
Chapter 1576: Bridge between Heaven and Earth (IV)

As the Lord's whisper entered the mouth of the Wa Emperor, nothing happened.


Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly sank, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Is there another way to open it? Isn't the Lord's whisper used in this way?

He had no choice. Since the drama had begun, he had to keep singing as the protagonist.

"Taixu... Even among the heavens and the worlds, it is a lofty realm." Wa Emperor spoke slowly and calmly: "As your witness, I have an obligation to help you. Come... Enter this new realm, the beginning of all control."

Xu Yangyi stared at the golden mist of Wa Emperor, but the other party did not show any ripples.

The Lord's whisper was really like a stone sinking into the sea, without any ripples.

How could this be?

Did the Yaori Demon Wolf deceive himself?

Countless thoughts entangled his mind, but his body was faster than his consciousness, he sat down mechanically, and his consciousness was completely released. Because at the same time when Wa Emperor finished this sentence, the bridge of heaven and earth... had gradually boiled.

Boom boom boom... silver light rushed into the world, which was completely different from the avenue that Xu Yangyi had vaguely felt. These runes combined into chains, which were clearly far away in the sky, but it seemed that he could touch them with his hand, and each one exuded extreme affinity. It seemed that as long as he wanted, he could touch it immediately.

The Tao became Taixu, and this Tao refers to the way of heaven and the avenue. Contact the avenue, feel the avenue, experience the avenue, and master the avenue. Find the rules that belong to you and are most appropriate to you among the thousands of avenues. Thus, you can achieve Taixu.

No achievement in Taixu is easy. Countless people fall at the step of choosing rules. There are thousands of rules that form the universe. How difficult is it to find the one that is closest to you?

Don't be impulsive... This is a trap... These are the heavenly ways of the Queen Wa! Not the heavenly ways of the universe! Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but the people around him had already been shocked by this incredible scene and were stunned. This kind of closeness of rules... Even if any one has enough spiritual power, I am afraid he can stand in Taixu!

"Hurry up and touch it... hurry up!" Wang Bufa's beard trembled. Even if there were only a handful of people in the Wannian family who could see the Dao Cheng Taixu with their own eyes. He was more nervous than Xu Yangyi at this moment.

Master Baoxiang did not speak, but his shaking shoulders and red eyes had betrayed him. The others were all like this. Those Yuanying were even more eager to take their lives in place of others. Even if they could not become Taixu, it would be a hundred benefits and no harm to contact the rules of the world!

It seemed that only Xu Yangyi was wandering outside.

"What are you waiting for?" The voice of the Queen Wa came again. After repeated pauses, she finally asked with a hint of displeasure. Xu Yangyi's heart was chilled. He gritted his teeth and looked at the Queen Wa. The other party... didn't react at all!

Is it really like this?

Do you really want to accept the Queen Wa Avenue?

If not... how can you refuse?

"Junior... this is it..." His lips were almost bitten to bleed. Just when he finally let go of his consciousness and did not dare to provoke the bottom line of the Queen Wa, suddenly, the golden mist shone brightly!

"Ah..." A deep sigh erupted from inside, and the next second, the entire kingdom of God shook violently!

Buzz buzz buzz! The bridge of heaven and earth roared endlessly, as if there was a city-level earthquake. Those rootless golden lotuses swayed wildly, and endless silver light penetrated the golden mist, like a sky full of stars, projecting bright and magnificent moonlight. Then it turned into countless seas of blazing flames, and the entire kingdom of God was like the process of destroying the world in an instant!


Xu Yangyi's heart, which had sunk to the bottom of the valley, suddenly rose up, and a familiar breath belonging to Tiragangdis spread in all directions. It was more powerful than any demon he had ever seen, as high as the sky and as wide as the sea. Instantly, it made people feel like standing in the center of an empty world, being stared at by the gods.

This is the divine power of the Lord of Greed! The most ancient and powerful secret treasure!

Boom! !

The silver aura hovered like a dragon for a minute, and suddenly exploded in all directions. This world took off the golden gauze and replaced it with silver clothes. The silver light formed a huge vortex, swallowing and spinning rapidly, pulling the golden face of the Wa Emperor to twist, faster and faster, and finally became a peak of light in a silver haze.

"Everyone!!" The moment when the Wa Emperor's consciousness completely disappeared, Xu Yangyi felt his scalp exploded, without hot blood, and at this moment only a current passed through his spine coldly. The previous repression immediately turned into a loud shout: "I swear, if I can get what I want this time! As long as this Saint is here, your sects will not be destroyed! I will guarantee eternal peace for all your branches!"

It is a heavy promise, and this is what they want most. There is no time to prepare, because he remembers very clearly that the Lord's whisper only lasts five seconds!

While speaking, Jiaozi is fully activated. His sight instantly broke through the void, and the seven realms... the ten thousand realms... the heavens, like images, appeared in his mind, and a picture of the star map connected, a feeling of where to go in the world arises spontaneously.

Between these planes, blue threads slowly connected. He could feel that when all these threads were connected together, Ya Zi could take him anywhere.

Suppressing the tsunami-like fluctuations in his heart, he immediately looked in all directions. The promise was too heavy, and everyone's eyes flashed. Before he spoke, Xu Yangyi continued: "She will appear again in five seconds! Her Taixu is fake! Please!"

Although the words were short, he believed that everyone should understand. Five seconds... Only five seconds, there was no time for them to say anything else. At the moment he finished speaking, with an angry scream, endless golden light burst out again, madly strangling the silver-gray dots!

"How dare you!!!" A furious female voice burst out from behind the thick golden fog of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth. With an earth-shaking loud noise, the location of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth seemed to have experienced a nuclear explosion! Indescribable shock waves exploded continuously, turning into ripples visible to the naked eye and sweeping across the world. Everyone spurted blood and flew upside down. But there was only shock in his eyes.

This is... sound wave...

There is no spiritual power, just the sound wave caused by the angry voice, but it is so powerful!

If it were in the Seven Realms, this sound would be enough to destroy a city!

The silver trace disappeared almost instantly, and in the thick fog, the woman's face reappeared. However, this time she finally had an expression.


Cold rage.

Angry at Xiao Xiao for causing trouble in front of the gods! Angry at the gods for losing their composure in front of mortals!

Five seconds to go.

Xu Yangyi's heart was beating wildly. He didn't know if everything he had just concealed from the other party. A few words and the activation of Yaizhen were enough. But the other party just looked at everyone coldly, and his murderous intent made his anxiety gradually dissipate.

Not found...

If found, the first thing to do is to cut off the canthus.

At this moment, a gaze was fixed on him, and if the huge beast swept over his head, he couldn't help but shudder.

"Don't think that because you have the protection of the God of Chaos, I don't dare to do anything to you..." The giant hand like the tail of a Kunpeng once again raised the side of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth, with golden light swaying, holding a silver piece. The stone was crushed into pieces with a snap.

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief. The other party didn't want to kill them. Only Xu Yangyi, whose heart was on the verge of stopping due to too much tension.

Emperor Wa... was angry.

Her attitude in speaking has changed. Before, she was just performing official duties, but now she talks about her own attitude. He has not had much contact with Yahweh, and he can keenly capture this change.

The other party became a little more serious.

This is by no means good news. Anger makes the other party's attention begin to focus, and they are like dead leaves in the storm in front of Yahweh. They can only stay safe by hiding in a place where the storm cannot sweep away. Once the concentration is concentrated...a slight mishandling will immediately lead to a fatal disaster!

Yes, cope. In the following time, he must deal with why Mammon's things appeared.

Emperor Wa did not speak. Mortals should have the consciousness of mortals. If they offended the gods, they should give a reasonable explanation. If you don't have this awareness, then... you don't deserve to live.

"Junior... I don't know..." Xu Yangyi desperately felt the activation of the 睝睷 in his heart, his expression was extremely respectful, and he even showed a voice that made Han tremble with fear: "I... don't know what it is..."

"Why do you have such a thing?" Emperor Wa asked in a cold voice.

"I really don't know, sir, I met a terrible existence, and it touched me, but I didn't know that he put such a thing in the junior storage ring. Sir, just imagine if I did it. I know how to use it, why not use it? I am also your descendant, and a junior who has received the protection of Lord Khaos, how can I murder my senior?"

The words "Kaos" made Emperor Wa's eyes pause for the first time. She just looked at Xu Yangyi quietly. The next second, Xu Yangyi's expression suddenly changed.

His being broken through by something...

Through the body, through the soul, directly to the memory! The seed of Khaos instantly erupted into a sky-high green light, but it was impossible to stop it!

Emperor Wa is peeking into his memory!

If he were not the seed of Khaos, he would not have reacted at all, and Emperor Wa understood immediately at a glance. Fortunately, it gave him this omen. However... the scary thing was not death, but the despair of knowing why he died.

Can't let her see it! !

But it can't be stopped at all!

His memory made a crackling sound, without any fluctuations in all directions. In just three seconds, there was a snap. Although there was no change on the surface, he felt that everything was under the eyes of the gods.

At the same time, the Seed of Chaos erupted into a green rune, surrounding his soul tightly, covering up too many memories. But...a lot has been leaked!

A pause of 0.01 seconds.

A look from the gods.

One second seemed like an eternity, and three extremely cold voices sounded: "You... are looking for death."

She saw it!

"Let's go!!" Xu Yangyi reacted faster. Before the other party could speak, he shouted loudly, and his longevity burned crazily.

The remaining thirty years are almost at the bottom line. Khaos's blow is his last trump card! However, the burning of longevity takes time! Just when he was burning, the infinite runes were already haunting him.

three minutes……

There was clarity in his heart.

Three minutes later... there are only ten days left in life, and the Seed of Chaos... will be fully opened!

Then seven minutes later, Yaju activated.

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