
Chapter 1571: Sorry, I am a villain (XI)

"They are coming..." Liu Mianfeng raised his head like a black ghost and looked at the monks in the distance: "It is still 70,000 meters away from you, it will be soon. Believe me... I will do my best to help you shoot down other suns! With the God of Time, as long as you are willing, your healing speed will be much faster! Moreover, I can block the opponent's crucial killing move!"

The ant did not speak. The reason why he did not continue to draw the bow was because he had a vague ominous premonition.

I don't know who it came from, as if he was the only one isolated in the whole prehistoric world. Even if he was thinking about the common people, everyone was full of murderous intentions towards him.

Maybe it came from the people around him. Although he could not see any threat from Liu Mianfeng, maybe...

He remembered the huge ship he saw before.

The man on the bow brought him a strong pressure.

No... not really, there is another kind... He knew since he was born that he was the darling of heaven and earth, and his intuition was very sharp. He felt that there was another pair of eyes staring at his every move in the dark.

He pulled Jianmu open several times and relaxed several times. Thinking of Emperor Yao's order to shoot down the ten suns, his heart was in turmoil for the first time.

"There is no time!!" Liu Mianfeng spoke hoarsely, looking at the more than a thousand monks who were slowly approaching but with firm steps, and saw... the person at the front was the abominable weapon spirit of Ben Lei!

"Pull it! I know you can pull more than one at a time! Didn't you feel the terrifying spiritual fluctuations that erupted at the end of the earth before? That evil ghost must be rushing here! Once he arrives, everything will be over!"

The ant finally spoke, and said faintly: "It seems that if I shoot down the ten suns, you can be promoted to the next realm... Excuse me, even if you really have this opportunity, you can't do it."

"Your meridians have been burned by the ten suns, and your muscles and blood vessels are severely burned. You are lucky to survive. For the rest... Don't expect it."

"Shut up!!" Liu Mianfeng stood up suddenly like a needle, shaking all over. Killing his teacher and betraying his clan, bullying his teacher and destroying his ancestors, how much effort did he spend to get to where he is today? How could he not be the winner!

Some people look gentle, but they just hide their ugly side in their hearts.

Once he exceeds his "gentle" limit, his collapse is more desperate than expected.

No one can live a lifetime with a mask. The more they suppress themselves, the more fierce they will be when they explode.

With their beliefs denied, Liu Mianfeng has already stood on the crater of the eruption. He trembled and wanted to grab the other person, but just as he stretched out his hand, a hand pressed him down.

He was stunned.

The ant was also stunned.

This is not their hand!

"Who are you!" All the nerves of the ant were screaming, so strong... so scary! It's them... the ominous breath they felt is them!

As if... they will open Pandora's box and release some terrible monster.

Swish... swish! Like a meteor falling, circles of silver runes bloomed in the void, turning into silver butterflies flying, and then forming a series of mysterious runes.

Void teleportation array!

In the vortex of this magic circle, a claw covered with scales stretched out in the air and pressed Liu Mianfeng's hand.

"Can you touch the son of God? Failed waste."

Wow! Like a tsunami gushing in all directions, silver runes exploded in the air, and more than a dozen figures appeared in it. The leader was a huge Western dragon, with two great sages and a true knower behind him. Behind them, more than a dozen convicts had torn clothes, but their bronze masks were shining with a scorching red light.

Meteors fell, and tens of thousands of meters away, Yuchang suddenly raised his head.

Familiar breath...

"Is this... them?" He was stunned, and his eyes suddenly became solemn.

"My lord... is this an ally?" The Yuanying beside him also felt the familiar breath and asked with a refreshed spirit.

"Maybe they are allies... I didn't expect them to be here too." Yu Chang pursed his lips and looked for a few seconds, then waved his hand: "All troops charge forward."

"Just now, a terrible spiritual fluctuation erupted at the end of the earth. The battle between Ben Lei and that monster should have been decided. Regardless of the outcome... we must do what we should do."

No one objected, and with the flashing of precious light, the remaining more than a thousand monks turned into long rainbows and rushed straight to Jianmu.

However, just as they flew out of a few thousand meters, a rune suddenly flashed in front of them.

These runes were very complicated and not in the oriental style at all. They formed a series of crystal walls in the air, which actually blocked them out.

Ka...kakakaka! With the sound of condensation, these runes quickly spread towards the Eight Desolate **. After a few seconds, an endless wall of runes stood between them and Jianmu!


Everyone was stunned, and the leader Yu Chang was even more stunned.

This is the work of the true knower...

I didn't think carefully about why, because the other party's answer might be too absurd to accept. But he suddenly thought. Are these people...really allies?

Their madness, their pursuit of truth, their desperate means to achieve their goals... and... they left at the time of Thunder God.

An extremely ominous premonition emerged in his mind, and he turned back suddenly: "Quick."


"No matter the cost! Go immediately! Stop them!!"

A venerable saint asked in confusion: "Daoyou, aren't they allies?"

"Allies..." Yu Chang sneered and gritted his teeth: "They are just allies of true knowledge!"

"Everything else is just dust that can be abandoned in their eyes! Including themselves!"

At the same time, in the far distance, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, he raised his head suddenly, and stood up suddenly. Rushed to the bow.

Such a powerful spiritual power...

It's them... They are here too. There are very few people, only one in a thousand. And just when they appeared, his heart suddenly beat without warning.

An ominous sign.

"Why is it at this time..." He gritted his teeth, and at this moment, suddenly a golden light flashed in front of him, and a light curtain opened in the air without warning.

"Yi, we meet again." Nivea's face appeared on the light curtain, with a smile: "I hope you won't be angry about our leaving without saying goodbye. As compensation, I have a gift for you."

"I warn you!" Xu Yangyi didn't think about it at all. The scenes of the void pyramid appeared in front of him. He stared at the other party and said: "Don't do useless work... Nivea, unless you want to die here!"

However, the other party seemed to have never heard of it. Looking into the distance, at the end of the sky, a huge tree towered up to the sky.

That was the Jianmu Divine Bow.

"How majestic, how beautiful... This is the Pillar of the World, something that can only be nurtured in the Immortal Realm. It supports the operation of a great road. This is the first time I have seen a living Pillar of the World."


Xu Yangyi clenched his fists at the light curtain, but only a few ripples appeared.

This is not an instant conversation.

This is just a divine consciousness image!

"First of all, I want to say sorry." Nivia bowed gracefully: "I blocked your entry. It is a supreme honor to look at the kingdom of the gods under the Pillar of the World. It is a medal of true knowledge. Please allow me to selfishly have this right to be the 'first'."

Heh... Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and blew cold air from his teeth. Now he was almost praying that these damn lunatics must not make any trouble!

Change... He hated change! Now he has won. However, how can the world tell a drink, a bite, a flower, and a fruit?

Without the help of the True Knower, it would be extremely difficult for them to pass the second level. I'm afraid they would not survive under the Thunder God. However... there are too many forces invited, and there are always places that he cannot control.

For example, the Sanctuary of True Knower.

Before the invitation, he knew that this time bomb/bomb might explode at any time, and now... he has already smelled the pungent smell of gunpowder.

"Perhaps you will be worried." Nivia seemed to have guessed his thoughts and said slowly: "But no need. I swear, I swear in the name of Lord Farakon, we are absolutely just following the script of the myth. The same mistake as the Void Pyramid will never happen."

"What we want is the supreme honor of being the first to reach the Bridge of Heaven and Earth. Just like your expedition team will plant its own flag when it conquers the famous mountains and rivers first."

In the picture, Nivia's expression has trembled. It sighed softly and stroked its face with its claws like taking drugs. The scales all over its body are trembling: "I swear, we just want to be the first to brand the badge of true knowledge on the Bridge of Heaven and Earth of this god, proving that we have been here, we have conquered, we understand..."

"The omnipotent God of True Knowledge is omnipresent! Omniscient!!"

The last sentence, its voice was so sharp and high-pitched, and with this sound, the light curtain stopped abruptly.

Xu Yangyi did not move for a long time.

"All teams on alert." After a few minutes, he did not turn around. Noah's Ark increased its speed again, and flew straight towards Jianmu with his anger: "When we get to Jianmu... kill all those true knowers!!"

This level can no longer be cracked.

The timeline has long been disordered, and even if he shoots the sun, he may not be able to reach the next level. What he wants is to kill the Hou Ant, actively awaken the Queen Wa, and make the computer of the Will Prison blank. In this way, he can avoid the Heavenly Dao and achieve Taixu.

The sudden move of the true knower may not change anything, or maybe... it will get worse.

He hates change. Especially at the last moment, when everyone is exhausted.

Swish...Under Jianmu, with the flickering of the teleportation array, more than a dozen figures stepped out. Nivia shook off the screaming Liu Mianfeng, whose hand was completely fractured and deformed. It didn't even look at him, but looked at the Hou Ant with burning eyes.

The Hou Ant did not speak, but immediately flew behind the divine bow. He had a hunch that this group of people was very difficult to mess with, much stronger than the dead elder in the tribe! And... they are also full of malice towards me!

"Stop your useless actions, little ant." Nivia's voice was trembling, as if she was crying: "Now, continue your work."

"Who are you?" The queen ant asked the group of people vigilantly.

Behind him, Alpha was desperately recording, his body trembling because of what he saw along the way. This is the life of Yahweh, a great mystery in the universe! Even if it is placed in the Library of True Knowledge, it is a super treasure that will not be seen in ten thousand years!

And... they still have the possibility of seeing this Yahweh! The possibility of witnessing her waking up from the prison of will!

It's so exciting to think about it that it makes people groan! Even if thousands of convicts are lost, it doesn't matter!

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