
Chapter 1554: Disrupted Program (I)

There are three worlds, and the teams in each world have different performances.

Just when Master Liu Mianfeng Hedi was ecstatic and looked up to the sky and screamed, Noah's Ark, where the three sect alliances were located, fell into deathly silence.

No one spoke, it was deathly silent. I don't know how long it took before Tu Su Fangrong put a nervous smile on his face, pointed at the sky and asked Wang Bufa next to him: "Did I...hear it wrong?"

Wang Bufa's eyes were red. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "You... heard it right..."

"Fellow Taoist, why did you lie to me?" Tu Su Fangrong laughed, but it was uglier than crying: "How is it possible... That is Ben Lei... the first super saint in history to be close to 300 million! Even if it is a million light years They are all unprecedented... He, how could he..."

After saying this, the corners of his eyes were trembling, and he suddenly covered his eyes and said hoarsely: "How could he die..."

Finally, this silent formation started to ripple, and then it got bigger and louder. After a few seconds, a huge frenzy burst out, and countless blood-red eyes looked at all the saints, as if to get rid of them. You can tell whether it's a joke or not by looking at it!

"How is it possible!" "Sect Master... How could the Sect Master die!?" "That's a super monk with 300 million souls! He, he will face that God of Thunder in the end, right? How could he die to an unknown monster? "In your hands!" "Impossible! I must have heard it wrong!" "Tell me, did I hear it wrong?"

Choking, wailing, and screaming coming from the suppressed throat made this deck feel like a mourning hall. Everyone almost went crazy, suppressing Ben Lei's important treasure. In the first level, they preserved their strength well, and in the second level, they even killed the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace! Step by step, from having little hope to only one step away from the throne, Ben Lei... actually died like this? !

Everything is over, and they don't know who they will face when they take the throne in the future. The entire sect will suffer a heavy setback. At this moment, they only feel that their goals in life have collapsed. Many people even beat the ground in frustration and cried bitterly.

"The sky has no eyes! The sky has no eyes!!" An old Nascent Soul burst into tears: "Our Diyong Sect has a three-thousand-year foundation... Today I lost at my hands! I am ashamed of all the sect masters of all generations!"

An old woman also stood on the deck in despair, like a robot, murmuring hoarsely: "Three hundred million... will definitely be one of the great saints in the future... Otherwise, how could we try our best to suppress Ben Lei, who is the weakest on paper... …He…he actually died in the second level?”

"There are still two levels left, only the last two levels are left! Why is this happening!"

The mourners were everywhere, and Mei Taxue was stunned. She had heard her master say about Ben Lei and how far-sighted Fairy Lingbo was. She never praised them too much for the Taoist Saint. However, only for this man, he used the words "unprecedented and unprecedented".

She also admires Three Hundred Million Spirits in her heart. Who doesn’t admire the strong? Everything now is like a dream.

She pursed her lips slightly, and a female cultivator beside her whispered: "Your Majesty the Saint, should we... go back and recover?"

Mei Taxue did not answer, but opened her mouth and spit out a golden palace lantern, pinching out the mysterious magic formula. After a while, lines of text were reflected on each side of the palace lantern. She looked at it carefully. After a few seconds, her eyes flashed: "Strange..."

"The Ten Palaces of Yama...without his soul..."

"A monk like him, even if he still has a trace of spiritual consciousness, will strive to escape from the hands of King Yama. Now that his spiritual consciousness has not arrived, where has he... gone?"

On the other side, the team of true knowers. Alpha opened his mouth slightly in surprise and shook his head: "How is that possible..."

"A mere God of Thunder...even the First Pillar of Desire God couldn't kill him. How could he die in the hands of the God of Thunder?!"

"Watch your words." Miravo squinted his eyes and said: "'Merely' God of Thunder? That is a demigod, a quasi-Yahweh. There are at most ten thousand Yahwehs in the universe, but he has the life of Ganges sand. Even so. Quasi-Yahweh, no more than a hundred thousand? 'This 'mere' is enough to annihilate us hundreds of millions of times!"

"Many planes are too empty to know anything. According to statistics from the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, the lower realm occupies 80% of the universe, the upper realm only accounts for 19%, and the remaining 1% is the quasi-immortal realm. You are very unsuitable for this." Nivia spoke slowly to interrupt them, her fingers moving desperately. After a few seconds, Longyan opened his eyes: "Strange..."

"There was no powerful soul entering the underworld just now...He...isn't dead?"

Cassio Seya frowned: "The voice just now should come from the owner of the will prison... She even judged Yi to be dead. If not dead... where could he go?"

Buzz... At this moment, everyone's voices stopped.

The monks who were shouting at each other all stopped crying at this moment and looked around in astonishment. Nivia gasped, and the scales on her body stood up. She suddenly covered her heart and half-knelt on the deck tremblingly.

The wings are prostrate, the dragon's head touches the ground. The other great sages took one look and immediately understood something, and immediately knelt down like crazy.

The next second, the void shook slightly, followed by a gentle breathing sound, as if he was sleeping soundly. The world here is buzzing and fluctuating. At the same time, a vast and boundless divine power appeared around everyone suddenly and naturally, just like the air that always exists around them.

Ethereal and distant, great and profound. Almost at the moment when this spiritual pressure appeared, everyone on the ship showed no resistance at all. Their legs went weak and they all knelt down.

"What... what is this..." A middle-aged sect leader's hands were shaking like an electric shock, and his vest was icy cold. He seemed to be standing alone in front of a huge mountain in the dark night, or like a lonely boat floating on the sea, so desolate. The magnificence of Ji Miao almost made him scream.

No one dares to do anything, everyone is waiting for the arrangement of this existence. However, there was no arrangement.

There were only slight breathing sounds coming and going, and these breathing sounds seemed to be a little rapid, and I even heard a murmur of "um..." that seemed uncomfortable.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, this scene seems to be frozen. Thirty minutes later, Nivia stood up first, his eyes as hot as fire. And as he stood up, all the great sages stood up. The four people looked at each other, and they all saw the extreme excitement in each other's eyes.

"The prison of will has been broken by an unknown force!" Miravo trembled with excitement: "This god has been stimulated and is slowly waking up. Her divine power has begun to be released, which shows that... the prison of will has appeared. crack!"

Cassio Seya was equally excited and could not contain herself, her voice almost growled: "A unique opportunity! Once there is a crack in the prison of will, everything will change! First, it is likely that the original myth will no longer be followed! Second, as long as there is a crack in the prison of will, By finding the origin of the release of divine power, we can see the divine body of Yahweh with our own eyes! See the inside of the so-called prison of will that no one has ever seen!”

Alpha's voice groaned, like a cat in spring: "Ah... and... from the core talisman of the Will Prison, we can analyze some of the characteristics of the Emperor Wa and Yahweh who built the prison. , This is something that has never been seen in any literature!”

With almost no hesitation, Nivia's pupils immediately turned into golden needle shapes. Others don't understand, but those who are familiar with it can feel that the muscles in its whole body have tightened, which is a sign of extreme excitement.

"We have waited for so long... It's time to get some interest..." He raised his wings and licked his lips with his scarlet tongue: "Call all the condemners... tell them... God is calling! The holy fire belonging to true knowledge should Light up this starry sky!”


"What about them?" Miravo glanced at the monks who were still kneeling on the spot. Nivia said lightly: "Except for Yi, these natives from the backward plane are truly distinguished guests worthy of our respect. They? They are just a colony of ants. That’s all.”

“Why would an intelligent creature care what the ant colony thinks?”

"Since Yi can't arrive now, what obligation do we have to help them? Moreover, if Yi is not dead, he will definitely go to Emperor Wa's place in the end. If we are one step ahead, what can't we do?"

Swish, brush, brush... As Nivia made up her mind, all the true knowers disappeared from the world without saying a word.

At the same time, Liu Mianfeng also blinked and raised his head in fear.

The spiritual pressure is still there, and it is getting stronger and stronger, as if they are living under the eyes of the gods. But...this he asleep?

Even gods can't stop his ambition to become the fifth king and second queen!

Killing his master and betraying the Tao, deceiving his superiors and concealing his secrets, and being connected with unknown mysteries... Once he fails to ascend to the rank of Five Kings and Two Queens, when these things break out, he will be cut into pieces! Someone in Youhai Dragon King's Palace might personally take action to clean up the door!

"No one can stop me..." He scratched the deck hard, and his sharp nails traced claw marks on it. He gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "The whole army attacks... listen to my order! Within an hour, this must be ended. A battle!”

"Ben Lei is dead... He is already dead! I don't know which unlucky guy will die in his hands. There is no better situation than this!"

"If you don't take what God has given you, you will suffer the consequences! If you don't want to be the next Ben Lei, I will plant the flag of the Mahayana Sect of Nothingness on the throne!"

One monk got up, then the second, then the third, the tenth, the hundred... Ten minutes later, all the monks belonging to the Void Mahayana Sect stood up together, with flags flying angrily. He looked at Taichu's army with murderous intent.

Only one step away from the throne!

"Kill!!" As the horn sounded again, the armies of both sides, humans and Taichu, strangled each other crazily like the tide hitting the rocks.

On the other side, Master Diwei finally took possession of it fearfully.

At that moment, he almost felt like his soul was about to be annihilated.

"It's too scary... Is this the way of heaven in the Seven Realms?" He glanced around with lingering fear, and was about to turn around when his body suddenly froze.

A hand, a pale hand, the wrist was submerged in the black robe, and like the god of death, it gently touched his back.

Too weak!

He was trembling all over and his teeth were chattering. What's going on? How could there be too much? In a world of great strife, shouldn’t Taixu be allowed to enter? Why is he here? Who is this?

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