
Chapter 1572: Sorry, I am a villain (XII)

"Do you think you still have a choice? Son of God?" Cassio Seya sneered and said, "Don't you regard it as your duty to save the common people?"

"The sky will burn the earth for ten days. Don't you want to put an end to this horrific disaster?"

"Then why don't you take action?"

The queen ant did not move.

The scales on Nivia's body stood up, and finally... this was the real end. They will witness an ancient Yahweh who participated in Ragnarok! You can even ask questions about eternal gold!

"Sir." Alpha, who was recording, rarely stopped writing. His eyes were bleeding, but his expression was ferocious with excitement: "Yi is not here yet. We promised him to send him away."

"It doesn't matter!" The scales on Nivia's body jingled like iron armor, and her wings tremblingly wrapped around herself, like mimosa, and her voice couldn't be more excited: "There is one more level...below is the bridge between heaven and earth. We Yi should thank us for getting through in advance.”

"Will it affect the structure of the prison of will?" Miravo frowned.

"Impossible." Nivia categorically rejected: "The timeline here is messed up. I don't know what Guan Yi did last time. But it doesn't matter. These disorders are still within the self-regulation scope of the Will Prison. Let the Will Prison Unless it touches its formation hole, it must be in a place we can’t even imagine.”

"Don't try to guess God's mind."

Conversing like no one else, Houyi clenched his fists slightly, it was very messy... He had no time to think about anything else. The current situation is different from what Emperor Yao said. He issued a decree under the leadership of the tribe and shot down the tribe for ten days. Emperor Yao said... The whole prehistoric era is his backing. So where did these extraterrestrial demons come from?

One after another, forces that did not belong to the ancient times appeared, each one much more powerful than their own tribe! What on earth is he going to do?

Shoot the sun?

There was a faint reminder in his mind, don't do this... If you do this... you will definitely regret it?

Resist the order?

Resist the orders of Emperor Yao? But...only he in the world can draw the divine bow of Jianmu, and no one except him can avoid this catastrophe.

"Okay, it's time." Just when he was thinking in confusion, Nivia's huge body suddenly came close to him, staring at him, his pupils trembling abnormally: "Come on...fulfill your obligations Duty! In the name of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, I will never stop you! Even... I will fully support you!”

It grabbed the queen ant's hand and asked him to hold the bow string hand by hand. The business was hoarse and hot: "Come on...that's it...shoot the sun down from the sky...quickly!!"

After the last word fell, the queen ant suddenly broke away from the opponent's hand, spread its wings, and flew into the distance.

"Too weak?" His chest rose and fell rapidly, and he looked at Nivia breathlessly, his voice rising: "What on earth do you want!"

Uneasy... so uneasy. As the person involved, the main person in charge of this myth, the uneasiness swept through all his thoughts, especially intense.

"Heh..." Nivea looked at his hand, slowly stretched it out, and pointed three fingers directly at the queen ant: "Did you know..."

"Human beings...the feeling of excitement when they are about to conquer famous mountains and rivers, when they are about to plant their flag on the top of the mountain."

"Any interference with this noble sentiment is unforgivable."

Before he finished speaking, a vast amount of spiritual power burst out. Stronger than queen ants, that is the majesty of Taixu. Countless graphics lingered around the queen ant's body, sending him flying a hundred meters. What was even more bizarre was that these illusory graphics actually rushed into the queen's mind.

brush! Nivea pulled hard, and the queen ant flew back like a puppet on a string. It grabbed the queen ant by the neck, and sniffed the queen ant carefully with its huge dragon head, almost sobbing in its voice: "I swore it in the name of Lord Farakon...why don't you believe it?"

"I really... really just want you to shoot the sun according to the myth..."

"We just want to be the first to stamp our seal on the land of this great Emperor Wa. Why don't you believe us?"

His voice was like gibbering, but it made the carapace on the queen ant's neck crackle when he squeezed it, and tiny cracks spread rapidly. Miravo took a deep breath: "My lord has entered a state of excitement, my lord! You can't use any more force, and you must not kill him!"

"You promised Yi that you would follow the script! There is no need for us to anger a terrible enemy!"

Nivea did not speak, and after a few seconds he released his claws. There was a trace of struggle in Queen Ant's eyes, and his thoughts were almost in a blur. Countless voices whispered to him. All his previous thoughts were forgotten, and now he only had one clear impression: shooting the sun.

"In order to prevent him from making unnecessary moves, I used a full-circle magic trick: selfless loyalty." Nivia clapped his hands: "If you still need a reason, then... I'm sorry, I am a villain."

"Now, right now! Do your job!"

Houyi covered his head, with countless thoughts intertwined in his mind. He always felt that he had forgotten something, something very important that he had thought about before.

But he could no longer remember it. The crazy whispers made him only remember Emperor Yao's order. He spread his wings and flew to the side of Jianmu's giant bow, gritted his teeth and tightened the bowstring.

Ka La La La... The surrounding heaven and earth were shaking, and all the true knowers showed crazy looks on their faces. Here it comes... Here it comes! Right below! The residence of that god, they will be remembered in history as the first to step into it!

Boom! The violent wind gathered on the Jianmu giant bow, and a thorn gradually extended from the tail of the rear ant. This thorn was different, it seemed to be condensed from endless talismans. It gathered all the spirit of the rear ant. As soon as it appeared, the endless leaves around it suddenly formed a storm of green leaves, and when he drew his bow and arrow, it surrounded it and turned into a huge green leaf arrow.

The rear ant, who was only three meters tall, pulled the thousand-meter-long arrow, and the whole Jianmu made a crackling sound, and the full moon was like a bow.

"My Lord!" At this moment, Cassiosiya frowned and said, "Two hundred thousand meters away, Yi's Ark is approaching rapidly! In addition, the monks seventy thousand meters away have begun to attack our defense."

"Don't even think about competing with me for this honor!" Nivia roared to the sky: "Reinforce the magic circle! By the way... where is that garbage from the God of Time? Catch him!"

The half-dead Liu Mianfeng was caught by the invisible giant hand in front of the True Seer. Nivia looked at him deeply for several times, licked his lips, and a touch of madness flashed across his eyes: "Not enough..."

"Pull the bow once, the little ant needs to rest Too long, this is not enough. "

"Our defense can't withstand their attack for too long. Or... shoot them all at once!"

"No..." The ant heard this and suddenly covered his head, hoarsely speaking: "Can't... can't shoot..."

"Shut up. Live up to your character." Nivia snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the last trace of intelligence in the ant's eyes disappeared. He stared at Liu Mianfeng with red eyes, and met the other's dull eyes: "Now, use the God of Time to speed up the healing of the ant's injuries. Do you understand?"

Liu Mianfeng nodded dully.

"Very good, if you don't want to try endless pain, don't play any tricks." Nivia threw Liu Mianfeng to the side of the ant and screamed: "Start now... for me! ! "

Ka La La La... The giant bow was pulled more and more, and then... the second barb stretched out from the tail of the ant. At the same time, Miravo grabbed Liu Mianfeng's head with one hand, and with his wail, the God of Time ran without restraint.

Rumble... The void shook violently, as if the world was created, and the rubble and corpses on all sides were suspended. Within the acceleration range of the God of Time, endless white spiritual light gushed out from the surroundings, forming an endless spiritual light vortex around Jianmu.

The spiritual light points were like stars in the sky, rushing into the body of the ant under the obsessed eyes of the true knower, desperately repairing his damaged body. The third barb... the fourth... the eighth... the ninth!

Nine arrows were fired at the same time, and the sky roared and shook. Jianmu had stretched to the point where it could not be stretched any further. The sun in the sky seemed to feel threatened, and it danced wildly in the air!

More than 200,000 meters away, Xu Yangyi's eyes were twitching. Everyone saw that the nine suns were dancing, shadows and sunlight were flying together, and there was chaos between heaven and earth. It was simply... like a sign of doomsday.

"This bunch of damn idiots..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and closed his eyes: "What on earth did they do!"

It's follow the flow of the story, don't do anything unnecessary...otherwise...even if you don't die in the hands of Queen Wa today, I will definitely kill you!

Tens of thousands of meters away from Jianmu, Yuchang took a breath of cold air and looked at the nine long arrows on Jianmu, pointing directly at Jinwu. Each arrow gathered the wind and clouds from all directions, and the sky was surrounded by spiritual light to form a white hole, which was extremely spectacular.

"All strength...all strength!!" He suddenly shouted to the back: "Break through here!"

Then he turned his head and stared at Jianmu.

No...too wrong!

Nine arrows shot out at the same time...Houyi shot the problem, but heartbeat is so fast?


His pupils suddenly became needle-like, and his spirit body suddenly fluctuated.


That's it...

"Kill it in!" He roared like crazy, and took the lead in turning into a sword light and slashing the barrier.

On the Jianmu, Alpha was smiling, happily depicting this rare scene. Nivia, Miravo, and Cassiothea were also fascinated, looking at the magnificent scene of creation in all directions.

"Entering the Kingdom of God under the World Tree..." Nivia let out an extremely sharp and high-pitched cry, and spread his wings: "This is the seal of true knowledge... Everyone, remember this moment... This is enough for us to go down in history!"

"Come on... Start!!!!"

Boom boom boom!

As it fell the last word, the queen ant's wrist loosened, the huge Jianmu trembled violently, and then the sky turned night.

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