
Chapter 1577: Bridge between Heaven and Earth (V)

Boom boom boom!

At the moment when the word "go" came out, runes fell from the sky, forming prisons, imprisoning everyone here.

"Who gave you the right to go?" Wahuang's voice was filled with anger. Yes, her "bottom line" was very high. Mortals took life and death very seriously, but she could decide the life and death of thousands of planes with one word. The monks took the realm very seriously, but she had no more room to go.

When everything became a passing cloud, she even felt that there was nothing wrong with these villains.

At least it brought fun to the already numb life, but fun is by no means equal to tolerance.

On both sides of the bridge of heaven and earth, the golden mist burst with a bang, soaring three thousand feet into the air, like Kunpeng's hands slowly raised, as if moving, just a glance, everyone seemed to see thousands of hands blooming, thousands of hands pinching thousands of tactics, and thousands of tactics emitting thousands of lights. The next second, the void was like stars shining, and chains pierced through the void, piercing the kingdom of God, instantly turning this place into a chain prison.

"Rules...chains of rules!" Mei Taxue took a breath, her eyes dull. As a disciple of Taixu, she knew what this was. She summoned so many chains of rules in an instant, as if the rules of the entire universe were under her control. What kind of monster is this?

Is it really a true immortal?

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and looked at the endless chains around him with great vigilance. Each chain was composed of countless talismans, exuding a deep call. Wahuang looked at him silently: "This god... will give you a chance."

Boom! As the last word fell, the void shook violently, and countless chains suddenly wrapped around him, as if hanging him in the center of the golden kingdom of God. Then, all the chains twisted strangely into nothingness, slowly rotating, like a large river, forming a vast sea eye. And he was the center of the vortex.

"The prison of rules, unless you break it yourself, even this god cannot enter." The corners of the Queen's mouth actually curled up slightly, and with a light wave, Xu Yangyi was like being sucked into the vortex, and suddenly became a tiny extreme. In the flash, it turned into nothingness.

"But... inside is the way of this god." The Queen took back her hand and said lightly: "In front of the god, there are no accidents."

"Everything you prepared is just a mirage."

"I said, if you want to become the Taixu under the name of this god, you must become it."

"This is your obligation."

Swish! In the vortex, Xu Yangyi seemed to enter the abyss of rules and the chaotic hell. Just after entering, the spiritual power of the peak of the Saint could no longer be suppressed. The spiritual energy under the skin was like a living thing, forming dragon-like traces running between the skin.

"Damn it!" Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, blue veins popped up, and he tried his best to suppress this desire. Any Taixu needs an opportunity. Maybe it's an epiphany, or maybe it's overflowing with spiritual energy. Every cultivator longed for this opportunity to come, but now he hated it so much.

This is not the way he wanted.

This is the opportunity given by the Queen Wa! It was the other party who opened his opportunity!

Once opened, there is only one result, which is to impact Taixu!

However, inside is the Heavenly Dao of the Queen Wa.

Endless chains converged into a sea here and condensed into an ocean. He only held back for two seconds, and couldn't help but howled to the sky.

Be patient and be patient, but you can't bear it anymore!

It's too strong.

Just like a fish out of water returning to the sea, it is the desire of people to breathe and birds to the sky. It is the instinct of living things and cannot be avoided at all!

He was surrounded by the overwhelming chains of rules. These chains weathered instantly when he entered, like desperate spirit butterflies, flying towards him. Not slow or fast, but never stop.

"Get out!!" The killing suddenly opened, but even the wolf poison could not stop the invasion of these talismans. This is the origin of the Heavenly Dao and the essence of all things. Meeting his aura that was about to break through the Saint was like a fire that was about to explode.

Boom boom boom! A few punches were completely useless. The talismans followed him like a shadow. In just a dozen seconds, the endless talismans had already covered his entire body, forming a huge talisman cocoon.

Talismans rushed to touch his body one after another. It was a kind of enlightenment of the Tao. He seemed to see the change of spring and autumn, the change of seasons. It seemed to see the sun rising and the moon setting, and the stars wandering. More and more... more and more vast... countless voices were calling him around.

Touch me...

Give you the dream of the realm of Taixu...

That is the top overlord status in the universe...

No one can resist breathing, no bird can not long for the sky, no fish can not admire the sea.

In just a moment, the desire for the Tao instantly surpassed the mind. He suddenly let out a long roar, and his body collapsed!

It was not a real collapse, but... his whole body turned into the most basic genetic talisman, flying and circling desperately, searching for chains in all directions. Trying to find his own avenue that would allow him to completely transform and reach a higher level of life!

It was not what he wanted, but the instinctive desire of life. The appeal of every cell, the quantitative change caused the qualitative change, the body... betrayed the brain.

Outside the vortex, Wahuang turned her eyes away boredly.

That was all.

Originally thought, he could make himself "happy" for a while, but it was a pity... he had a promising future, but now, he was still just a mortal body.

The body turned into a great avenue, and the opponent's Taixu advancement... had begun!

Once it started, the heavens agreed, and it could never be reversed.

However, at this moment!

For the first time, she showed a look of astonishment on her face. Her golden face suddenly turned to the vortex and said in astonishment: "This..."

Two seconds later, she suddenly raised her head: " lied to me..."

Xu Yangyi's mind was already drowsy at this moment. All cells and all genes were roaring with one thought.


It can't be like this!

This is not what he wants, not what he pursues!

Taixu is indeed a thousand-year expectation, but it must not be done in this way!

"I...will never be a god under the gods!" The voice with all his strength resounded through the abyss of rules. The body turned into a gene talisman, and the seed of Chaos floated in the void forever, and his consciousness attached to it. Desperately looking for all possibilities, all hopes that can break this place. Because he knew very well that he could not survive for a minute at all!

But as long as he survived for three minutes...he would have a chance to fight!

The seed of Chaos had already emitted a strong green light, and his life span had come to an end, but the talisman transformed by the body accepted the rules as happily as a long drought. He felt the rules of ice, found the rules of fire, found the rules of earth, and the rules of spring, the rules of the bright moon, the rules of light... one by one, endless, as if looking at the universe in chaos.

Only the unwilling persistence was supporting his consciousness. In another thirty seconds, he could only passively impact the realm of Taixu. He was unwilling... He never wanted to do this! He desperately searched and explored possible cracks. Just when he was almost desperate, suddenly... he saw a beam of light.

A beam... so magnificent that it actually surpassed the light of the Queen of Wa!

This beam of light was very small, but it was extremely eye-catching. Countless rules could not cover it at all, but instead set it off high and unparalleled.

Beyond time, transcending space, suppressing all rules, just a little bit, but high and unparalleled.

"This is..." At the moment when this beam of light shone, Xu Yangyi actually found that the gene talismans all stopped, and then... rushed towards the light like crazy.

"This is... the will of the universe..." He was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed up to the sky: "I know... I know!"

After laughing enough, he lowered his head with emotion: "Every drink and every bite has a fixed number, every flower and every fruit is cause and effect..."

"So... that's it."

As soon as the voice fell, all his genetic talismans rushed like rivers, and finally... turned into a giant hand condensed by talismans, grabbing the beam of light.


A slight sound rang out in this world of rules.

If time stood still, the next second, all the rules of the Emperor Nuwa collapsed together, turning into countless flying fragments. And that beam of light... became the only chain in the abyss, saving this blasphemous person.

Hold it tightly, without loosening.

This is a loophole.

It's not the loophole of the Emperor Nuwa, but the loophole of the will prison!

The Emperor Nuwa didn't know at all that there was a loophole in the will prison, and this loophole was broken! Although the Hou Ant was not killed, the Thunder God was killed! This loophole has cracked a crack!

It was this crack that let in a trace of the true rules of the universe.

It broke the sky of the Emperor Wa!

That’s why the Emperor Wa said, “Haotian lied to me.”

Ka-ka-ka! With the sound of continuous condensation, the chain of light became more and more solid. After a few seconds, all his talismans condensed into himself again. At the same time, an indescribable breath rushed straight into the sky.

His black hair was flying, his clothes were fluttering, and it was a completely different breath from that of the Venerable Saint. It was thicker and more majestic than the Venerable Saint, with a feeling that made all things worship, and it was overwhelming the heavens.

He let go of his whole body and looked for the rules. He caught this beam of light and impacted the realm of Taixu, right at this moment!

Every talisman was cheering, lamenting the upcoming transformation of life. However, he held it back.

“Not enough…” He took a deep breath and looked into the void: “The Heavenly Dao of the Emperor Wa here is too rich. This tiny gap… is not enough for me to impact Taixu.”

“And it must not be here!”

Even if the impact on Taixu is successful, it will still be the bridge between heaven and earth after coming out. Is there any difference between the Saint facing Yahweh and Taixu facing Yahweh?

"But..." He took a deep breath and looked at the place where the light chain was thrown: "God... also has accidents."

"As strong as the Mother Goddess, you didn't expect... there would be cracks in the prison of will, right? You didn't expect..." He looked at his hands, which were already covered with age spots and wrinkles, and his hair quickly turned pale.

His life span is over.

There are only ten days left, and even his appearance cannot be maintained. In his body, the seed of Chaos bursts out with a sky-high green light, unprecedentedly bright.

Swish... The extremely old hand slowly stretched out, the Spear of God Killing in his hand, and a series of green lights lingered on it, forming a gorgeous nebula belt.

"You can't imagine... that there is still a thorn of chaos in my mortal body..."

Three minutes have passed.

Life for life, the grace of the God of Chaos descended.

He chose... to draw the sword against God, to draw the sword against the Mother Goddess!

As a mortal, say no to gods!

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