
Main text Chapter 162: Destiny

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept over everyone. They all looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Nothing...just go on." Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes with twinkling eyes.

Just now, he heard... a strange sound.

Not an illusion!

That sound came from his chest! That half of the box.

Just now, half of the box on his chest vibrated slightly. It even... revealed a mixture of excitement and a fighting spirit as if encountering a natural enemy!

As if... calling him!

In his ears, he was listening to Peony's report, but it was like the wind blowing by, unable to enter his memory at all.

He was recalling the feeling just now.

Just now, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the blood in my veins boiled instantly. There was no hint, no words, but...he felt a strong sense of warning from the bottom of his heart!

It was as if...a tiger met a lion. Even though they were separated by countless distances, the pheromones in the wind made both parties excited and ready for danger.

"Each other's natural enemy?" He lowered his eyes and thought to himself: "The natural enemy of the living imperial weapon?"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he immediately recalled the eternal regret he had seen with Bi Bo.

Golden yarn, rootless lotus... If the living imperial weapon has a natural enemy, then, as far as he knows, there is only one!

Xuanyuan Sword! Xia Yujian! The most powerful weapon of the Underworld Emperor in the legend!

"Is this... urging me? Or... calling me?" He pursed his lips slightly: "Bibo once said... the greater the opportunity, the greater the risk, and he did not dare to bear this cause and effect. So... …”

An extremely ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in his mind. However, it is like a fleeting glimpse that can never go away.

If... I can be regarded as the chooser and inheritor of the emperor's eternal hatred. So... where is the inheritor of Xuanyuan Sword who killed the king... now?

The boiling fighting spirit that was like a natural enemy just now almost made him unable to control it. Could it be that...that Xia Yu Sword was challenging the powerful enemy that would come a thousand years later?

The challenge of traveling through millennia?

In the lotus sea all over the sky, on the back of a giant fish, the Xia Yu Sword, the most powerful weapon of the Underworld Emperor, and the living emperor weapon that comes out every five thousand years... this scene, even if he thinks about it, he feels his mind swaying.

If it's not Xia Yujian, then...who is it?

He didn't know what it was, but he only knew that the feeling was like the entanglement of fate, in a direction that never changed.

The west.

"Captain?" Mudan interrupted at the right time: "Do you think so?"

Xu Yangyi came back from his sudden thoughts, settled his thoughts, and smiled: "No, right?"

He flicked the badge on his chest and said with a smile, "They won't complain."

"Okay..." Mudan raised her eyebrows, then smacked her lips: "So... Captain, according to the plan, no one will be admitted below the middle stage of Qi training. No one over thirty years old will be admitted in the middle stage of Qi training. Right?" "

"Of course." Xu Yangyi nodded. His legion now has money, but only lacks people!

Who is missing?

Genius, real genius! At least a true genius like him can survive a desperate situation!

If he can't recruit them, he won't want any.

"Then..." Mudan said with a touch of inexplicable excitement, "Captain, are you sure you want to personally inspect the members?"

"Of course." Xu Yangyi smiled matter-of-factly: "Everyone knows where we have chosen the target for our first mission. Even my men can't get through, so why explore the Jedi?"

"Understood." Mudan quickly recorded: "Finally, leader, we have placed an order for the items we have ordered and will receive them within a month. I will submit the list and you can check if there is anything wrong?"


"The underground lighting instrument is fully automatic, the brightness is not dazzling, and it is a full three meters away from the releaser. The set brightness is acceptable to more than 80% of monsters and is not judged as an offensive light source. The Xingtian Legion purchased a set , the price is three thousand middle-grade spiritual stones.”

"The prophetic magic weapon is fully automatic and can detect spiritual objects within a radius of twenty meters. No matter whether they are genius treasures or monsters, they cannot escape detection. The price is five thousand spiritual stones."

"Diamond Array, fully automatic, automatic protection, requires ten medium-grade spiritual stones to be added every hour. The price is ten thousand spiritual stones."

"The Four Elephant Formation, fully automatic, autonomous attack, supporting magic formation for the Diamond Formation, also costs ten medium-grade spiritual stones per hour. The price is ten thousand spiritual stones."

"Eye of the Sky, an environmental detection instrument, fully automatic. It self-identifies the air and climate, and connects the carrier's spiritual consciousness. It is still ten medium-grade spiritual stones per hour. The price is ten thousand spiritual stones."

"Ten shadow talismans for each person, and one three hundred mid-grade spirit stone. A total of three thousand spirit stones." "The three-eyed ape puppet, one hundred mid-grade spirit stones, three hundred pieces, price is thirty thousand mid-grade. Spiritual stone."

No one spoke and the preparation list was very long. However, they know better what they are recruiting people for.

The Eight Jedi, even on the periphery, cannot be too well prepared!

It took Mudan a full ten minutes to finish reading all the equipment. Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and made a careful estimate. Just the preparation alone cost 130,800 mid-grade spiritual stones!

If it weren't for the auction, his own resources wouldn't be enough to detect the Jedi's periphery!

"Very good..." He took a deep breath, stood up, stretched his muscles, and made a crackling sound: "Next, let me try to see how strong the monks who want to join our Xingtian Corps are!"

It's been too long since I've been active, and my bones are already calling for a fight...

He didn't see that Mudan quietly made a V sign and quickly played with her phone.

"I'm really too excited!" Mudan sent countless emojis to the Yangyu fan club, and quickly typed: "Yangyu is going to personally test the members! This is the first time I've seen the leader take action!"

"Really? Oh... The video must be recorded!" "So loving! It's worth it that we have quietly supported him for so long!" "Ah? Personally! I'm so scared... I, I also signed up..."

A month passed in a flash.

Xu Yangyi has been in seclusion for this month. He did not choose to practice the Rong Shen Baojian, but began to familiarize himself with the two magical powers obtained in the two steps of condensing pills and forming pills.

First, it is called Dan Ding Zhuling Fa. This magical power can instantly enhance spiritual awareness, up to 50% or more!

The role of spiritual awareness is too great. If it is not enough, Xu Yangyi would not have discovered the scouts of the three C-level legions. It is like a person's eyes, ears, and facial features. The higher the spiritual awareness, the more sharp the ears and eyes can be, and the more invisible the enemy can be.

However, there are almost no ways to increase spiritual awareness. In addition to the ability to increase spiritual awareness when promoted, there is currently no other way in the cultivation world. Perhaps the ancient cultivators had unique skills, but now, they have long been lost.


In the practice room, feeling the majestic spiritual power of the high-level gathering spirit formation. His eyes looked at his body with a hint of burning expectation.

Breaking the spirit shock!

If it is Dan Ding Zhuling Fa alone, it can even be called a chicken rib. But once it is matched with this move, Dan Ding Zhuling Fa can become one of his bottom-of-the-box skills!

This move can make spiritual awareness form an attack! No attack, only attack spiritual awareness!

A cultivator, if his Qi Sea is destroyed, will not die. But if his spiritual consciousness is destroyed, he will die!

Moreover, this magical power has no trace to follow, it comes and goes without a trace, as long as the spiritual consciousness is below him, it will be severely damaged!

He is not a management talent, this month, all the work was handed over to others. As the flag of the Xingtian Legion, he only needs to practice and practice again. One month is just enough for him to start practicing these two magical powers.

"However, now my magical power has reached four styles... Should I try the Rong Shen Baojian?"

He hesitated for a long time and finally gave up.

It's still too little. Among these four styles, three are main attack magical powers. What he wants to merge is a magical power with other effects in the attack like Yanyue. In his opinion, simply merging offensive magical powers is not very effective. It is far less balanced than one attack and one auxiliary.

"Swish..." At this moment, a jade slip he brought in suddenly emitted a clear light curtain, and Mudan's figure appeared on it: "Captain, today is the day for the Xingtian Corps to recruit members, and it will start in five hours. Please come to the agreed place as soon as possible."

"So soon?" Xu Yangyi was a little absent-minded. Although he had been in seclusion three times, he was still a little uncomfortable with the feeling of opening and closing his eyes for dozens of days.

"Okay." He chuckled and stood up. After several seclusions, his temperament became more stable. He also wanted to try how many people could jump from his hands to the Xingtian Corps under his own assessment rules.

He dared to guarantee with his head that those who could come in were definitely true geniuses selected from ten thousand!

And... his mouth curled up slightly, just in time to try out his two magical powers of entering and leaving the gate.

The recruitment meeting of the Xingtian Corps was held in Tiandao, Mingshui Province. Every Tiandao in each province has its own unique arena. Some are small and some are big. For example, the Tianxia Dubu built by Fuyun Zhenren below Fengyi City is one of the ten famous martial arts arenas in China.

The Tiandao martial arts arena in Panshan City is not big, the size of an ordinary basketball court. Usually, it is deserted here, but today, with more than an hour to go, it is already full of guests.

However, strangely, everyone is very quiet. So quiet that people think this is the scene of a silent movie.

"So many people..." A young man looked around the whole place excitedly. He was about fourteen or fifteen years old, and he kept muttering: "Uncle Wu! Uncle Wu, look! That person over there is so strange! He is covered in a black cloak! There are seven or eight knives stuck in his back... Can he carry it?"

"Don't point at people randomly!" The middle-aged man called Uncle Wu was so scared that he immediately stopped his hand and said solemnly: "Zi Qi, remember, although our Zhao family in Longsu Province is the boss. But in the whole country, the Zhao family is just a quasi-first-class or lower family! There are many families stronger than the Zhao family here today! Don't offend others!"

He looked at the "weird man" the boy pointed at, who was leaning against the wall in the corner, wrapped in a black cloak, and swallowed his saliva and said: "That... is the Yao family of Kyoto Prefecture, they... are a real first-class family! The Seven Demon Slayer Swords... Only the true geniuses in the family can comprehend it. Such geniuses are all strong candidates for the next head of the Yao family... Today, why are you here today..."

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