
Main text Chapter 159: Meeting gift

"Qingcheng Mountain..." His eyes fell into memories: "When I was wandering in my mind, I passed by the Tianshi Cave where Zhang Tianshi once lived... At that time, I was traveling with my spiritual consciousness. An old Taoist sweeping the floor in front of the door looked at A glance at this real person..."

He paused for a long time before saying: "That look has made me cultivate for a year.¤,"


Xu Yangyi looked at Master Gu Song in astonishment. He remembered Bibo's words: If the Nascent Soul still exists in this world, it must exist in several major sects!

"Build the foundation as soon as possible..." Gu Song said calmly: "Only after building the foundation, you will know what we are protecting..."

Just when Xu Yangyi thought this was the end, Master Gu Song spoke quietly again: "In addition...about June 4th..."

This is true obsession!

Xu Yangyi heard the fragrance and knew its elegance, and immediately raised his hand and said: "I understand what Master means, but this junior will not deceive Master. It will take at least five years to wait for the alchemist to produce pills in large quantities."

"Five years..." Master Gu Song pondered for a moment: "It's fleeting... I can still afford to wait."

"In addition..." Xu Yangyi suppressed the sparks in his eyes: "That alchemist has a special status and has many enemies, so..."

"Disciple..." Master Gu Song's smiling face came close to him and stared into his eyes without blinking. In front of Xu Yangyi's eyes was Gu Song's pupil-less eyes, which were as black as ink.

The other party's voice was extremely confusing: "Tell me, my master, that the alchemist is indeed not you?"

"As long as it's you, I will give you whatever you want. Even...I am willing to help you form the Golden Elixir Avenue..."

There was no change in Xu Yangyi's eyes, only regret and envy, and he sighed: "I let Master down."

The two looked at each other, and after a few seconds, Master Gusong looked away and smiled calmly: "I am just asking casually."

Xu Yangyi's palms were already covered in cold sweat.

He will never reveal the identity of the alchemist to anyone until he has the ability to protect himself. Because he has seen with his own eyes how crazy Dan Dao is.

"Then... why don't you let me get rid of the so-called enemies for him?" Gu Songzhen smiled and said in a calm voice.

"Master." Xu Yangyi lowered his head and cupped his hands: "Disciple has also thought about it, but this is his way."

"That's it..." Master Gu Song nodded: "That's fine... what state is he in?"

"Late stage of Qi training." Xu Yangyi answered cautiously. He would never let that invisible identity have anything to do with him, even if they were both in the middle stage of Qi training.

Gu Songzhen grasped his hand in the air, and a small skill bag appeared in his hand: "I have some magic weapons that I used in the past, but their grades have long been forgotten. After I became able to use the magic weapons, I have no longer used them. However, as this real person back then, The magical weapon I carry with me has been specially refined, and it is quite magical. It can be used for self-defense and killing enemies. It can be recognized by a drop of blood. It was originally intended for use by my most proud disciple... that's all. I’ll give him a gift as a meeting gift.”

He looked at Xu Yangyi thoughtfully: "Its biggest advantage is that it can be used in both the mid-term and late stages."

"Mid stage?" Xu Yangyi asked respectfully, "Isn't it possible to use magic weapons only in the later stage?"

"That's not the case." Ancestor Gu Song said with a smile: "In the later stage, it is just a line. The magic weapon extracts the spiritual power from the monk's body. If the spiritual power reaches the standard in the middle stage, it can still be used."

Xu Yangyi took the tip bag. Finally, my heart was relieved.

Ancestor Fuyun retreated again, but he was still taking advantage of the situation. Take advantage of the general trend of alchemy to make the other party leave with hatred. Now that he is under the command of Ancestor Gusong, Fuyun will never dare to do anything to him openly.

However, if he doesn't take action, some shadows below him will never stop.

This auction also has another purpose, which is for the next trip to Danxia Palace.

Recruiting people requires the prestige of the Xingtian Legion. Entering one of the Eight Jedi, even on the periphery, requires a large amount of formations, elixirs, and emergency equipment support.

These are all astronomical figures.

Finally, this mission is also related to him unlocking the database of SS-level and SSS-level monsters. Although he can ask Master Gusong for it now, the Jindan Ancestor will never need such a disciple who is willing to do anything.

Of course you have to avenge yourself.

And this mission... is the best time for these killers to take action!

Therefore, he took a huge risk and asked his master for life-saving things.

The golden elixir is shot, absolutely extraordinary!

"In addition..." Master Gu Song's figure slowly floated away, and a jade slip slowly flew over: "This is my entry gift to you. Starting from the end of this year, every two years, the master will be in Yu Lin Wei Headquarters holds a disciple lecture. In addition, every ten years, there will be a martial arts meeting between the disciples of Master Jindan... Don't let me down... Finally, if you have important private matters, you can contact me alone. "

His figure has disappeared. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and did not open the bag of tips immediately, but immediately returned to the door of Jin Doutang.

Five minutes after his figure disappeared, the faint sigh of Gu Songzhen came from the air: "This boy... his personality is really not like that of a young man in the middle stage of Qi training..."

"I threw out a jade slip and a tip bag, but he didn't even open it... If he were an alchemist, he would be eager to see what I gave him. The moment he opened the tip bag that I gave to the alchemist, This confirms his identity...No matter how good a friend is, he cannot open other people's things beyond the rules...unless he is the one!"

"But...he didn't?"

"Did he resist the temptation, or...he really wasn't?"

After a pause for a few seconds, he heard a smile: "That's all... Regardless of whether it is true or not, I have gained a lot this time. As for whether it is true or not... I will naturally have the opportunity to find out in the future..."

The voice seemed to be murmuring and disappeared into the night sky.

Xu Yangyi returned to his office and saw no one. His burning eyes fell on the brocade bag, and he took a few deep breaths before gently opening it.

In an instant, a black armor suddenly jumped out.

It is completely black, and its style is similar to Tang Dynasty armor, except that the helmet is slightly different, with a devil-like mask.

"This armor is called Shadow Screen Wall." At this moment, a voice without any emotion appeared directly in his mind: "It can block three full blows of the monks in the late stage of foundation building, and then turns into a black shadow and exists in the monks' Dantian. It can be repaired with spirit stones. The monk will not die and this armor will not be destroyed. I will save this magical power: Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment."

Ten Thousand Shadows of Heavenly Punishment!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning. He had seen this style at the auction. The shadow weapons were flooded from all directions, and they were immortal! Finally transformed into two giant dragons! He had a tough fight with Patriarch Fuyun!

"A truly top-quality magic weapon..." He breathed a long sigh of relief. After talking to the ancient ancestor Gu Song, he learned that the magic weapon absorbs one's own spiritual power, and the standard of use depends on the amount, and does not necessarily require advanced Qi training. .

And this magic weapon combines offense and defense, it can be said to be the best of the best!

Even if he doesn't read the practice news often, he knows that this kind of magic weapon is probably priceless and has no market. If the Jindan master makes a sacrifice, it can only appear on the bodies of those top families and the direct descendants of the Jindan ancestors.

However, no matter how abundant his Qi Hai is in the middle stage, he can probably only use it once at most. And the power is definitely far from that of Gu Song Ancestor.

He forced himself to look away because there were still two magical weapons in his bag.

One piece is a puppet swallow, the size of a palm. Just as he picked up the swallow, the voice sounded again.

"Chasing the Skylark, the speed is far faster than ordinary late-stage Qi training magic weapons, and even comparable to some low-level magic weapons. However, there are gains and losses. The defense of this object is extremely weak. Use with caution."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. It must be something used during the Qi training period. Once a Qi training monk who cannot fly is knocked down, he may fall to death.

The last item is a Guan Dao. It even imitated the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

"Yanyue." A voice sounded: "The inner master has a magical power: Shadow Prison."

"This magical power is activated when attacking. The opponent is imprisoned in the shadow prison and is unbreakable. Directional attack."

Bring your own GPS system?

Xu Yangyi smiled, and he was indeed worthy of the golden elixir. No matter what he did, it was not just the same function, and even each one had other functions attached to it.

"Once these things are released... they are really priceless..." He had already decided to let these magical artifacts know their owners, and then his eyes fell on the last jade slip. His expression became cautious.

As for the first few things, Gu Songzhen would try his best to use magic weapons that can be used by Qi practicing monks. Then, this jade slip is his personal order!

It was Master Gu Song who adapted his technique and state of mind and gave him what was most suitable for him!

This is the richest gift among face-to-face gifts!

He opened it slowly, took only two glances, and then gasped!

"The Melting God Treasure Book!" He read it carefully. An hour later, even he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief!

This is a partial method.

But it is an extremely useful technique!

It... as your cultivation level increases, you can combine two styles, or three styles, or even more magical powers into one style!

He immediately thought of his only two magical powers.

Canglong's strength to win the championship, and the explosion of red lotus from all directions!

He didn't have time to learn the remaining two techniques of condensing pills and forming pills.

If...the two can be integrated into one, then the power...

His eyes flickered, forcing him to suppress the expectations in his heart. Because it is clearly stated above that in the Qi training stage, there are two types of magical powers that can be melted, in the foundation building stage, there are three types, and in the golden elixir stage... there are four types!

The eager heart just now calmed down.

"I still have too few magical powers... If the Melting God Treasure Mirror is so miraculous, how to match my own magical powers is the top priority!"

Finally... his eyes fell on the last line of the jade slip.

"This is an incomplete method. It can only be used in the foundation stage of Qi training. I can't find it in the golden elixir stage. Even so, I have gained a lot. I have killed enemies with this magical power many times. I can call it my proud side disciple." One of the magical powers.”

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