
Chapter 1579: Flying Dragon in the Sky


He gritted his teeth and his mind was already running at its fastest speed.

Not reconciled...

Unwilling to bow.

How can you bow your head!

After thousands of years, I have finally reached this point, how can I surrender!

What you cultivate is the freedom of heaven and earth, what you cultivate is the transparency of your original mind, how can you be a god among gods!

"You're not bad." Emperor Wa slowly raised his hand, then pressed it lightly: "'s still far from enough."

Crash, lala, lala... The void could not withstand the palm of Yahweh. Everything collapsed visibly to the naked eye. The sky collapsed, and he was the only victim under the sky.

"Sir!" At this moment, a sudden flash occurred in his mind, and he half-knelt on the ground with his hands clasped in fists.

All the monks opened their mouths, but they tightly covered their mouths and did not dare to say a word. Because at the same time, Xu Yangyi actually removed all his defenses!

They all know how strong this true immortal is. Without defense... isn't that asking for death?

However, they found strangely that the palm actually stopped.

"Say." An indifferent voice sounded.

Xu Yangyi's heart stopped for a moment, and then slowly recovered. Looking back now, I feel that I was too bold.

He's gambling.

To buy time, risk your life.

Bet on Yahweh's contempt for him... Bet on the weight of the word "Chaos" in Emperor Wa's heart, bet on... the plot of her not returning to the fairy world. Also bet... Yahweh's arrogant and self-admiring mentality.

When things get tough, you need to be bold, and he... made the right bet.

"Someone asked me to bring you a message." When he spoke, even his voice was trembling, and his breathing almost stopped.

Be careful and walk on thin ice.

This steel wire has been stretched as tight as possible. If it is any longer, it will break, and there will be a bottomless abyss below.

Emperor Wa didn't speak, she was even recalling the feeling of "alive" just now.

How many years has it many years has no one dared to show his sword to me?

Once upon a time, all the people who dared to attack me were the Supreme Beings of the Universe who were just like me and had no interest in the boring life.

When pride becomes a habit, and habit becomes life, any Yahweh will cherish every opportunity for different emotional fluctuations.

That is the joy of discovering "difference" in hundreds of millions of years of life.

"Say." When she spoke again, her voice was strangely...softer?

"Senior Nanhua Butterfly Mother." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and for twelve seconds...

The last twelve seconds!

"Really?" Emperor Wa glanced at him lightly, as if thinking for a moment: "It's her..."

"Has she also reached this point... Is this the fourth generation? The fifth generation?"

"Can this also be called Yahweh?"

After talking to herself for a moment, she opened her mouth slightly, and a stream of light flew straight to the sky: "But...since you agreed, just obey her..."

Seven seconds...

Xu Yangyi's heart was beating like a drum. Emperor Wa suddenly looked at him, his voice still unhurried: "Do you know... what I saw in your memory just now?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head.

"I saw you thinking about how to get away from me..." On both sides of the bridge between heaven and earth, Emperor Wa raised his hand again: "You don't know what kind of elixir spirit exists... The spirit of the universe is very mysterious. Even if it's me, Without the body, there is no way to isolate him... Maybe you will experience this if you go to Taixu or even alone."

"It's a pity that you don't have a chance."

Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly, his pupils shrinking suddenly.

Three seconds...

The last three seconds!

But...he saw a premonition of his own destruction!

It was so real that he turned into a stream of light and shot away into the sky without any consideration at all. A loud shout echoed from heaven and earth: "Everyone!!"

"If you are willing to fulfill your promise, I will live up to him!"

After shouting, he didn't dare to look back at all. The Brilliant Talisman was fully unfolded, and while he was flying, the Yazhu Danling spirit had spread out into a complete magic circle!

And his direction was straight towards all the monks, passing them instantly.

The monk below was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted. At the same time, Emperor Wa said calmly: " only takes less than a second for this god to destroy you..."

Zero seconds!

time up.

Just beside Xu Yangyi, a void space opened, and the real rules of the universe poured in. But behind him, Emperor Wa's divine power surged out, chasing his figure.

Absolute confidence.

Even if it takes zero seconds, if God says no, it means no.

Golden brilliance shines across the sky and earth, illuminating places that have never been seen before in this age of great strife. All the prehistoric times and many worlds are wiped out in this golden light. But just before that, with a hoarse roar, all the monks below went crazy, their spiritual power instantly reversed, and in less than a second, thousands of other shore flowers exploded into the sky!


We've come this far...just the last step left! I was prepared to sacrifice my life before I came here, and I have survived until now... It's time for an explanation...

"Unexpectedly..." Zen Master Baoxiang clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face, and turned into a flower of the other shore in the light of the sky: "I thought I could get out alive..."

"Remember your promise." Tu Su Fangrong looked at Xu Yangyi's figure for the last time, his spiritual energy twisted, becoming one of the flowers on the other side.

"That's it for now..." Yinfeng Ancestor Yangtian smiled miserably, the infinite light engulfed his body, and he self-destructed without hesitation.

"Remember your promise!" "My Lord... Remember the promise!" "We can't die in vain..." "We... will watch you fulfill your promise!" "Dying for you... has long been destined..."

Self-destruction, self-destruction, and self-destruction!

In just one second, boom boom boom! The crazy spiritual power mixed with everyone's sect-protecting spiritual treasures was completely annihilated, forming a raging tide. It actually blocked the spiritual light of the Queen Wa for 0.01 seconds.

This is enough.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's figure completely entered the magic circle. The Jiaozi closed.

At this moment, he sighed silently and closed his eyes.

It came out...

Finally... this long and bloody world of great struggle, separated from him by a space, completely ended.

The so-called Taixu, he had been opened up by the Queen Wa, and had realized the way of heaven, and now... he only needed to find a place to condense Taixu, this supreme realm, was not far away from him.

Looking back suddenly, a general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people. The world of great struggle is stained with blood. Five hundred thousand people entered the game, and now... he is the only one left alive.

When the lingering fear and fear in his heart gradually passed, a feeling of "the sea is wide for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly" arose spontaneously. If it were not for his current physical condition that was on the verge of death, he could hardly help but roar to the sky.

The dragon rises to heaven!

"Wait..." After a long time, he covered his chest and opened his eyes, looking at a white teleportation light spot opened at the end of the endless space of Jiaozi, and took a deep breath: "Seven Realms... I'm coming."

Boom! He used the last of his spiritual power, and his body turned into a sharp arrow and rushed towards the light spot. On his side, endless chains of rules clattered and turned into talismans that lingered crazily.

Impacting the realm of Taixu... just after stepping out of this starry sky!

The earth... has finally reached the day of return!

Once you become the five kings and two queens, who dares to point fingers at the earth?

Rumble... Golden light swept across this lonely kingdom of God. Between heaven and earth, there was a golden aura like smoke and sea, and the divine power was mighty. I don't know how long it raged. When it ended, there was only a bridge between heaven and earth, and the lonely Queen Wa at the end.

She didn't speak. Her expression didn't change, as if she was used to loneliness. However, this time was a little different.

Thousands of red spider lilies bloomed in the void. She looked at it quietly, and a golden figure condensed in the pupils of the golden face. Youyou waved her hand: "Disperse."

All the red spider lilies that condensed but did not disperse, as if with an extremely strong obsession, did not dissipate in the palm just now, but slowly floated away under these two words. Becoming endless light spots, erasing the last traces of everyone alive in this great world of contention.

"Chaos... This time I've given you a favor." The figure muttered to himself slowly: "Let him live... He... deserves the seeds of chaos you passed down."

"Let's go... Let's all go..."

"One person... is not bad."

After a few seconds, the hazy figure looked to the other side. The voice actually had a hint of smile: "I can't believe... Farakon, who backed away when he heard my name, has made such a name today."

On the bridge of heaven and earth, all the true knowers trembled.

From the beginning, they didn't move at all. Compared with the ignorant natives of the seven realms, they knew too well what Yahweh was. Even if it was just the Yuanshen, it would be a piece of cake to kill them.

"My Lord..." Cassiosiya said tremblingly: "My Lord Farakon sends you his regards..."

Swish... Before he finished speaking, he, Miravo, turned into ashes at the same time, leaving only Alpha, with his mouth wide open and his hair already white, kneeling there in a daze. His body was like sieved chaff.



The two great sages... just... died?

"Go away." Wahuang said calmly: "A third-generation Yahweh dared not come here to say hello... Did the killing of the Tiamat star field scare it?"

"Tell me a message, he and his forces dare to step into my territory again..."

Her voice was like ice: "Wait for the battle of gods."

"A mere true knower dares to step into my kingdom, do you really think... I have no one under my command?"

Without speaking or answering, Alpha kowtowed desperately, tears streaming down his face. Not daring to say a word, he trembled and opened the magic circle, disappearing into the void.

Then, Wahuang looked at the last person.

Liu Mianfeng.

Liu Mianfeng, who was already lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Wahuang suddenly smiled.


"There will always be heroes who draw their swords."

Liu Mianfeng's teeth chattered. He felt...felt a terrifying spiritual power. can no longer be called terrifying. It was a supreme power, stroking his back like a hand.

He wanted to scream, to shout, to say that I am willing to be a slave forever, just beg you to let me go.

But, he couldn't say a word.

"There will always be..." Wahuang stretched out a golden giant hand and pressed it lightly. It seemed that the sound of bones cracking could be heard. After retracting, there was only a pool of blurred flesh and blood on the ground, like a mosquito being crushed to death.

"Cowardly man."

Kakakaka...This kingdom of God began to surge. With her as the center, it madly shrank inward in all directions. Finally, it formed a golden light spot and turned into a golden leaf, floating and swaying, and no one knew where it flew to.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi.

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