
Chapter 1560: Jianmu Divine Bow (Part 2)

Boom boom... Noah's Ark passed through the golden sea of ​​clouds. Yuchang looked over carefully, and after a few seconds, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the void.

"What is this?" Yuchang's consciousness was not as good as Xu Yangyi's, and he didn't see it clearly. Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Dead thing."

Dead thing?

Yuchang frowned, dead things... can live in the void under the golden flames?

Getting closer and closer, and strangely, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the golden flames in front seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. After a few minutes, with a loud bang. Noah's Ark, with a cloud of golden silk all over its body, suddenly rushed out of the clouds, like Kunpeng emerging from the water, and everything in front disappeared.

"Zi..." "Is this... a sacred tree?" "How could there be such a terrifying thing in the world?" "This... is the prehistoric?"

On the whole ship, exclamations suddenly came one after another. Right in front of them, like a paradise, the flames could not enter at all, and in a farther place, the shadow of an ancient tree swayed the world. And above their heads... it was already covered with branches and leaves.

The branches and leaves of Jianmu.

It was hard to describe this sacred tree.

Ordinary, but not ordinary. Its leaves were lush and green, as if a green umbrella was opened above the earth. Even if the ten suns were in the sky, they could not burn a single bit.

However, any ordinary thing, once it reached a certain level, would be enough to intimidate all directions.

Big, extremely big, covering the sun and the sky, covering the earth is hard to describe. And what was even more amazing was... under its canopy, countless stars were faintly twinkling!

It was like opening up the universe and hanging the stars, it was the world.

Noah's Ark slowed down, and everyone on the ship ran to the fence in shock, pointing at this gorgeous "starry sky" and talking endlessly. The 10,000-meter-long Noah's Ark was not conspicuous at all in the lush leafy sky, as if it was traveling in the emerald green Milky Way.

"It's incredible..." A Yuanying Zhenjun stretched out his hand with emotion, as if he wanted to touch the beautiful stars outside. Suddenly, he frowned slightly and turned to ask the cultivator beside him: "Daoyou... Did I see it wrong? Just now... some stars moved?"

"How could it be." The Yuanying beside him was about to say something, but suddenly his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide but he couldn't say anything, just tremblingly pointed behind the Yuanying.

The other party was stunned, turned his head and took a serious look, and immediately took a breath of cold air and retreated desperately for more than ten meters.

Those are not stars.

Just outside the golden barrier of Noah's Ark, monsters were either lying on tree trunks or hanging upside down on branches. There were more than tens of thousands of them! It seemed that all the monsters in the prehistoric world had gathered here!

"Zhi..." "Gu..." There was no noise, only low roars. All the monsters seemed to have been exhausted by this terrifying heat wave. However, there are so many monsters here that their hair stands on end just by watching them calmly.

Moving forward under the gaze of endless monsters, each of which is above the peak of the Venerable Saint, this kind of pressure is simply not something that the cultivators of the lower four realms can bear.

Xu Yangyi naturally saw this scene and slowly retracted his gaze. Unexpectedly but reasonably, only here in the whole land is there no fire. Jianmu is so big that its canopy is equivalent to a continent on the earth, and it has already formed its own ecosystem.

He doesn't care about these things. Green Leaf points at Jianmu. The corner of his eye twitches slightly, and he holds Green Leaf tightly in his hand.

No one speaks during the voyage in the sea of ​​monsters. Time passes slowly, and the towering trees in the distance become clearer and clearer. An hour later, they finally see the true appearance of Jianmu.

I don't know how big it is, and I don't know how high it is. The canopy is three thousand feet high, and it crushes the heavens for ten thousand miles. The closer to the center, the more and more stars there are of monsters. As the green leaves covering the sky sway, a sense of grandeur is born.

It is too tall, too big, and too old, and a kind of old age smell emanates from it. However, what is surprising is that its trunk is not straight, but curved, and countless vines blooming with purple flowers gather into a purple and green ocean, as if...

"Harp?" Wang Bufa and others also came to the bow, their eyes slightly stern, too strange, the legendary Jianmu actually grew into this shape?

"I'm afraid it's not just a harp." Yu Chang said grimly: "If I'm not mistaken... this should be a bow."

"Bow?!" "A bow that penetrates the sky and the earth?" "What is it going to shoot? Who can pull it?" "This... is too fantasy."

Suddenly, several voices around were shocked. Xu Yangyi calmly pointed to the sky, and Master Baoxiang's eyes twitched: "You mean... this giant bow of heaven and earth... is used to shoot down the sun?"

"The story of Houyi shooting down the sun." Tu Su Fangrong looked at the giant Jianmu bow in the distance with emotion: "It is recorded in the secret files of the Bugui Realm. But... I have never heard that the bow he used to shoot down the sun was actually Jianmu! And... it turned out to be like this!"

At this moment, a green light flashed gently, and fell in the center of the giant bow like a meteor. It is difficult to describe his appearance. Covered with carapace, about three meters tall, the head is actually an ant head, and the huge mouthparts and antennae on the top of the head are clearly visible. The body is similar to a human body, with six arms. Two insect wings behind the back. And below the waist, it is the lower limbs of an ant.

"This is..." As soon as he appeared, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang were stunned, and looked at the green leaves at the fingertips at the same time. The green leaves that were originally still suddenly stood up at this moment, and at the same time, a golden rune flowed from the leaf veins. As if calling for something.

Is it him?

Haotian's mark!

"Here?" Yuchang took a deep breath and suddenly looked at this weirdo. The other person was not in a strong realm. He had attained the Great Perfection of Saints and had also reached the top. He was no weaker than Xu Yangyi. But... now they still have more than sixty saints! It takes at most one hour, and it is not difficult to kill the opponent!

It takes no effort at all!

"Go at full speed!!" Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and shouted, and suddenly, endless talismans erupted from the surface of Noah's Ark, suddenly turning into a stream of light, approaching Jianmu.

The fish intestine spirit body silently held the main body, but was gently pressed down by a hand. Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "He is a queen ant."

"Queen ant?" Yuchang was stunned and looked at the three-meter-old ant in astonishment: "This monster?"

Hou Yi = Hou Yi, legend has different expressions. could the great god Hou Yi be such a monster!

Xu Yangyi licked his lips and looked deeply at the ant: "He came from the Void Spirit Immortal Body. When he emerged from the cocoon, you were in Tiragondis, so you didn't know. I have felt his spiritual power. This is definitely The same thing!”

Yuchang didn't ask any more questions. After thinking about it for a long time, he put down the main body.

"Are you worried that...if you really kill him, Emperor Wa will wake up immediately?" Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to answer, he continued: "He is the mark of Haotian and one of Emperor Wa's important heirs. Indeed, very soon It is possible that once he is killed, it will be difficult to prevent Emperor Wa from awakening, but..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, and he gently touched the storage ring. Right there, the scroll of Eternal Night was emitting golden light. He took a deep breath and revealed his murderous intent: "But, we don't know yet... where the others will come from."

"This is just one, and the second is that Liu Mianfeng is still here. Once the queen ants are killed, Emperor Wa will 100% wake up immediately, and Mamen will come immediately. When the two kings confront each other, I will be the weakest bridge between them. At that time, …I don’t want any surprises.”

Negotiating with the gods, changing the civet cat for the prince, even the slightest accident may turn into a terrifying tornado.

He said coldly: "Liu Mianfeng must die. Before the queen ant dies."

Swipe, pull, pull... The endless leaves around him were blown by the strong wind, like an endless ocean tide. Many monsters screamed and flew out of the shelter of the leaves. When Noah's Ark reached an extreme speed, it suddenly flashed and the light disappeared. When it reappeared, it was already thousands of meters away from Jianmu.

"Space folding?" Xu Yangyi glanced at Noah's Ark in surprise, not expecting that the other party had such a method. It is truly an artifact.

Rumble... No one could feel the huge movement of space folding, and the queen ants' vigilant eyes were fixed on the huge crack in the sky. The turbid waves emptied, and when Noah's Ark completely sailed out of the rift in time and space, a voice came from the sky: "Who is coming?"

"There is a Xi clan from the eastern border tribe." Before anyone else could speak, Xu Yangyi had already stepped forward. There was no murderous intention on his face, but a solemn look on his face: "Don't you know your friend's name?"

Yuchang lowered his head quietly, blocking the light passing through his eyes.

The queen ant did not answer immediately and stared at the big ship for a long time: "You are lying."

"Why do you see it?" Xu Yangyi was not angry, but said calmly.

"Your clothes..." Houyi cautiously took a few steps back and leaned against Jianmu: "You are not monks on this plane. The civilization on this plane cannot have such good clothes. Leave here, otherwise..."

It grabbed a hanging vine with one hand. At this moment, his spiritual energy burst out. From his body, golden runes sank into the vine like dragons. The next second, the whole tree buzzed. stand up.

Ka... ka ka ka ka! Its boundless body rotates gently, very slowly, but never stops. With an indescribable terrifying pressure, the surrounding shadows were distorted, and an obvious dragon shadow appeared in the void, seeming to divide the world into two halves.

boom! When the construction stopped, a sound like the collapse of mountains and rivers sounded in everyone's hearts. The invisible huge crisis suffocated the hearts of all the saints on the bow.

As if being targeted by the world. With one blow, they were all reduced to ashes.

"Ka la la la..." The tiny body actually pulled the bow of heaven and earth. The bow string condensed with countless vines was firmly grasped in his hand and pointed directly at Noah's Ark.

"If you don't leave, you'll die!"

Buzz... As his words fell, the entire void trembled. The leaves of the huge building trees rustled and swayed like a commanding tide. Monsters crawled out from the leaves one after another, staring at the group of uninvited guests, as if they were escorting the queen ants.

With their little intelligence, they all know that only by shooting down all the suns can they have a way to survive, otherwise they will die without life!

The violent wind pressure gathered into a sea, blowing and making everyone's clothes dance wildly, and all the monks were stunned. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Sacred weapon?"

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