
Chapter 1573: Bridge between Heaven and Earth (I)

The sudden darkness heralded the fall of the sun.

There were no stars, no wind, nothing. Only endless chaos, a pitch-black night.

The eternal night.

In the black sky, nine suns suddenly burst into endless waves of fire, and then spread their wings in fear, turning into nine three-legged golden crows, flying madly in the sky, trying to avoid the nine moonlights rising below.

The stars hang down over the vast plains, and the moon surges over the river.

This scene was extremely magnificent and vast. Nine silver moonlights pierced the sky, cut through the darkness, and pressed down the sun. They became nine enduring traces of moonlight between heaven and earth.

"Squeaky!!" Several heart-wrenching screams came from the sky, and the moonlight directly penetrated the golden crow. After a cry... eight suns fell together.

The fall of the sun dragged a long tail of light, and the sky was filled with feathers of flames, blooming the last sunlight. They danced, struggled, and fell to the dark earth. The next second, infinite sunlight burst out from below, and the whole world was sprinkled with the afterglow of sunlight.

Endless feathers, like angels descending, were still flames and sunlight at first, and became colder and colder as they fell. When they fell to the ground, they turned into golden light and dissipated.

At this moment, the whole prehistoric world was quiet.

The flames on the ground disappeared suddenly, and the ground was still hot, but there was no trace of flames. The monsters hiding in the leaves poked their heads out and looked at the flying sunlight feathers in the sky in shock. A long-lost coolness came with the wind. The wind was not at a temperature that was about to burn all creatures to death. It was still hot, but with a little more moisture.

"Woo!" Finally, a monster excitedly raised his head and roared. Immediately afterwards, more monsters poked their heads out from the leaves and roared at the empty sky. In an instant, the howling of beasts around Jianmu rose and fell, becoming a paradise for monsters.

But this is just a monster.

Except for them who had no intelligence, all the living people in the prehistoric world stared blankly at the void.

200,000 meters away, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes. His fists clattered.

"Every flower and every fruit... are all cause and effect... every drink and every bite has a fixed number..." He muttered to himself, as if calming down. After a few seconds, he suddenly punched the side of the ship and cursed: "Fuck!!"

"You ***..." He looked towards Jianmu with red eyes: "You are just looking for death!!"

Ancestor Yinfeng, Master Baoxiang, Wang Bufa and others also stared blankly at the sky. After a few seconds, Ancestor Yinfeng laughed more ugly than crying, and hoarsely pointed at Kongkong: "Daoyou... what is this?"

70,000 meters away, Yuchang also closed his eyes in pain. Sure enough... nothing in the world is perfect. They used the True Knower to survive the battle with Thor, but finally made them press the button of disharmony.

"My God... What, what is this?! Damn it... What on earth is this?! Daozu is above..."

Behind him, there were endless exclamations.

Above Jianmu. The smiles of the true knowers froze. After a few seconds, Nivea opened his mouth tremblingly and pointed at the sky in a daze: "How could this be..."

"I... This king is not wrong... This king swears that he is following the process of mythology... How... How could this be?!"

Just above the sky, there is a sun that has not set.

Ten suns rose into the sky, and only the last one was left.

That sun had no light, and it quickly dimmed when the other nine suns fell. The other golden crows were flying the afterglow of the sun, and he scattered... the embers of darkness.

The pitch-black feathers... layer by layer... were like black snow in the sky, endless.

The silver moonlight still penetrated it. And it... began to rotate slowly, and in just three minutes, it was facing everyone. From any angle in the prehistoric world, you can see... the huge eyeball behind the dark sun.

This eyeball just stared at the prehistoric creatures quietly and emotionlessly.

Buzz... the silence in the dead silence, the terror in the dead silence, everyone's heart seemed to stop beating with the scanning of this eyeball. A kind of boundless, obviously ungraspable, but right beside, pressure leaked out bit by bit from every corner of the world. A few seconds later... with a loud bang, the whole world... collapsed!

The edge of the world began to turn into countless black crystal lattices, flying piece by piece, like a blizzard rolling back, sweeping wildly with Jianmu as the center. And behind the black crystal lattice, countless golden lights burst out. A pressure that had never been felt before, magnificent and far beyond the imagination of everyone present, suddenly descended into the void!

"Ah..." A woman's voice slowly sounded, like a sigh. If you can still hear her slight snoring before, this sound... seems to be awakened from a dream. With this sound, the collapse of the world accelerated wildly! The earth, the tribe, and even Jianmu began to disappear in the surging golden light.

"Who is it..." This voice has an extremely long flavor, as if it came through thousands of years. It is also like a great bell, resounding in everyone's heart.

"Who is it... awakening this god..."

"De de de..." At the moment the voice sounded, everyone in the entire prehistoric world knelt on the ground, their teeth shivering desperately. Xu Yangyi relied on the ** talisman to suppress it, but it was a little bit uncontrollable.


Too terrible... The living Yahweh... The real god... is now waking up from a slumber of thousands of years!

Boom! !

The golden light surged into the sky, swallowing up everything. The third level of the World of Great Conflict completely collapsed. The golden divine light illuminated the earth, becoming the only one here. Before the queen ant disappeared, he finally remembered one thing.


I once leave a sun for the earth...

Shooting at the sun...can't shoot down ten...I can't obey Emperor Yao's order...

But... I couldn't resist just now...

Whoosh whoosh! The entire prehistoric world was pulled rapidly, rushing backwards like a waterfall into the golden light, turning into stars and disappearing among them. Everyone felt their feet sinking and falling violently downwards.

"Did something wrong?" Nivia grabbed her dragon horns in pain: "This is impossible...impossible! I strictly followed what the myth said! How could it be wrong!!"

"Sir..." Miravo's face turned pale and he said tremblingly: "Just now... that was..."

"That's the core of the prison of will!!" Nivia screamed, and the dragon scales on his body rattled again. However, this time it was not excitement, but fear.

"That's the core... the eye of the formation..." Its voice has changed from wailing to choking, and it gritted its teeth and said: "Yes... I understand... We did nothing wrong... But there is one link in this myth, which is: Queen ant’s own judgment!”

"According to the myth, the queen ant accepted the order of Emperor Yao and shot down ten suns, and then relied on its own judgment to only shoot nine suns. The remaining one day illuminated the earth. But just now I used the forbidden technique to make him lose his mind. , completely loyal to orders, and truly meticulous in following the myth.”

"It's not my fault!" It stood up suddenly, grabbed the charred Liu Mianfeng beside it, and roared like crazy: "I'm not wrong... I didn't do anything wrong! If Yi didn't let Emperor Wa be stimulated in advance, this would have happened Guan’s timeline won’t be messed up! If the timeline isn’t messed up, there won’t be any Ten Risian sky! There won’t be any Hou Yi shooting the sun!”

"Who would have thought... Haotian would actually hide the formation eye in the last sun!"

Liu Mianfeng seemed to understand, and opened his mouth to laugh: "'s all Ben Lei's fault...he deserves to die! He deserves to die!"

Nivea suddenly let go of his hand and grabbed his own horn sluggishly. After a long breath, a trace of clarity returned to his eyes, and his originally rigid thinking finally started to work again.

That's right...everything is clear...if Emperor Wa's arrangements were followed, there would be no Tokaru. Even if the contestants want to do so, they will be blocked by the queen ants. The formation of the will prison is impossible to discover!

Because it doesn't exist in the "plot".

The Butterfly Effect.

Houyi himself was already in a state of confusion. Forces that did not belong to the ancient times appeared one after another. He only vaguely remembered that he could not shoot down Toka. But the true knower followed the myth too much... and even forced the use of forbidden techniques to prevent accidents. The queen ant completely forgot its original intention, causing the sun that should not have been shot down to be shot down, the formation eyes were shaken, and Emperor Wa woke up early.

"There is a remedy... there is more!" It got up from the ground in pain. It had previously wanted to be the first to enter the kingdom of Emperor Wa, but now this idea had disappeared. Because it knew better that if this matter was not handled well, Xu Yangyi would definitely kill him on the spot.

Although he can't kill him yet, once the other party enters Taixu, he will provoke an extremely terrifying enemy.

"What can I do?" A calm voice came from behind. It subconsciously replied: "It's just waking up early... It's not that there is no solution..."

boom! !

Before he finished speaking, he punched its dragon face hard with such force that Nivia was defenseless. The dragon's fangs flew around and it was knocked dozens of meters away with a cry of surprise.

However, Cassio Seiya and Miravo just swallowed their saliva, no one helped it.

Don't dare.

"Stand up." A familiar voice sounded from behind, and Nivia felt like the world was spinning and stars were in her eyes. Covering the bleeding dragon's mouth, he hoarsely said, "You...listen to me..."

boom! !

Before he finished speaking, there was another punch, this time hitting it hard on the neck, causing it to scream in the sky and its dragon scales to fly.

"Roar!!" Under the severe pain, the spiritual power instinctively wandered away. When the third punch came, it suddenly opened its wings and flew into the air, vomiting blood and looking down.

Everyone is here...

At some point, everyone was around them. Noah's Ark had disappeared. Xu Yangyi stood there with a murderous aura. Miravo and Cassio Seya took a few steps back and did not dare to step forward. The aura on each other was too strong. It was too violent, as if just saying a word would lead to disaster.

But its gaze did not pause, but looked straight down. Everyone...all the survivors of the Great Controversy are now standing on a huge golden lotus, about tens of thousands of meters in size, surrounded by endless golden light. It was like they were standing in the center of a golden cylinder, sinking rapidly.

Directly to the bridge between heaven and earth!

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