
Chapter 1574: Bridge between Heaven and Earth (Part 2)

A divine power far exceeding that of Farakon is becoming stronger and stronger. It is becoming more and more terrifying. In the golden light from all directions, countless illusory images are rising rapidly, as if walking through billions of years of human era.

From slash-and-burn farming to the roar of war horses, and then to the flying boats taking off. To Yahweh rushing out of the world... scene after scene... indescribable vicissitudes, incomparable grandeur.

"I warned you." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, his eyelids trembled slightly, and after opening them, he gritted his teeth and said: "Again... again..."

He stretched out his hand, and the fish intestine spirit body shook and flew into his hand. The slender fingers gently brushed past, and Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "You don't take it seriously."

"Then... why do you still keep your head?"

Before he finished speaking, his figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed out, with an extremely angry sword. However, just as he flew up, his eyebrows suddenly shocked and stabbed, and a terrifying sense of crisis that he had never felt before suddenly pierced his heart. He retracted the sword without hesitation and fell down.

"This is..." Almost at the moment of falling, he gasped and retreated hundreds of meters. Not only him, but people from all directions suddenly opened their mouths, but immediately covered them tightly and retreated like crazy.

But in an instant, the area around Nivia became blank. Just like a pack of wolves retreating from a lion.

"This is..." Nivia's heart suddenly stopped beating for a beat, and then... mechanically, little by little, kaka turned his head.

Just behind it, between the infinite golden light, a majestic hand was slowly reaching out.

Ruoyue God pushed away the clouds. This hand was completely composed of mysterious talismans, covering the sky and the earth. It was obviously stretched out from the golden light, but it seemed that this world was under its control. There was no sign.

"Is it... you?"

"The mortal who awakens the god..."

Kakaka... Nivia was trembling all over, and then... knelt down humbly.

The body of the god!

The original spirit of the Queen of Wa!

The pressure like a mountain and a sea, as if facing the pressure of the universe, made it unable to say a word. But...

Never guess about gods with the mentality of mortals.

No answer was given. In the eyes of everyone who was shocked, the hand slowly bent the middle finger, in the shape of an orchid, facing Nivia.

No... Don't!

Don't do this!

I don't mean to offend! I don't want to die!

It's just that the fear is too great that I can't speak! This is awe!

Nivia screamed wildly in her heart, but the great terror of facing a god's soul made it open its mouth several times and couldn't say a word. With a light flick of the hand, there was a loud bang, and a bright red spider lily exploded in the sky.

Nivia fell.

"Fuck..." The light of the red spider lily that covered the sky and the earth reflected the awe-stricken faces of everyone below. Even Xu Yangyi couldn't help but grit his teeth and said something at this moment. Others couldn't even speak.

This scene was too shocking. A Taixu... He could go to the universe without leaving. But it was just a flick, a light flick, and even spiritual power was not used. At the finger of the god, everything was annihilated.

No resistance, like dust.

No mercy either.

As Nivia fell silently, the huge hand silently retracted into the light curtain. At the same time, talismans shone all around, and with an extreme light, everyone closed their eyes.

Boom! !

Ten seconds, twenty seconds... When Xu Yangyi opened his eyes again, they had come to a huge bridge.

The whole body was snow-white, hanging alone between endless golden light, and wisps of white mist filled all directions. The bridge was about 100 meters long and wide, and the front went straight into the endless fog. The golden mist was like a veil, looking blurred and dreamy, and on both sides of the bridge, countless golden lotuses swayed out of the sea of ​​fog.

Xu Yangyi squatted down and gently touched the ground. It was cold to the touch, definitely not stone.

He immediately determined what it was.

"The bridge of heaven and earth..." He stood up solemnly and gritted his teeth and said, "We...are now standing on the cervical vertebrae of the Queen Wa..."

This is the place that all the cultivators in the seven realms dream of.

This is the place where you can call on the gods, accept the way of heaven, and become the best among men.

It is also the place where you sign a lifelong contract.

The rich power of rules once again provoked Xu Yangyi's power, which had been suppressed to the extreme. He had already reached the peak of the saint, and was only one step away from the final step. But he held it back tightly. Now, his body was boiling, and countless voices were eager and clamoring for him to loosen his bonds and experience the power of rules that countless people dream of.

He did not relax, but he pressed harder.

He must not accept the way of heaven like this...

He wants to be his own god, and never be a god under someone else's god!

For this purpose, he prepared too much. Although a big change happened in the end, it was not time to despair.

He stood up slowly and scanned the whole scene. Finally, he fell on the true knower.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better tell me what happened right now." He looked directly at Miravo and Cassiosia and said.

Perhaps because of the shocking scene just now, all the true knowers did not show the excitement of stepping into the territory of the Queen of Wa, and a trace of unconcealable fear remained on their faces. Miravo's teeth were trembling, and after a few seconds he said hoarsely: "Because of some small accidents... the core of the will prison was broken... poof!!"

Before he finished speaking, a hand grabbed his neck tightly. Xu Yangyi was full of murderous aura, and the anger that had just been suppressed was provoked again. He squeezed his neck to death, his eyes red: "Small accident?"

"It's a small matter for you, but for me, it's the difference between life and death!"

"You dare to resolve your mistakes now? Hmm?"

"You still have the nerve to defend yourself? Hmm!"

Ka Ka Ka...Milavo's face turned pale. He never expected that the other party would start fighting as soon as he said so. Casiosiya's lips moved, but he bit them tightly and didn't dare to say a word.

"Do your own thing." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and Miravo fell to the ground like a broken sack, covering his neck and coughing desperately. Without waiting for the other party to speak, he immediately said: "Wake up in advance... Queen Wa woke up in advance!"

A murderous aura followed him like a shadow, and he immediately screamed: "You know, as long as it is a formation, there must be a formation eye. This is an unbreakable truth in the universe. Even the will prison is the same. It's just that this formation is too huge. In terms of the optical computer in the technological plane. This is an optical computer, and the formation eye is its core. Once there is a problem with the formation eye, the entire formation will automatically trigger emergency measures!"

Xu Yangyi glanced at the other party fiercely, changed his palm several times, and finally did not hit.

Originally, he wanted an "accident." It was a bug in the program that caused the Wa Emperor to "freeze." Now... it was "automatically repaired."

Although they would both "restart," the meanings were completely different!

One was controlled by oneself, and the other was set by the program itself.

Active and passive, instantly switched positions.

Feeling the other party's anger, Cassiosiya pursed her lips and whispered: "Whether it is using our previous method or automatically waking up now. Wa Emperor will have a vacuum period..."

Xu Yangyi immediately asked coldly: "How long?"

The two true knowers paused, and no one dared to answer. Finally, Alpha said timidly: "If it is an automatic awakening... at most... ten minutes..."

Behind Xu Yangyi, the other monks breathed a sigh of relief. They just had a vague feeling that they would face an extremely terrifying existence this time. But now it sounds like... there is still a chance to leave?

Ten minutes, enough to do a lot of things.

"Don't be happy." Yuchang gnashed his teeth and said, "You can calculate it yourself... How long did it take us to enter the bridge of heaven and earth from the collapse of the previous level?!"

Everyone's face suddenly turned gray.

More than ten minutes...

That is to say...that extremely terrifying existence has long awakened and is now regaining consciousness. They...can't get out?

"This..." The old ancestor Yinfeng took a deep breath and looked around with great vigilance. There was a feeling that made him shudder with awe. He trembled and said, "What are we...going to encounter?"

Extreme uneasiness, like a tsunami, hit everyone's heart. They almost screamed in this silent and invisible terror.

"God." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and sighed, looking around with great emotion: "I heard...everything in the world of great contention will be erased after going out..."

"So, remember..."

"This may be the only time in your can meet the true God..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole world was buzzing.

It was as if some huge monster had awakened from the darkness. It was history, the Milky Way, and an incomparable supreme existence. She stood up, as if she was standing upright. The sky collapsed.

Rumble... like a magnitude 10 earthquake. However, everyone on the bridge of heaven and earth, including Xu Yangyi, was half-kneeling on the ground in silence at this moment, without saying a word. Only cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

Facing the universe, he knew that he was just dust.

Swish... Ten seconds later, a huge hand suddenly rose from one side of the bridge of heaven and earth. It was not a real object, and the flesh of the Queen Nuwa had already turned into Taoism. It was a phantom, emitting golden light, shrouded in a hazy phantom of drifting smoke and clouds.

Endless talismans formed golden light, and countless golden lights gathered into hands. Compared with a finger, people seemed to be only the size of mosquitoes. These lights were pure and sacred, rising from the white mist and undulating at the side of him. It was as if humans were worshipping a dragon with their tiny bodies, or as if a small boat saw Kunpeng swinging its tail.

That kind of limitless size and contrasting grandeur were enough to shock the hearts of any non-believers.

There are gods in the world.

The crystal light was bright, and the hand slowly raised a finger.

The lotus fluttered, and countless spiritual butterflies hovered in the air, surrounding the fingertips. A magnificent female voice resounded through the world: "How long has this god... slept?"

No one answered.

It was clearly a question, but it felt like the throat was locked. Not a word could be said.

Silence. After a few seconds, the voice was flat: "So... it's been 130,000 years..."

"It wasn't Haotian's servant who opened the prison of will... Heh... people from the Seven Realms... Hmm? And..."

The moment the last word fell, the endless golden mist in front of them quietly dissipated, and a face of an indifferent spirit that Xu Yangyi had seen in Cangtian City quietly emerged from the clouds and mist like a true fairy in the mist.

"And... Chaos's apostle?"

"Is it you... who made me feel 'pleased'?"

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