
Chapter 1561: Sorry, I am a villain (I)

This piece of spiritual power is even stronger than Noah's Ark.

"Not just an artifact... but a plane artifact that coexists with heaven and earth." The void seemed to be torn apart. As Jianmu's bow string opened wider and wider, endless golden light swayed from the tree crown, quickly gathering at the front of the bow, and people from all directions Objects rotate as if they are weightless and are attracted upwards.

The leaves fluttered, and an arrow of leaves gathered crazily. Neither side spoke a word in the void, and the violent auras of both sides were like swords, roaring in the wild flames.

"It's okay." At this moment, Yuchang narrowed his eyes and said, "He didn't dare to cum."

"What's the meaning?"

Yuchang said calmly: "It's very simple. Emperor Wa obviously recognized the Sanmiao myth more. If you follow this myth... the queen ant... only has ten tail thorns, and he uses his tail thorns to shoot down the sun. When ten days are in the sky, this But the great god whose purpose is to shoot the sun, could he waste any of them on us?"

Kakaka... The bow string is getting fuller and fuller, and a huge arrow thousands of meters long is about to take shape. Everyone on the Ark cast nervous eyes on Xu Yangyi on the bow. Even they felt the terror of this arrow. The void exploded with countless traces, which were broken down into fragments of talismans and sucked into the top of the arrow. There... it was like a silent black hole. Even through the light curtain of Noah's Ark, their black hair was sucked in and their bones were rattling.

There was silence for several seconds, no one moved first. There was already a hint of anxious impatience in Queen Ant's eyes. Just as he quietly tightened the bow string, Xu Yangyi's voice suddenly sounded: "Okay, as long as we ask two things, we will leave immediately."

"Say." The queen ant said in a cold voice.

Xu Yangyi stepped on the bow of the ship and let the strong wind pass by his ears, bringing up his black hair like a crow: "First, I believe you should feel that not long ago, some extraterrestrial visitors arrived from all the major clans. Where are they."

The queen ant breathed a silent sigh of relief: "I don't know."

As if he was afraid that Xu Yangyi would not believe it, he immediately said: "I did feel the fluctuations of the visitors from outside the sky. When you arrived, Shiri had already risen into the sky. But the distance was too far, and I was not in the mood to check what happened."

"What I can feel is that the moment the thing that protects you is turned on, everyone turns into ashes. No one below Taixu except me can survive under the flames of the Three-Legged Golden Crow."


Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and stared at the queen ant. The two looked at each other for a long time, and then he nodded: "Second question. What is the pattern of their arrival? Is there a fixed place where they appear?"

"Yes!" Originally, he didn't have high hopes for this question, but he never expected that Queen Ant would give an affirmative answer.

His heart accelerated without warning. He took a deep breath and raised his head: "Where?"

The hand muscles of the queen ant's bow-drawing hand bulged: "Back off a hundred thousand meters, I tell you."

Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply for a few seconds, then turned around and waved his hand, and the huge Noah's Ark roared back 100,000 meters.

"There are three clans around Jianmu." Just after exiting 10,000 meters, Hou Yi's cold voice came: "Youqing clan, Wuxi clan, and Yankui clan. These three clans have been the guards of Jianmu since ancient times. The two are in the shape of three stars and the moon. You appear in the Youqing clan, and the other one appears in the Wuxi clan. The next one will definitely be the Yankui clan."

"The answer is over. Within ten seconds, if I still feel that I am within the Jianmu range, then..." The Jianmu Divine Bow made a clicking sound, and the black hole at the top of the leaf arrow became bigger and bigger, and all the monsters within a radius of ten thousand miles were killed. Neighing uneasily.

Streams of mysterious golden energy came from the void and submerged into the bow string, making him seem to be pulling a golden dragon, dazzling.

Needless to say, as the rift in time and space opened again, Noah's Ark entered it silently. The queen ant maintained the same posture for a full hour. There was deathly silence all around. Finally, he let go of his hand, and the fallen leaves, arrows and bowstrings suddenly turned into spiritual energy and collapsed. He looked at the fallen leaves above his head expressionlessly: "They are indeed here."

"They will definitely come...cough cough cough..." A man's voice sounded from the leaves, with the sound of gnashing teeth: "They are the killers of all the worlds, and you can also feel the murderous aura in them...Only me , I’m on your side..."

The queen ant said nothing more. There was no agreement or refutation.

At the same time, on top of Noah's Ark, which was retreating rapidly, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang penetrated side by side. After a long time, Yuchang finally said with certainty: "He felt that we were not sincere."

"The darling of heaven and earth, he is the only one who can pull the Jianmu Divine Bow. When a monk reaches the realm of the Saint, he always has a vague sense of some things that are closely related to him. After all, the queen ant is also a future great god, shooting the sun to prove the divine way. Having this kind of sense is not enough. Strange." Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"Then we just give up?" Zen Master Baoxiang behind him frowned slightly: "He has the divine bow in his hand. He is almost the first person on the earth. That bow makes me feel a chill down my spine. I am afraid that this giant ship will not be able to resist it." "

"Give up?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and looked at the sun in the sky solemnly. How could he give up?

This is the final piece of the puzzle!

The Seal of Haotian and the memories of Emperor Wa all fall on Hou Yi. He is guilty of carrying the treasure, and it is just a projection of the past. He... must die!

"Shall I go?" Only Yu Chang knew him best here and said calmly.

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply, with a serious look on his face: "The queen ant leaves it to you."

"I... will go to the Yankui clan... and wait for your good news."

Also waiting for that... the incarnation of the Lord of Greed, who is known as one of the most ancient and majestic ones, to come!

Once the Hou Ant is killed, the world of great contention will begin to collapse, which is something that no one has ever done before. For 100,000 years, the seven realms, whether it is the Great Sage or Taixu, have been following the rules and laws in the hands of the Queen Wa. Only he came with the mentality of breaking this prison. Fighting to awaken the master behind the scenes of the seven realms.

The only mortal who wants to take the initiative. And they have unknowingly reached the last step! At the moment of finding the Haotian mark, this possibility has been infinitely expanded!

Woodpecker, Thor, these prehistoric myths that almost made people disappear into ashes, in front of the final confrontation between the gods... are just the beginning.

The other venerable saints looked at each other. For some reason, when Xu Yangyi mentioned the Yan Kui clan, everyone... seemed to be facing boundless fear in their hearts. The sudden omen of heaven and man, everyone looked at each other, Wang Bufa took a step forward: "Then... how to divide the people?"

The purchase is determined, and it has come to this step. Even if the bones are crushed and ashes are scattered, there is no possibility of retreat!

One step away from the five kings and two queens! Never... they have never been so close to this supreme position!

"Yan Kui clan... an extremely terrifying existence will appear." Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately, took a deep breath, and his eyes were like fire: "Those with spiritual power of more than 80 million follow me, and the others... prepare to attack the queen ant."

"What about time?" Mei Taxue took a step forward: "As long as that monster holds the giant wood bow, no one can move him."

Xu Yangyi licked his lips and pointed to the ten suns above his head.

Everyone squinted and looked over. After a few seconds, everyone's eyes flashed. The heart was bright.

Yes... that's it!

"That monster can't be guarded against forever. And his timing... is too obvious!" Tu Su Fang Rong touched his chin and sneered: "The legend of shooting the sun... no matter what, he will shoot down nine suns in the sky."

"This is the signal point." Master Bao Xiang's Dharma appearance is solemn, and his words are grim: "Not only that... you can also analyze his strength from it, and the time it takes to pull the divine bow once."

Wang Bufa said coldly: "Pulling the artifact, even if a saint is favored by heaven and earth, how many times can he pull it?"

"I'm afraid that in the end, it's life that's pulling..." The old ancestor Yin Feng stroked his long beard and said faintly.

The eyes crossed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Yu Chang took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Xu Yangyi: "Take care."

"Take care." Xu Yangyi's face was also solemn. Both of them knew that whether it was here or in Yan Kui's clan, even if the troops were divided into two routes, each route was extremely dangerous!

Yan Kui's clan, Yao Ri Demon Wolf brought Zhao Ziqi's soul to come in person, a Yawei incarnation of one of the three armors, the power... is definitely different from ordinary Yawei!

If there was no Eternal Night, he would never have gone through this.

Under the Jianmu tree sea, it seems that there is no danger, but... behind each leaf, there are endless monsters hidden. The raging beast sea is no less than the first level!

More importantly, Noah's Ark cannot stay here.

Yan Kui clan is outside the coverage of Jianmu, and without Noah's Ark, it is a dead end.

In other words, the people here must face the tide of monsters, and show their muscles under the endless tide of beasts gathered here because of the Ten Days, so that these prehistoric monsters dare not lay a hand on themselves!

And they have only about 5,000 monks who can fight.

Moreover, they cannot get close to the Jianmu giant bow now. Once the killing intention of the rear ants is aroused, the monsters on the scene will probably be cleared out under the divine bow!

The troops are divided into two groups, and each group is a strand of Jiuding.

"Let's go!" Yuchang took a deep breath, and took the lead in turning into a ray of light and rushed out of the ark, without hesitation. As he appeared, leaves on all sides rustled like the waves of the sea, and pairs of ugly and crazy eyes stared at the figure from behind the leaves.

Even the beasts could feel the huge pressure of Noah's Ark, and they could not do anything. But... what if the people inside took off this hard shell?

At the same time, endless light fell from the Ark, and talismans intertwined in the sky. Thousands of monks flew in the wind, turning into a long river of sword light, magic weapons soared into the sky, and flags fluttered. One after another, majestic magic arrays filled with murderous intent rushed into the sky. Four thousand eight hundred monks, with bloodshot eyes, surrounded the side of the Ark like stars surrounding the moon.

Just behind them, Noah's Ark burst into a golden light and slowly entered the crack of time and space.

The surroundings seemed to be quiet. The next second, the rustling sound of the leaves became more and more intense, and countless monsters could even be seen sticking their heads out from behind the leaves.

Yuchang took several deep breaths and left the Ark before he could feel the strong demonic energy here. However... could they take a step back? !

At this point, there is no way to retreat. We can only charge forward and fight to the death!

"Form a formation." His voice was not concealed at all, and his eyes looked at the sky of Jianmu leaves with a murderous look. With a bright sword light, Long Yuan, Gan Jiang, and Moye's phantoms floated behind him. He said coldly: "Those who cross the boundary will be killed without mercy!!"


When the rear ants shoot the sun, it will be their day to ride the wind and waves!

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