
Chapter 1568: Sorry, I am a villain (VIII)

I'm guilty... I'm addicted to pesticides recently...

Many people say that pesticides are poisonous... I don't believe it... I tried the poison myself... I was poisoned decisively...



"Three." The voice of the Yaori Demon Wolf resounded through the space, majestic and arrogant.

Xu Yangyi stared at the huge scale, no need to lie, the terrifying pressure made even his own godhead tremble. Only artifacts can check and balance artifacts, but unfortunately...the opponent is not Yahweh, and Longinus has no absolute deterrent effect on the opponent.

How to do it?

He thought quickly in his mind, feeling the growing power in his body, but there was nothing he could do.

Die standing?

Live on your knees?

He doesn't even want to!

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His body suddenly erupted with soaring brilliance, and his life span, which was on the verge of ending, burned again.

This move was originally used to deal with Emperor Wa, awaken the seed of Chaos, and use the power of the "oldest" god of chaos to resist Emperor Wa. But...if you can't get through it now, why talk about the future?

The Yaori Demon Wolf seemed a little surprised: "Even if you die, you still don't want to serve Lord Mammon?"

"Do you know how many people in the world are willing to lick the adults' toes just for that one look of favor?"

"Did you know that Master Mammon can make you become Taixu at any time, even being alone. Whatever you want, Master will have it..."

"Get out." Xu Yangyi's calm voice sounded. As the life force burned more and more intensely, the shackles in his body seemed to be broken, and a burst of kakaka sounds resounded through the void.

boom! ! !

A divine power comparable to that of Mammon, at the same level, and indistinguishable suddenly descended.

Magnificent, majestic, and boundless, I despise all the heavens and I am the only one who is supreme. I am God in heaven and on earth. The bright sun demon wolf's teasing pupils suddenly became sharp: "This is..."

So familiar...

This is... the divine power of the first generation of Yahweh!

"Haotian?! This, this is the God of Chaos!!"

"One!!" As it screamed, it suddenly let go of its mouth.

Slowly, but without stopping, the silver coins fell.

However, at this moment, the falling silver coin actually stopped in mid-air!

Kakaka! Not only the silver coins, but also the floating black clouds and the shining stars completely stopped at this moment.

Time stands still!

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief. He felt that... his life span was only thirty years at most. If he couldn't achieve Taixu in the age of great struggle, after thirty years, he would have to cultivate for hundreds of years. All he got in exchange was a handful of loess.

"Something to do, something not to do." He slowly raised the Longinus Spear and pointed it at the glaring demon wolf that stared at him: "I, Xu Yangyi, started from a mere prefecture-level city on the earth, and experienced The Seven Realms, Hell, walking to the bridge between heaven and earth, never thought of surrendering to anyone. "

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

"No one can control me, not even God!"

The Sun Demonic Wolf was not stilled, he was within the fair protection range of the Lord of Greed. However, at this moment, he could only look at Xu Yangyi like a cannibal, with infinite rage in his heart.


Lowly maggot!

Scavenging flies, ugly vultures! The lowest level lemure!

How dare dare he blaspheme in front of the demon's artifact!

How dare you say no to Lord Mammon, who is revered like a god!

"Then... just die obediently!!" A hand suddenly stretched out from the void and violently messed with the silver coins.

Crash... there was only this sound in the void, and silver coins flew all over the sky. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, and his life span had reached the end. He could feel that a terrifying force had replaced his body.

He once thought he had a lot of cards.

It wasn't until he met the supreme being that he realized that the biggest trump card... was just his own life.

Taixu... At this moment, his obsession with Taixu was extremely deep. If you want to see the reality of the universe, strength is the most basic foundation.

He breaks everything with his life and has no regrets.

However, at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes. Looking around in shock.

The longevity burning... has stopped?

No...not just stopping, but...continuously replying! Until it returned to this burning?

With Khaos' blow, he was confident of breaking this artifact, although the cost was too high, and... when facing Emperor Wa, he no longer had any trump cards. But...Kaos's blow will never have this effect. It was a real life-for-life.

"This is..." Not only him, but also the Yaosun Demon Wolf was stunned. He took a breath and looked around. The flying silver coins were still in the void. He gasped: "Sacred... weapon?"

It's ridiculous. In one battle, the Spear of Longinus and the Lord of Greed's Fairness appeared, and now a third artifact appeared?

"Holy Grail." With a sound of gnashing teeth, an annular solar eclipse suddenly appeared in the void. The golden-red edge slowly shone, splitting a hundred-meter-long crack, and finally... it became a huge cup!

Rumble... The space of the Sun Demonic Wolf is slowly shattering. The black fog gradually dissipated, and Xu Yangyi could see clearly that it was a huge skull!

The Holy Grail of eternal youth. It is said that as long as you drink a sip of the water from the Holy Grail, you can live forever.

In the center of the Holy Grail, the weapon spirit of Noah's Ark stood in it biting his lips and gave Xu Yangyi a complex look: "I take back some of my comments."

"You... can face this kind of monster without giving in, and even... the last blow burst out with the power to defeat him... You... are qualified to temporarily take charge of Noah's Ark..."

The phantom of the Shining Sun Demonic Wolf trembled angrily because of the sudden change. It was... He had a premonition of defeat from the attack just now, but! He didn't believe that the other party could get better with this move!

He is within the protection range of the artifact, and as Taixu, as long as he takes one more breath than the opponent in the end, he will be the one standing here!

What kind of magic is useless? The main body is lying down. How to activate the magic?

However, he didn't expect that the other party's move would actually be useless... A weapon spirit that made him want to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin intervened!

"You...really want to die!!?" He almost roared out, and the endless flames of Tiragandis erupted from the void, turning the quiet universe into a hell of fire in an instant.

He said with tears in his eyes: "You should know what this is, this is the artifact of the Lord of Greed! Don't you know how much my lord values ​​this matter?! It's just a weapon... My lord, you can't be wiped out in an instant. between!!"

"If he dares to do this on Emperor Wa's territory." Qi Ling said without joy or sorrow: "When the gods start a war, is he really not afraid of the intervention of other Yahwehs? Emperor Wa... is not an ordinary Yahweh... "

"You are so presumptuous!!" The Sun Devil Wolf's anger almost swallowed up his reason, and he squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "Don't forget, you are just a weapon spirit who uses an artifact and is destined to sleep. And you think the Holy Grail can suppress me? Kill me? Kill me? Wishful thinking!”

"And...even if you use the Holy Grail, it will only break my appearance! My Taixu body will not change! It is still me who stands here! It can only be me!"

"Why do you do such useless work?!"

Without answering, the weapon spirit slowly closed his eyes. At the same time, the Holy Grail behind him suddenly erupted into a golden brilliance. It's like a dream, with a hazy beauty that makes people immersed. It was as if a gap in heaven had been opened.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. Xu Yangyi seemed to see the eternal mountain spring behind him, the flowers all over the mountains and fields, countless angels flying out from behind the weapon spirit, the river flowing with honey and milk, and the heavenly melodies played by the dancing elves. .

"This is...the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?" he murmured.

"Damn...Damn!!!" The Sun Demonic Wolf stared at the crack of the Holy Grail. Under the overwhelming divine light, the black mist in this world was annihilated layer by layer, leaving only the endless golden light. The pure land spread, accompanied by With the screams of the Shining Sun Devil Wolf, its huge shadow, along with the Lord of Greed's fairness and the figure of the weapon spirit, were turned into ashes.

boom! ! !

Like the universe collapsing, a cry of hatred and anger sounded from the depths. At the same time, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his right hand, and the soul hunter turned into a stream of light, which just caught Zhao Ziqi's soul lamp.

In the depths of this world, a huge black hole was formed, absorbing all the black mist. In the center of the black mist, the body of the Shining Sun Demonic Wolf changed crazily, stripping away all hypocrisy and condensing the reality of its body. Xu Yangyi's clothes, beard and hair were flying straight ahead. He did not move, but looked at Qi Ling complicatedly: "Why." didn't have to take action, but now you use this magical weapon?

"Because... you woke me up after all." Qi Ling gritted his teeth and said: "And... the devil is the natural enemy of our religion. If you don't have the strength to defeat him, I will turn a blind eye. Ant... no matter how much time you give him , just ants.”

"But... I see 'possibility' in you." His figure began to gradually disappear: "One day... the possibility of defeating the seven monarchs... even... the possibility of finding the Yahweh who created me..."

"I am original owner disappeared after creation. If you can find him, please...give me back to his hands..."

"Your strength... is not enough to completely control the Ark, and I will fall into an endless sleep if I use the Holy Grail..."

"It's not over yet, humans... This incarnation of Mammon is extremely cunning and powerful. The star power and nebula you see are just his appearance. After all, I am not Yahweh. He also holds artifacts. I can only do this. ...Expose his hypocrisy..."

"The's up to you..."

Brush... All the black mist was sucked into the black hole, and Noah's Ark appeared again in all directions. The howling of the wind suddenly stopped, Xu Yangyi stood there holding the soul lamp in his hand, but did not reply.

Things are like chess, no one knows what the next move will be.

This is the beauty of spiritual practice, but also the dangerous unknown.

There is no need for him to go face to face with Mammon, and he has an intuition that Mammon may not take him seriously.

Don Quixote?

It's a joke about overestimating one's own abilities, and there may be black humor that never gives up.

"Finally got it..." He shook the soul lamp tightly, put it into the storage ring, and looked at the other side of the ship.

Right there, all the black mist suddenly condensed, and the illusory body of the Sun Demonic Wolf finally condensed into reality. Before he could see clearly, a heart-rending roar resounded through the Ark.

"Mortal...weapon spirit!!"

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