
Chapter 1583: Advancing to the Great Void (IV)

Santu River, Qin Family, a thousand-year-old family, a majestic voice sounded in the deep mountains: "Deputy family head, follow this clan leader. All the main line family heads, follow me to Xu Kunlun."

Liuhuo River, in a desert, in a magnificent palace with unlimited land, a voice slowly sounded: "All the retreating great elders, come out immediately, follow this venerable to Xu Kunlun immediately. Open the family treasure house."

Xu Kunlun, Daxia Dynasty, a man wearing a nine-dragon crown took a deep breath. His eyes flickered: "Send a message to Xiahou, send a message to Shen Guolao, and leave for Tianjian Villa immediately, without delay."

Huge, luxurious, magical weapons that 90% of the people in the Seven Realms have never seen rose from the famous mountains and rivers in the Seven Realms, and emblems that were enough to blind the eyes of ordinary cultivators rose into the sky. In the roar, all the treasures flew together, forming a long rainbow full of light and color.

Full of treasures of congratulations, with expectations and a fiery mood, thousands of streams of light pointed directly at Xu Kunlun.

They were excited, but there were people who were more excited than them!

They had decided to leave, compared to those families who were wavering before and wanted to make up for the loss after the fact. Some forces who risked their lives to gamble on this game, now all the senior members of the family were excited!

"Pop!" The Meng family, a family that has been handed down for thousands of years. The 900-year-old head of the family, Meng Chen, trembled and covered the scroll in his hand.

This scroll came from the Star Lord Palace. As a family that has been handed down for thousands of years, they are qualified to know about this first.

"Why..." All the senior members of the Meng family were present around them. Everyone knew that the world of great contention should be opened soon. Now every scroll that was qualified to be put in the hands of the head of the family was enough to make them nervous.

What if they lost?

They invested in the treasure keeper, a large number of troops, and the holy elixir. After analysis, they voted unanimously to suppress the thunder.

300 million potential, worth a try!

Most of the A-class forces don't have Taixu. They only have the treasure master and the virtual treasure, so they are desperate and bet on the one that is the weakest on paper, but they think it has the most hope.

"Is it... the news of the great struggle?" An old man slowly raised his eyelids. Although he has lived too long, this kind of thing that can change the direction of the family still can't stop the old hands from shaking.

With one sentence, everyone looked over and stared at Meng Chen. The other party picked up the teacup and took a big sip, paused suddenly, and nodded vigorously.

Swish! All eyes became hot immediately. Staring at the scroll.

Meng Chen almost crushed the teacup in his hand, and a few seconds later, he laughed up to the sky. He couldn't help laughing, and finally, it even turned into a crazy laugh.

"Let's go!"

"Open the treasure house and pick all the secret treasures! All the elders, bring your family disciples and go to Xu Kunlun!" He said in a trembling voice: "Welcome the grand scene of the five kings and two queens becoming the Great Void!"

"Yes!!!" Dozens of people below responded loudly.

In the Source Blood Realm, the Blood Ancestor opened his eyes in the darkness, carefully felt it for a few seconds, and laughed: "I knew it... I knew it! I made the right bet!!"

"It's him... He's back! Such a terrible spiritual power... It has crushed me before it has condensed the Great Void. Fortunately... Fortunately, I didn't tear my face with him that day, and fortunately, I was willing to make a bet in the era of great contention!"

"Hahaha! Now the interest is due!!"

"Children..." Following his voice, countless scarlet eyes in the cave opened: "Come... Follow me to Xu Kunlun. Daoyou condensed the Great Void, this scene... Don't let others think that he has no Great Void allies!"

At first, the forces that bet did not move. However, after getting this information that was enough to make their hearts explode, they could no longer hold back.

A magical flying boat that was more luxurious than the previous forces took off into the sky, heading straight for Xu Kunlun with a burning heart. It was also different from the previous forces. The previous ones were to build good relations, but they had lived and died together, and this was to celebrate for their allies! No matter the rules or the courtesy, they were completely different!

There was no most luxurious, only more luxurious!

Countless, thousands, a queen's grand event, stirring up the seven realms. Just when ordinary cultivators were still worrying about a pill, the top forces in the seven realms had already passed over their heads with countless pills and treasures.

However, this was just the beginning of the storm.

As the center of the storm, Xu Kunlun was already crowded with people at this moment! All the cultivators were looking at the sky in shock. It was not felt in the distance, but in the center of Xu Kunlun, around Tianjian Villa, no matter the Great Xia Dynasty, the Blood Sa Kingdom, or the Wanling Guiyi Sect, everyone felt an unprecedented pressure.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, Fusang City, the streets that were usually bustling with traffic and people were dead silent. Everyone looked up like a machine. Finally, a Qi-refining cultivator could no longer hold back, and knelt down on one knee. He supported himself with his hands, sweating profusely.

So strong... so scary...

I don't know what it is, it's right at the top of the sky, but I can't see it at all... However, the pressure that follows like a shadow penetrates into their bones, making them bow down without hesitation.

This is the transcendence of the level of life.

It is the reign of the ant who is not in the void.

The first sound was like turning on a switch, and then the other Qi-refining cultivators couldn't hold on any longer, dong dong dong dong... The sound of kneeling on the ground was heard, and they were terrified and didn't dare to sweat. If you look at the ocean, you can see the boundless. If you look up at the mountains, the stars are shining.

The smallest under the biggest, they are like a drop in the ocean, afraid to speak.

After refining Qi, it is foundation building. After foundation building... even the newly promoted Jindan Zhenren couldn't help it. Boom boom boom... Whether it is Xuesa Country, Wanling Guiyi Sect... or other cultivators in these major forces, none of the Jindan mid-stage cultivators were spared, and they knelt on the ground in a black mass!

The people bowed their heads and welcomed the queen to the throne!

At the same time, exclamations were heard from all the major observatories: "Three thousand miles... and the last three thousand miles! The other party will enter the Xu Kunlun Crystal Wall System!" "Has the speed slowed down?" "No... it's even faster!" "Where's the spiritual power?!"

In one sentence, all the observatories were almost silent.

After a long time, a voice spoke in disbelief: "1.5 billion..."

You can hear a pin drop.

This has never appeared in history, and even surpassed the 1 billion that the two great saints became saints on the day, reaching an unprecedented 1.5 billion!

When you are at the top of the mountain, you can see all the mountains!

They dared not speak. At this speed, the impact of 1.5 billion spiritual power... will really enter the Seven Realms in less than 30 minutes, and Xu Kunlun... will be the first to bear the brunt of the pressure from the newly promoted Five Kings and Two Queens!

"1.5 billion..." The corners of a Star Palace Master's eyes were twitching, and after a long time, he covered his heart and trembled: "I hope... they can bear it..."

"I'm afraid that none of the other Five Kings and Two Queens present can think that... this one's spiritual power... is more than the sum of the two of them... It hasn't really condensed yet..."


In the universe, Noah's Ark rushed straight to the Seven Realms with a long tail of light. Xu Yangyi has entered the critical moment of condensing Taixu.

From the beginning to now, four full days have passed. His consciousness is in chaos, but his spirit is clear in the chaos. He knows what he is doing, but he can't control his body. The consciousness is like a drifting fallen leaf, caught in the cracks of time.

Stepping into the long river of time, watching the creation of the world, these four days seem to have passed for forty years. He walked through civilization after civilization and saw the birth of rules. He witnessed the destruction and rebirth of planes time and time again, but never stopped.

In his spiritual chest, the fruit of enlightenment was like a bright light, calling him forward. He passed by rules, some of which he had never even heard of. The further he went, it was like crossing the long river of time to the beginning of the world. The chains of rules became fewer and fewer, and more and more unfamiliar.

He knew a lot of the talismans at the beginning, but the order of arrangement was different. Those were the most basic elemental rules, such as fire, water, ice, etc., which were the foundation of all things. But now, he didn't recognize any talismans.

"This should be the more basic talismans that make up various elements...even the cornerstone of the formation of the world...unfortunately, it's not something I can master." He shook his head. After such a long journey, these talismans did not show any interest in him, and he was not moved at all. Although he didn't know what was ahead, he believed that the reward of a Yahweh would not be given in vain.

He walked and looked all the way, and he didn't know how long he had walked. There were almost no talismans in front of him. He finally saw a little light.

"This is..." He flew straight over, and after a closer look, his brows frowned.

That was not a complete rule chain.

It was incomplete and looked very old. He didn't recognize these talismans at all, and when he used the infinite truth, he actually showed a kind of rejection.

As the ancestor of talismans, the infinite truth actually rejected talismans?

At this moment, the light of the enlightenment fruit disappeared completely and stopped here.

He didn't touch the chain immediately, but looked around. Only then did he find that there were some rule chains in all directions, but unfortunately, like this one, they were all broken. However, each one carried a frightening breath, completely different from the previous one!

It seemed that it was some fragments bred by the people who opened the sky at the very beginning, when the universe was not opened and Hongmeng was not transformed.

"Can I... really master these rules?" He hesitated a little. The rules are not the more grand the better, but the more they fit him, the better. For example, his demon body is wolf poison, but he chose the rules of fire. His future cultivation will definitely be twice as effective with half the effort.

These rules are definitely not ordinary, and they are not complete. Even he is undecided at this moment.

"Let's see first." He calmed down and put his hand gently. However, the talisman did not move at all.

"How could this happen?" He tried several times, frowning deeper. This is the chain of rules chosen by the fruit of enlightenment, which should be completely in line with him, but it is actually indifferent to him?

This sign, he has known all the way, this is the rule that he thinks he can't master. Not interested in him.

At this moment, the Taiye Chaos Pill in his body suddenly burst into a rosy glow, and those unfamiliar talismans actually moved strangely. Flakes flew away, and he suddenly discovered... These talismans are just appearances! Under these extremely old talismans, a dim, dark green rule was emitting a faint glow.

Kakakaka... A shocking sound rang out around him, as if shackles were broken. This time, before he could make a move, the green rule suddenly spread out, surrounding him like a butterfly.

He closed his eyes in astonishment, comprehended for a few seconds, and when he opened his eyes, he was filled with emotion.


"The rule of life... the birth of all things..."

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