
Chapter 1567: Sorry, I am a villain (Part 7)


Xu Yangyi has already rushed into the layers of black fog. The body of the Sun Wolf seemed to be a world of its own, and it was unclear whether it had entered the other party's body or not. He didn't know how badly he was injured, because he had swallowed all the pain with the Devouring Talisman at the beginning.

He was focused and moved forward.

In his eyes, there was only the ancient lamp in front of him, nothing else. Longinus burst out with the extinction nebula. It was visible to the naked eye that his body had countless cracks and blood was gushing out. Those were the marks of the bites of thousands of snakes, but he didn't stop at all. He couldn't think of so much anymore. Since he had made up his mind, then... there was no retreat!

Swish! The black fog snake that covered the sun and clouds rushed in from all directions again. The connection of the six nodes, the spiritual power transmission of Noah's Ark, and the protection of the God-killing Spear made him invincible. As he expected, this strange body world gave him only tremendous pressure, and could not kill him.


It just couldn't kill him.

Every time he advanced a meter, a mountain-like pressure, as if the space collapsed, pressed madly towards him. It was everywhere, following him like a shadow. This terrifying pressure actually directly affected the godhood - this was the first time he saw something that made the godhood retreat. He barely rushed past 500 meters now. The Glory Talisman could no longer be used almost as soon as it was activated.

This is the power of God.

The majesty of Mammon.

The Lord of Greed was subordinate to the first generation of Yahweh, and he was the first generation of Yahweh who had lived for countless years. He had experienced two Ragnaroks, was one of the seven demon monarchs, the god of creation, the creator of Tiragangdis... There were too many titles. He firmly suppressed the Lord of Devouring.

"Get out!!" He gritted his teeth and held his breath, which went straight to his heart and blood. Longinus waved a red light, and all the black fog snakes that approached turned into mist and disintegrated. The ancient lamp was just three thousand meters in front of him, but now the resistance was getting bigger and bigger.

If the tide was rising before, now he has walked to the center of the tsunami. Looking around, there was only the dead silence and the endless darkness of life. The stars stared at him like the eyes of Hades.

"Mortal... you deserve to die!" As the Black Mist Snake collapsed, the roar of the Sun Wolf resounded through the space, and he was also under pressure. The Bible suppressed him from the outside, and the unknown divine arts revived. Inside... this person... under various external factors, his strength actually surpassed that of the Saint!

There are no rules, but there are artifacts to protect him.

Not reaching the void, but holding the gun of killing gods.

"Elegy of the Starry Sky... The brilliance of the stars!!" With a roar, all the stars in the nebula lit up, and then... turned into a cosmic storm.

Boom! Endless meteor showers surged the universe, and in just three hundred meters, it became a river of destruction. Meteorites collided with meteorites, and destruction and rebirth kept exchanging. In the layers of black fog, black fog snakes coiled together, forming twisted aggregates, hissing wildly and biting at him.

One divided into two, two divided into three, three became infinite, in just a blink of an eye, there were snake shadows everywhere. Xu Yangyi could not resist at all, layer after layer, surrounded by layers, forming a huge black hole.

Screaming, hissing, opening the kingdom of death. The next second, the magnificent voice of the Yaori Demon Wolf sounded from all directions: "Die! Maggots!!"

Boom! ! ! Its entire body nebula trembled, and inside the black hole, the sun's brilliance shone on the heavens and the worlds, and the stars dimmed. A sun bursting with flames broke through the black hole and exploded.

Layers of mushroom clouds accompanied by twisted shock waves swept across the entire space, layer upon layer, endless. However, in this glow, a dazzling red light dragon emerged from the river, and the phoenix wings soared into the sky. With a loud bang, a dazzling bloodstain split the entire void into two, breaking the black hole abruptly.

"Finally used the Spear of Longinus... But, as a human, how many times can you swing it?"

The hoarse voice of the Sun Wolf shocked the space: "Before you touch me, you will be turned into ashes by the backlash of the God Killer. Come... Let me tell you, the magical powers bestowed by the Lord of Greed are endless!"

The black fog snakes that were blown away turned into smoke again, and were shaken away thousands of meters away and stopped at the same time. Within a second, they turned into endless meteors and rushed towards Xu Yangyi like lightning.

It was obviously a meteor, but the speed was unbelievable. It didn't look like a meteor at all, but it seemed like... a rain of meteor swords, thousands of swords flying together!

Swish! Endless silver-white sword marks were all over the void, as if dividing the dark space into countless small pieces. The arrogant laughter of the Sun Wolf rang out: "Forbidden Technique... The stars are darkened, the crown of the brilliant moon."

It's not that I have to say the name.

Instead... he was forcing Xu Yangyi to use the Spear of Longinus, telling him directly that this was a forbidden technique.

What... were you going to do?

Was he going to wait for death in the forbidden technique? Or was he going to desperately swing the Spear of Longinus and wait for the backlash of the God-killer?

Rumble! Stars fell, thousands of swords flew, and meteors rushed into Xu Yangyi's location. The brilliance was infinite, and the starlight was endless. It was a rare star storm in the universe. When all these star swords were inserted into where he was, the light of a bright moon rose in the distance.

The bright moon came out of Tianshan Mountain, illuminating the world. It was more powerful and magnificent than the previous forbidden technique, but before it could explode, a red light directly cut through the bright moon, and a figure as fast as thunder drew a long spark in the void and rushed straight to the center of space.

There was nothing else in Xu Yangyi's eyes. The ancient lamp was rising and falling three thousand meters away. As if he felt his will, Zhao Ziqi's soul was very quiet. Because both of them knew very well that now... Yaori Demon Wolf hadn't reacted yet, and his target was the ancient lantern.

He only thought that Xu Yangyi wanted to kill him completely.

"Pounce!" The blood all over his body burst out from the wound, Longinus, double-edged sword. While killing a god, he must also bear the punishment of killing a god. The backlash of wielding a spear against the glaring demon wolf is not much weaker than that of the thunder god.

This is the Lord of Greed who points his sword at the Sun Demonic Wolf, and uses his sword against the most ancient first generation of Yahweh. This backlash makes it impossible for him to swing a few shots.

He didn't stop, taking advantage of the collapse of this magical power, he rushed towards the ancient lantern at full speed. There is only extreme calmness in his eyes. However, his teeth were clenching.

Ice and fire, calmness and heat, are walking on a tightrope that can break at the first pull. The radiant talisman in his mind was fully activated, and he was thinking hard and calculating all the distances. He didn't care at all that the blood was raining down as he moved forward, or the whining that could already be heard in his bones, and the overwhelmed moans coming from his internal organs.

You only get one chance!

boom! The terrifying spiritual power in front of him condensed again, and this time the pressure was stronger than the previous times. A stinging sense of crisis suddenly penetrated his eyebrows, and he almost instinctively wanted to retreat. In front of him was the shock wave caused by the collapse of his previous magical power, but he firmly suppressed the human instinct to face extreme danger, and his whole body suddenly changed.

La la la la... Layers of carapace-like bone filled the whole body, and the colonized armor emerged. The pale and majestic armor, the essence of life changed, and the lower body gradually became a horse, trampling on the void with a rumble, sprinting with all its strength.

Faster, faster, faster and faster!

With a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right hand, the heavily armored knight crossed the void, carrying the flames of friction, dragging the bloody tail light to form a red arrow.

boom! ! !

Red and black blazed, and the shock wave exploded instantly. However, after breaking through them, Xu Yangyi gasped and stopped for the first time.

In front of him was a huge scale.

Standing in the space, it is made of pure gold and inlaid with pearls and gems. It is extremely luxurious. The main body of the central scale is engraved with endless demons. Two huge demons are symmetrical. On the scale's tray, there was a feather on one end and a mountain of silver coins on the other end.

This is a real thing, not a condensation of spiritual energy. It shouldn't appear here at all, but this thing exudes a terrifying aura that the previous two magical powers don't have, as if everything in the world, and all races in the world, must worship at its feet.

Behind it was endless nothingness, two lights lit up, and a void wolf face appeared vaguely among the stars. It held a silver coin in its mouth, on one side of the scale. His eyes were filled with murderous intent: "As expected of Longinus... Even if a mortal holds it, it can break the Taixu Forbidden Technique... But, what now?"

"The artifact...the fairness of the Lord of Greed." There was a hint of joking in his voice: "The artifact handed over by Lord Mammon himself, the transaction of the Lord of Greed has always been fair. But as long as this silver coin falls, the transaction is no longer fair. Scales It’s out of balance, and you, as one of the parties to the transaction, will immediately obliterate it.”

"Come on... take one more step forward and try? Hehehe... hahahaha!"

Is there such a thing?

Xu Yangyi was really stunned on the spot. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was powerless.

This is the method of gods...

No matter how hard mortals struggle, even if they hold the god-killing spear, they can't get through this barrier of gods.

Despite being seriously injured and trying to break two forbidden spells, the Yaosun Demon Wolf actually held Mamen's artifact... It showed how much the other party attached importance to this operation. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the god-killing spear in his hand was heavier than a thousand stones.

He took a deep look at the ancient lanterns that were only five hundred meters away at most. This short span of five hundred meters is the chasm between heaven and earth.

I wanted to say something, I opened my mouth, but no words came out.

Fight to the death?

It's useless, the Shining Sun Demonic Wolf is just the incarnation of Mammon. Even if the Shining Sun Demonic Wolf is killed, Mammon is still alive. Moreover... the weapon spirit told him that the God-killing Spear was only useful, just "useful."

"Kneel down, crawl over, and kiss the base of the scale. Sign the soul contract and I promise to forget the past. Lord Mammon will also be magnanimous and forgive you for your blasphemy." The voice of the blazing sun demon wolf slowly sounded, and he was sure of victory from above. I am very happy to see this humble posture of the unbeliever prostrate at his feet.

Xu Yangyi did not move.

When... there was a crisp sound in the void, and a silver coin fell at his feet with a dazzling brilliance. The Yaori Demon Wolf sneered: "Pick it up."

Still didn't move.

The Yaori Demon Wolf said slowly and slowly: "Use your mouth and pick it up like a dog. I count to three. Do you want to keep your mind and work for Master Mammon, or become a walking corpse and work for Master? These are the last three seconds of your freedom, Jie Jiejie!”

Buzz... At this moment, the void shook again, and Xu Yangyi knew in his heart that it was the sound of the seventh node connection. Endless golden brilliance converged into his body from the void, as if a golden door opened behind him.

The magic is about to be activated, and the spiritual power in his body is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, he has surpassed the Saint, and has the power to fight against the glaring demon wolf - without the help of the God-killing Spear, but... it is already too late.

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