
Chapter 1558: Pseudo-divine magic: Eternal Night

Blah blah blah... The universe rotates faster and faster, and there are more and more talismans, finally forming a chain of runes. However, it never showed up. Xu Yangyi is not in a hurry, there is a full day here, one day... If you can get the Eternal Night, you will make a lot of money!

After three full hours, the light finally dimmed, and a pale golden sheepskin scroll flew out of the golden ark and fell into his hand.

"Pseudo divine art, eternal night?" Xu Yangyi sensed it: "Not a divine art?"

"Eternal Night... cannot be created, and the specifications are not enough. This is the highest level that the Golden Ark can present." A roaring voice echoed in his ears, and Xu Yangyi blinked: "Item Spirit?"

Noah's Ark has already been enlightened, so it is not surprising that there is an instrument spirit.

However, the other party did not answer.

"Abandoned?" Xu Yangyi was not surprised. Once the weapon spirit has intelligence, it will even automatically choose its master. If the other party does not agree with the holder, there will be great spiritual power if he does not work hard.

But that's okay.

He is still very young.

With his hands as hot as fire, he carefully sealed the scroll with several restrictions.


He looked in the direction the other person left and licked his lips.

Do you are the only one special here?

Are you the only one who is in the Taixu realm and is not restricted? Even the sage Nivia can't do it?

Then...I will give you a big gift...a gift you can never imagine!

"Get a good rest." Yuchang sensed Xu Yangyi's body: "The ants in the third level should be the queen ants shooting the sun in the legend of Sanmiao... The difficulty of this level is definitely more terrifying than before!"

"On the tenth day...there are ten three-legged golden crows, each of them is probably at the unique level. They...are not Yahweh, and the God-killing Spear will be of no use!"

"How about the specifics... let's see after entering."

Xu Yangyi nodded and closed his eyes. After passing the first two levels, everyone knows that none of the so-called ancient myths are easy to mess with!

In the book, I only saw "the sun was scorching, the earth was on fire, and the people were in dire straits." When I actually saw it... it was definitely a shocking scene! And, that's not all...the next level, the main body of the green leaves is right there! We must also strive to enter the Bridge of Heaven and Earth faster than Mammon!

Racing against time is no longer enough to describe it.

After swallowing the elixir, he quietly meditated, and the remaining hours passed quickly. His energy and energy had returned to its peak. When he opened his eyes, the entire void had rippled, and the spiritual energy was twisted into a spinning vortex. He stepped into it.


The wild land.

The flags were still high, and the banners of the three sect alliances lay behind a curtain of light. There were still a lot of people left, but no one could laugh.

All eyes were fixed on the high-level monks, including Wang Bufa, Tu Su Fangrong, Ancestor Yinfeng, Zen Master Baoxiang and others, with their faces as dark as water and they did not say a word.

"You said... he will really show up?" Wang Bufa said with a calm face.

"Who knows..." Tu Su Fangrong said quietly: "As far as I know, once the coach dies, everyone will be immediately sent out of the world of great struggle. After all, one of the forty-nine gods will escape. God will also be defeated. If there is any chance of survival, let them go back and prepare immediately.”

"But, we didn't." Zen Master Baoxiang looked around. The miserable environment in all directions made his eyelids twitch. "There is only one possibility... Ben Lei... is not dead!"

"It was only after entering this level that I was sure of this. If he was really dead, we would never have entered this level!"

No one spoke anymore. They are all waiting. This is a group of gamblers who have overpowered everyone. The elite of the sect has been destroyed, and several of the treasurers have died. What they are asking for... is a promise that five kings and two queens will ascend the throne!

A commitment to ensure that the Wannian Family will take the next step forward!

No one can afford to lose.

The atmosphere at the scene was solemn, with eyes crossing the air uneasily. One hour, two hours... At the third hour, a ray of light suddenly flashed in the void.

Brush...swipe, brush, brush! At this second, no matter Yuanying, Jindan, or Zunsheng, they all stood up suddenly, staring at Guanghua. Watching it spin brilliantly, slowly gather together, and finally... turn into a ten-meter teleportation circle.

"Is it...him?" A sage spoke hoarsely, feeling his heart beating wildly.

It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Even the roar of the flags became the accompaniment of the whirlpool at this moment.

Just five minutes seemed like fifty years. Five minutes later, a figure familiar to everyone slowly stepped out of the whirlpool. All the saints in front were stunned. Wang Bufa and others even had their lips trembling with excitement. Zen Master Baoxiang put his hands together and said in a trembling voice: "Amitabha..."

" are indeed alive!!" Tu Su Fangrong's eyes were red with excitement, and he burst into laughter, bursting into laughter and bursting into laughter at Xu Yangyi. At the same time, dozens of rays of light burst out from the scene, and thousands of dragons rushed towards them like a sea.

Yuan Ying and Jin Dan didn't move. They heard the news about this person's death with their own ears. They didn't believe it, and they didn't want to believe it. However, when the facts were proven, they still didn't believe it!

They are waiting.

Wait for the adults' decision. Wait for them to say those words themselves!

No one spoke, dozens of spiritual consciousnesses rolled towards Xu Yangyi's body crazily, he smiled slightly and let go of the restraint. Let those spiritual consciousness fall on him. One minute, two minutes...three minutes later, all the saints had only ecstasy in their eyes. The oldest Yinfeng Ancestor's hands were shaking as if he had a stroke, and he raised his head high: "It's all there..."

"All kneel down!"

"Congratulations to the leader Ben Lei!!"

"Welcome to you, Your Majesty!!" As soon as he finished speaking, every monk, regardless of gender, old or young, all knelt down and bowed to the ground. They were ecstatic and roared hoarsely: "Welcome to the return of Alliance Leader Ben Lei!!"

"I am willing to overcome all obstacles for you! I wish the three sects alliance will be invincible!!"

The sound is like a yellow bell and a big Lu, and it can be heard for hundreds of miles.

"No courtesy." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. Needless to say, after he truly ascended to the throne of Five Kings and Two, everyone today will be ministers of Conglong.

He never hesitated to reward those who were loyal to him.

The monks stood up one by one and watched with ardent eyes as the saints welcomed Xu Yangyi into the center of the formation. After everyone sat down, Xu Yangyi stopped his smile and said solemnly: "The current situation?"

"Good, not good." Wang Bufa said solemnly: "After the last battle of consciousness, we... lost 18,000 people, and now there are still 6,000 monks. 1,700 were seriously injured. That is It is said that only 4,300 people can actually go to the battlefield."

Mei Taxue continued: "The saints also suffered heavy casualties. Now we only have sixty-two saints left. But the good news is that our opponent is the Void Mahayana Sect. Their situation is worse than us, with only three thousand monks left, seriously injured. One thousand. As long as the two armies confront each other, we can definitely eat them!"

She paused slightly, glanced at Xu Yangyi without leaving any trace, and said calmly: "Master entrusted me before coming here. If there is a chance, I must bring back the head of this traitor who deceived my master and destroyed his ancestors."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Don't worry, we will definitely have a battle with them at this level. And their strength must not dare to fight us head-on. At most, they are just some ghosts in the night."

If he said it with deep meaning: "I promised Fairy Lingbo, of course I will not cheat on you."

Mei Taoxue raised her willow eyebrows, felt deeply blessed, and said nothing again.

She knew very well that her strength was no match for Liu Mianfeng. The only person who could be sure to truly kill Liu Mianfeng at the scene was Ben Lei himself.

"What about other situations?" Skipping this topic, Xu Yangyi looked at the others: "If my guess is correct, in this level... we may encounter... humans for the first time."

However, as soon as the words were spoken, the scene fell into dead silence.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, but before he could speak, Mei Taxue sighed and said, "Yes, we... did meet humans. However, it's the same as the previous level. We can't go out now, and this level hasn't started yet. But …The environment at this level…is probably extremely harsh.”

She took a deep breath and spoke with great caution: "According to the current situation... there is a 90% chance that... under the Great Void, at the beginning of this level, the moment the light curtain opens, everyone will be reduced to ashes!"

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, nodded deeply, and turned into a green and black brilliance that shot straight into the sky.

Three thousand meters in the air, looking around, he immediately took a breath.

Not far in front of them, wrapping six thousand people, was a lattice barrier. Outside the barrier...

The ground is full of fire!

It was a golden flame, not an ordinary fire at all. There is no wind to spontaneously ignite, nothing to spontaneously combust! They seem to burn without materials, even the air and the earth melt!

In the sky, ten suns lay across the sky, and these fires... were the lights of the ten suns. They rained down from the sky, and once they touched the earth, they turned into a sea of ​​fire.

It's indescribable, not even the legendary Flame Mountain can compare to it. At this moment, the entire earth may have turned into a huge fireball. In the midst of the raging flames, a huge prehistoric demon king could occasionally be seen appearing and roaring. Some wantonly destroyed everything on the earth, and some were reduced to ashes in the flames.

And their location is in a small village. Stone house, animal skin clothing, typical ancient clan. The clan has a totem in the center of the village with three hieroglyphs carved on it.

"The Youqiong clan." The shadow of Yuchang appeared and looked around with flickering eyes: " the legendary tribe of queen ants."

"Sanmiao legend states that the queen ant shot the sun after Wang Lei flooded the earth. Emperor Wa's other children advised him not to do this, so he summoned ten suns to dry up the sea water, but he did not take them back after drying them."

"Look there." He pointed to the horizon. Xu Yangyi looked carefully and saw a towering ancient tree hidden among the thousands of waves of fire.

It is very special. It is obviously the most flammable object, but it does not move at all in the flames. The green leaves are towering. It's just that it's too far away to see clearly.

"That... is the legendary Jianmu, one of the four sacred trees along with the peach, fusang and immortality. It is also the place where the queen ant shoots the sun."

Xu Yangyi took a long time to look back, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, what we have to do now, the first possibility is: to accompany Houyi to Jianmu? Kill all the demon kings on the way for him? Finally, help him shoot down Golden Crow?”

Yuchang said: "The second possibility: the queen ant has flown to Jianmu, we must find him. Participate in this myth."

Xu Yangyi did not respond, but looked at the sky full of fire again: "Do you feel that... this level... seems to be completely different from before?"

“It’s like… entering suddenly. I feel… this is not the beginning of the story, but… when we entered, the story was already halfway through or even more!”

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