
Main text Chapter 157: True Person’s Disciple (I)

Even here, there were several inaudible gasps.

Gu Song's eyes were as deep as the sea. He knew Xu Yangyi's qualifications very well. It was under his own command. If he didn't know it yet, it would be in vain to call him an ancestor.

Five years ago, there was a massacre in Zhu Hongxuetian. Thousands of monks fought against the golden elixir. Eight foundation-building monks died in the battle. He could survive.

He also read some internal information. On that day, he was unparalleled in the world. He was trying to reach the middle stage of Qi training, but was interrupted by Chu Tian Yisheng. Now... he had just detected Xu Yangyi's cultivation level, and he was already halfway through the middle stage of Qi training!

This speed...can be called divine speed! Twenty years later, we are approaching the late stage of Qi training! Even if he enters Foundation Establishment at forty-four or five, he will definitely be the envy of countless people! A genius name can never escape!

However, what really made him have this idea was not just his cultivation and qualifications.

He has lived too long and has seen too many so-called geniuses. But the real genius is the kind of person with outstanding qualifications who lives to the end! They can be considered the geniuses among geniuses!

Others are just bone mounds.

He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply for a long time, and finally said his first words to Xu Yangyi: "I have three questions, and the answers vary from person to person. Today, I also want to hear your answer."

"Yes!" Guessing the thoughts surging in Gu Song's heart, Xu Yangyi suppressed the heat in his heart and replied.

"First question, what is strength?"

He didn't expect this question to be a question, and it was a bit surprising to Xu Yangyi. However, he already had his own answer to this question.

Whether it caters to Gu Song's liking, he doesn't know. All he knew was that this was what he thought was the best answer.

"Strength generally refers to realm. The higher the realm, the greater the power. However, this junior believes that strength is not just realm. It is not just power."

He glanced at Gu Songzhen in a subtle way, but the other person was as calm as a lake and didn't show any sign. But all the foundation-building monks around him had extremely cautious expressions.

"Now, it is a cultivation civilization. It is true that Jindan Zhenren is strong. However, there are also various restrictions in the world. For example... things like that under each province."

Gu Song's eyes flashed suddenly, and he looked at Xu Yangyi with some surprise.

The Imperial Weapon... He actually knows about the Imperial Weapon?

He never imagined in his wildest dreams that Xu Yangyi possessed a living imperial weapon. This was the reason why Fuyun would take action against him at all costs.

However, he didn't care too much. For Jin Danxia, ​​this is indeed a top secret, but for him, he has long been used to it.

"In addition, there is a practice court, and it is said that there are three ultimate weapons of heaven. These are all constraints. To practice civilization, if you want to truly become a giant, you need not only realm, but also courage and brains."

Honka still had no comment.

"If you don't have courage, you don't dare to go to any secret place to seek opportunities. If you don't have courage, you don't have the intention to kill. You don't dare to fight, but to rob. And now the resources are used less and less. The spiritual energy is getting thinner and thinner. The younger generation believes that without courage, It is not enough to be called a monk, it can only be called a person with supernatural abilities.

"Wuzhi, in the current environment, I'm afraid I can't see the foundation-building sun at all. Even if he is extremely talented. Therefore, the junior believes that strength is not just one thing, it is the sum of wisdom, courage, and realm. Realm The higher it is, the more important the other two are.”

Master Gu Song nodded leisurely, but still said nothing: "Second question, what is a monk?"

What is a monk?

With these words, eight figures immediately appeared in Xu Yangyi's mind.

That was a heroic spirit who fought to the death against the great demon Zhu Hongxue and saved thousands of lives.

That battle made him understand clearly what it means to be a monk.

"Be responsible and take responsibility!" He raised his head without hesitation and said categorically, word for word.

"Okay!" Unexpectedly, these words made Master Gu Song suddenly slap the handrail and let out a long sigh of relief: "What a responsible person!"

At each stage, the things you can come into contact with are very different. Only when you reach Jindan can you realize how heavy the burden is on your shoulders!

He seemed to be feeling a little emotional, and said without knowing where he was looking: "How many people think that...the ancestor of Jindan enjoys everything in the world, and they all think that reaching Jindan is the pinnacle of life...It's a pity that such a high place is so cold. Feeling, who can understand..."

"All the birds are flying high... The lone cloud is alone..." He finished speaking calmly and looked at Xu Yangyi: "I, ten years ago, had forty-two disciples, but now, there are only thirteen... "

"I can also tell you that at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were twenty-seven Jindan people, but now, there are only eighteen people left."

Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly stopped beating for a moment.

Eighteen people?

Not... twelve people?

There are six more golden elixirs? In the past few decades, nine ancestors have died? Where did they fall?

"When you get to the foundation building stage, you will naturally know it. It is a completely different realm... from the Qi training stage." Fuyun put away his sigh: "The third question..."

"What is practice?"

Xu Yangyi fell silent for a long time before he clasped his fists towards the ancestor Gu Song and said, "Loneliness."

As soon as he said this, the thirteen voices present were all extremely sad.

Hit the nail on the head!

"Of course..." Ancestor Gu Song actually smiled slightly: "Do you think you can endure this loneliness?"

"When you reach the top in the future and come to visit from all directions, you will find that no one in the world is familiar to you. The world has changed. The street where you were born has become a high-rise building. The school of that year has been transformed into a high-rise building. Human beings, how should you deal with this kind of mental calamity?"

Silence again.

After a few more minutes, Xu Yangyi handed over his hand and said solemnly: "But it's true."

The scene fell silent, and after a while, Master Gu Song smiled: "But based on my heart, it's not's just that it's both good and evil, but that's it."

"Yu Yangzi." He closed his eyes: "Please come out, your sixteenth junior brother."

"Yes." Yuyangzi nodded and waved his hand. Suddenly, a black shadow array was formed in an instant. A few seconds later, a young man wearing headphones and reading comics appeared with incomprehensible eyes. In the magic circle.

He is about 1.75 meters tall, has dark skin, a Chinese character face, two thick eyebrows, and his muscles are extremely strong, no less than the bodybuilders on TV.

However, when he saw everything around him clearly, he immediately knelt on the ground, sweating profusely: "I have seen Master! Master, Master, I, I..."

He hurriedly put the comic behind him.

"Equation." Ancestor Gu Song's voice was filled with a hint of displeasure: "My teacher has told you countless times that even if you are extremely talented and do not practice hard, you will still be a crucian carp crossing the river. You will never be able to leap over the dragon's gate. You can think of it as The teacher’s words fell on deaf ears!”

"I have seen too many qualified geniuses. How many of them have survived to the point where they are halfway to the Golden Elixir!"

"Disciple, disciple don't dare..."

"Hmph!" Ancestor Gu Song looked at him with a hateful look and suppressed his anger: "Others, stay away for the time being, Fang Fang, after you finish competing with this little friend, you can go back to practice immediately!"

"This is the descendant of a close friend of the ancestor." Yu Yangzi said to Xu Yangyi thoughtfully: "Ancestor Gusong has always been personally responsible for his apprentices and supervised them strictly."

"Him?" Hearing the word "competition", Fang Fang glanced at Xu Yangyi suspiciously: "What if he... is beaten to death?"

Master Gu Song was so angry that he said, "If you can't beat him to death, use your strongest moves."

"Yes..." Fang Fang still glanced at Xu Yangyi in disbelief. With a wave of his hand from Gu Songzhen, everyone else seemed to be floating away like a shadow, and the two of them actually came to a wild place.

The moon was sparse, the magpies were flying south, Xu Yangyi looked at everything around him in astonishment, and was once again fascinated by the power of the golden elixir realm.

Raise your hand and change the world... one day... you will reach this point too!

The wind blew through everyone's clothes, causing their clothes to flutter gently. Master Gu Song looked at the stars in the sky, and in the silence, only his arrogant and lonely voice remained: "Xu Yangyi, the commander of the Xingtian Army under the seat of Yu Linwei, listen to the order."

"Junior is here."

Gu Song didn't speak for a long time before slowly saying: "I have had no disciples for twenty years..."

"Are you willing to become my seventeenth disciple now?"

"If you don't want to, there's no need to compare with the equation. Someone will send you back to Yulinwei."

"Junior is willing!"

No hesitation! Xu Yangyi replied immediately!

At this moment, the last trace of the Sword of Damocles of Patriarch Fuyun above his head was wiped out!

Real disciple!

Even if they are both Qi Practitioners, their status is different and they cannot be the same!

And how many people in total in China have become real disciples?

And who is not a monster who is not lacking in talent, courage, and wisdom?

He didn't know how many geniuses were like him. He only knew that his heart was filled with a feeling called recognition at this moment.

From now on, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly!

Master Ju Ling fell out with Master Yue on the spot because of his disciple. No matter how bold Master Fuyun was, he would never dare to take action against another disciple!

Master Gu Song smiled slightly: "Begin."

"Fellow Taoist, it's ready." Fang Fang also looked very excited. At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt that the other party was also in the middle of Qi training!

"Shu La La!" With this sound, the aura in Fang Fang's whole body suddenly surged!

His clothes turned into pieces and fell down, and there was a strange black magic circle on his body!

At the same time, his figure began to grow taller and larger quickly, and finally became a full two-meter-three-meter-four! The black magic circle on his body seemed to come alive, as if ten thousand snakes were entwining it, quickly covering his whole body! And on his forehead, a blood-red eye actually split open!

"Demonization!" Fang Fang's aura at this moment was completely different from that of the honest young man just now. Instead, he was full of murderous intent. He laughed at Xu Yangyi and said: "I am half human and half demon, with the blood of the elephant dragon. Fellow Taoist, Take the move!”

The spiritual energy all over his body quickly gathered on his hands, and those spiritual energy were exactly the shadow's spiritual energy. In an instant, his hands seemed to be wearing a layer of black armor, with roots standing like substantial barbs, and pieces of armor. It exudes a heart-stopping light in the moonlight.

The spiritual energy in Xu Yangyi's body was completely mobilized at this moment.

His feeling told him that the opponent's move was extraordinary!

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