
Chapter 1575: Bridge between Heaven and Earth (Part 3)

As the other party's last word fell, the sky was full of flying butterflies, beautiful in the golden world.

Right in front of them, the dreamy face, like golden clouds and smoke, dominated the entire sky, as if speaking to the sky. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, suppressed his pounding heart, and his back was cold: "Meet... the Goddess of the Beginning."

No answer.

Wahuang let them half-kneel on the ground, as if searching in a distant memory. After a long time, she said lightly: "The Goddess of the Beginning... is really a long-standing title..."

Her voice seemed to have a trace of fluctuations, but it was so light that it was like an illusion and passed away in a flash. It seemed that this title, this past that represented her strongest feelings, could not arouse the other party's feelings. She looked at the group without any fluctuations: "Since you are here... do you want to become a member of Taixu?"

When this sentence appeared, everyone's eyes suddenly looked at Xu Yangyi. Even if the divine power is like a mountain and a sea now, their hearts are beating wildly for no reason.

Taixu... the obsession of countless people, the throne of the five kings and two queens is right in front of them! Just nod, all their efforts will be rewarded!

"Yes." Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes and spoke, and suddenly, a burning breath sounded. Wahuang's voice was calm and waveless: "There will always be rewards for your efforts. You... are lucky."

"Throughout the ages, there are only a few monks who can see Yawei. You can see it, it is your blessing."

"I give you a choice..." The golden aura wall in front of them suddenly fluctuated, and the huge face of Wahuang Yuanshen loomed, and a little bit of silver light came out from behind the vast golden light. More and more, more and more magnificent, and finally... formed a golden sky and silver stars.

Those are endless talismans, silver talismans that Xu Yangyi and others have never seen before. Each one is extremely complex, and just one look is enough to make people fall into a misty ocean.

"The chosen ones by the gods always bring luck, even if this luck is one in a billion, but once it happens, it is enough to make anyone jealous."

"You have a chance... a chance to change the rules you first come into contact with... This god can reluctantly change your rules to any one."

After the voice fell, there was a dead silence.

Everyone's breathing was extremely heavy. The change of rules... Everyone tried to explore the rules for the first time in the Nascent Soul. Construct a domain according to the rules they have explored, such as Xu Yangyi's wood principle, which constructed a killing domain. It can be said that even if the rules he Taixu came into contact with were not related to wood, they were not far away.

This is another kind of talent for each person, which has been destined since birth, but now there is a chance to change it!

And any kind!

"Two... Great Gods can also do it?" This kind of thing that is simply unimaginable made everyone unable to suppress their shock. Master Baoxiang gritted his teeth and murmured in a trembling voice. This unconscious murmur could not escape the ears of the gods at all. Wa Huang said calmly: "In front of God, nothing is impossible. Only the unexpected."

"Daoyou..." Wang Bufa felt his brain boiling, staring at Xu Yangyi. Once the foundation of the divine rules is laid, it will be a great help for the other party to become the only one in the future!

This is a temptation that no one can refuse, an opportunity that countless cultivators can't wait for in their lifetime, no... ten lifetimes!

Under the gaze of each other, Xu Yangyi did not speak, pretending to be unable to choose because of excitement, but the alarm had already sounded desperately in his heart.

This is not an opportunity at all...

This is a sweet trap... He has basically understood that the gods will never force mortals to do anything. They will only build on a surface of mutual consent. And he also knows the fundamental purpose of Wa Huang to start the world of great contention.

Can't agree...

Once agreed, the Taixu in front of him will be cut off from the future! But... rejecting a god in front of a god?

He still remembers the practice of Yawei in the wolf chief plane.

The scene was so loud that you could hear a pin drop, and everyone's face changed from ecstasy to shock. On the other side, the golden mist was still like a thread, and the Queen's expression never changed.

"I..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, he had to refuse, all the consequences... he could only take one step at a time. However, just when he said the first word, a crazy voice suddenly screamed: "God... God! This is not fair!!"

Liu Mianfeng, who was covered in charcoal, rushed to everyone like crazy, knelt down in one step, and kowtowed desperately. He was burned by the Ten Suns Rising at all, and every time he kowtowed, blood burst out from under the charred skin, which was extremely miserable.

"Great Sage! True Man!" He screamed hoarsely: "Junior is here too... Junior is here too!"

"Why not junior? Junior can serve you for a long time! Junior can do it too!"

"Junior is the God of Time! There is no need for adults to do anything!..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed his throat in horror, his eyes widened, and his voice suddenly disappeared.

No one spoke, everyone was stunned, only Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes. He was lucky not to be turned into ashes after yelling in front of the gods. This might be because the gods saw that he had come here with great difficulty and did not want to break the rules they set.

"From today on, you can't say a word." When the Queen of Wa said this with an extremely calm face, everyone felt cold in their hearts.

Deprivation of the five senses...

Just because Liu Mianfeng was making a loud noise...

"You can only answer when I ask you." Wahuang turned her eyes away calmly, as if she had done something insignificant. The voice remained unchanged: "Your answer."

"Whether you are or not, as a witness of your becoming Yahweh... your master, your name must be engraved under the name of this god."

Here it comes...

Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly accelerated. This is the real purpose of Wahuang, her servant... her spokesperson in the Seven Realms!

What to do?

The Guangyao Talisman in his mind was running at high speed, but in just two seconds he was sure that there was only one way.

That is the pseudo-list of gods handed over by Yaori Demon Wolf!

However, there is a fatal flaw in this.

This is Wahuang's kingdom of God, where Wahuang's Yuanshen is, and it can be said to be her lair. In such a place, Mammon's treasure may not be noticed. But...what about Jiaozi?

Danling is the key for him to leave here!

However, it takes ten minutes for Danling to open and condense. In such a place, the moment of opening may not be noticed by Wahuang?

He needed an opportunity... an opportunity to open his eyes. An opportunity to prevent Queen Wa from noticing his spiritual power fluctuations.

Even a slight fluctuation would cause alertness, any alertness would bring displeasure, and all displeasure would turn into a fatal disaster. In front of a true god, the spiritual power fluctuations of all realms could not escape the eyes of the law.

Maybe he stayed too long, Queen Wa said lightly: "You... don't want to?"

Countless thoughts combined in Xu Yangyi's mind. At this moment, he suddenly raised his head, and a ray of light appeared in the infinite combination. He no longer had any time to hesitate.

Liu Mianfeng is a lesson for the past!

Gods don't care about the will of mortals. He thinks, he says, he does, and no one can stop him.

"Junior... I am willing!!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when he said these words decisively. No one could know what kind of struggle between heaven and man was in his heart at this moment.

Take a gamble...

Winner takes all!

Lose... and stop alone.

People under God. Never touch the boundaries of Yahweh.

"Okay." On both sides of the bridge of heaven and earth, a giant hand of the Queen of Wa slowly opened, and a stone flew out: "Engrave your name, mortal."

"Yes." Xu Yangyi bowed respectfully, and his spiritual power circulated through his fingertips. This stone is really the List of Gods, and now everyone can finally see its back.

The Great Sage of Qingtian, 34,000 years ago... The Great Sage of Jiyin, 52,000 years ago... The Great Sage of Linglong, 67,000 years ago...

The names of famous figures in the history of the Seven Realms appeared on it one by one. Everyone... whether it was Master Baoxiang, Wang Bufa, or even Mei Taxue, their eyes became hot when they saw these people.

Great Sage!

The true supreme above Taixu!

As long as the name is engraved... he is basically the seed of the Great Sage. Who wouldn't look forward to such an honor? Who wouldn't be excited?

Only Liu Mianfeng kowtowed with his eyes wide open, like a madman.

Xu Yangyi took in everything and sighed in his heart. No one knew how many people had been deceived by this 100,000-year scam? No one knew that there was a peak realm above the Great Sage...

Take a deep breath, his fingertips touched the Conferred God List, and at the same time, a stone in the storage ring hummed and vibrated.

The whisper of the Lord.

The whisper of the Lord of Greed.

Everything... is bet on it!

As soon as the spiritual power was activated, he suddenly felt that everything was different.

The front suddenly became illusory, and a silver light suddenly rose from the storage ring, shining directly on the Conferred God List. As the silver light flew away, a talisman with a crescent moon and a reverse cross appeared. Without any fluctuations, the Conferred God List had quietly been covered with a layer of silver light. The whole process took about two seconds.

Xu Yangyi's heart seemed to be suddenly squeezed by an invisible giant hand, two seconds... in front of the Queen of Wa! However, he carefully glanced at the golden mist in front of him with his peripheral vision, but found that the other party was unconscious.

"Buzz!" A surge of hot blood suddenly rushed to his head, perhaps it was excitement, or the excitement of finally becoming too empty, or the nervousness of stealing the day in front of the gods... It was hard to explain, but it made his fingers tremble and his breathing almost stagnated.

Swish, swish, swish, pointing at the flying dragon and snake, Xu Yangyi's name instantly fell on the Conferred God List.

"Very good." Wahuang's eyes flashed with an extremely obscure praise, and she gently opened her mouth, and the Conferred God List flew into the other party's mouth like lightning. Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes gently, no one could see, and his fingertips were trembling slightly.

Is Mammon's stuff useful... The next step will show the truth!

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