
Chapter 1562: Sorry, I am a villain (Part 2)

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Noah's Ark escaped into the void. Xu Yangyi took advantage of this short time to pick up the scroll of Eternal Night for the second time and read it carefully again.

Walking in the channel of time, the illusory pictures on both sides passed by quickly. He did not miss every word on it. He knew too well how strong the new Luyad was. Even if Pigfeilit was not as good as the other party, he was the real Taixu.

And he was the three-armor incarnation of the Lord of Greed.

All the heavy troops were pressed under Jianmu. There were only eight saints here. Once the Lord of Greed found out something...

They might not even have the chance to turn into ashes.

Everything was on the scroll in his hand... Five minutes later, when the whole space was buzzing, he finally opened his eyes.

Half an hour...

The first time was just a slight scan, this time it was confirmed. It takes half an hour to integrate this scroll into the carrier. Although the power is not as powerful as a moment prisoner, it is almost the same. However, its performance must rely on the carrier, and it will definitely explode after half an hour.

Doing what you want and manipulating dead things, this is the difference between divine arts and pseudo-divine arts.

"Half an hour..." He grasped the scroll fiercely: "Enough. I... is faster than him!"

Time difference.

I am afraid that Pigfeilit himself did not expect that he had buried his own tombstone unintentionally.

Rumble... The light in front of him was shining, the golden light was overwhelming, and the space rift opened again. Everyone stood at the bow, but the Ark just flew through the rift, and everyone gasped.

"This is..." Mei Taxue looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, and her whole body trembled for no reason: "So terrible... Such a terrifying aura... This is beyond human imagination..."

"Daozu above..." Another venerable saint was dumbfounded, and after a long time, he spoke with great emotion: "What the hell... What the hell is this!"

Xu Yangyi was also stunned. Right in front of him, Yan Kui disappeared, and replaced by... a huge black hole.

No, or rather, it was the black hole that covered Yan Kui.

At the junction of the black hole and the ground, traces of buildings can still be seen, but just above, a giant black hole of a kilometer in size is roaring and rotating, chaos, evil, greed... a trace of indescribable spiritual power swarmed out of it, forming a dark cloud of smoke surrounding the tribe. Even the Golden Crow Fire was wrapped in it.

Xu Yangyi clenched his fists fiercely. This is the opening of the void rift... The other party is even faster than he imagined!

"The Eternal Night must rely on a carrier... We can't get off the ship. The only carrier is Noah's Ark..." He took a deep breath and turned around: "If you don't want to die, listen to my orders. From now on, you can't make a mistake."

His expression made everyone stunned, but no one asked more questions. Xu Yangyi's expression was more solemn than ever. After the orders were deployed one by one, the faces of all the monks changed from astonishment to surprise, and from surprise to uneasiness. After finishing speaking, there was a few seconds of silence.

"Who?" Five seconds later, Mei Taxue asked, biting her lips lightly.

What kind of opponent is worthy of Ben Lei, who is at the top of the Saintly Peak, feeling like a formidable enemy? Even if a single move or a single word was calculated in several possibilities, it was the first time she saw the other party so cautious.

Xu Yangyi looked at the black hole and did not answer. He took a deep breath and said, "Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, a roar sounded, and the Ark slowly moved towards the black hole. And all the monks rushed to the cabin, and everyone had their own position, accurate to within one meter.

Breaking through the fog, like Youqiong clan, there were dead bones all over the ground, and each of them maintained the appearance before death. The totem in the center of the tribe bloomed endless runes weakly, but still could not stop the earth from burning. But at this moment, these flames were surrounded by black fog.

"Are you all in place?" Feeling this piece of demonic energy, Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched slightly. It's too strong... abnormally strong. He immediately asked in a low voice.

In a room, Mei Taxue took out an ancient green lamp with great caution, blew it with all his strength, and a little light was lit. Transformed into an identical incarnation. She bit her fingertips and dripped blood: "I'm ready, the ten great treasures of the Dragon King Palace in the Deep Sea - Changxin Palace Lantern. Even Taixu can only feel me, not the incarnation."

In another room, Master Baoxiang's golden robe flew up, and a jade Zen stick flew out from his crown, leaning on the ground, surrounded by green light, and countless golden scriptures stepped out as a shining incarnation.

"I'm ready." He slowly opened his eyes. Although he didn't know why, Xu Yangyi's attitude gave him a sense of pressure that a storm was coming. He knew very well that an opponent who could make the other party so nervous was not an ordinary person. Even when facing the woodpecker that day, the other party did not show this look.

"The three great truth treasures of this temple - Bodhi Heavenly Body. If it weren't for Dubu, he would never have discovered it!"

In another room, Tu Su Fangrong pinched his hands, and black aura spread out from his eyebrows. In a moment, a coffin locked with chains appeared quietly.

On the other side, the old ancestor Yin Feng transformed into thousands of yellow spring winds, split into countless crows and disappeared into the sky.

"This lord is ready." "I am ready." "Don't worry... even the five kings and two queens can't feel this lord's incarnation."

All the cards were played.

After one reply came, Xu Yangyi's heart finally calmed down a little. Only he knew that they were plotting against the true god! An incarnation of the most ancient and majestic!

"Immediately..." Xu Yangyi just opened his mouth, but his eyebrows suddenly moved, and he looked into the void.

The center of the black hole suddenly burst into thousands of stars, a beacon in the dark night, dazzling. The infinite silver light outlined a talisman of a crescent moon and an inverted cross. The next second, an unimaginable breath burst out!

It was as if Pangu opened his eyes.

It was as if God opened the sky.

His heart sank.

Boom! ! The whole void shook violently, and there was no resistance at all. Everyone, including Xu Yangyi, fell to their knees on the ground. In an instant, Noah's Ark was like a ghost ship.

"I think this is the second time we meet. Human." A magnificent and lofty voice sounded from the inverted cross: "I can't believe... you can come back alive from Tiragangdis... and join the demon lineage... I am willing to give you another chance."

"Get... get..." Tu Su Fangrong's teeth trembled. He was obviously in the prime of his life, but at this moment, his hair turned white in an instant, and he fell to the ground and dared not sweat. That was the appearance of extreme fear.

Master Baoxiang, Ancestor Yinfeng, Mei Taxue. No matter who it was, no matter which room, at this moment, they were all like sheep in front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

Is this the monster in Ben Lei's mouth? This... is ten thousand times more terrifying than the Thunder God!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, change... As a controller, the most hated thing is change. It will appear in an unexpected posture at an unexpected time and change unexpected things. However, it happened at this moment.

On the road of cultivation, no one can ever predict what the next step will be.

This is... Mammon's body!

This is a warning, warning him not to play tricks in this matter. This is a demon god who has been famous in the universe since ancient times. Personally admonishing, it can be seen how much the other party values ​​this matter.

The voice in the reverse cross paused: "Are you... willing to be loyal to me?"

He did not answer.

"I'm sorry." Mammon's voice gradually disappeared: "The door of the Lord of Greed is always open to you... You... can do better than New Road Yade, and you can stand higher..."

Just as his voice disappeared, there was a loud bang, and the raging flames went out together. At the center of the inverted cross, a huge star wolf slowly approached with a lofty step.

With every step, countless star maps rose under his feet. It glanced at Xu Yangyi and sneered: "Should I say you are stupid or proud?"

"Lord Mammon personally invited, and the 'most ancient' Yahweh personally spoke. I'm afraid it will only happen once in tens of millions of years. You actually didn't fulfill your obligation to answer the gods respectfully."

"You...really damn it."

The monks in the cabin were already sweating and trembling.

Although the demon god left, the remaining power was still there.

The Sun Demon Wolf did not hide his demonic aura at all. The terrifying demonic aura was overwhelming. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and stood up, slightly arching his hands.

He knew that everyone in the cabin below was unaware. From now on, they can only rely on intuition. Even Xu Yangyi would not say a single word of hint.

The firefly hiding in the dark quietly ignited its flash.

The Sun Wolf looked around the scene proudly: "I have some questions."

"Why... are you here?"

"Don't say you are here to welcome me. You won't do such a thing."

All the monks in the entire Noah's Ark held their breath, and Xu Yangyi spoke calmly: "The time flow rate of the third level is abnormal, and this level has ended. We can't find a way to leave, so I want to ask the senior."

"Oh..." The Sun Wolf seemed to smile, and the starlight flashed all over his body. He walked in front of Xu Yangyi step by step. The 300-meter giant wolf head was only five meters away from him, and the star-like eyes stared at him: "Second question, why do you know I'm here?"


Xu Yangyi roared silently in his heart, what are you still doing! Now I want to focus this monster's attention completely on myself, why don't you move? !

As if he heard his voice, he finally felt that the spiritual energy below fluctuated.

Under the deck, stealing the sky and changing the day under the eyes of the incarnation of the gods.

Eternal Night is a pseudo-divine art, the scroll is one, and the carrier is the second. With Xu Yangyi's spiritual power, it is impossible to activate the Eternal Night. He can only rely on the spiritual power of the carrier.

To extract the spiritual power of the carrier, the means of the monks are needed. Others are all arranging the array eye and engraving a super spirit gathering array. The array eye is the Eternal Night scroll. Once activated, he will gain the power to open the scroll instantly.

"There are only three tribes around. I and another force have occupied two, just trying my luck."

"Try your luck?" The Sun Wolf slowly raised his head and looked at him coldly: "You pass. Then, the third question."

He stepped on the deck suddenly, and a circle of shock waves spread out, and the monks below groaned. The Sun Wolf seemed to see through him: "Why, there are others here?"

"Or... what do you want to do to me?"

"Answer me!!"

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