
Chapter 1584: Advancing to the Great Void (V)

In the illusion of the rules of the universe, he stood alone in the void, with a green blooming in his hand, like a nebula surrounding him, in which he could clearly see the revival of all things and the prosperity of the planes, from the birth of the universe at the highest and farthest, to the blue river, white birds, and green mountains and flowers about to burn.

If it encompasses everything, each nebula belt is composed of infinite talismans, and these lights leaked out from his fingers, spreading for thousands of meters, like an era in the palm of his hand. It contains the meaning of thriving and prosperous.

"This is not an ordinary 'life.'" He closed his eyes and felt it quietly for a few seconds, and murmured in a deep voice: "This is... all 'life.'"

"I feel life... survival... birth... whether it is a flower or a tree, or a star plane, it is all included in it..."

"But... why am I close to 'life'?"

Without any signs, he looked at the talisman in his palm in confusion, although this was the choice of the Wahuang magic weapon, Taiye Chaos Pill was sure. But... this rule is too big, and it can even be said that... this is one of the principles of the universe.

All things cannot escape death and death.

This is not ordinary ice, water, fire, and wind, but a rule close to "concept" and "the way". He would never dare to reach out if he didn't figure it out.

A rule actively chose himself, and he didn't know why. How to call it in the future? Yes, this rule is unexpectedly powerful, close to the indestructible law of time and space. However, Taixu no longer cultivates spiritual power, but only cultivates rules. This is a process of completing, understanding, removing the dross and retaining the essence of the rules, and then expanding and integrating them.

His eyes were dark, and he didn't even know what this was. How to practice?

Just as he hesitated, suddenly, his whole body burst into a green light. It was also green, but this time it was not vented from the fingers, but gushed from under the body surface.

A familiar feeling arose spontaneously, that was the throbbing of the soul. Before he could react, Kakaka! Branches and leaves, vines, and endless barbs soared into the sky, and the killing field actually exploded without him starting it!

"No..." Xu Yangyi looked at the killing field in all directions, and saw countless branches and leaves growing from his hands. He was shocked and said, "This is not killing..."

"This is wolf poison!"

Boom! !

As soon as the voice fell, endless light bloomed in his body, nebulae and mist flew together, and a plant that covered the sky and the earth quickly intertwined and grew, covering ten thousand meters in the blink of an eye, and was still desperately extending outward.

Wolf poison body!

Swish... After dozens of minutes, a huge plant appeared in this universe, with a crown of 100,000 meters and a height of thousands of feet. A murderous aura emanated from it. However, Xu Yangyi did not feel the slumber after the explosion of the body at all.

Instead, his consciousness was extremely clear.

"What's going on?" Just when he was surprised, the Taiye Chaos Pill in his body exploded, turning into silver light spots flying out of his body, more and more... more and more extensive! It is hard to imagine how a pill can have an overwhelming silver tide, even completely surrounding the wolf poison!

The ancient elixir originated from the heyday of the alchemy, and was made by the most famous alchemist. The enlightenment fruit led Xu Yangyi to find this rule, and it would tell him why he chose this rule.

Knowing the fact but not the reason is a taboo in cultivation. Especially at such a crucial moment of Tao Cheng Taixu.

"Om..." The boundless silver yarn swayed gently, and he seemed to be in the vast galaxy, magnificent. However, there was no time to admire. With each sway of the silver yarn, a majestic figure was slowly condensing in it.


Bigger than wolf poison! Even... wolf poison only reached the opponent's forearm!

It was composed entirely of silver-white starlight, as if a true immortal had descended to the world. It was just a phantom, but it carried a majesty that made people worship. When he appeared, the entire sky dimmed. The stars lost their luster, and the talismans disappeared. It was as if the ministers were welcoming the arrival of the king, suppressing the heavens.

"This is... Yahweh?" Xu Yangyi sighed in astonishment. Apart from Yahweh, who else could have such a divine body? Who could make all these ancient broken rules bow down?

It was an old man.

He wore animal skins, carried a backpack, had white hair tied together with rattan and braided into a braid. The shadows gathered by the silver light were clearly visible, and one could even see that there was no coldness on the other person's face, only kindness.

He reached out to the wolf poison.

He picked a leaf and put it in his mouth. Chewing it gently, the picture was too detailed, as if he had personally experienced a scene countless years ago. However, just a few seconds later, the face of this unknown Yahweh changed, he suddenly covered his throat, opened his mouth and roared silently.

He bled from all seven orifices, and all the blood was spilled on the wolf poison, which began to grow wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye. From a small shrub to covering the sky, and finally overwhelming the prehistoric world!

The next second, all the shadows collapsed instantly, like the falling of stars, and the silver light of the stars disappeared into the void of the universe. He could no longer feel the trace of Taiye Chaos Pill.

But, it was enough.

"This is Shennong." He looked into the void that was quiet again, and with a glimpse, he understood.

Yahweh died from wolf poison...

Wolf poison was stained with divine blood and grew again. One thing died, another thing was born, an unintentional reincarnation, this... should be the true meaning of the rule of life choosing itself.

He contained life and death. Yahweh's death was born with the killing of gods. When life comes to an end, it is death, just like the falling of birds and the sleeping of sea beasts. However, the corpses of birds and sea beasts are hidden deep in the ocean, which also brought spring to all things.

"Sha..." Just as this thought came to him, the rules of life between the branches and leaves suddenly burst into endless golden light. Unlike before, there was only prosperity, but this time, there was extinction. The two are endless, and they keep spinning, forming a huge circle of talismans around the wolf poison.

The rules are recognized!

"As expected..." In his consciousness, Xu Yangyi smiled and stretched out his hand without hesitation: "Then... this supreme rule, this Saint Lord will accept it with a smile."

Swish! ! Thousands, tens of millions of talismans seemed to have received approval, turning into a torrential rain and pouring down on him.

The body and the Tao are united, and the palm of the hand controls the universe!


Tianjian Villa.

Everyone looked extremely solemn. The forces above the second level were not qualified to know everything about the observatory. And now they were not in the mood, and everyone's face was extremely solemn. The sect was solemn.

Even the Taoist friends who were familiar with the past, when they gathered together, there were only two words: thunder, thunder! Still thunder!

All the hopes of Tianjian Villa were placed on it, and they fought hard. Now, they don't know what will happen in the world of great contention. The other opponents are definitely not easy to deal with.

In a station at the mountain gate, in an ordinary three-story tower. Three Jindan monks were sitting on the futon with solemn expressions. Above their heads, countless thick ropes were coiled, and paper cranes were perched on them. But at this moment, their wings were folded and they were in a dormant state.

"You said... How long will it take for the world of great contention to end?" A Jindan monk suddenly spoke in silence.

No answer, a few seconds later, another monk answered in a muffled voice: "How did this real person know... But no matter what, once the young master succeeds, he will definitely return from the mountain gate. Didn't you see that the recent reports from the mountain gate are all sent directly to the master?"

"Not only that, even the mountain gate station has doubled the number of people." Another monk said in a deep voice, but before he could continue, suddenly, a sound of wind chimes suddenly rang out in the room.

Not just one point, but a whole area, as dense as a storm! The three of them opened their eyes at the same time and looked around in shock.

Several light screens appeared, but they all gasped at what they saw.

People... countless people! Overwhelming people!

All of them were monks!

Those emblems that were mentioned in the books and must be familiar to everyone, and that the sects had repeatedly warned about, shone millions of meters away! Countless flying boats, countless magic weapons, like flowing light across the sky.

Completely dazed.

Even if the monks fought and the planes fought, it would probably be no more than this... No! It's not comparable! What plane in the surrounding universe is worthy of almost all the top forces in the seven realms?

"The Cao family, a ten thousand year old family... The Xiao family, a ten thousand year old family... The only force in the first class is Wei Wudao... The force in the lower class is Disha Jiuyou Palace... Daozu is above..." The leading Jindan sat down: "All... all... all are the forces in the upper class... He, he, what are they going to do?"

In the light curtain, Tianjian Villa is a green dot, and the surrounding area is full of huge red dots, each of which is not much smaller than Tianjian Villa. One is more powerful than the other!

"Is this... is this going to destroy our sect?"

In an instant, an idea grew in his mind. Could it be... because the Great Struggle World failed, so... these sects have begun to submit their names to the new five kings and two queens?

"Wait... look!" At this moment, a cultivator spoke in a trembling voice, and everyone looked over with his finger. Suddenly found that...

All the sects did not move!

All stopped at the edge of the intersection of Tianjian Villa and the three major forces, as if... waiting for something?

"What the hell is going on?" A Jindan's heart was beating wildly in surprise. The scene just now was too terrible. If the other party rushed over, it would be a sect war! Now I am still scared.

"Stupid!!" The Jindan cultivator who pointed at the light curtain before was so angry that he screamed loudly: "Who told you to look at other sects! Look at the spiritual power count! Look at the spiritual power count!!"

The other two woke up as if from a dream and looked over immediately. But as soon as they took a look, their eyes were straight.

"Daozu..." "Oh my God... Is this... Is Master Taixu starting a war?"

Just on the light curtain, there were three huge red dots.

The other two, in a north-south trend, spiritual power... one side is 790 million, the other side is 730 million!


And it's not an ordinary Taixu! This is the Five Kings and Two Queens!

At the border of Tianjian Villa, hundreds of sects gathered, and the Five Kings and Two Queens came in person! At this moment, all the cultivators stationed at the mountain gate who saw this situation were stunned. They were only Jindan, at most Yuanying, how could they have ever seen such a grand occasion?

And the more terrifying thing was... above their heads.

Right above... a red dot that was bigger than the two five kings and two queens combined was rushing towards Tianjian Villa like the sun!

"One... seventeen billion?!"

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