
Chapter 1582: Advancing to the Great Void (Part 3)

"It's Ben Lei... It's Ben Lei, right?!" "It must be him! His famous name and juniors have long heard about it. This time... this time he actually won the Five Kings and Two in the battle between the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall and the Void Mahayana Sect. "My's such an honor to have two five kings and two queens appear in Kunlun at once!" "It's unbelievable...I really didn't expect it to be him!" "I...I thought it was him!" It’s him who has the greatest hope among the two young masters!”

Unbelief, shock, envy, jealousy...all kinds of emotions gathered into a vast ocean, washing away every corner and every person in the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate!

No matter who it is, there are only two phrases in their mouths at this moment: Ben Lei, five kings and two queens.

Occasionally, words such as two young masters and a world of great strife are added.

"Quiet." The bald man took a deep breath. Even he, apart from himself, had never seen anyone else advance to the Five Kings and Two Queens. This is a confirmation, to see how the other person’s way is different from your own, and it is also an observation. What is the difference between this saint who rose to fame decades ago and reached an unprecedented level of 300 million saints and became Taixu?

Yes, he was very sure, this should be Ben Lei. At the same time, there was a pinching pain in my heart. What a pity...what a pity! On that day, the other party became Yang Saint but disappeared inexplicably. I had chosen a good gift. If I had given it out at that time, my relationship would have been easier now.

There is no conflict of interest between the other party and him. Without the five kings and two queens, the place where the other party sits is the River of Flowing Fire, so the other party's fiefdom can only be there. Since there is no conflict of interest, being able to establish a relationship with such a monk means that the future... has unlimited prospects.

Maybe... a thousand years later, I will still have to call the other party a great sage... Before I can condense Taixu, I have a billion souls, and I don't dare to look forward to the future!

"Open the treasure house immediately. I will personally select the treasures. I just selected the disciple and go to Tianjian Villa with me!"


The next second, the noise became louder and louder, and finally formed a tsunami, and the entire Jiuzhenjiunan Gate exploded!

"Tao Ancestor is here!" An elder clasped his hands together and his eyes were red: "Watch the grand event of the advancement of the Five Kings and Two Queens... This is the grand event of watching the Taixu!"

"Never before... any of the five kings and two queens just stayed quietly in unknown places and achieved great success. This time I was lucky enough to look up to the sky! I have never cultivated in vain in my life!!"

Everyone thought that they would not be taken with them, but they did not expect that Kai Haiwang would be so generous this time!

"By the way...congratulations, congratulations!" He stood up suddenly, almost at a loss with excitement, and shouted hoarsely: "White cranes, green pine! Come in!"

"Immediately... open my treasure house immediately! Forget it... I will go there myself!"

"This gift must not disgrace us as the Five Kings and Two Queens!"

Not only him, but all the people he visited were extremely excited. This kind of observation opportunity was too rare. They took the opportunity to understand the way of heaven and prepare themselves to advance to the higher level. As long as they thought about it, they felt electric currents flowing through their bodies. The whole body, beard and hair stand upside down.

How could you let this opportunity go? ?

"Where's my thousand-year-old sunflower? Cut it out and pack it immediately!" "Ten pounds of five-hundred-year-old liquid crystal jade, a pair of rare beasts above the second level, three hundred pounds of all kinds of second-level natural materials and earthly treasures..." "Friend, please help me see if it's too light!"

No matter Yuanying or Zunsheng, they all took out their own stocks at this moment. However, they were not the ones really excited. After all, they are under the command of King Jie Hai, and they are also members of the Five Kings and Two Queens. They are used to being aloof and training, and anyone who sees the half-crying, half-laughing emblem of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect must be polite. Countless monks have turned bad luck into good fortune because of this position, and anyone who touches them must think carefully before touching them.

Is there any ancestor of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect behind the opponent? Does the other party know a true disciple who has gained face in front of the ancestor? Does the other party have any sect secrets?

If you have scruples, you won't dare to be too presumptuous. This is the fundamental reason why countless people want to join the Queen's force!

It’s no lie to lean against a big tree so you can enjoy the shade. And the many resources in the queen's hands ensure that talents will emerge in large numbers.

They just congratulated, however... others had completely different ideas.

The best high-end inn in Jiuzhen Jiunanmen, Yingxian Pavilion. This is the pinnacle of garden art. It can be said that every step is a scene, with spiritual flowers swaying and spiritual animals galloping. The spiritual energy is incredibly rich. If you live here for one day, your strength will improve. Of course, the prices here are also incredible.

However, no one has ever dared to take credit or owe money.

"What did you say!?" At this time, in the most magnificent room on the third floor of Yingxian Pavilion, there was a man wearing clothes made of double-sided embroidery of cold cloud silk, a grade-A natural material, with a purple gold crown on his head and a white jade waistband. With the belt, the young Nascent Soul, whose hands and feet were filled with jewels, jumped up from his chair as if he had been pricked by needles. The Yun Yun specialties worth hundreds of jade in his hands were scattered all over the ground, but he didn't even notice.

After being stunned for three seconds, he suddenly grabbed the collar of the Foundation Establishment monk who was reporting the news in front of him, his eyes were red: "You mean... Lord Jie Haiwang opened his golden mouth and said that we would welcome the arrival of the Five Kings and Two Queens. And... …and go to Tianjian Villa!”

"Yes! Yes! Young Master!" The foundation-building monk was breathing hard, but his face was abnormally red, and he said with great excitement: "You heard it right! The new five kings and two queens have come out! The age of great strife is over. !”

Boom... The young master let go of his collar, his face was dull, followed by infinite ecstasy.

The largest chamber of commerce in the River of Flowing Fire, Yumantang.

No one within a million light years knows their names. They claim that as long as you have money, there is nothing you cannot buy. As long as the portion is enough, there is no place it can't be delivered. Make countless fortunes. But unfortunately, they have always been very low-key.

It's not that he doesn't want to be high-profile, as we are both monks, who doesn't want to be a person above others. But they have a fatal weakness, that is... there is no Taixu, not even Yang Sage, and there are very few Yin Sages.

There are thousands of Yin Lords in the seven realms, and not every force can invite them. Some things are more than just money.

They all dreamed of forming a connection with high-level monks. When the Age of Great Conflict began, they wanted to sponsor several forces. It's a pity that others only wanted people, but they couldn't show off their combat power, so they were eliminated in the first round.

But now...this line is right in front of us!

The information about Tianjian Villa flashed through their minds quickly. As monks who were destined to Ziwei, they did not dare to let go of each other's information.

The Yishang Sect has difficult and poor cultivation conditions - at least compared to their Yumantang, which is famous for being rich in physical cultivation. The collection of Dao Zi Ben Lei hundreds of years ago shocked the seven worlds.

They must be short of money!

"Pass my order." A flash of perseverance flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, a white jade sign flew out: "Exercise the rights of the young master, and see orders as you see people... Let all the Yumantang Chamber of Commerce in Kunlun, Xunxu, sell all the goods... No , Those below Grade A can only stain your eyes. Those above Grade A, whether they are in the auction or at the bottom of the box, get them all!"

"After an hour, if I don't see any of their people at the gate of Tianjian Villa, get out of here!!"

"In addition, notify father immediately and ask them to take the elders and set off immediately! No matter which plane they are in the star field! They must come back!"

The foundation-building monk didn't feel anything was wrong. For a Five Kings and Two Queens, this was just a greeting. Yu Mantang's status is not high, but if he wants to climb this big tree, he will definitely bleed a lot! He could already foresee the scene where the senior officials of Yumantang gathered at Tianjian Villa.

I also had a premonition that... they were definitely not the only ones.

The entire Seven Realms are in the same situation as them, and there are too many forces that want to get this piece of cake... The foundation-building monk trembled, nodded and said: "I'll go immediately!"

Also in Yingxian Pavilion, a woman's voice almost screamed: "Five kings and two queens!? Really!?"

"Quick...quick! Notify the sect immediately! Our Qingling Sect is unable to develop because we do not have the protection of high-level monks and have the skills to grow spiritual plants to ripen them... Money? Can money buy status?! "

"This is a unique opportunity! An opportunity that comes once in thousands of years! Inform the sect master immediately. Even if you are affiliated with your medicine garden, you will never disgrace our Qingling Sect!"

"When the time comes..." Her voice trembled: "Under Lord Ben Lei... with this name... let's see who dares to touch our sect!!"

It was still the Yingxian Pavilion. On the second floor, a fat man's eyes were red. Things in the room fell to the floor. He pointed his stubby fingers at the Jindan monk in front of him and covered his chest: "Say it again..."

Before the other party could speak, he almost roared: "There is a newly minted Five Kings and Two Queens in front of us, and our Bailian Hall has just held an auction! There are no good things at all!?"

"Yes..." The Jindan monk in front of him was more anxious than him, his face was ashen and he was sweating profusely.

"Where's the spiritual jade?!" the fat man screamed: "Immediately, mobilize half of the mobile spiritual jade from all the branches in Kunlun, Bailiantang Ruins! One billion... first get one billion high-grade spiritual jade and take it! I will go back to the main hall immediately !”

Rays of light flew out of Yingxian Pavilion. Many people were familiar with each other and looked at each other, but said nothing. Each flies to the mission goal.

From now on, they are rivals.

Once this news reaches Tianjian Villa - they will definitely be very fast, and at the same time, well-informed monks will definitely be swarming here now. Then, as a queen, it will never be possible for all forces to protect her, and she will only choose the most valuable ones. Otherwise, what does it mean if you want everything? Garbage dump?

Identity, threshold, future... These messengers did not dare to pause for a minute and flew madly towards the major portals. Suddenly, the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate portal was overcrowded.

Yes, they guessed it right. Many forces already knew the news at this moment. It is true that news about the observatory is never leaked, but this time it is different. Benlei Condensation Taixu obviously had an accident, and... if the other party is not willing, how can he show his holiness in front of others?

Since the other party doesn't mind, how could they let go of this opportunity?

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