
Chapter 1578: Bridge between Heaven and Earth (VI)

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the Spear of God-killing broke through the sky with a piercing green light, and a big hole was forcibly punched in the abyss of rules.

Outside, the closed eyes of the Queen Nuwa suddenly opened, and a trace of disbelief finally flashed across her eyes. Everyone stared at the void in a daze. On one side, a green light suddenly flashed, and then a trace of terrifying cracks covered the sky. With a loud bang, the void exploded like broken glass, turning into countless fragments and drifting away layer by layer.

He came out... The Queen Nuwa felt the collapse of the prison she created at the first time, but an unbelievable thought followed her like a shadow: He did not accept the laws of the Heavenly Dao to impact the void, but broke the prison and rushed out of the Heavenly Dao by himself?

As a mortal... How could he break his own prison?

However, this was not what surprised her the most. After 0.1 seconds, the entire void shook - it was anger, shocked by people's anger at the bright sword of the God.

There, an old man wearing Xu Yangyi's clothes appeared. With chicken skin and white hair, he looked like he would fall down if the wind blew. His long white hair fluttered in the air. He looked extremely weak, but his spiritual power was incredibly strong.

He held an ordinary iron spear in his right hand, and pieces of divine power like mountains and seas burst out like a tsunami. The wind blew his hair and beard and clothes wildly. He was obviously a mortal, but he stood proudly in the void with the bearing of a god. The two ends of the unequal power were like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River at this moment. The momentum of both sides was like the sound of thousands of swords, which made it difficult to look directly at them.

The four eyes met, and no one spoke. There was an eerie silence at the scene. Others seemed to hear the thumping of their hearts, the tension... the anxiety... the countless emotions gathered into an indescribable river, making them tremble slightly as if they were electrified.

He suppressed his fighting spirit and looked directly into the eyes of the Queen of Wa for the first time.

Master Baoxiang opened his mouth wide and shook his head gently like a nervous person. Tu Su Fangrong covered his mouth lightly, took a few breaths of cold air and stepped back a few steps. Mei Taxue knelt down with her soul flying away. The rest of the cultivators, no matter whether they were saints or Yuanying, stared at the sky with their eyes wide open.

They all knew how powerful this monster was. In front of such a powerful being that seemed like the heavens, they could only surrender and worship. And now... someone actually dared to say no to this immortal-like creature!

What courage?

What majesty?

"If he doesn't join the Five Kings and Two Queens... I will gouge out my own eyes." After a few seconds, Wang Bufa took a deep breath, and for the first time, a look called loyalty appeared in his eyes.

In the past, it was loyalty to the benefits of equal exchange.

Now, it is loyalty to this person.


Forest green.

The color of the revival of all things and the return to the silence of chaos.

Endless green light strangled the golden light, spreading across the entire space like a tide. These green lights overlapped and pulled each other to form a magnificent chaos. Roaring, spinning, and majestic divine power surged up. Others saw the birth of the first creature, saw dinosaurs, saw mammoths, saw meteors hitting the earth, and saw... the epic of humanity.

"Do you know..." The Queen of Wa no longer looked contemptuous, but looked at Xu Yangyi very solemnly: "Whoever draws the sword against this god will no longer be protected by Yahweh's 'fair' law."

Without speaking, Xu Yangyi's heart was beating wildly at this moment. Drawing the sword against the god... even if he raised Longinus, it would be a great burden on the heart.

However, he slowly tightened the gun of killing the gods, and did not answer, but just crossed the long gun across his chest.

Action is power, and words are just false.

Since the decision has been made, there is no need to retreat!

It will only take a few minutes.

The Queen of Wa closed her eyes and took a breath. Xu Yangyi would naturally not take the initiative to attack. Fighting with a Yahweh, even if it was just a soul, the consequences were unpredictable.

Delaying for one second is one second.

After a few seconds of silence, Wahuang said calmly: "The Thorn of Chaos... I never thought that I couldn't explore all your memories because Quetzalcoatl actually gave this thing to you."

"But... do you really think it can hurt me?"

"You are not Yahweh."

Only gods can fight against gods.

Still no answer.

The spear is still there, not lowered at all.

"Very good." Wahuang's golden mist seemed to nod: "Divine Art... Repairing the Sky."

Five-colored stones repaired the sky, and the giant turtle was chopped off to support the sky. This was the magical power of Wahuang to repair the sky back then!

As this sentence fell, the golden kingdom of God exploded in all directions. On both sides of the bridge of heaven and earth, endless sea water rushed into the sky. The last second was still shrouded in fairy mist, and the next second was vast and open. The golden tide was through the sky and the earth, and it was not something that could be described at all. No... perhaps it can't be rated at all. As high as the sky, as level as the earth, the tides rose in all directions, and the peaks came to one side.

All the rootless golden lotuses shook suddenly. In an instant, people were reflected in the sea, and people looked at the sea. The sky and the earth were separated into two worlds by a sea. The endless power of the wild covered the clouds and the sun. You could see thousands of beasts leaping from the sea and thousands of birds flying across the ocean.

Before the storm, there was a moment of tranquility.

This tranquility made everyone half-kneel on the ground in cold sweat. It was too majestic and too terrible... Creation and destruction, in a single thought. Transcend everything and become a great way.


Facing such a blow that could destroy the world, even Xu Yangyi's scalp was numb. However, he knew that he could not retreat... There was no way to retreat! He could only hope for the thorn of chaos!

There are at most two minutes left!

Swish! A strong wind suddenly rose, and the old hand waved the gun of killing gods, and the endless green tsunami behind him exploded. It is indescribable, chaotic, powerful, vast... All adjectives are pale when used to describe this burst of chaos. If you have to say...


The beginning and end of things, the beginning is infinite. The beginning may be the end, and the end may be the beginning.

The beginning of chaos, the end of the end. This chaos is the portrayal of the body of Chaos, the god of chaos.

Boom! ! !

At the moment when this gun was stabbed and the chaotic tsunami erupted, the two worlds on the mirror surface were completely exploded! Endless... Infinite light, Ganges sand, overwhelming golden beams of light crossed in a messy manner, without any dead angles, surrounding the entire kingdom of Wahuang in the cutting of divine power!

Under the divine power, everyone is an ant.

The next second, the two magical powers were fully handed over. The whole kingdom of God roared loudly. From south to north, from east to west, wherever the eyes can see, it is their battlefield. There is no idea of ​​the radius of billions of miles. Every minute, every inch, the two magical powers are madly crushing and devouring, trying to wipe out each other, interlaced.

Chaos devours the golden light, and the golden light destroys chaos, without any shape. Shape is a flashy thing, this is simply the control of the avenue and the talisman. What is fought is exquisiteness, what is compared is strength. Every minute and every second, countless talismans are turned into ashes, and the whole world is shrouded in the talisman ashes like Ganges sand, as if covered with a layer of green and gold gauze.

The faces of all the people below were stunned, and then... they couldn't help but kneel down trembling.

Worship the gods.

Worship this supreme divine power, the divine power is like a prison.

In the collision of this supreme divine power that destroyed the world, a figure suddenly turned into a meteor and flew backwards for thousands of meters, leaving a long blood line in the air. All the monks were shocked and sobered up instantly, and their eyes immediately followed.

"Puff!" Xu Yangyi spat out a mouthful of blood. It was too far away. The magical power belonged to Chaos, but he was not Yahweh. His body could not withstand this blow that penetrated the heavens and the earth. All the bones in his body were on the verge of breaking. If it were not for the seed of Chaos in his body, he would have turned into cosmic dust at this moment.

But even so, the situation was definitely not good. His body was covered with cracks like porcelain, and he could not raise a trace of spiritual power. The old body was even more aged, as if he would step into the coffin in the next second.

It was already the limit for a mortal to push Yahweh's attack.

However, his eyes were shining like stars. Just now, he confirmed one thing.

As the true knower said, Yahweh's body was huge. Every magical power, from the brain to the body, took a very long time, and the Queen of Wa... just used thirty seconds.

In other words, there was one minute and thirty seconds left!

In a total of ninety seconds, Jiaozi was already buzzing in the body! To survive it... This is his only wish at this moment.

The voices of the cultivators shouting his name faded away, and he ignored them. The Guangyao Talisman had been opened to the maximum. He stared at the center of the explosion of divine power, where a terrifying black hole had appeared, swallowing everything, destroying everything, and all the space close to the surroundings was annihilated into fragments, brewing destruction, and also brewing... opportunities.

The collision of the two magical powers, I am afraid... Even the Queen Nuwa could not break through...

However, at this moment!

His eyes suddenly tightened, and his heart almost stopped in an instant.

The beauty of cultivation lies in that no one can predict the next step. The danger of cultivation is also that no one can predict the next step.

The two magical powers... subsided.

In the eyes of the crowd who couldn't believe it, it twisted silently and crazily, but in just thirty seconds, it actually formed a huge black hole.

It twisted desperately, and the majestic divine power was concentrated to the extreme inside, as if adding a little more would collapse.

"This is..." Master Baoxiang's teeth chattered, and he said hoarsely: "Good times come after bad times..."

The Queen of Wa has no physical body, but a newly awakened soul. Xu Yangyi wielded the Yawei magic power in a human body. No one expected that the two magic powers would actually turn bad times into good times!

For Xu Yangyi, this was simply terrible news! Good times came after bad times, swallowing up all the shock waves and turning the hellish ocean that was difficult to fly into a tranquil lake.

He and the Queen of Wa were facing each other on both sides of the lake.

Time seemed to freeze.

Da... A drop of sweat dripped from Xu Yangyi's forehead. There were still thirty seconds... but it was enough for the Queen of Wa to kill him ten thousand times!

"Only God can defeat God." The Queen of Wa opened her mouth gently, and the black hole actually flew slowly into the Queen of Wa's mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then, the other party looked at him with cold eyes.

Killing intent...

Surging killing intent. It was like standing on the top of a mountain and looking at the universe. This killing intent that was as real as substance made him feel cold all over. In the last thirty seconds, he seemed to be trapped on a lonely boat in the sea of ​​stars, with stars extinguished in all directions.

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