
Chapter 1559: Jianmu Divine Bow (I)

"What do you mean?" Yuchang said in astonishment.

Xu Yangyi raised his finger and made a "hush" gesture. The two listened carefully, and apart from the sound of the flames, this world... there was also a slight snoring sound. As if they were sleeping soundly. But those people from Youqiong clan seemed to not feel it at all.

"This is the Queen Wa." Xu Yangyi said affirmatively: "Her will is slowly awakening. I can guarantee that as long as the barrier is opened, we will definitely be able to sense the super strong divine power."

"What does this have to do with the story starting a long time ago? Someone entered faster than us? Liu Mianfeng? Mammon?" Yuchang asked.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "No... We were indeed the first to enter. However, the Queen Wa's mind was stimulated and slowly awakened, resulting in a time error."

He pointed to the surroundings: "The first evidence: We never give any hints in the first and second levels. When you understand, everything is over. And what about this level?"

Yuchang looked along his finger, his eyes narrowed, and there was no living person in the Youqiong clan where he pointed! Those wearing animal skins... are all dead bones!

Xu Yangyi pointed to the totem, right there, the totem emitted a magnificent golden light, surrounding the entire village. Endless runes extended from it, but this could not protect the villagers at all. They even maintained their image from the previous second, some were fanning, some were carrying water. Just like that, they turned into a pile of skeletons.

Yuchang's eyes became more and more solemn, and he took a breath after a few seconds: "The people here... died at the same time!"

"The totem is the spirit of a clan, and Youqiong clan is a large clan. The restriction emitted by this totem... has actually reached the early stage of Taixu! Even so, it is impossible to guarantee that everyone will survive!"

Xu Yangyi said faintly: "Ten days rose into the sky, instantly breaking through the restriction and killing everyone. In other words... under Taixu, death is inevitable! There is no reminder, no waiting time, only sudden death! Is this... really the level of the world of great contention?"

The two looked at each other, their hearts were cold.

At this moment, in the prehistoric world, in biographies and novels, they have recorded at most "after going through catastrophes and turning into ashes, and the ten suns shining together," but only when they really see it, they know how bad the situation is!

The ground is full of flames, and except for Jianmu, there is no living creature below Taixu. The prehistoric world now is a real Shura field! Anyone who survives here is a demon king!

"This is inconsistent with the first two levels!" Xu Yangyi said hurriedly: "If this is really the case, we will be courting death if we enter! How does the Queen choose the servants of God?"

"This situation... is equivalent to the collapse of the heaven in the first level, and the fall of the Yellow Spring Sea in the second level! This is not a scene that can appear at the 'beginning'. Only after failing this level, the scene of destroying everything is in line with it! In other words..."

He looked into the void: "I think that because the Queen's will has revived and the timeline has been distorted, this level... is likely to have ended before we came in."

"What we see is the picture after the end. It is the 'erased' picture without 'passing' this level!"

The style of painting has changed. The method has changed. It is hard to imagine that the third level would change so thoroughly in the sequence of selecting God's servants. It is so thorough that it does not seem like it was thought up by one person. The same thing, the same method, would have such a contradiction? This difficulty is definitely to select God's servants? Not to destroy the world?


Yu Chang nodded convincedly. Xu Yangyi's strongest point is to find these evidences and find the way to turn the tables from the clues. Whether it is Danxia Palace or the Tower of Babel. And often the final facts are almost the same as what he deduced.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he took a breath and looked at Xu Yangyi. When he was making a choice, Xu Yangyi told him everything he had experienced, including Haotian's mark and the construction of the will prison. At this moment, he suddenly thought of a terrible consequence.

"Then... the mark of God Haotian..."

Before he finished speaking, a green leaf had appeared at the tip of Xu Yangyi's finger, pointing directly in the direction of Jianmu.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Xu Yangyi's face was as gloomy as water, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Whether we are going to find the queen ant or go with the queen ant, we must pass through this world."

The two looked at the outside of Youqiong clan. In the sea of ​​fire, there were occasional bodies like small mountains moving. They were the prehistoric demon kings who could survive in the flames. Because the ten suns were in the sky, the tyranny of these demon kings may have reached its peak!

Even across the barrier, you can feel that crazy tyranny.

"Damn..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and put away the green leaves. The third world has indeed changed, but... this is not the change he wants.

Entering the crematorium of the prehistoric world is no different from seeking death.

"The true knower said that shattering the beauty in the memory of the Queen Wa can also wake the Queen Wa up." He suddenly said.

This is the only good news.

At least, he had already made two preparations.

Yu Chang's eyes lit up and took a deep breath: "You want..."

The two looked at each other and saw the endless killing intent in each other's eyes.

"You... are really crazy enough." After a long time, Yu Chang said in astonishment.

"Aren't you used to it?" Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "Will it work?"

Yu Chang did not answer, and after a moment of silence, he said firmly: "There is a chance!"

"First, Wang Lei will definitely lose! According to the 'plot,' he will be defeated by other brothers and sisters. Therefore, your killing of his projection will not affect the Queen."

"But... the Queen Ant is different!"

"The Hou Ant will not die, at least not here! If...if we really kill the Hou Ant! Queen Wa will probably be shocked!"

Yes...they are not going to help the Hou Ant. Instead...they are going to kill the Hou Ant!

At present, finding the Haotian Mark is not feasible for the time being. This is the safest way to break the dream. The only way is to break Queen Wa's most beautiful memory.

In other words, forcibly change the "plot!"

Hou Ant, the son that Queen Wa values, if...he dies in his own hands, can Queen Wa withstand such stimulation when her will is already unstable?

The more he thought about it, the smoother it became. Yu Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Second, and more importantly, the Hou not at a high level!"

"At most, it's too empty!"

"Are you sure?" Xu Yangyi didn't think of this and asked immediately.

"I'm sure! He's not even at the level of Taixu! Compared to helping Hou Yi shoot down ten Jinwus who are at least unique, killing Hou Yi is the easiest way!" Yu Chang said excitedly: "Do you remember how Hou Yi died? According to the legend of Sanmiao, Chang'e was a thousand-year-old white fox. She took the elixir and ascended to heaven, while Hou Yi died of depression."

Xu Yangyi's mind suddenly became clear: "In other words, Hou Yi can't ascend to heaven, and he... may really be below Taixu!"

Yu Chang smelled the fragrance and understood the elegant meaning, and immediately continued: "He didn't see through Chang'e's disguise. Chang'e's realm is higher than his, and she also had to steal the elixir to ascend to heaven. Her realm... I'm afraid it's Taixu at most!"

The two nodded silently after their eyes met.

The so-called decision, no matter whether he is surprised or not, as long as the decision is made, it must be executed with all efforts.

"Ka..." At this moment, the light curtain made a shattering sound, and then the talisman dissipated in all directions. Just after it cracked a little, a hot breath fell from the sky, as if people were smoking from their throats.

However, no one complained about the heat. At the moment when the crack opened, everyone knelt on the ground. Without exception, even all the saints were silent at this moment, not daring to sweat.

"This... this is..." Master Baoxiang trembled all over, his forehead pressed against the ground: "Too... too terrible... I have never experienced... I have never experienced such pressure!"

"What on earth is this?" The old man Yinfeng sweated through his heavy clothes, his teeth were trembling: "How can there be such a terrifying thing in the world?"

Along with the hot wind, there was also a breath that was extremely powerful, like the abyss and the sea, and it should not exist in the world at all!


That was the majesty of the beginning of the world, the grandeur of the universe's disillusionment, and the supreme and great word that could be the law of the world.

It was simply beyond human imagination.

There was a dead silence below. In the air, Xu Yangyi made a hand gesture, and his spiritual consciousness gathered into the golden ark. A few minutes later, a huge ark of 30,000 meters appeared in the void.

"Buzz!" Noah's Ark burst into a golden light, and the space on all sides seemed to be overwhelmed, and suddenly burst into roars. However, those terrifying pressures disappeared instantly.

"Everyone get on board if you don't want to die." Xu Yangyi's voice fell from the air. He and Yu Chang never discussed how to cross this world from beginning to end, because they had already made up their minds.

However, being able to cross does not mean that you can find the Haotian mark. The current prehistoric world is too scary. What if it is a monster? What if it is a stone?

It is better to meet by chance than to meet. Hope cannot be pinned on this ethereal mark. Although this is the most correct way to awaken the Queen of Wa.

"This..." All the cultivators below were stunned: "Isn't this the ship in the previous level?" "How could it be in the hands of Master Ben Lei?" "Master... can you control this ship?"

Ka... Kaka Kaka! Before they could finish their exclamation, there were more and more cracks on the barrier, and a trace of golden flames had spread inward along the cracks. Suddenly, no one dared to speak anymore and rushed to the Ark with all their strength.

Ten minutes later, the barrier shattered. All they saw was a golden color. The gilded flames were magnificent, whistling and turning into a long river, forming clouds and smoke like a nuclear explosion in front of everyone, instantly engulfing the Ark.

However, there was no effect at all. The Golden Crow Fire could not break through the Ark's defense at all. In this dazzling light curtain that looked like a golden gauze, the Ark broke through the clouds and mist with a buzzing sound, turned into a point of golden light, and flew towards Jianmu at a high speed.

Below was a raging sea of ​​fire, with terrifying demon kings roaring in it, and the Ark was in the air. Xu Yangyi stood at the bow, watching the shadow of Jianmu getting bigger and bigger, and the green leaves on his fingertips pointed at the direction of Jianmu.

Billions of meters, tens of millions of meters, millions of meters... one hundred thousand meters... the distance was rapidly closing, and half an hour later, he suddenly raised his eyelids without a sound. Yu Chang was beside him and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"There's something." Xu Yangyi spoke calmly, pointing to the void beside him.

Ten suns soared into the sky, the Golden Crow was raging, and everywhere there were clouds like golden gauze. It was beautiful, but in fact, these were all phenomena of fire burning to the extreme. If you touch them, they will turn into ashes.

Is there something in this place...?

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