
Main text Chapter 160: Excitement under calm

This move is also a magical power, but it itself is not offensive, it just becomes stronger and stronger after fusion!

In his heart, he had a very light affirmation of Gusong Zhenren.

Not every Zhenren is willing to give out such a precious thing. Even if his ultimate goal may not be as wonderful as it seems, at least now, this gift still gave him a little touch.

If it is said that he is devoted to it, it would be too much.

"With these things... I should go to the periphery of Danxia Palace... I should also go and take a look." He looked at the starry sky in the sky, as if he saw the huge fish tail and the lotus that covered the sky and the sun again.

"Everything...starts from the Lotus Sea... Lotus Sea, all the clues point to the Danxia Palace... If I don't go and take a look, I will feel uneasy and uneasy."

He picked up the phone: "Get ready, one month later, the Xingtian Corps will start recruiting people!"

"Captain!" Mudan's voice on the other end of the phone was extremely excited: "We, are we finally going to start the first mission!"

"That's right." Xu Yangyi's mouth curled up: "This time, I will personally review it!"

He looked stern: "Those who are not qualified, not talented enough, and those who come here to get resources, all have to stay out!"

"Our Xingtian Corps only recruits real geniuses! Comparable to the members of the ten elusive S-level corps!"

"Yes! I understand! I understand!" Mudan was more excited than him: "Tomorrow! Tomorrow I will post the preview on the cultivation website! Don't worry! Captain, I know everything about the auction! This time, it will definitely be a gathering of heroes! Enough for you to choose one to your satisfaction!"

The speed of the news spread much faster than he imagined!

In a heavily guarded villa in Ninghai Province, a soft light screen was clearly playing everything that happened that day. In front of the light screen, five middle-aged or elderly men were sitting in the lead, with clan emblems of different shapes on their chests.

Their expressions were extremely solemn, staring at the light screen without saying a word.

Behind them, there were more than a dozen people sitting, very young, some were 18/19 years old, and the oldest was no more than 30 years old, their faces were full of shock and disbelief.

"Swish..." After an unknown amount of time, the light screen went out, and the old man in the lead, with a hoarse voice, said without question: "Play it again."

There was no objection.

About two hours later, the scene on the light screen was over again, and the scene was dead silent.

"This is the top-secret information that the Meng family of Kyoto Prefecture passed to us..." After an unknown amount of time, the leading old man turned around and waved his hand, and the whole room was filled with a soft light: "Now, the lower-level families don't know at all. They don't seem to have any intention of letting the lower-level families know..."

"How can this be!" An old man stood up anxiously: "We are all just close to the first-class families. If it weren't for you, Mr. Meng, who is a branch of the Meng family, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to receive this jade slip! The birth of the alchemy... What a big event! The cultivation world should join in the celebration! How can it only be known to the first-class family forces!"

"Can a second-class family afford it?" The old man surnamed Meng snorted: "Look at this top-secret image, how much is the price on it? One! The old lady of the Meng family specifically reminded that this alchemist, judging from the trend, is also a beginner in the alchemy. In recent years, or even more than ten years, he may only produce a few pills. As for not letting the second-class families know..."

He paused and said carefully: "This is the intention of the Golden Pill Ancestor."

No one spoke again, everyone knew that this was an invisible protection. The more people know about it, the more people will be confused. The realm of the alchemist is not high. Once some crazy cultivator finds him by mistake, no one can afford the price!

"I'm not talking about this." The old man surnamed Meng took the cup of fragrant tea next to him and said in a deep voice: "Meng Tiankuo."

"Here!" A handsome boy, about seventeen or eighteen years old, immediately stood up and bowed: "Ancestor, please give me your orders."

"If I remember correctly... Although there is no ranking of you on the list of Qi cultivators on the Huaxia Cultivation Network, you are ranked eighty-seventh on the top 100 Qi cultivators on CSIB."


"Very good..." The old man surnamed Meng put down the teacup and looked at another long-haired female cultivator like a treasure: "Yue Baocha, you are only twenty-nine years old and have entered the middle stage of Qi training. You have extraordinary talent. Among the five major families in Ninghai, the Yue family has also begun to understand the method of Liufeng Huixue?"

"Yes, Patriarch Meng."

The old man did not He looked at each person with a change of expression: "Qiu Hong, you are only 21 years old, at the peak of the initial stage of Qi training. Although the Mingyue Heart Method of the Qiu family has not been practiced smoothly, you have a photographic memory and are extremely sensitive to numbers. You are mature in dealing with people at a young age. You are in charge of half of the Qiu family's financial resources at a young age. You are a talent."

"Sima Gong, your Sima family's Luoye Tingfeng, which was inherited in the early Tang Dynasty, is the oldest family among us. Your greatest strength is your sensitivity to the spiritual energy of any biological activity."

"Yan Ningshuang, the Yan family's Huifeng Wuliu Five Elements Knife, kills the enemy in the open and attacks in the dark. For a team, you are indispensable heavy firepower cultivators..."

All the clan leaders frowned slightly, not knowing what the old man surnamed Meng meant by these.

"Listen carefully to what I am going to say next..." The old man looked into the eyes of everyone he had just named, and said solemnly: "You are all the best and most qualified young cultivators in our Ninghai Province. Tomorrow, you will set off immediately and go to Panshan City, Mingshui Province!"

"Meng Lao, why?" "What does this mean?" "Ningshuang from our Yan family is preparing to go into seclusion, what do you mean, Meng Lao?"

Several clan leaders asked immediately. Meng Lao slammed the table and shouted: "Seclusion! Seclusion! Only seclusion! Don't you know what big thing happened outside!?"

"Yes! Second-rate families don't know! There is no first-rate family in our Ninghai Province! I know this because of the relationship with the master family! Do you know..." His eyes were a little red: "The alchemist's single-phase contact is named Xu Yangyi! He is the person involved in the Zhu Hongxue case back then!"

"Do you know that he is currently the head of the Xingtian Legion! A-level legion seed!"

"Do you know that the Xingtian Legion is about to recruit members!" He stared at everyone: "What an opportunity! At the auction just now, the Xingtian Legion got 10% of the middle-grade spirit stones, which is more than 20,000 pieces! Not to mention..."

He didn't finish speaking and sat down panting. Leaving the shocked crowd on the ground.

The head of the Yan family, a middle-aged man, was the first to react. His eyes quickly turned red, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Not to mention... once we have the opportunity to contact that alchemist, our Yan family, Yan family, Yan family will..."


He didn't say these three words, but everyone at the scene thought of it, and only the heavy breathing in the whole place was left.

"Just like that, the old man will not decide immediately. The Meng family... also received a message..." Meng Lao said with great envy: "Just now, the Meng family's special envoy met with Captain Xu in secret. He... on his chest... with a shield-shaped pine tree..."

"Hey..." "Oh my God..." "This, this is..."

At the scene, everyone gasped.

The ten golden pills, their badges, and their disciples, everyone knows. Non-disciples, non-disciples, are not allowed to wear badges!

Recalling the attitude of the ancient pine ancestor towards Xu Yangyi seen on the light screen just now, everyone realized one thing in their hearts!

This... is a great blessing for their families who have insufficient inheritance and insufficient strength, but have genius disciples in their families!

As long as they enter the Xingtian Army, the alchemists are behind them. Even if they can't always have elixirs, having one occasionally is enough!

And... they are still under the tutelage of the Gusong Patriarch! Under the command of the Jindan Zhenren!

"I am willing to go!" "The junior is also willing to go!" "Me too!" Almost without any extra consideration, the five young talents who were named immediately bowed.

"Good, good! This is the cultivator from Ninghai Province!" Elder Meng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at them seriously: "Remember, according to the news from the Meng family, the recruitment of the Xingtian Army will be in one month. Don't be too blind to any of your competitors. Such a great opportunity is not only for us quasi-first-class families... Even those first-class families that are not at the top will definitely be tempted!"

"By then, the top talents in the country will gather together. It will be good if we can be selected. Even if we can't be selected, we can't waste this opportunity!"

"Don't even dare to try, don't dare to fight, you will never be a top cultivator!"

At the same time, I don't know how many provinces, how many branches and side doors related to the first-class families that I visited that day, all received similar jade slips.

"Patriarch, this is the photo sent by the Gao family of the Magic City with the instant shadow talisman." In Lingxi Province, in a magnificent building, a cultivator received a jade slip flying in the air, his eyes lit up, and he immediately called the patriarch back.

"Bring it immediately." In a large office, a square-faced middle-aged man was meeting with several other senior executives at a three-meter-long table. After hanging up the phone, he frowned and said, "Has the Gao family... been in trouble?"

"It shouldn't be... They are already a first-class family, with a six-hundred-year heritage, four foundation-building predecessors, and one foundation-building great perfection... However, they don't use communication tools to transmit, but use instant shadow talismans. Although the speed is just as fast, it costs as much as one hundred medium-grade spirit stones..." A woman next to him said doubtfully, and then smiled again: "In fact, in this era, the market for instant shadow talismans is small. The Internet is really the greatest invention of mortals."

"Hehe... Our Cui family's logistics market is almost squeezed out by and Tmall... If it weren't for several great real people still taking care of the old-school logistics industry, our Cui family... wouldn't even be able to keep the quasi-first-class..." Another man smiled bitterly.

"Sometimes I really want to slap these mortals to death..." The square-faced man also smiled bitterly, and at the same time, the jade slip flew in.

"Let's see what the Gao family said." With a wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared in the room.

An hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours passed... The light curtain had disappeared, and finally, it was fixed on Xu Yangyi's face.

Facing that young face, several people at the scene, each of them was no longer calm as before, but their breathing became more and more rapid, and their eyes became more and more scorching!

"Xingtian Army...Xingtian Army!" The square-faced man slapped the table suddenly and stood up. The spiritual pressure of the great perfection of Qi training made the air around his body tremble: "Immediately, immediately! Let the top three of the Cui family in the last competition come to the martial arts garden immediately! This clan leader...will personally test them!"

"Clan leader." The woman said immediately: "Yuan'er is still in seclusion."

"What is seclusion! What time is it! Let him come out immediately! Now! Immediately!"

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