
Main text Chapter 164: Team members (Part 2)

"What?!" "Are you too crazy?" "You want one person to test all of us?" "Does he have enough spiritual power? Are you kidding me?"

Suddenly, the whole place was in an uproar.

However, the noise quickly decreased.

Because, Xu Yangyi's title is very long.

A real disciple of Gu Song.

The leader of Nantong Province five years ago.

The client who survived Zhu Hongxue's men.

The alchemist's one-way contact, and... the leader of the A-level legion.

If it were just one item, some people might think it was luck. But with so many titles... no one dares to think it's luck anymore.

"Well said!" Before he finished speaking, a loud shout rang out: "The Meng family of Dongshan Province! The disciple of this generation is ranked seventh, Meng BuTong. Please enlighten me!"

A man with a short head and a black ancient costume jumped ten meters and immediately jumped onto the ring.

"Boom!" Just when he landed, sand and dust rose all over the ground, and countless cracks even spread from the soles of his feet.

He is not tall, about 1.75 meters, but this shows how amazing his quality is!

It’s like a heavy weight!

"Fellow Daoist Xu." He raised his hand cautiously: "Today, in front of many talented disciples from aristocratic families, let me first learn about Captain Xu's brilliant move!"

"That's the Meng family in Lingxi Province." Below, many people's eyes sparkled: "They practice extremely rare physical training. Legend has it that the Meng family has a body-training method derived from the Xuanjia Army of the Tang Dynasty, and other The magical power of body training is different. The more you practice, the smaller you become, but the more amazing your strength becomes. According to legend, a punch can be powerful enough to weigh thousands of kilograms!"

"It's just a lump of iron." The feminine man next to the old man surnamed Ge covered his mouth and nose and said disgustedly: "A pretty boy with a lump of iron, what's so good about him? Old man, do I really want to join this Tianxing Army?"

The old man surnamed Ge rubbed the sun with a headache. This descendant's qualifications are indeed evil, but his character is also unruly and arrogant.

"Qianqiu, you must join this Xingtian Army."

Ge Qianqiu snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"The Meng family's body training is indeed powerful, but the skills they obtained are flawed." Another monk said: "Because the body's spiritual energy is not flowing smoothly, they... are the only family that cannot fly during the foundation building period."

"But, Commander Xu said that it's enough to withstand his punch?" "It's opportunistic... However, the result is indeed impeccable." "I don't know what level of cultivation this fellow Taoist Meng has reached. What if he can resist this attack?" fist……"

Everyone is silent.

What everyone is thinking is: Don’t choose!

There are ten places in total, one less than the previous one!

Hundreds of eyes were all focused on the fighting stage. Meng Tongtong didn't relax at all. He took a deep breath. The next moment, black lights suddenly appeared in his seven orifices!

After three seconds of silence, everyone in the audience was amazed: "Second level! Second level of the Meng Family's Nine Gods Body Training Technique! He is only in the middle stage of Qi training!"

"It is said that at this level, one is invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire! Fists that do not use spiritual power simply cannot pierce the opponent's body-protecting aura!" "This person should be the top three monks in the Meng family! Otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat him in the mid-term. Understand the second level!”

A circle of black spiritual energy formed outside his body. At the same time, his body swelled sharply! The clothes on both arms and legs exploded! There is a smell like a ferocious beast surrounding his body!

Xu Yangyi looked at him quietly.

He didn't know what the outside world said and how amazed he was. All he knew was that this person couldn't pass the test.

Do you really think...his punch is so easy to catch?

Five years ago, Luo Sanfeng was kicked away without any resistance. Two years ago, the members of the three major legions were also kicked away, and there was still no resistance!

"'s equivalent to Chu Zhaonan at that time..."

He is no longer who he was back then!

"You can't." He said calmly: "Go down."

In one sentence, everyone was stunned. Meng BuTong is even more so.

The next second, a nameless spirit rushed up from his heart!


What a joke!

In my own family, when was I not a universally recognized genius? Now...he didn't even move his hands, but he actually said he couldn't do it!

With the Nine Gods Body Training Technique, he broke through to the second level before he was even thirty! No way!

"Whether it works or not, you have to try it before you know." There was a hint of deep anger hidden in his eyes: "Captain Xu, take action."

Xu Yangyi looked into his eyes: "In order to ensure that the real genius is qualified, I will not hold back this punch."

"Haha..." Meng Butong became even more excited: "Come on!"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "There is a prepared elixir nearby, so fellow Taoists don't have to worry."

"Hahaha!" Meng BuTong finally looked up to the sky and laughed. It took more than ten seconds before he suddenly looked at Xu Yangyi fiercely: "Captain Xu, have you passed your sentence?"

"A certain family has been practicing for nearly 20 years! In the middle period, he has broken through the Meng family's secret knowledge! He has fought countless times! Although he is not an absolute genius, a certain family is confident enough that he can't even withstand a punch from you!"

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply and said nothing. Instead, he put on a military fist stance.

This is the most familiar starting move for his Tiandao.

"Then, fellow Taoist, be careful." He said calmly.

"Just come!!" Meng Tongtong roared angrily, and the black spiritual energy shield became even stronger!

The turbulent currents are rapid and turbulent, and the spray is as thin as thunder and wind.

This is a sentence in ancient poetry describing fast speed. However, in the next moment, Meng BuTong... flew out directly!

Most people only feel their eyes blurred and have no reaction at all!

At least 50% of the people were still looking at the martial arts platform. However, there was a strong wind in front of them, and then, there was a "boom" behind them!

However, there were at least twenty people, and their eyes immediately changed from serious to extremely serious! At the same time, following the sound of the wind, the eyes of more than 20 people followed him!

"So fast!" At this moment, Quan Ningyue's hand grasped the hammer tightly for the first time. He looked at the strong wind in astonishment.

She saw clearly... saw very clearly!

There is a person at the forefront of the gale. There is a man with a face full of disbelief!

Meng is different! The black light all over his body was completely broken! His mouth was full of blood, and the figure of Xu Yangyi who was getting farther and farther away was reflected in his pupils. He didn't see it at all! How did you fly out! It wasn't until he flew a few meters away that the pain in his stomach came flooding back! It's too late for him to shout!

"Brush..." Zhan Hongchen's No. 12, his eyes flashed like a falcon. His pupils were different from everyone else's, they were actually diamond-shaped pupils like snakes!

He only glanced at Meng Tongtong, who had a look of disbelief on his face, and then immediately turned to look at Xu Yangyi.

So strong!

This was his first reaction!

This... is still a move that the opponent did not try his best. But incredibly fast! At least this is the case in the middle stage of Qi training! He pays for it himself. Even if he doesn't use all his physical and magical powers, it will be extremely difficult for him to reach this speed!

The bald young man stood up, and the tattoos all over his body began to squirm strangely. After looking deeply at Xu Yangyi for a long time, he finally opened his mouth and smiled.

"Good skills, good strength, good speed...good qualifications!"

"This kind of legion is the aggregation of geniuses that Jun is looking forward to! The qualifications of those who can be valued by the leader will never be inferior to those of a certain family!"

Dead silence, deathly silence.

After a few seconds, most people started to turn their necks and looked at the smoke and dust rising behind them in amazement.

A one-meter-square dent was created around Meng BuTong's body. He was completely unconscious at the moment, twitching unconsciously, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Dozens of eyes looked at Meng BuTong, then looked at Xu Yangyi, who bowed his hands to everyone, then looked at Meng BuTong, then looked at Xu Yangyi, in an infinite loop.

This power...

This speed...

In the blink of an eye, the funny effect left behind by the opening line that could be called a comedy disappeared in an instant. Instead, there is only another thought!

Originally, many people thought that it might not be difficult to receive a punch. There will probably be interviews to ask about their strengths, and they will be admitted on a merit-based basis.

But they only know now.

One punch, no joke!

When Commander Xu said one punch, it was just one punch! No lies at all!

Even if there is an interview in the future, it will be after receiving this punch!

Zhao Wuye's hand was shaking as he held Zhao Ziqi's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "So fast! Such a strong force! This, this so difficult...too difficult! Is this still a human being? !”

Suddenly, he felt...why were his hands shaking so hard?

He looked back in confusion, but was surprised to find that the eyes of Zhao Ziqi... had turned into a Tai Chi! Rotating and endless!

And the target is facing Xu Yangyi!

"Tongyou pupil?! Tongyou pupil opens automatically?!" Mr. Zhao Wu broke into a cold sweat in an instant. Tongyou pupil is the biggest secret of the Zhao family. With Zhao Ziqi's skill, it is absolutely impossible without the help of his elders. Open it yourself!


Zhao Wuye suddenly froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

No... there is another situation...

That is... there is someone on site... who can go directly to the netherworld... or... the dead! People who are still alive... who were dead... and are alive again!

"Zi Qi..." He immediately stood next to Zhao Zi Qi, blocked his eyes, and asked softly: "What did you see?"

"It's so scary..." Zhao Ziqi's hands shook violently, and he grabbed Zhao Wuye tightly, even causing the other party to feel a little pain. His voice in the stage of changing his voice murmured: "Well, the big brother on the stage, He, he is not human..."

Zhao Ziqi was sweating like rain, suppressing his racing heart, gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice: "Not a human?"

"I can't see clearly. Fifth Uncle...that big brother...has a very scary aura hidden in him...He himself has both death and vitality...his shadow can be found in both black and white's so weird... ...Wait... countless, I, I seem to see... leaves? "

Xu Yangyi had no idea that there was a pair of eyes looking at him with horror. He cupped his hands and continued: "The next one."

There was silence.

Xu Yangyi's meaning is very clear. Those who are not qualified should not waste time. If he must come, he doesn't mind sending him away, but for future recruitment, this family will be insulated from Alchemy.

But...after that punch just now, everyone has a strong balance in their hearts.

One minute, two minutes, three full minutes passed, and Xu Yangyi was not in a hurry. Just strolling around and looking at everyone. Like the master of the arena.

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