
Chapter 1553: Killing God (Part 3)

Once, he still had some concerns and rarely suppressed his physical injuries. Pain is not a bad thing, it reminds you that you are still alive. He will leave a step for himself to prevent his body from being completely destroyed due to overload. He will not do this.

But now, he did it.

A blank.

Whether it is the body or the mind. It seems to have returned to the state of birth, with only an extremely simple thought, that is... to kill the other party.

There is not even a trace of distracting thoughts, and only the figure of the other party is left in his eyes. This glance is like eternity.

Puff puff... The charred air came out of him, and the obstruction was too fierce, causing the distance that could be reached in half a second to pass in five seconds. His body and back were full of thunder swords, and the whole person was more like Thor than Thor. However, there was no speech, no pause, only an indomitable pace, and the tip of the gun never deviated.

"Heh..." Thor, who was dozens of meters away, took a deep breath, clenched his hands, and the thunder sword that pierced Xu Yangyi's body instantly turned into a thunder chain.

The power of the law!

This is not other laws, but his origin, the foundation of his godhood, the law of the origin of thunder. He can use some of it anyway.

Karala! The chain penetrated Xu Yangyi's body, and the implanted armor shattered. However, at the same time, he suddenly jumped up and rushed into the sky with black smoke.

A lone eagle spread its wings in the sea of ​​thunder.

On his right hand, Longinus bloomed a bloody light that reached the sky, and all eyes opened at the same time, looking directly at the Thunder God with an expectation of death. In the traces left by the spear, a series of legendary pictures were like dreams, like phantoms, a woman holding a spear, piercing the forehead of the Father God. A man in golden armor inserted a spear into the heart of a woman...

Those who were stabbed all made heart-wrenching wails, even Yahweh could not maintain his majesty when dying in pain. These pictures made his body and mind tremble, and at the same time, he felt a kind of... burning feeling coming over him.

This feeling was very distant and strange, and he had experienced it before. But now is not the time to think about these things. At this moment, Thor is thinking and pondering. His long life and endless combat experience have given him extremely deep strength, and also given him... to look ahead and behind.

This is not a derogatory term, but thinking too much, considering countless results. His brain is like a shining talisman, processing everything faster than Xu Yangyi, and synchronized with vision. What is the opponent's backhand for this shot? This shot, the opponent just stabbed it directly? This shot... Should I meet it? Should I hide? How should I hide?

However, he ignored it, or rather, he forgot it.

The original intention of a mortal.

That is fearless, a newborn calf, dare to say no to the gods, simple to the extreme, but it is the beginning of all things... malice.

He only knows that now he has to use the best way to deal with it, the best choice, to face this shot.

It can't be said to be wrong, it can only be said that as Yahweh, he is still too young. Even just standing on the threshold, not stepping in.

"Arbitration of the Ten Thousand Worlds!" He roared, and all the chains lifted Xu Yangyi up into the air. Lightning flashed, and the sky and earth changed. A huge guillotine appeared between the universe. Xu Yangyi was in the middle. At the same time, the Spear of Longinus flew out of his hand.

Boom! Like blood-colored lightning, the entire kingdom of God dimmed a little.


Fast... too fast, without any changes, and without any back-up, this shot... actually nailed Thor to death in the void.

"This..." Thor looked at his body dully. How could this be... How could it be so fast? Even his own half-god eyes could not follow the speed of the Spear of God Killing.

However, the thoughts in his mind were thoughts, and countless black threads spread from his heart.

They were like the dark clouds of death, quickly crawling all over his chest... brain... limbs... Then, a dark and silent kingdom suddenly spread all around him, and countless tightly closed black eyes slowly opened. With joy, happiness, and fear that made him tremble all over. From his pupils, the phantoms of the killed Yahweh spread out, floating towards him like thousands of wandering spirits.

"No... Impossible... Impossible... If it was really that fast, then the other party could have thrown it out long ago!" He suddenly came to his senses, and roared with all his consciousness, and all the illusions around him shattered. He suddenly discovered...

Xu Yangyi was no longer in the guillotine of heaven and earth.

And Longinus... became a red lightning, and fell five meters away from him!

Did not pierce...

At this moment, even Thor felt his heart cold. A long-lost, weak voice roared in the depths of his soul: I don't want to die!

That was a memory of my weak self that was too long ago.

"Heh..." Lei Ting's body was undulating. He followed the falling spear with his eyes, and suddenly raised his head and laughed: "Hahahaha..."

"Longinus... in the hands of ants, it's just a child wielding a big axe!"

"Disappeared? This spear condensed all your will. Once it fails, the backlash is enough to turn you into cosmic dust! Hehehe... Hahaha!!"

Two seconds later, he lowered his head: "How can you die like this?"

"At least you should leave a little bit for this god, as a specimen to warn future generations..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped.

In the corner of his pupils, just behind him, a golden light like a flying dragon in the sky wrapped around the spear of Longinus.

Soul Hunter.

Close... too close... It's like... the other party is less than ten meters behind you...

His mouth opened slightly, with shock and disbelief in his eyes, and he quickly turned around. However, all that was heard was a sharp "poof" sound. The next second, a blood-red spear tip broke through his chest.

Dead silence.

The body covered with lightning trembled slightly on the tip of the gun, with its mouth wide open and its head held high, staring at the sky. There was a silent sound, a jet-black mist erupted from his wound, and a warm human body leaned against his back with a thud.

That was a body that Xu Yangyi could no longer support and had even fainted.

"Ha..." Thor's mouth trembled, and he raised his hand like a wind, holding the tip of the gun tightly, as if he was still immersed in the illusion just now. It wasn't until I felt the black mist, felt the will and strength in my body dissipated rapidly, and felt the call of death that I spat out a few words from my mouth with great difficulty: "Real... deception?"

"You... have been to the Devil's Oven... and received gifts from cosmic artifacts..."

flutter! He pulled out the tip of the gun with force, and suddenly, endless light exploded from the wound.

It’s really just a shot…

It's really just an ordinary shot...

There is no backhand, only indomitable progress, no retreat.

"Ahhhhhh!!" He roared up to the sky. At this moment, he was magnificent, like the most dazzling gem in the universe, and like the brilliance of a supernova, with infinite light spurting out. The black mist turned into a realm of death around him, exactly like what he had seen before.

Countless eyes opened, as if to welcome his new partner, with the same pity, the same joy, the same... impatience. There are also the same ethereal spirits flying out of the pupils. According to legend, many Yahweh souls who died under the God-killing Spear are surrounding him, pulling him, and pulling him into the endless abyss.

"You..." He turned around with all his strength, the thunder on his face was trembling with shock, unwillingness, and disbelief. He used his last strength to record Xu Yangyi's unconscious figure: "You..."

"Humble mortal body!!!"

He saw the other person.

The other party should be dead. The whole body was charred black, and the flesh, blood, and bones seemed not to exist. He couldn't feel the other person's consciousness. He didn't even look like a person. But this ant... actually replaced the supreme being with his lowly life!

boom! ! !

The moment the last word fell, his divine body suddenly burned and turned into countless talismans floating in the air. His Tao, his divine personality, his divine fire, everything about him... would fly and be annihilated in them. In the end, only a broken green leaf fluttered and fell.

At the same time, the worlds in the world of great disputes suddenly shook.

La la la la la... As if the world was collapsing, Liu Mianfeng and Master Diwei looked around in surprise. With a roar, a huge frenzy suddenly set off around Noah's Ark, and countless fish from the sea jumped into the air, and then crashed back into the sea.

"What's going on?" A sage exclaimed: "The the earth dragon turning over?"

No one answered, and everyone felt extremely uneasy. The fish in the underworld were all kinds of strange, some had wings, some were tens of thousands of meters long, some had human faces and fish bodies, and they looked like crazy, forming a fountain of fish and sea. It's spectacular.

Liu Mianfeng stared at the sea and took a breath after a few seconds. Before he could speak, several voices around him had already screamed: "What the hell is this!" "The world... the world is collapsing!? The world of great strife is collapsing!" "How is it possible... I won't be able to do this for ten thousand years? The Zhu family has read through history books and has never heard of such a situation. " do you explain it now?"

Liu Mianfeng didn't speak, and rushed to the outermost edge, staring at the end where the world meets the sky. Right there...all the fish jumping on the sea surface quietly turned into infinite talismans and flew into the air. Even the ocean tides began to turn into talismans.

It's as if... this is like a dream, and the owner of the dream... is waking up.

"The world is collapsing... it is indeed collapsing!" He suddenly turned around and shouted to everyone: "Immediately... fight Taichu to win! No matter what the cost!"

Buzz...Suddenly, boundless ripples rippled in the void, and the majestic female voice appeared again: "The monk rushed to thunder, secretly aligned with the way of heaven, and correctly cracked the second level of 'Thunder God.' However, he died of serious injuries. The three sect alliances immediately withdrew from the great battle. World……"

Liu Mianfeng was stunned, and Master Diwei from the other world was also stunned. Then, the two of them suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahahaha!" Liu Mianfeng laughed wildly. His biggest enemy in the world of great struggle was Xu Yangyi, and he absolutely did not want to fight against him. Now...the other party is actually dead?


God helps me!

"Give me the order!" He looked at Taichu with red eyes: "Charge past them... this time, the five kings and two queens, who would be better than me!"

However, before the order could be issued, the majestic female voice suddenly paused. It seemed that something was said again, but no one could hear it clearly, because... there was a slight... no, it sounded violent to them, like the roar of heaven and earth... the sound of breathing came from every corner of the world, as the world collapsed. Everyone's heart.

It's like... someone is sleeping soundly.

Emperor Wa, wake up!

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