
Chapter 1570: Sorry, I am a villain (Ten)

Rumble... Noah's Ark turned around and headed towards Jianmu.

The nine people on the boat all had very complicated expressions. With solemnity and ease, he broke through five levels and killed six generals, from the destruction of the underworld to the woodpecker, to the fall of Noah's Ark and the face of the God of Thunder, to the appearance of the incarnation of Hou Yi's sun-shooting demon god, step by step, covered in blood, although slow, but Extremely solid.

They finally made it to today.

They were very sure that the other force should have been completely wiped out. They had the protection of Noah's Ark to survive in this scorching hell. So... they are only one step away from the supreme throne.

"One general's success is worth ten thousand bones." Tu Su Fangrong stood on the side of the ship, looking at the sea of ​​fire retreating on both sides, and murmured with deep emotion: "Every time a great war begins, it is a bloody storm. ,'s finally coming to an end..."

"Amitabha." Zen Master Baoxiang looked at the withered bones on the ground and remembered that he had a hundred thousand troops when he entered, but now... only a few thousand are left.

No... there may not be thousands left. Over there in Jianmu, another war is breaking out. How many people can be left facing the queen ants holding the divine bow of heaven and earth?

However, it's all worth it.

As long as Xu Yangyi ascends the supreme throne, everything will pay off.

Xu Yangyi felt a little more relaxed.

Zhao Ziqi's soul was obtained, and this was his biggest worry. With the Fruit of Enlightenment, the Taiye Chaos Pill, and the Pseudo God List in hand, Emperor Wa's awakening time is still in his hands. He is already 90% sure that this time, he will still win.

Everyone was calmly adjusting their breaths. They were getting closer and closer to Jianmu, and they could already see the towering giant tree on the horizon. Xu Yangyi finally slowly opened his eyes.

The body has returned to a state ready for fighting. The queen ant has not shot the next arrow until now. It seemed that every arrow required a huge amount of his energy. He had enough time to plan what was to come.

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly moved slightly. Not just him, everyone opened their eyes. He looked around suspiciously.

"What... happened just now?" Ancestor Yinfeng asked in confusion. He didn't know why, but he always felt that something was different just now.

It seems like... something has passed?

I searched carefully, but there was no trace.

"It's not my illusion?" Xu Yangyi frowned deeply, he felt the same way. The strings in my heart that had just been relaxed immediately tightened. can't slack off. Emperor Wa is the real Yahweh. He cannot become too weak for a day, and he cannot be taken lightly if he does not break away from the world of great strife.

Everyone stood up, and their spiritual consciousness immediately spread out. However, after searching, there was nothing.

"No?" "I can't feel anything." "Is...we all have an illusion? It's impossible, right?"

When there was no trace, Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Remain unchanged in response to all changes. Everyone, continue to meditate."

He took a deep look around: "This place... is not something that can be guessed based on common sense."

"Since you can't find it, let's wait until he shows up on his own."

Everyone closed their eyes, but Mei Taxue did not.

As a woman, her sixth sense was naturally sharp, and she clearly felt that something had been suddenly erased just now.

"Illusion of the Nether Sea..." Seeing everyone meditating again, she frowned and bit her fingertips. Blue spiritual energy gathered in the wound, slowly squeezing out a drop of blood, and her face suddenly turned pale.

The feeling just now... made her heart skip a beat.

"The secret technique passed down by the Saint of the Nether Sea Dragon King Palace, the illusion of the Nether Sea, tracing back time." About ten minutes later, a drop of golden blood appeared on her fingertips, and her breathing became disordered. He took a solemn look around and saw that he was getting closer and closer to Jianmu, and there were already overwhelming leaves above his head.

She gritted her teeth and squeezed out the drop of blood.

Ta... the blood fell on the deck, instantly causing a ripple with a radius of about one meter. What appeared was exactly the situation they had ten minutes ago. However, at this moment, she gasped and raised her head suddenly. At the same time, everyone opened their eyes again and looked around solemnly.


It was erased...just now...something did disappear!

"The whole team is on alert." Xu Yangyi looked at the boundless sea of ​​fire with great vigilance, and his spiritual power swarmed out. But before he could issue the next order, Mei Taxue's voice suddenly sounded: "I... know what it is..."

The other eight sages looked over immediately. Mei Taxue's face was extremely pale, white hair appeared on her head, and two ripples suddenly appeared in front of her.

She opened her mouth slightly, with an incredible look on her face, her right hand covering her chest, and her left hand trembling slightly. He looked at everyone in shock: "Time..."

"Time has been erased!"

"There is some unknown existence that keeps erasing time here!"

"Are you sure?" Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire and he asked immediately.

"I'm very sure!" Mei Taxue's breathing was a little rapid, pointing to the ripples on the deck and said: "This is the secret technique passed down directly from the Saint of the Dragon King Palace in the Nether Sea. It can trace back the past time. It takes a lot of effort and takes ten minutes to complete. Use it once. Use your blood to communicate with the gods and open a curtain of light that belongs to the past. I obviously only squeezed a drop..."

No one spoke.

There was more than one ripple in front of Mei Taxue!

When they didn't know it, time was passing quickly. If Mei Taxue hadn't happened to use this magical power, I'm afraid they could only feel weird, but they wouldn't know what they had lost.

Emperor Wa wakes up?

Xu Yangyi's nerves were completely tense, like a fully drawn bowstring. His first reaction was that Wahuang had awakened in advance. This was not impossible. The Thunder God had been defeated, and Haotian's ban had been partially broken.

But he immediately denied this.

He had seen the scene of Farakon entering the prison of will.

That was when the heavens were dark and the stars dimmed. Time and space all stopped, like a frozen scene.

Farakon was not a very strong Yahweh, but Wahuang was different. One could use the Eternal Night at will, and one had built the Demon Furnace, known as the strongest second-generation Yahweh. If she really woke up, it would not be the current situation.


He suddenly remembered that Yahweh was not the only one who could do this!

"Time God Rule!" He lowered his head, his eyes full of murderous intent, and said word by word: "It's Liu Mianfeng!"

"He's not dead yet?" Mei Taxue said grimly: "But it's okay... It's too easy for him to die like this."

Bao Xiang Zen Master pondered and said: "Continuously erasing time... He hasn't come into contact with the rules of time yet, doing this will cause great harm to him... What exactly does he want to do?"

"The closer we get to Jianmu, the stronger the feeling of time erasing..." Wang Bufa stared around: "Daoyou Benlei, I'm afraid we have to hurry up, Jianmu... may change."


Under Jianmu. The ancient trees are towering, and Hou Ant stands on the top of the giant bow of heaven and earth, overlooking the two thousand cultivators tens of thousands of meters away. Without saying a word.

Its eyes are a little distant, and behind these cultivators is a bloody road. Countless corpses of monsters are scattered in the middle, and everyone who rushes to Jianmu is covered in blood.

All those below the Jindan are completely dead, and only 1,300 Yuanying and 20 saints are left. Everyone was wounded and covered in blood. Many people could not even stand steadily. Their breathing was disordered like a bellows, but they stood here resolutely without retreating.


The earth suffered and the people were suffering. Emperor Yao ordered to shoot down ten suns. It was to save the people, but why did these people exude such a strong murderous intent?

"Is this the demon from another world you mentioned?" He looked at a leaf beside him and spoke hoarsely.

Brush... The wind rolled up the heat wave and blew the leaves. A figure with scorched clothes and a face blackened by the scorching world appeared behind. He seemed to be drained of moisture by this terrifying sun, and there was no trace of his former elegance.

Liu Mianfeng.

His throat seemed to be burned by the flames. When he spoke, it was like a rusty knife sharpening iron, hoarse: "Ahem... That's right."

"Why did you help me?" Hou Yi looked at this human in confusion and asked.

"Why?" Liu Mianfeng's face was dark at this moment, and his voice was extremely unwilling. Only his blood-red eyes looked at the monks below. As if he was asking a question, as if he was answering, after a long time, he laughed a little crazily: "Why... why?"

"I, the dignified Master Mianfeng, actually lost to this lowly ascended monk!" As if he had used up all his strength, blood flowed from his gums. There was infinite hatred in his words: "I was born in a famous family, a noble family, and I am talented... I have fallen to this point now..."

"The way of heaven is unfair... God is biased!! What I can't get... no one else can get it!!"

Yes, when he saw the monks below, he knew that he was doomed to lose.

More than 40 saints, more than a thousand Yuanying. It's a pity that his three thousand troops turned into ashes the moment the barrier was opened. If it weren't for the many life-saving magic weapons on him, he would have been a charcoal by now. However, even so, what is his current situation?

Neither a human nor a ghost, he used up all his magic weapons and struggled to come to the protection range of Jianmu. The inside of his body was completely burned by the fire of the ten suns, and his meridians were completely destroyed. However, what he focused on was not the Ten Suns that he had made into such a flying, but his other opponent! The Thunder of the Three Sects Alliance.


Why did he lose the last battle before he even fought despite all his halos?

Why did all his people die, he was neither human nor ghost, but the other party was still alive and well? Spotless?

He hated, not himself, but his opponent.

If it weren't for you...

If you could disappear in the last level...would everything be fine?

His expression was all distorted, and Hou Yi looked at him deeply: "You are not a good person."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a good person or not." Liu Mianfeng scratched his scalp, which was almost bald, and the sparse hair slipped out from his fingers: "What's important is...I can help you."

He stroked his face, which was dry like bark, and said hoarsely: "My the domain of the God of Time, which is one in a billion. As long as I help you...shoot down all the Ten Suns, can we end this level?"

"I...still have a chance!"

He lowered his head and narrowed his bloodshot eyes. Yes... from just now... no... from the moment Hou Yi shot the sun, he tried his best to erase time quickly.

This time is nothing, but... it can speed up Hou Yi's healing. Moreover, he can feel...

The opponent is definitely not only able to shoot one arrow at a time!

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