man in a white robe stepped out in the thunder.

Ordinary people are tall... The body of the Thunder God is getting smaller and smaller, and now it is shorter than Xu Yangyi.

However, the spiritual pressure on his body is more condensed, and the smaller the body, the easier it is to dodge within the range of killing.

"Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Venerable." As soon as he opened his mouth, the golden kingdom of God shook the nine heavens of thunder: "From ancient times to now, except for my mother and my other brothers, you are the first mortal to see me in this form. Most people are powerless when they see the stone Buddha."

"This is..." At the moment he appeared, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly lit up, and after the obscurity, there was excitement, like the sun after a storm.

The Thunder God paid no attention to him at all, and said lightly: "Then, be thankful... and then die."

After the last word of "half drunk" fell, he slowly opened his eyes, with no white pupils in his eyes, only a thunder. As his eyes opened and closed, thousands of bright lights suddenly lit up in the kingdom of God, and then his figure suddenly turned into a lightning, rushing towards Xu Yangyi at a high speed.

It turned out to be a physical cultivation battle method.

He actually chose the most unpretentious and hard-core frontal tactics.

As he charged forward, he flicked his long sleeves slightly, and the Spear of Thunder God appeared in his hand again, condensing into a long sword. However, Xu Yangyi seemed to wake up from a dream, and he ducked his body and narrowly avoided the sword. Then Yuchang raised his fire to burn the sky, and with a loud bang, the two swords clashed.

A circle of blue-white light with lightning suddenly exploded in the void, and the void under Xu Yangyi's feet suddenly cracked into spider web patterns. However, at the same time, Thunder God's body flashed with lightning, and Xu Yangyi's retina did not catch it at all. He only felt a pain in his back shoulder, and a tip of the thunder sword had pierced through the armor and penetrated into the flesh and bones!

"Fuck!!" Even he couldn't help but scream at the sky at this moment. It was too painful. Billions of lightning entered his body. Fortunately, it was his left shoulder that was pierced. At this moment, the wound was quickly blackened. That was a sign that the muscles and blood were evaporated by lightning! Fortunately... Thunder God was now pulled down to the realm of the Venerable Saint by the Equality of the Born Equal, otherwise, this trace of current would have turned him into ashes.

"You dare to be distracted when fighting with a god?" Thunder God's voice was calm. As he spoke, his wound lightened. Ordinary people would definitely look at the wound first. Xu Yangyi swallowed the talisman to block all pain, gritted his teeth and swung his sword back.


But a dark light and shadow broke through the sky. However, it was nothing. His eyes were cold, and his figure disappeared into the void without hesitation.

Walking in the void.

The next second, the Thunder Sword fell straight to where he was, inserted into the void, and suddenly countless silver snakes swept across the ground. Thunder God's figure slowly walked out of the void and said calmly: "The divine consciousness cannot capture... Is this the godhood on him?"

"But... As a mortal body holding the godhood, how long can you hold on?"

"No more than thirty seconds."

In the void, Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, pressed his shoulders and trembled as he swallowed a pill. The muscles under his palm seemed to be completely necrotic, and the gene talisman inside was already in a dark state. He ignored it and stared at Thor.

Actually... here!

Facing an opponent like Thor, he activated the Infinite Truth as soon as the opponent showed his true form. Yes, Thor's magical power is almost divine, without any flaws, but... who can guarantee that there will never be any flaws?

Be prepared, but he never expected that when the Infinite Truth analyzed the cosmic talisman, he did not see Thor's move, but saw something else.


The cyan color that Haotian made up for the missing talisman when he saw the bug in the prison of will!

This patch of cyan is very light, but it does exist in Thor's body. In other words... once Thor is defeated, this infinite program is likely to be broken!

There are only twenty seconds... He clenched his fists. He can only walk in the void for twenty seconds. He must figure it out.

"The cyan is not strong, different from what I saw at the time. This should mean that he may be related to something. And the relationship is very deep! It's not Wa Huang, Wa Huang is the real sleeping Yawei, so... Thor's "memory", the one most related to it is..."

His eyes flashed: "Their brothers!"

"Yu Chang knows this! Even if breaking Thor can't completely awaken Wa Huang, killing his brothers will definitely awaken Wa Huang! This... is the only bug in this "program"! Even Wa Huang doesn't know!"

His mind has been running at a very fast speed, which only strengthens his confidence in defeating Thor, but the key point is... how to defeat him?

Even if the two enter the 1V1 arena, Thor is so powerful that he is almost beyond the peak. The sudden appearance and disappearance just now is the space conversion and time erasure after mastering the rules!

Although he was pulled down from the Venerable Saint and the rules could not be used as before, the opponent had countless years of consideration and showed the two supreme divine rules to the Venerable Saint. And this is just one of the opponent's trump cards.

Click... At this moment, a slight second hand sound rang out in the void, which was a sign that the void walk was about to end. Countdown five seconds.

How to do it?

Four seconds, three seconds... two seconds, at the last second, he resolutely activated the God Killing Spear.

The blood-red nebula lingered again, and the surrounding ten meters turned into a restricted area of ​​hell. One by one, the dark eyes were closed, as if waiting for the moment to be stained with the blood of the gods.

"Yes..." He took a deep breath: "Now it's not about how to defeat..."

"It's that I can't drag it on!"

"This double-edged sword, if I get hurt again, the next backlash... I'm afraid it will take my life."

"Then... give it all your strength and fight!"

Ka La La La... The void dissipated, his figure became hazy, his figure squatted slightly, and at the moment of disappearance, he rushed forward at full speed.

The transparent insect wings flapped violently, and the God-killing Spear once again drew a blood-red crack in the air, and the wailing of the gods resounded in his ears. Everything was clear. The other party's eyes met his, like the sound of swords.

Rumble! The blood-colored tide was overwhelming, breaking through the azure sky, the God-killing Spear showed its power, and a red channel connected each other. Lei Shen suddenly felt an unavoidable breath locking his heart.

And what felt even clearer was the other party's complete burst of killing intent. It was as if all the will was concentrated on this point, this shot.

"Want to decide the outcome with one blow?" His pupils suddenly became sharp. This was the wisest choice, and he couldn't delay for long... There were only a few people who killed gods in history, and how could his name be mentioned?

But it was this wisdom that made him feel insulted.

An insult to the gods.

What a big courage... Facing the gods, he didn't want to compromise, but actually wanted to decide the outcome with one blow? !

"As you wish." The bloody passage seemed to connect the souls of both parties together, and there was no way to avoid it. Even at such a distance, Longinus's sharp edge almost made his heart stop. Then, he shouted loudly, and countless whirlpools suddenly appeared behind him. A bunch of thunder magic weapons roared and revealed their true appearance, rushing towards Xu Yangyi like a storm.

Soul hunting!

Xu Yangyi's mind has been running at the highest speed. Countless decisions emerged and were quickly rejected by him. Comparing the handling of details and the mastery of magical powers, he couldn't defeat the other party. In this case, what else is there to consider?

Then... use the most simple method, life for life!

The ultimate tactic of mortals is also the biggest trump card to deal with the high gods.

Bet with life!

Swish... Endless magic weapons slowed down immediately after entering the Soul Hunting River. However, at this moment, these magic weapons turned into thunderbirds all over the sky, suddenly broke free from the golden river, flew into the void, and turned into thunder sword rain all over the sky, rushing down madly.

Creation, creation again!

Pieces of sword rain pierced Xu Yangyi's protective aura and rushed into his body like a knife cutting tofu. His internal organs, bones and blood were boiling because of this. Muscles were paralyzed inch by inch. However, his eyes were red and he roared, as if he shouted out all his energy and spirit. He did not stop, but was even faster!

In his chest, the Devouring Desire Talisman rotated, suppressing all negative emotions and physical reactions. Never before... He had never opened the Devouring Desire Talisman at the same time and completely opened it. At this moment, he completely gave his body and mind to the Godhead.

This is a realm that he has never experienced before.

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