
Chapter 1555: Disrupted Program (Part 2)

Too many emotions turn into a river called fear. The voice behind him was very hoarse, with a kind of bewitching power: "Introduce yourself."

"Sun Demonic Wolf, Pigfrit. It's not important. You probably haven't heard of my name. Ah... I'm not saying you don't have the chance to hear it. It's just that you don't have the qualifications." The voice behind him was very soft, like a piano. The song is equally soothing: "Looking across your seven realms, there is only one mortal body with this qualification. Unfortunately, that is not you."

Dede… Master Di Crying’s teeth were shaking, it was so scary… It’s not like he had never seen Taixu before, but the Taixu behind him… gave him a completely different feeling!

It's like... there is endless hell behind you. A demon whispered to him.

"Why are you sweating?" A pale hand touched his cheek: "Is it because of fear?"

"It's not necessary, because it has no effect. You just need to accept it calmly. Can I borrow something from you?"

The extreme fear and the feeling of hell approaching made the man unable to speak. He opened his mouth several times, but what came out was a whimper.

"Spare my life..."

The person behind him seemed to sigh softly: "If you don't answer, it means acquiescence. Don't worry, it won't be painful..."

The next second, Master Diwei's pupils suddenly narrowed, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the starry sky. His eyes were full of confusion and unwillingness.


why why why! !

Why is heaven doing this to me!

My destiny is Ziwei...I got the talisman...I entered the second level of the world of great conflict! And it’s a bye!

Ben Lei, the biggest opponent, is dead. That piece of shit luck opened the first level and the second level perfectly, and Ben Lei, who got countless benefits, is dead! He also killed another opponent by the way! The throne is only one step away from me, why would I encounter such a thing!

His pupils became dilated amidst countless roars in his heart. From behind him, countless green rays of light poured into his seven orifices, and then countless hell flames bloomed all over his body. Turned into a burning man and roared throughout the audience.

boom! !

The flames completely erupted, but strangely, his beard, hair, and clothes were not damaged at all. He assumed a ferocious posture, swallowing gifts from hell. Weeping and complaining, the sound of all the demons crying echoed through the space. It took ten minutes before he fell to the ground with a thud.

Panting, he slowly raised his head.

The person is still the same person, but the aura is completely different. At this moment, the Master of Earth Crying was like a cosmic monster from high above, seeing all the sand in the Ganges.

"A weak body is far inferior to Ben Lei." He clenched his fists and frowned slightly: "We are both holders of the Godhead, how could your strength be so weak?"

"Canary in the cage, you will never be able to fly high unless you step out of the seven illusory realms. But... there is no need to fly high now. I let you reach the end point directly, you should thank me."

He gently stroked his robes gracefully and looked up at the sky around him. After a long time, he said hoarsely: "It's so fast..."

"Haotian left a flaw back then? Did you find it? Your experience... is ranked first among the monks of your generation. Even the best geniuses of the elves and dragons will not surpass you. Not only did you find it, but you also broke it. Already..."

"The flaw in the will prison has been broken, and Emperor Wa has been stimulated in deep sleep... You are not dead yet, then... you should come to Emperor Wa soon..."

"After all... this 'program' has been completely messed up. Because of Emperor Wa's awakening, everything below is unpredictable..."

His voice gradually disappeared, turning into thick fog and drifting away.

In the three worlds, reactions vary. Of the five emperor stars destined for Ziwei, only two are left at this moment. But no one knows that it is in the golden kingdom of God. A charred corpse suddenly moved.

He didn't know how long he stopped here, as if he was condensing. Accumulate strength. After a full two hours, the body, which had no aura and no signs of life, suddenly trembled all over.

Ka... A slight sound sounded on his body, and a crack appeared on the Tianling Cap. Then, more and more cracks appeared. After a moment, his body seemed like porcelain that was about to break, with streaks of cyan brilliance spurting out from the cracks.

The brilliance grew brighter and brighter, and twenty minutes later, with a continuous sound of kaka kaka, the green light finally broke through the charred shell and turned into a... huge green lotus!

A solitary stem attracts green, while the two shadows share red. Layers of lotus petals covered the body. After an unknown amount of time, they finally opened with a swipe sound. And a naked figure appeared among them.

With porcelain white skin, red lips, thick eyebrows like swords, and black hair like ink, this is Xu Yangyi himself!

He sat upright on the lotus platform, and could only tell from the slight rise and fall of his body that he was a living person. After about an hour, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Am I not dead?" He looked at his hands in shock, as if they were reborn, as white as if they had been bathed in milk since birth. But I remember the last scene in my mind.

When he rushed towards Thor, he used real deception. His true body took advantage of this time to enter the void and came behind Thor. At the same time, he entangled the God of Thunder with Soul Hunter and struck a fatal blow!

Just as he pierced the tip of the spear into Thor's body, a pain that tore through his whole body spread crazily. It was a severe pain that I had never experienced before, and even swallowing the talisman could not erase it, and it directly destroyed the nerves. At the same time, Thor's body rushed into his body along the tip of the spear with incalculable terrifying power.

He felt his bones shattered, his flesh and blood turned to ash, and finally, he knew nothing.

"Is this... Lotus reincarnation?" He looked at the lotus platform around him and finally understood what it was: "Xiao Qing's forbidden technique is still there?"

"This should be a magical power engraved in the soul. As long as I don't change the 'inner body', it should not disappear. However, I will soon reach the Taixu realm. I don't know whether this secret technique is still useful."

He stood up and was about to find a set of clothes from the storage ring to change into, when he suddenly looked at his body in confusion.

Muscles are muscles, chest muscles, abdominal muscles... and biceps on the hands, but... too white. Birds have turned into big white radishes as if they have never been used. There is not a single hair left.

Although it is indeed not used much...

This is a typical face attack!

A light curtain was drawn, and he compared it, and his face was covered with a black cloud. This skin... I'm afraid most women will be jealous when they see it... The scars on the body are also completely healed. But...

It doesn't match the image of Laozi!

He closed the light curtain with a cramp at the corner of his mouth and touched his cheek. If there was any regret, it was that after coming to the Seventh Realm, the mask that had been on his face was gone. It was completely burned by thunder, and now it was his true face.

But what does it matter?

As long as he ascended to Taixu, he did not plan to stay in the Seventh Realm. There were countless wonderful things outside. Taixu was already qualified to travel the galaxy. Most planes in the universe had not even heard of the realm of Taixu. And... the earth was still waiting for him.

Above him, there were only Guanghan Palace and the Immortal Holy Mountain. Since he chose to stand with Guanghan Palace, when the other party was facing the Immortal Holy Mountain squeezing out their living space, might they cut off one of their arms?

Even if they knew he came from the No Return Realm, so what? If it really didn't work, they could still go to Tiragangdis.

His mind was in a mess, and at this moment, his eyes flashed around and fell on something.

It was a fragment of green leaf...

In memory, Haotian used a "patch" to make up for the prison of will!

"It's you!" He stretched out his hand and the fragment of green leaf flew into his hand. As soon as he got it, he felt like he was standing at the center of the universe. Talismans swarmed in all directions, condensing the surroundings of him into a rotating galaxy. And... he was very familiar with this feeling!

Where has he felt it before?

He gently rubbed his chin. He was very uncomfortable with the smooth feel without any stubble, and his photographic memory started up quickly. After a full five minutes, he sighed: "Sala Twin Trees..."

"This... is actually the leaf of the Sala Twin Trees."

"Back in Kaiyun Realm, the monk said that there are only four Sala Twin Trees in the universe, and this leaf comes from one of them."

Suddenly, the green leaf in his hand moved slowly. Then, it pointed straight to a place. At the same time, he felt an attraction. It was the attraction of similar substances. And the same kind of substance...

"The other half of this 'bug'..." He licked his lips and his breathing became rapid. After two levels of death battle, he finally found the bug of this program! Being able to sense it means... the distance is not far!

Break it, and the Queen of Wa will wake up completely!

And that's when he will become the Great Void, negotiate with the two Yawes, and take back Zi Qi's soul!

If everything goes well.


This is the initiative!

The initiative is now quietly transferred to his hands! He can choose to wake up the Queen of Wa at any time! Even for Mammon, who doesn't know where he is, it is a huge threat!

He can make a deliberate plan when he has prepared everything. He can forcibly wake up the Queen of Wa when he is in danger.

Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. Now, he finally holds this golden phoenix.

"Zi Qi..." He held the leaf tightly in his palm and flew in the direction pointed by the leaf.

"Wait for me."

After the rebirth, the Guangyao Talisman can be used again, at sub-light speed, it can travel thousands of miles in one second. In the blink of an eye, a huge light gate appeared in front of him.

He stepped in without hesitation, but in a flash, he appeared in the choice!

And... he was not the only one here.

"You are here." A hoarse voice sounded, very strange, as if he was not used to speaking with the vocal organs of "people". The other party was wrapped in a black robe. He did not look at him, but looked at the roulette wheel from a distance.

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party vigilantly, and after a few seconds, he covered up the murderous intent in his eyes: "Sun Demon Wolf?"

The black-robed monk slowly lifted the black robe, and the face of the Earth Crying Master appeared in it: "The Queen of Wa is about to wake up, even if I walk here in my incarnation, it will attract attention. Her consciousness has begun to be alert and unstable. For convenience, I borrowed something from this person."

Xu Yangyi restrained his cold eyes: "What are you going to do?"

"No hurry." The Sun Demon Wolf licked his lips deeply: "You may not be familiar with this thing... but it has a name that you must have heard of. I didn't expect it to be here..."

"What?" Xu Yangyi asked casually. In his mind, he was thinking about how to deal with it.

His expression was seen clearly by the Shining Sun Demon Wolf. He smiled mysteriously, turned around and looked at Xu Yangyi, and said word by word: "Seal, God, List."

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