
Main text Chapter 158: True Person’s Disciple (Part 2)

The ground under the opponent's feet has cracked inch by inch due to the terrifying pressure, but the stones seem to have received suction from the sky and are slowly floating! The air around the opponent's fists became blurred due to the huge amount of spiritual power poured into it!

"What a powerful move... Is this the strength of the disciple personally selected by the real person?" There was no timidity, but the fighting spirit in his eyes grew stronger. Apart from Chu Zhaonan, this was the strongest monk he had ever encountered in the same realm!

It's very possible's not under him!

"Cang Long aspires to the throne..." Taking a deep breath, his fist suddenly glowed with red light, and he placed it on his waist. Contrary to the opponent's majestic momentum, here he is calm and calm. Just feeling the spiritual pressure on his fist can make the eyelids of a monk in the middle stage of Qi training hurt!

"Shadow Tribulation!" At the same time, with a roar from the opposite side, two black rays of light rushed towards him crazily! Everywhere we passed, gaps of several decimeters were drawn on the ground!

Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy at this moment was also condensed to the extreme. Without any worries, a very thin red light rushed out from his hand at the same time!

On one side, it's like a dragon crossing the river, on the other side, it's silent. In an instant, the two magical powers collided together!

There was no wind, no sound, and the moment the two magical powers came into contact, it was as if time stopped for a second.

Gu Songzhen's head suddenly turned over, and he looked at the place where the two magical powers came into contact with some surprise.

"Brush..." There was no big explosion as imagined. The two magical powers actually twisted and bitten strangely, forming a dark black hole!

Master Gu Song's brows frowned slightly. In his long memory, he had seen such a situation, and it was... quite dangerous!

"Sisi..." Countless spiritual energy entangled around the black hole only the size of a fist.

"This is..." Fang Fang was about to walk over and take a look when he suddenly heard Xu Yangyi yell angrily: "Don't go there!"

"What's wrong?" Fang Fang looked back at Xu Yangyi in confusion: "What's wrong with such a small black hole?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, but stared at the black hole very carefully. His spiritual consciousness was at least one-third higher than that of ordinary monks. When the black hole was first formed, he was keenly aware that this black hole contained terrifying spiritual power!

It's just...all compressed together! With just a little external force, it will explode crazily!

His intuition told him that by then...he and Equation would absolutely not be able to bear it.

At this moment, a plain but extremely cautious voice sounded: "Everyone leave a hundred meters away from here!"

One hundred meters was reached in an instant. When he turned back, he was shocked to see Gu Songzhen's sleeves waved, covering the black hole, and then...

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and Gu Songzhen's sleeves and robes violently stirred! It’s as if there’s a Monkey King inside that’s causing trouble in the sky!

"Bang!" His sleeves actually tore open!

In the air, the terrifying spiritual power that had just been released was flowing everywhere. Fang Fang's dark face turned white by three points in an instant. He could even imagine what the consequences would be if he had just approached!

Master Gu Song looked at the slit with an unchanging expression, and nodded slowly: "It is comparable to a blow from a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment."

"Master, what is this?" Fang Fang gasped several times before asking with lingering fear.

"The name of this thing is... Nirvana Taixu." Master Gu Song glanced at the two of them solemnly: "I never thought that such a thing would happen... Once the two magical powers collide, their attributes are completely opposite, and their power But when they are exactly the same, this will happen. The two powers will be glued together to form a spiritual vortex that is hundreds of times more powerful than the moves you can use now. It will explode indiscriminately.”

"This kind of situation is extremely rare. The power of two magical powers is exactly the same. Not only the principle of creating the magical power, but also the cultivation level between monks cannot be the slightest. Even I, the real person, have not seen it many times."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, meaning...this boy is not as powerful as himself?

Except for Chu Zhaonan, he has never encountered an equal opponent. A collision with one move can't explain anything. As he said, realm is never all about strength.

Fang Fang listened blankly, and suddenly looked at Xu Yangyi in surprise: "Master... you mean... his magical power is the same as mine? This, this is impossible, right? This move, this move is... My innate magical powers plus the tricks you taught me..."

Master Gu Song glanced at him indifferently: "What I said is that it is rare to meet an opponent, not invincible. You think you are invincible because your previous opponent was too weak. He... is your seventeenth junior brother."

Fang Fang was stunned, and then gave Xu Yangyi a thumbs-up without concealing it: "Awesome! You are so awesome! I have been practicing with Master for several years! You can actually be on par with me! You..."

"You should go back to practice." Before he finished speaking, the shadow circle under his feet appeared again, pulling the equation into it without any pause.

At the scene, only Gu Song and Xu Yangyi were left, as well as the slight whirring sound of the night wind.

"Do you think I am particularly kind to him?" Gu Songzhen put his hands behind his back and looked at the stars in the sky, with a trace of nostalgia on his face: "His ancestor... saved my life. At that time, I was practicing Qi Qi… When I finally reached the completion of my golden elixir, I found them again, only to find that my friend had died in the turbulent times…”

"In a rage, I killed more than a hundred people from the provincial government, big and small... without leaving any chickens or dogs behind... Only then did I find out that they still had this lineage... Therefore, I treated him like own descendants."

The memories of the past were finally clouded. After a moment, Master Gusong turned around. The trace of gentleness he had just now was gone. He looked at Xu Yangyi lightly: "Xu Yangyi, the leader of the Xingtian Corps under the Yulin Guards, I ask you again, what do you want?" Become part of my lineage, Gusong Zhenren.”

"In my lineage, there is no mountain gate or sect. Yulinwei is my mountain gate. Once you enter this gate, you cannot worship other masters unless I give my permission."

"Those who rape/capture are killed. Those who betray the sect and the country are killed. Those who are treacherous are killed. Those who deceive the master and destroy the ancestors are killed. Those who run away from battle are killed. Those who do not want to make progress are expelled."

He made a move, and in the night wind, a black badge floated in the wind. It was in the shape of a shield, and an ancient golden pine tree was thriving on it.

"Junior is willing." Xu Yangyi did not refuse and let the badge be buckled on his chest.

"If one day, your cultivation level exceeds that of me, you can establish your own mountain gate."

"If one day, China or the sect faces a life-and-death crisis, we must sacrifice our lives for justice."

"You..." He looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Is it possible?"

"Juniors will definitely do it."

"Very good..." Master Gusong finally laughed: "From now on, you will be my seventeenth disciple, Master Gusong."

"The world is so big that you can go there. Any inconvenience will be tolerated as long as you wear this badge."

"In addition, starting from wearing this badge, all Jedi in China and all closed areas have been opened to you and your legion."

Xu Yangyi deeply cupped his hands: "Thank you, Master."

Master Gu Song did not answer, but looked at the sky. Suddenly, countless black lights appeared on his hand, and he waved hard toward the sky.

In an instant, the sky changed.

The clouds and mist seemed to disappear with his wave. And the stars all dimmed with his wave!

It's like the sky was originally covered with a veil, but now it has fallen away!

And what replaced it... were golden talismans that made people afraid to look at them!

The sky was filled with runes that Xu Yangyi didn't recognize at all! Each one is as huge as a star. After just one glance, Xu Yangyi almost fell into an indescribable obsession.

These talismans were arranged very regularly, but at this moment, in his eyes, they looked chaotic and charming.

He saw countless fairies flying in mid-air holding jade bottles in their hands. I saw patches of clouds again, covering everything into a rainbow. I also saw the legendary gods from all over the world, riding on rare birds and animals that I had never heard of before. matter which object or person was shrouded in the precious light, he felt it all...the kind of murderous aura that shook his mind!

Now...when he touches any of them, he will immediately turn into ashes! There is no second option!

"Beyond the Golden Core is Nascent Soul..." Master Gusong murmured as he looked at the sky: "This is the responsibility of our Master Jindan... The Chinese Immortal Killing Formation... one of the most famous formations to protect the country in the world. One... Legend has it that it was planted by senior Jiang Ziya and reinforced during the Spring and Autumn Period. It has been silently guarding every inch of China's 9.6 million square kilometers of land and every person..."

Xu Yangyi was also obsessed with it. This spectacular sight was the only one he had ever seen in his life. He also looked at the sky and said after a long time: "Guard?"

"Yes, guard." Master Gu Song said unhurriedly: "Could it be that you really think this world is so peaceful?"

"That's not the case... In the Western world, we suspect that there are several old monsters who can be called gods who are still on the earth. The Quetzalcoatl that the giant spirit is looking for is one of them... However, in our world, although we He is a golden elixir, but he has no idea how many of his ancestors are still alive in this world..."

Xu Yangyi nodded, but suddenly an idea flashed!

He... thought of the fish that covered the sky and the sun in the lotus sea!

As for the demon body... that demon body... I'm afraid it has exceeded the realm of golden elixir!

"Master..." he asked cautiously: "Is there still a Nascent Soul in this world?"

"Nascent Soul..." Master Gu Song's eyes flashed with a hint of madness: "It should be...some..."

There really is a Nascent Soul!

Xu Yangyi felt that his breathing was a little short. He wanted to ask, but now was definitely not a good time.

However, his emotions were obviously caught by Gu Song, who smiled slightly: "I may have met him once."

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