
Main text Chapter 165: Team members (Part 3)

"Captain Xu has a good idea. ±," five minutes later, a feminine voice rang out. Ge Qianqiu said lightly, and his whole body was like a kite, flying lightly onto the ring: "Let Ge come and teach you. Friend’s great move!”

Just as he was floating up, two golden haloes suddenly lit up in his hands. Before he landed, he flipped his palms, and countless golden aura swallows pecked towards Xu Yangyi.

"Quanyun!" Following his feminine scream, a sharp scream resounded throughout the audience. Hundreds of spiritual swallows covered the entire martial arts arena in an instant!

"It's just one punch!" When he landed, he had the joy of success in his eyes: "I don't believe it! You take my move and don't even punch me!"

When Xu Yangyi took action just now, he was completely shocked. After much deliberation, this is the only way!

Being opportunistic, he said that with one punch, he would let the opponent throw countless punches! He didn't believe that this group leader had the nerve to say on the spot that he would not be accepted!

"Cheating!" Hundreds of spiritual swallows surrounded Xu Yangyi into a golden vortex. The monks below had not reacted just yet, but in the next second, they all started shouting angrily!

"Ge family? Your cheating is too shameless, isn't it!" "Haha, you have so no confidence in yourself? If you don't show off your shame, you use ranged attack magic power?" "If the Ge family is chosen for this reason, Zhai will not accept it!"

The old man named Ge has a red face.

Ge Qianqiu jumped on it immediately without saying a word! He thought the other party was confident, but he didn't expect that he would use such a method that was obviously cheating!

Facing the aura attacks of hundreds of swallows, who could not take action? Qi training monks are not foundation building monks! The spiritual energy cannot be released purely externally! It's all "attachment!" This is why Xu Yangyi now uses a combination of physical skills and magical powers!

The golden vortex grew larger and larger, and Ge Qianqiu sneered at everyone's arguments.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, what is there to say?

"Ding ding ding..." At this moment, the sound of countless metal transfers came from the golden swallow whirlpool. Everyone's expressions darkened. Did they finally take action?

"No..." Twelve sensed it carefully and suddenly hissed: "He didn't take action! His spiritual energy didn't move... but... but..."

But... in the whirlpool, a spiritual pressure that made everyone on the scene feel terrifying exploded!

At the same level as them, they are all in the middle stage of Qi training, but... that spiritual pressure seems to have been cut off from... the ancestor of Jindan! Just like... when a person suddenly sees the hair of a giant, the feeling of fear and psychological fear cannot be shaken off at all!

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's calm voice sounded from the whirlpool: "Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment."

"Ten Thousands of Shadows of Heavenly Punishment?!" Quan Ningyue almost jumped up!

The bald man opened his mouth wide for the first time and looked at the golden vortex in disbelief. The old man named Ge thought he heard it wrong. I don’t know how many people who knew this trick had their jaws almost dropped to the ground!

is that a lie……

Is this kidding me?

Now you can lie to people without drafting?

The moment Ge Qianqiu heard the name, the pores all over his body shrank!

During the Qi training period, he could do anything, but when faced with the magical power of the ancestor of Jindan... he... was wrong!

Immediately, he relaxed immediately and felt that he was covered in cold sweat.

"It scared me to death..." He let out a long sigh of relief: "I thought he was really... this, this, this, what is this!!!"

A second later, his soul emerged!

Not only that, everyone at the scene changed from surprised to shocked expressions in less than 0.1 seconds.

The sky is dark.

Everyone could clearly see that the shadow under their feet was... separated from themselves.

"This...this...this..." Mr. Zhao Wu stared blankly at his own shadow, leaving his body and rushing crazily towards the golden vortex, as if he was leaving with his thoughts.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Countless shadows, in an instant, all condensed into the mid-air. The invisible and qualityless shadows seemed to have substance at this moment! In the blink of an eye, there was an airtight sea of ​​swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes and hooks, eighteen kinds of weapons, all in mid-air!

It's just... everything is filled with an unknown, terrifying black aura!

The scene is like a mourning hall!

Dead silence!

No one dares to speak out!

Jin Dan’s magical power reappears! Exactly the same!

"Swish, swish!" Without giving anyone any time to react, a handful of weapons flew towards the Spiritual Swallow like raindrops! With the sound of "Qiuqiu", any swallows that come into contact with the weapon will instantly turn into ashes!

"Boom!" A violent wave of spiritual energy suddenly erupted from where Xu Yangyi was standing!

That's a black sky! It’s the lost paradise of shadows!

"Roar!!!" After everyone's hair flew upside down, in front of their eyes, a shadow dragon several meters large hovered around Xu Yangyi, roaring with golden elixir magical power at the Qi Practitioners in the audience!

Anyone who challenges the might of the dragon will be killed without mercy!

Xu Yangyi among the shadow dragons was wearing a strange black armor. Just now, those swallows pecked at this top, and there wasn’t even a white spot!

"This... is the magic weapon given by the ancestor..." I don't know who said this after a minute of dead silence.

Then, still silence.

Xu Yangyi looked at the stunned Ge Qianqiu coldly. If he dared to take out this magic weapon, if someone asked him about it in the future, he would say that his friend would give it a try for him, but he was not afraid. But... he doesn't want opportunistic people to enter his army.

Love to cheat?

Nothing, my cheating method is much more advanced than yours!

Still using magical powers? Low. Jindan magic weapon, directly tell you what is a mobile fortress, aura barrier!

He deeply felt the power of Liuying Zhaobi, and the attack of a mid-stage Qi training cultivator was not damaged at all! And... the experience of controlling the Jindan magical power with his own hands was like a drug that made him intoxicated!

The power... is so strong that it is abnormal!

However, he suppressed this addiction in an instant.

This is, after all, an external force.

And... on that day, this move of Wanying Tianzhu was forcibly blocked by Fuyun Patriarch's move of Mie Liuyu!

While he was thinking slightly, Ge Qianqiu was completely stunned.

This... is the script of which director?

How could... Wanying Tianzhu appear?

"Daoyou Ge..." At this moment, Xu Yangyi's voice floated over gently. Ge Qianqiu opened his mouth several times, but found that his mouth was dry and he couldn't say a word.

However, just when his heart was broken, a hoarse voice came from the audience: "Captain Xu... please show mercy... the Ge family... admit defeat... give up this opportunity..."

In the audience, the old man surnamed Ge, who was in the late stage of Qi training, bowed to Xu Yangyi from a distance, almost 90 degrees: "This matter is the fault of the Ge family. I apologize. I hope that fellow Daoist Xu will show mercy."

Xu Yangyi nodded. He glanced at Ge Qianqiu, smiled slightly, and bowed.

Ge Qianqiu's face was hot!

The other party... is too lazy to talk to him?

Indeed, if Ge Qianqiu had not just forced himself to punch, he would have been a dead man. Since the other party had retreated, he naturally didn't bother to argue with such a person.


No matter how talented a sheep is, it doesn't have the heart of a lion!

He said nothing, his armor disappeared silently, and bowed to the audience again. Silence is better than words.

This time... the silence lasted longer.

Before, everyone was still thinking about scrambling to be the first. However, the first Meng Bu Tong flew out backwards. The second Ge Qian Qiu, his body was not injured, but he took advantage of the situation to bring out the killer weapon Wan Ying Tian Zhu. The third one didn't dare to go on stage rashly.

Many people were backing off in their hearts. This test... a punch, but it was indeed not an ordinary punch.

This punch was too heavy, and many people present didn't even want to take it!

"No one is taking action?" At this moment, a hoarse voice came up, and a not-so-tall figure slowly walked onto the stage step by step.

As this person came on stage, everyone's eyes lit up.

Similarly, they need someone to be selected! Let them know that there are still monsters who can match the monsters like Captain Xu!

This person... is very likely!

"Zhan Hongchen, the number 12 seed killer." A lean man with a tight outfit, messy hair, and a mask on his face, about 1.73 meters tall, wearing a camouflage uniform, slowly came to the stage and looked at Xu Yangyi with burning eyes: "Just call me Zhan Twelve."

Xu Yangyi's eyes also lit up.

An expert knows whether there is any skill as soon as he makes a move. This is not empty talk.

Zhan Twelve, when he came on stage, there was no sound. Moreover, the other party was wearing military boots!

"Has the cat walk become a habit..." Xu Yangyi became cautious for the first time: "He is a master."

"Please." Zhan Twelve bowed his hands, and Xu Yangyi also bowed his hands: "Please."

Two seconds of silence, two seconds later, Zhan Twelve disappeared!

At the scene, all the cultivators widened their eyes. This was the first time they saw Zhan Hongchen's assassination magic!

"Shadow Dance!" Silent, dustless, Xu Yangyi's nerves were slightly tingling for a moment, and with his extraordinary spiritual awareness, he immediately found that a strong wind was coming from behind him!

The destination... is his spine!

It is indeed a killer... He suddenly made a move, and the blood in his veins finally boiled.

For a cultivator, if the Qi Sea is broken, he cannot use spiritual energy, and if the spiritual consciousness is broken, he will die. But if the body is injured, it will still affect the action!

Spinal injury... paralysis of the whole body are all light!

"Spark!" In an instant, he suddenly jumped forward, leaving several afterimages in the air. However, he clearly felt... that he did not get rid of his opponent!

"Good!" He raised his eyebrows. This is the first person who can keep up with his body movement!

"Try this again." He quickly pinched his hands: "Sacrifice!"

Suddenly, his speed increased! However, he did not expect that the sharp murderous intent behind him was like a shadow!

"Open the chest!" With a slight cry, the murderous intent was barely audible, and it turned strangely under him!

At this moment, he was rushing forward. If he did not stop, this murderous intent would cut him in half!

"What a ruthless move..." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, but did not slow down! On the contrary, he sped up even faster!

Feng Wuhen!

He accelerated three times in a row... He was so murderous, but he could still keep up!


Something to say

First of all, I'm sorry. I sent the wrong picture yesterday. I've already changed it. I don't know if the app has it

I write in the black room. It's a document for a month. There are too many words. I accidentally read it wrong. At noon that day, a reader called me and I got up and changed it immediately.

I write in the middle of the night, it's quiet. It's not easy to be an author. I can't write if there's any sound when I write. I can only write in the middle of the night and go to bed at 6 o'clock in the day.

Those who have seen my photos know that I don't have much hair, okay? I'm extremely smart, okay?

This book is my transformation work. Like the previous books, I dare not say it's good, I can only say that I tried my best.

Every plot is the result of my deep thinking. I went to Jiuzhaigou some time ago, and wrote the auction after I came back. There are good and bad things. In the past few days, I have written 10,000 words a day, and finally I have regained my feeling. I am very relieved.

I don't know how much weight I have gained in order to write. I dare not go for a physical examination, for fear of finding a lot of problems, although I am sure there are some.

You all paid nine cents, but you don't know how much the author paid after paying nine cents for a chapter.

So, those who spray in the book review area will be banned by the management, but those who discuss it, it doesn't matter at all. Of course, I believe that readers who read rationally can tell the difference between trolling and discussing.

Finally, I would like to ask for a subscription. For all the hard work, I think that I have earned the nine cents with a clear conscience. At least, I did not mess up the plot for the sake of word count.

Finally, thank you all for your support until now. The average subscription is neither high nor low. Old readers who like urban novels have left, and new readers who like fantasy novels have stayed. I hope that readers who like this book and the author like me will subscribe to the genuine version. The genuine version can give the author motivation and support the author to continue writing.

Finally, just download the Zongheng app on your phone, or go to the website directly on your computer. Other places charge fees... Although I don't want to say it, but in fact, you are reading pirated copies... Not much, 1.8 cents a day, please support me if you don't care about this little money.

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