
Chapter 1581: Advancement to Taixu (Part 2)

"What's the matter!" The voice in the palace became solemn. In the three hundred years he has been in charge of the Star Lord Palace, he has never seen his servants lose their composure like this.

The Nascent Soul cultivator took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "Outside the Seven Realms Ruins Kunlun... an extremely powerful unknown spiritual power rushed straight to the Ruins Kunlun... now... it has exceeded one billion..."

"Meteor? Taixu Star Realm Beast?!" The door opened quietly with a roar.

"No..." The Nascent Soul cultivator trembled and said: "It's Taixu... someone... no... there is a senior who condensed Taixu!!"

"What?!" A stream of light flew out with a bang, and the door collapsed on both sides. He rushed out without even looking: "You said there is a senior who condensed Taixu?! The spiritual power exceeds one billion!?"

"Stronger than the Five Kings and Two Queens?! No... that's right... that's right! This is the Five Kings and Two Queens' order!"

"Quick! Go to the observatory immediately! The new generation of the Seven Realms Overlord is about to appear! The world of great contention... is the world of great contention over?!"

Swish! His speed was extremely fast. In just a moment, he rushed to the observatory. He had no intention of appreciating the beautiful scenery along the way. He had only one thought in his mind, which was to welcome the arrival of the Five Kings and Two Queens!

"The new Five Kings and Two Queens... a new chapter in history... a new overlord... the history of the Seven Realms will be rewritten!" His face was flushed with excitement, and he let out a long roar and moved faster. Not long after, a magnificent palace appeared in front of him.

A token flew out, and the restrictions along the way were quickly opened. He rushed into the central altar as fast as lightning. This was a huge square with a nine-story altar in the center, which was a thousand meters in size. The altar was carved with stars in the sky, and each one was shining. The ground was like a deep universe.

At this moment, hundreds of Yuanying were half-kneeling on each floor of the altar, and thousands of people were guarding the altar. There were pieces of terrible restrictions floating in the void around it. One by one, the spiritual treasures of at least B-level surrounded this place, making it impossible to get through. Looking further away, thousands of soldiers in red armor were like a torrent of steel.

The guards were tight.

Not even a fly could fly in.

At the top, there were already ten people standing with anxious faces. If anyone saw them, they would gasp. No matter who they were, they were all the heads of the ten thousand year old aristocratic families and the top-level forces that the whole plane would look at if they stamped their feet in Xu Kunlun.

They knew better than anyone who was the real helmsman of the Seven Realms. How much trouble would the appearance of a new Five Kings and Two Queens cause to this world.

"You're here." An old woman leaned on a cane. As soon as the Star Lord landed, she immediately stepped forward, her voice was hot: "Hurry... something big happened! You..."

Before she could finish, the Star Lord had already rushed to the center of the star map and stared at the ground.

Just outside the light point representing Xu Kunlun, a huge spiritual light point, like a burning meteorite, was rushing towards the plane frantically.

His eyes twitched immediately. It was so... so big. He had never seen such a huge gathering of spiritual energy. Even the two great saints back then were no more than that. But... the others had just condensed the void! Isn't it that Taixu has already condensed!

This level of spiritual power, isn't it the Five Kings and Two Queens or something else?


Who is it?

The Five Kings and Two Queens only appear in the era of great contention. This time, among the five seeded players, who can occupy the main position of Liuhuo River?

Will the Void Mahayana Sect continue to stand out, or will other forces take the lead?

"Ding ding ding..." The sound of interlaced data interrupted his thoughts. He immediately looked over. Just around the spiritual light, a green circle was spinning rapidly like a progress bar, and the spiritual power on it made him stunned.

980 million...

"How far is it!" He suddenly turned back and shouted. A middle-aged man immediately said: "There are still three million miles... to enter the border of Xu Kunlun."

"Three million miles..." The Star Lord gritted his teeth and looked at everyone with his eyes wide open: "You... Why didn't you report to me earlier!!!"

He was so angry that the spiritual energy surged with a bang, and the surrounding saints dodged for a while. A young man frowned and said, "Such things must be confirmed before they are reported. How can such a big thing be rushed?"

"Idiots!" The Star Lord's hair almost stood up in anxiety. He pointed at everyone and swept them one by one, his voice rising to a sharp voice: " just joined this term, I don't blame you. But can't you use your pig brains!?"

"What a big deal it is that the five kings and two queens condensed the Taixu! They are the pillars of the Seven Realms! The backing against Taichu! Why has no one in history seen the scene of the five kings and two queens condensing the Taixu..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone's face changed: "You mean...someone will take advantage of the condensation of Taixu to attack the adults?"

"Nonsense! Do you really think that the Seven Realms are impenetrable! Do you know how many Taichu are hidden in the Seven Realms?! Once there is a slight mistake, you and I will die!" The Star Lord slammed the handrail pillar beside him, and the pillar turned into ashes with a bang.

His sharp voice echoed in the observatory, and everyone's face turned pale. Their eyes moved a few times, and someone was about to rush out.

"What are you doing? Come back!" The Star Lord took a deep breath and looked at everyone: "Do you want to report to Xu Kunlun? No... Report to Lord Jiehaiwang immediately!"

"Listen, the most terrifying thing is not this. Think about it more deeply. The other party is condensing the void, right? Can the other party extract other consciousness when condensing?" He looked at the star map with lingering fear. The huge meteor rushed straight to Xu Kunlun. This time, everyone's face has turned from cyan to pale.


A five kings and two queens collide with one world...

This is simply more terrifying than a meteorite falling!

"Only the Kaikai King can stop the other party... No, even the Kaikai King can't do it! His old man's spiritual power is around 700 million, but... this spiritual power is rising all the time! It is already close to one billion before it is completely condensed... ..." He gritted his teeth and flashed his eyes: "Inform all the least...there will be two more Five Kings and Two Queens!"

"Let's see who is free! Request help from Kunlun immediately!!"

"Okay!" "I'll go right away!" "Right away! Now everyone run!"

Suddenly, all the saints flew away like frightened birds, and ten tokens rose into the sky and shot in all directions. For a moment, the Star Master was the only one on the observatory.

"Fellow Taoist..." He looked at the stars on the ground, his eyes flickering. At this moment, a hesitant voice sounded from one side: "Releasing the news that the Five Kings and Two Queens have become Taixu... This is against the rules."

"Short-sighted!!" The Star Master turned back and glared into the void: "The other party did not choose a secluded place to gather together. It is obvious that something unexpected happened. If Taichu is lurking at this time, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"I would rather offend you than let this gentleman get even a little bit hurt! This responsibility is mine."


A few minutes later, the voice sounded again: "Who do you think... it could be?"

Star Lord quietly raised his head and narrowed his eyes: "What do you think?"

Neither of them said a word, but looked at the place where Xu Kunlun was in tacit agreement.

"It should be him... Without Taixu, there are 300 million souls. With him, Taixu can expand to more than one billion souls." The voice said firmly.

"I think so too." Star Lord stroked his long beard and said deeply: "Otherwise, why would he instinctively choose to go to Kunlun? In front of them, we can be said to be unconscious. But now it's just the two of us, why bother? Lie to yourself."

"Ascended monks have become five kings and two queens. For the first time in a hundred thousand years, the heavens of the seven realms... are about to change."

Void's voice paused: "Let those people go out to report... I'm afraid this news will soon be known to all the seven realms."


The Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate is in a huge palace. On a golden dragon couch, a bald man with light golden skin and tattoos all over his body was meditating with his eyes closed. Suddenly, his eyelids moved and opened quietly.

"This is..." He looked to the sky in astonishment: "What a powerful spiritual power..."

"He's still above me, with spiritual power I've never felt before...Who is this? Nine hundred million? No...I'm afraid it's already more than one billion?"

Swipe, pull, pull... A silver cloak floated on the dragon couch, and a golden beam of light suddenly bloomed between his eyebrows and pierced the sky. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and looked back: "I can't find out... Who is this! Why did he suddenly come to Kunlun? Is he too empty in the wild? But it is impossible to reach this level of intensity!"

At this moment, the void rippled gently, and a golden scroll flew out and landed directly on his hand. He grabbed it and opened it, looked at it for a few seconds, then closed it suddenly, his eyes flashing with light. He lifted up his cloak and flew out of the palace.

"All the sects of Jiuzhen and Jiuzhenmen obey the order!" His majestic voice resounded like thunder in the ears of every monk in Jiuzhen and Jiuzhenmen. A huge and majestic figure loomed in the void, but even he had a trace of emotion at this moment. Unable to suppress the urgency: "All elders, true disciples, direct disciples, set off immediately. Go to..."

He paused and hesitated, but as if he was sure that his guess was not wrong, he said with certainty: "Tianjian Villa."

"Congratulations on the arrival of the new generation of five kings and two queens of the Flowing Fire River!"

After a pause, he added: "It is also very possible that... she is the strongest five kings and two queens in history."

Dead silence.

What a status the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect has. If these two great saints don't come out, they are the real overlords of Xu Kunlun. Even the Great Xia Dynasty has to look at their faces. In charge of a world with hundreds of millions of miles of land and trillions of creatures. Every moment, I don’t know how many monks from other sects go to listen to the lectures, observe the Dharma, and understand the Tao. As soon as these words resounded throughout the entire sect, the overlord sect, which was full of rebellion, fell silent instantly.

"No way..." On a mountain peak, an old man named Cha Shou looked at the sky in astonishment: "Five kings and two queens appear? A new overlord has arrived? Is the age of great strife over?"

"Tianjian Villa..." On another mountain peak, a monk wearing the clothes of a true disciple raised his head in shock: "Is it the so-called strongest ascended monk?!"

"He...he is already the fifth king and second queen!?"

He was still secretly overjoyed at the impact of the Great Perfection of the Saint, and fell silent for an instant.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes later, there were a lot of whispers, and five minutes later, the entire Jiuzhenjiu Nanmen was full of people, and everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces!

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