
Main text Chapter 161: Attitudes of all parties

Dozens of confidential jade slips were sent to cultivating families across China. +, in the world of Chinese monks, this extremely wonderful world in silence, all the first-class families and quasi-first-class families were moved by this.

I don’t know how many families’ geniuses had their retreats forcibly interrupted, and I don’t know how many families began to sharpen their weapons for their descendants who had traveled to Mingshui Province, just to win a little more recognition from the Xingtian Legion.

"Patriarch, why don't we send foundation-building monks to join the Xingtian Army?" A monk from a first-class family asked: "They have to do a task, and we are looking for thugs for them. Why let the top seedlings of our family go there?"

The clan leader looked at him like an idiot. This second brother of his was really... Talking about hydrocephalus was an insult to hydrocephalus!

"He is a monk in the middle stage of Qi can he use a team of Foundation-building monks? Who has the final say in the legion? He will only recruit people in the Qi training period...even in the later stage of Qi training, it is dangerous!" A woman said: He glanced at the idiot with a lively look, looked at the clan leader and said respectfully: "In my opinion, the Xingtian Legion may not be able to handle it in the later stage of this Qi training. After all, Captain Xu is just in the middle stage according to the data."

"Just now?" The patriarch sneered: "How old is he this year? Twenty-five? Twenty-six?"

"It's not just the mid-term... it's the 'already' mid-term!!" He gritted his teeth and said: "Not to mention how many geniuses this Xingtian Legion will recruit, their leader himself is a genius!"

"So! We must select people who are talented enough this time! Don't fool people with half a bucket of water! This opportunity is too precious!"

The name of the Xingtian Legion is still not famous among perhaps 90% of the qi-training monks. There has not been a single mission, and so much time has passed since the signing ceremony three years ago. However, among the remaining 10%, among the foundation-building monks, they have already remembered this name in their hearts!

The alchemist's agent...the legion's resources are extremely auction will bring in more than 20,000 mid-grade spiritual stones - this is calculated according to the convention of agents taking 10%.

What reason is there not to join such a legion? The power and conditions of those quasi-first-class but declining first-class families are even comparable to those of the Xingtian Legion! The most important thing is that the other party is still a disciple of Ancestor Gu Song!

This name brings no real benefits. But the hidden benefits are immeasurable!

Once you get on the line with that alchemist...

Life really couldn’t be too wonderful!

Time passed by minute by second, and the next night, the monks who boarded the Huaxia Cultivation Network were shocked to find...

The list of elixirs is gone!

"What's going on?" A monk sat in front of the computer in shock. He was a medium-sized elixir wholesaler in South China. He always got the latest information here. However, the elixir ranking list was actually cancelled. ? !

It was replaced by an inexplicable "Alchemy ranking list?"

It's fine if the name has been changed, but why is the first place empty? Grandmaster Wuwei, Grandmaster Zhiyu, these famous great masters, all their new elixirs are ranked second or third?

No, no, no... these are not the main point. Why did the three masters, including Master Wuwei and Master Zhiyu, jointly issue a statement, "Starting from today, the development of all new elixirs will be stopped!"

Why? why?

"What the hell is going on!" This joint statement from the three great masters immediately turned the alchemy market that had been stable for nearly two hundred years upside down. A monk from the Alchemy Research Institute almost jumped when he saw this statement. Scolding mother: "Elixir liquid is the most profitable side door now! There will still be such a long time in the future! How can you say that if you don't develop it, you won't develop it!"

"Three masters jointly declare..." A company, from the outside, looks like a medicinal materials company, but at this moment, their boss stared at the computer with red eyes: "If you don't make money, you can't make it! What are they going to do!" There are so many family forces waiting for us to support us! Is this forcing the company to transform?"

Qianren sat quietly in front of the computer, looking at the dense comments on the practice website. His hands were deeply embedded in the white hair on his head, and the biting muscles on his cheeks were trembling slightly.

In just two days, everything changed... After the auction, he actually had a golden elixir disciple under his command!

Seeing that...the other party has come out of seclusion and is about to carry out the mission. I have been waiting for two full years! The position of disciple of Patriarch Fuyun was beckoning to him, but who would have turned out that the other party became the disciple of Zhenren Gusong!

Now... I don't know how many people have remembered his name, and how many eyes are looking at him eagerly. He... the opportunity has been lost before he can take action.

"Fellow Taoist..." A nameless voice came faintly from mid-air: "It's no longer possible. All the ideas we had before have been smashed to pieces by this hand... Now, even if he sets a mission on his own, we can't do it anymore." If you have an opportunity without any constraints, it’s better to take advantage of it..."

"Xu Xu Tu Zhi?" Qian Ren's eyes were a little red, as if he had heard the funniest words. He raised his head and looked up to the sky and sneered: "Xu Xu Tu Zhi?"

"How many more years do I have to slowly figure it out!" His old hands trembled slightly, as if he was trying his best to suppress the devil in his heart: "I... am already over a hundred years old, and I am no longer the qi-training monk I used to be! However, I’m only in the middle stage of foundation building!”

He suddenly stood up and looked at another place in the sky, as if the Wuming he had never met before was there: "If it is not the golden elixir, it will always be loess... Once you reach the golden elixir realm, I can Live for hundreds of years! But you let me take care of it?"

"Old Ancestor Fuyun can wait, but I can't!" He took a deep breath, and the hesitation in his eyes turned into a trace of murderous intent: "Only by worshipping Old Ancestor Jindan can there be a chance of getting Jindan."

Silence, for a long while, Wuming sighed faintly: "To be honest."

"Old Ancestor Fuyun has no plans to take action recently, and is preparing to take back some of the Black Killing Orders." He considered for a while: "Among them, there is yours, Fellow Daoist Qianren... After all, you are in the Yulin Guard..."

"No!" Before he finished speaking, Qianren interrupted him rudely, pursing his lips tightly : "I have a chance... Tell Old Ancestor Fuyun... I have a chance! No one has a better chance than me!"

He looked at the sky a little madly, took a step forward, and said with red eyes: "He... is going to recruit people soon, right?"

"With his current status, how many true geniuses will join? I'm afraid those first-class families will be alarmed! If he recruits people, he will go on missions to hone his skills..." He seemed to have made up his mind and closed his eyes: "I... will only take action once, and do it myself!"

"Daoyou?" Wuming's voice was surprised.

"There's no time for us to hesitate!" Qian Ren interrupted him decisively: "He is now... like a spider weaving a web... If we don't wipe him out completely in the early stage, will we just watch this web of interests grow bigger and bigger!"

"Daoyou..." Wuming wanted to persuade him, Qian Ren gritted his teeth, raised his hand, and a cruel look appeared on his old face: "I have made up my mind. No need to say more."

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook slightly, like the aftermath of a small earthquake. At the same time, a map of the whole country suddenly popped up on the computer. Then, from a direction in the west, a violent red light circle was emitted, accompanied by a piercing scream, resounding throughout the room.

"This is..." The conversation stopped abruptly. Qian Ren returned to the computer at the fastest speed and looked at the red circle on the computer in amazement: "Yulinwei Devil Breaking System..."

What happened?

He looked cautious. Yulinwei Devil Breaking System was purchased by Gusong Patriarch himself. Once it was activated, all the helmsmen must be connected at the same time!

And this must not be activated unless it is an emergency!

"Here... is Longsu Province?" He glanced at the circle and immediately chose to connect.

"The helmsman of Kyoto Prefecture is online." "The helmsman of Demon City is online." "The helmsman of Xichuan Province is online." "The helmsman of Nanhe Province is online..." Countless beeps sounded almost at the same time. Once the Devil Breaking System sounds an alarm, it means that the Gusong Sect Master has summoned him personally, and no one dares not to come!

All 26 helmsmen went online within a minute. At the same time, the computer flashed, and the calm face of Gusong Zhenren appeared on the computer.

No extra words, no greetings. Gusong Zhenren glanced at the number of people online, nodded and said: "All helmsmen, notify your A-level legion to stop accepting tasks, and all members are on standby."

"Yes!" Twenty-six voices answered in unison.

"In addition..." Gusong Zhenren pondered for a moment: "All helmsmen present, notify the Yulin Guard to enter a state of alert."

Two inexplicable sentences, but everyone felt a little unusual.

At the same time, in the office of the Xingtian Army, Mudan looked at Xu Yangyi in confusion: "Captain? Is there something wrong?"

Everyone looked at Xu Yangyi with a hint of doubt. Just now, he suddenly raised his head and frowned at the sky for more than ten seconds.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. A trace of suspicious surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up and was as calm as water.

"It's okay." He retracted his gaze and looked at everyone: "It's probably an illusion, Mudan, continue."

"Okay... So far, a total of 78 sets of gifts have been received, totaling 1,000 medium-grade spirit stones." Mudan quickly browsed on the computer: "Each family has expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Xingtian Army. Captain, rejecting so many families at once, right..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi raised his hand and looked at the audience solemnly.

The second time...

He sat in the first seat, with Zhou Tingting, Cheng Jianfeng, Li Zongyuan on both sides, and... Mao Baer, ​​who looked serious in a suit.

"Did you feel it?" Xu Yangyi looked at everyone: "Just now."

"You are in menopause." Mao Baer said mercilessly: "Every woman will experience anxiety and other conditions when she reaches menopause... Can you still ovulate now?"

"..."Everyone was speechless, Mudan opened her lips several times, glared at the bitch fiercely, and snorted coldly.

"You didn't hear anything?" Xu Yangyi was used to it and ignored it at all, but looked at everyone seriously: "Didn't you hear any sound?"

"No." Mao Baer looked at him inexplicably: "What's wrong with you?"

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