
Chapter 1580: Advancement to Taixu (I)

The Seven Realms didn't know, nor did Xu Yangyi, that this world of great struggle had ended on the other side. Queen Wa woke up and took her kingdom of God to an unknown place.

The consequence... was that the Seven Realms were without a master!

The real master had already left, leaving only her way of heaven and her mark to shock other passers-by. However, no one could contact Queen Wa anymore.

Yeming Holy Land, the same Noah's Ark. Nanhua Butterfly Mother was holding a cup of tea, slowly spilling tea leaves with her bare hands, and suddenly, she paused.

The white jade-like hand trembled, and the tea leaves trembled and spilled all over the table. At the same time, there was a bang not far from the Ark, and a dragon suddenly poked out of the water, looking around in shock, and tremblingly said: "This is... Is this..."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother stood up tremblingly, without screaming or cheering, but covering her face with her hands, making a mournful cry hundreds of thousands of years later.



She suddenly opened her hands, as if embracing the world, and her voice of tears of joy resounded throughout the Bu Tian Pond: "It's's her old lady!"

The next second, endless golden light shone in from the world, magnificent and lofty, and everything in the entire Bu Tian Pond turned into endless shadows, and her figure began to blur.

"She agreed...she agreed!" Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked at the sky and tears fell: "How many years..."

"Time flies like a bird...I have planted peach blossoms here and opened up a new world...Finally...finally I have waited for this day!"

Boom! !

The sky was full of light, and a golden light broke through the void and shone directly on her body.

The long wait annihilated the excitement and excitement, and now there was only the great perfection of achieving the right result.

A kind of compassion appeared on her face, and there was no resistance. Fairy music sounded in the air, and flowers flew on the ground, carrying her body slowly into the sky.

"My Lord... My Lord!" The dragon stretched out its claws anxiously below: "You're gone! What should I do!"

"All holy realms will be opened in ten years." Nanhua Butterfly Mother's figure has disappeared in the light, with indescribable ease: "When the time comes... go wherever you want..."

"Goodbye... If there is really a chance, see you in the fairyland... In addition, the Wahuang Yuanshen was originally sleeping at the end of the bridge between heaven and earth, and the road to immortality would appear. I didn't expect it to appear unexpectedly this time... That little guy must be the final winner, he must have touched something..."

"If you have nowhere to go, you can follow him. Everything here... except the peach blossoms I planted is an illusion. As I leave, it will collapse immediately... I have a hunch that if you follow him, we will meet again one day..."

Swish... As her last word fell, the whole world compressed madly towards the center, and finally became the pole of a universe and disappeared into the vast sky.

Xu Yangyi didn't know everything.

He just temporarily chose the coordinates that he remembered most familiarly, but even he couldn't tell where the coordinates were.

At this moment, he was still suppressing the line of Venerable Saint. Now that his body was seriously injured and not healed, it was not the best time to attack Taixu. However, he only had ten days left to live. Every day was a priceless treasure.

Seize every moment to heal... All the Danzun elixirs of the Three Sects Alliance were swallowed, and streams of heat rushed through his body. One day, two days... three days later. He finally opened his eyes.

The first thing that came up was a strong throbbing.

Not the heart, but the flesh, the whole body's desire for Taixu. The Venerable Saint's spirit seemed to feel the avenue of the universe, and the body was calling for the opportunity to evolve. If the baby was in the mother's womb, the whole universe would release goodwill to him.

It's now...

He took a deep breath, a thousand years of desire, once facing Taixu like facing a god, and now he has come to this step.

However, he still suppressed this desire. This is still the Seventh Realm... Still under the Emperor Wa Heavenly Dao, although it can't be stronger than the Bridge of Heaven and Earth. But it will definitely have a great impact.

The best way is to go to the Yeming Ruins to impact Taixu.

But just when he felt it, his eyes suddenly fluctuated.

"This is..." He looked around in confusion and stretched out his hand in astonishment: "The Heavenly Dao of the Queen Wa... is gone?"

He was under a vast starry sky at the moment. The moment he came out of the Jiaozi, he used the power of Yang Sheng to isolate everything around him. Clearly tell all passing creatures that there is a saint here. No one dared to disrespect Yang Sheng. In the past three days, he felt countless spiritual energy flying from a radius of 10,000 meters, but no one dared to stop and peek.

The divine consciousness was released, but he could not feel a trace of the Queen Wa's breath at all. Just after coming out of the bridge of heaven and earth, he was extremely sensitive to the other party's Heavenly Dao, but now it seems that it has never appeared?

"The Seven Realms have been abandoned?"

Hesitated for a few seconds, shook his head: "No... It should be that the other party woke up from the prison of will and had more important things to do. Yes... What does a plane mean to her?"

"But..." He raised his head, a flash of excitement in his eyes: "Now, these are all real rules of the universe!"

What are you waiting for?

No need, let the ambition grow in his heart, the excitement of the coming of Taixu made his breathing quicken. As he suddenly released the ban, it was like the Three Gorges Dam suddenly opened the sluice gate after ten years of water storage, and 300 million spiritual energy exploded instantly, filling this universe.

"Come on." His breathing was full of burning expectations, but the more times like this, the more cautious he was. With a wave of his hand, Noah's Ark appeared in it with a sky full of golden light. He jumped up.

After waiting for too long, he didn't care about the extra minute or second, and he was not nervous. Instead, he felt that it was a natural thing.

From the Seven Realms to Tiragangdis, to the Demonic Furnace and then to the Bridge of Heaven and Earth, he had walked too much, walked too far... and experienced too much. At this moment, he had made countless preparations. How could he fail?

In the center of Noah's Ark, there was a huge spirit gathering array. As if sensing the infinitely approaching spiritual power, the moment he came in, all the nodes lit up. His robes and white hair were dancing without wind. That was the appearance that the spiritual power could not be controlled at all and began to contact the rules of the universe on its own. As he sat down, the spirit gathering array burst into a sky-high brilliance, and a stream of spiritual energy gathered into his body. He took a long breath, and the spiritual power swarmed out.

Boom! !

The blue-black light actually exceeded the barrier of Noah's Ark. In this vast brilliance, Noah's Ark slowly turned the bow and flew towards Xu Kunlun.

In his consciousness, he entered a completely different world almost at the moment of releasing his spiritual energy.

His breathing seemed to be more refreshing, his vision seemed to be more far-reaching, and his body seemed to be freer... like a dragon flying in the sky and a dragon entering the sea. Ten thousand cold stars in all directions, and chains of rules roared from the void. With the sound of crackling, an endless sea of ​​chains formed around him!

"This is the world of Taixu..." He suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked around: "It's completely different as far as I can see."

"Straight to the essence of the world."

He gently stretched out his hand and touched the chain of rules closest to him. In an instant, the place he touched turned into countless talismans flying.

Looking far away, the chains of rules here are endless, and these rules are freer and more open than the Heavenly Dao of Wahuang. If the Heavenly Dao of Wahuang is root carving, then they are the original towering trees. Wahuang comprehended the essence of it and left the dregs. Now it is a mixture of fish and dragons, mud and sand.

There are fish eyes and dragon balls, which are far less refined than Wahuang's. But he only felt his mind open. This is the true way of heaven.

The way of heaven is never just the essence, there are also remnants outside the essence, but who knows that the remnants are not treasures?

To find the one that suits you best among all the rules. How easy is that?

With a slight smile, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, and a fruit and a pill appeared instantly.

Enlightenment fruit, Taiye Chaos Pill.

"Enlightenment fruit can make people enter a mysterious and mysterious picture, as if the universe was just opened, and experience the time when rules are generated one by one. With personal experience, it is clearer what is the most suitable."

"And Taiye Chaos Pill can point out the goal for me in the vast rules. Both are miraculous medicines that ordinary people have never heard of. With their help, plus the opportunity opened by the Queen of Wa for me... There is no reason to fail again."

He gently squeezed it, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

Buzz! !

The whole world of consciousness roared and shook. And his spirit body drifted away, and then drifted away, like a leaf falling in the wind, passing through the ocean of rules, to the other side of the origin.

The consciousness is blurry. Sometimes I feel like a giant, chasing the source of the universe. Suddenly I feel like a tiny cosmic dust, watching the sun rise and the moon set... It is extremely mysterious, but it is getting closer to my own reality.


Seven Realms, Observatory.

In any realm, there is a largest observatory, which is responsible for observing the changes of the celestial bodies in the sky. Each star will have different degrees of influence on the spiritual power of the seven realms. There are also cultivators whose fate is determined by the stars. The names of these people are sealed in jade slips one by one, lying here forever with the dust of history.

This is top secret.

It is the fire of the seven realms.

Therefore, there are countless cultivators here day after day, and each of them has the minimum requirement of being a direct disciple of a Class A force. Every decision here will never be passed on. Once it needs to be passed on, it must be judged by the five kings and two queens.

"Dong, dong, dong..." The hurried footsteps rushed into a room with panic. The restriction at the door was triggered and buzzed without being noticed. A Yuanying cultivator was pale and woke up the restriction like crazy. Behind the restriction was a huge palace with carved beams and painted buildings, covering an area of ​​100 meters. Green lights were lingering on both sides, and a plaque with a Grade A natural treasure Yangshengmu was written with three characters: Star Lord Palace.

"What's the matter?" The restriction flashed for a full incense stick of time, and an unhappy voice came from inside: "Didn't I say that if there is no major event, you must not disturb this palace master?"

"My lord... My lord!!" The Yuanying cultivator could no longer care about it, and kowtowed desperately at the door: "Come and see... The Six Elders of Nandou have arrived! Something big has happened! A real big thing! A big thing!!"

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