
Chapter 1556: List of Gods

Ahhhhh! Forgot to update today! Excuse me!



In an instant, Xu Yangyi's thoughts stopped.

The Conferred Gods List...that famous Conferred Gods List? The list of gods for the catastrophe of heaven and earth?

Is it...this space?

"It's not this space." Yaori Demon Wolf said more casually, "It's just it."

It's that stone tablet!

"This... is the list of gods?" Xu Yangyi said in astonishment. The stone tablet has no resemblance to the brocade silk scroll that resembles the imperial edict in my memory.

"Don't limit yourself to memories and 'what you heard and recognized'. Who told you that the List of Gods is a book?" Yaori Demon Wolf said with a smile: "You can try, any of you can only face one side of it forever. You’ll never see the back of it in your lifetime.”

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the other person, turned into a stream of light and flew away. After circling the stone wheel monument several times, it was true... He hadn't noticed it before, but now he realized that he really couldn't see the back!

When he moves, he doesn't know whether it's the stone tablet moving or the space moving. What faces him is always the front.

Closing his eyes, he deeply recalled the legend of the Conferred Gods List. For a long time, an extremely obscure text appeared in his memory.

"After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Conferred Gods List will be controlled by God Haotian." He murmured, suddenly paused, and suddenly opened his eyes: "This is..."

"Ah... As smart as you are, you really thought of it... Why don't I make a suggestion? As long as you agree to join Mr. Mammon, he will not only promote you to an unimaginable level, but will also personally help you survive. After this crisis, I will completely return your friend’s soul..."

"I never make a deal with the devil." Xu Yangyi spoke coldly before he could finish.

"It's really ironic for you who came back from Tiragandis." The Sun Demonic Wolf smiled arrogantly and said without saying anything, "Only gods can see the back of the list of gods, because ...This is also a divine weapon, and it is a divine weapon made by the first generation of Yahweh. Only those who are gods can see what God has written.”

Shulala... Surrounding the stone wheel monument, several mirrors appeared in the air, folded layer by layer, and finally converged into a transparent light curtain in front of Mamen. Lines of ancient text appeared on it with great clarity.

Xu Yangyi looked over immediately, but after a few glances, his face turned pale.

can't read……

He was such a poor student that he couldn't even understand foreign languages, and classical Chinese was simply a fantasy.

At this moment, a cold murderous intention appeared next to him with an extremely familiar look, and he said in a cold voice: "This is ancient seal script."

Yuchang appeared at some point. With a slight move, the body flew into the hands of the spirit body. The black long sword was pointed directly at the throat of the Sun Demonic Wolf: "Who are you?"

"You feel...even more demonic than a demon...just the most sinful of sins...I...have never felt such a terrifying demonic energy."

Before he could make a move, Xu Yangyi pressed his hand and shook his head calmly. The lips moved.

Yuchang's eyes suddenly tightened. The other party just said two words, silently. Yet he understood.


These two words almost shook his spirit body.

Mammon... what kind of existence is that? One of the Seven Lords of Hell, one of the first Yahwehs, one of the Yahwehs who survived the two Ragnaroks! Regardless of history or legend, he is still above Emperor Wa! The group of old monsters known as the "oldest"!

The Lord of Greed.

Was given the title "Lord".

His eyes wavered slightly as he looked at Xu Yangyi, conveying one meaning: Is it really it? Is that Mammon?

Xu Yangyi nodded solemnly.

This is the real ant under the throne, an existence countless times more powerful than the God of Thunder, the true God of the universe!

The Yaori Demonic Wolf didn't take it seriously at all, and pointed at the light screen: "The list of gods can answer many of your questions. Come on, weapon spirit, and read it to your master."

Yuchang gritted his teeth and nodded, trying to fight this kind of monster. Even if he was incarnate in front of him, just thinking about it would make his spirit body fluctuate.

"The list of gods is divided into the four heavenly kings, the four saints, the righteous gods, and the righteous gods of the five directions. The four righteous gods welcome good luck and receive blessings, and chase the fugitives. The sun directs all the stars, and the Beidou five qi, water, virtue and star lords follow the fighting department. There are a total of three hundred and sixty-five true gods from Jiuyao Star Official and Tiangang Earth Demon..."

I read on line by line, the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Gods, the Twenty-four Heavenly Lords of Thunder, the Five Fire Gods, the Five Stars Ji Yao and Evil Gods... one by one, when I read to the end, I frowned slightly. : "The rest of the crowd?"

"What department is this?"

"This is not a department." Yaori Demon Wolf Jiejie said with a smile: "The remaining people... are the remaining people. Most of these so-called righteous gods are in the realm of saints, and a few are too empty. I have heard that I will not return to the immortal world. During that period of war, the real Yahweh opened the communication channel. The communication with heaven recorded in the history book is the real communication with Haotian."

"This is not to confer a god, but..." He sneered and said solemnly: "Pick! God! Servant!"


Their minds were buzzing with thoughts. Yes...what do these "gods" do when they are singled out? It's not just for the sake of heaven. And who is Heaven?


No wonder... In the end, the list of gods was in the hands of Haotian. Then... why is it here?

Xu Yang felt blessed in his soul, his eyes flashed and he said: "The Prison of this...the formation of the Prison of Will?"

"You are indeed smart, I really can't bear to let you go." The Sun Demonic Wolf smiled and raised his hand: "Continue, Artifact Spirit."

Yuchang continued to read out names one by one. Most of the names that appeared on the list of gods were read out by him. But as they thought about it, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang both had something wrong with their expressions.

Within the light curtain, countless names were gray with a trace drawn on them.

"This is the Servant of God that has perished." Yaori Demon Wolf said lightly: "Any true Yahweh has his own Kingdom of God. The powerful servants of God who can really do things are all in these Kingdoms of God. God will grant you eternal life. As for the "remnants," they are all unimportant scum that cannot even be remembered. They should be grateful if Yahweh can give them a hundred thousand years of life."

After saying this, he stopped talking.

Xu Yangyi pondered, and he suddenly felt... something was wrong?

"Emperor Wa's state!" After a long while, he raised his head and said with certainty: "Emperor Wa is now in the prison of will. Her divine kingdom appeared in the second level, and there was nothing. Has she... lost her ability to send the gods? The strength to enter the Kingdom of God?”

"Bah bang bang" Yaori Demon Wolf applauded: "Not bad, really good. Indeed, this is the real reason for the great war! Emperor Wa has entered the prison of will, and her territory still needs people to take care of it. She obviously I don’t want to wait until I come out to see a vast wasteland, so the Conferred God List was left here..."

"That's right..." Yuchang took a breath at this moment, looked at the few lines below, and said with some disbelief: "Servant of God... the Great Sage of Agelessness... 13,000 years ago..."

"Also! Great Sage Guanghan! Ten thousand years ago!"

"There is still more! The Great Sage Qingtian, thirty-four thousand years ago!"

"The Great Sage Jiyin lived fifty-two thousand years ago!" "The Great Sage Linglong lived sixty-seven thousand years ago!"

"These...are all great saints in the history of the seven realms!"

Yuchang took a deep breath: "They...are all within the 'remnant'!"

"These people are not qualified to go to the Eight Divisions of Heaven." Yaori Demon Wolf gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "And you have also seen the situation of Emperor Wa, and you cannot give them more lives."

"This is not important. What is important is that all the servants of God - once they receive the initiation of Heavenly Dao, they will automatically become the servants of Emperor Wa. Even if Emperor Wa is extremely weak now, this will be easy. What I mean is that these servants of God Their names are all on it, how did they... get written on it? "

Yuchang thought deeply for a moment: "Was it written by Emperor Wa?"

"No." Xu Yangyi thought thoughtfully, raised his eyes and looked directly at the Sun Demon Wolf: "It's 'handwritten.'"

"Look, the traces of each of these characters are different. If they were written by Emperor Wa, they should have the same handwriting. Now they are all different. In other words..."

He solemnly said: "Everyone wrote it themselves!"

"It's a ceremony!" His thoughts became clearer and smoother, and he said with certainty: "This is Emperor Wa's 'conferred god', her selection, just like the name written on the list of conferred gods at the end, this is a ceremony! In other words, choosing to become a god Servant, when you become a great saint, you need to go through a 'recorded ceremony'!"

The Yaori Demon Wolf did not speak this time, but looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, and after a few seconds said: "Sure enough..."

"As for you, if you don't surrender, you must be killed!"

"Your Majesty Mammon's door is still open to you, forever. I can even promise that if you have trouble this time, I can immediately ask you to take action across light years. Don't worry, as long as it is not a provocation or a war, this Mr. Wahuang will still give you face."

Xu Yangyi did not answer.

Working for Mammon?

If you weren't so greedy and didn't threaten me with Zhao Ziqi's soul, maybe.

But know, all I can think about is how to...completely end your incarnation here.

The initiative lies with him. This is something that neither Mamen nor Emperor Wa knows about. He is not without a chance!

I've done this kind of thing like killing gods once, and I don't mind doing it a second time. The incarnation of Mammon... Morning Star Demon Dragon New Luyard has learned from the past, and he has no psychological burden.

"Remember, this is your only opportunity to contact the true God during the entire process of Heavenly Dao Initiation. And our opportunity is here!" The Shining Sun Devil Wolf stood up, opened his hands, and thousands of silver-white brilliance gathered together. The almost ancient stone appears in the hand with the flavor of time: "Media, this medium is what you want to do!"

brush! Golden light merged into the sea, and the stones condensed in the brilliance and flew into Xu Yangyi's hands. When he took a closer look, his eyes suddenly jumped. This stone... is actually exactly the same as the Conferred Gods List!

The raccoon cat is replaced by the prince!

At this moment, he understood Mammon's thoughts.

Since... the last name needs to be written automatically by the person who has received the Heavenly Dao initiation, then Emperor Wa needs to give this thing. There is a "process" of two people coming into contact!

What if... the thing he returned was not the List of Gods?

But what about this stone?

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